On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Chapter 120 I respect you as a teacher, but you miss my goose egg?

"Oh, I'm not talking about eating. I got 521 points in the test this time. This is the first time I got a total score of 500. I suddenly felt that I was a big step closer to Harvard."

They were studying science classes, with a total score of 690. The score of 521 is indeed not low, and they have already passed the admission line for key undergraduates.

"Momo, you don't know. During this period of time, I really felt very hard. I did the questions many times until late at night, and I wanted to give up many times, but when I thought of what you told me, every time I did one more question, I felt so tired. If I can leave a hundred candidates behind, I force myself to keep going.

I thought it would be great if I could score 500 points, but I didn't expect that I could be so great. In two months, I improved by 50 points compared to before. Woohoo, I was so moved that I almost cried . "

Yunmo smiled and patted her on the shoulder, "Come on, girl, there are still 9 months before the college entrance examination, even if you improve by 5 points every month, your total score can reach 565, even if you can't get into Beijing University, other famous schools in China are no match for you." You choose."

"Okay, Momo, you urge me."

"Don't worry, I won't be polite."

Afraid that Yunmo would feel uncomfortable because her classmates said she cheated in the morning, after school at noon, Yao Xianhe specially called Yunmo to the office for a heart-to-heart talk.

"Yunmo, don't take what happened in the morning to your heart. The school leaders and I trust you 100%. The logic is very unique, it cannot be copied by copying the answers, it must be through research and accumulation of experience to reach such a strength and level."

Yun Mo didn't take Shan Zhenzhen too seriously at first, but he apologized to her and was dealt with by the school. She was quite satisfied with the result.

But Yao Xianhe's seriousness in work, responsibility to students, and affirmation of her all made her feel warm and moved.

"Teacher Yao, don't worry, I know exactly what my goal is. No one or anything can affect me. I will use my grades and strength to make those voices of doubt completely disappear."

"Okay, Yunmo, I'm glad you can think of the teacher like this. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me. Whether it's in study or life, I will try my best to help you where I can. I can't do it." , I will also help you find a school."

"Thank you, Teacher Yao."

After the conversation, Yunmo planned to leave for lunch, but Yao Xianhe asked about her two geese again.

"Others keep cats and dogs, why do you think of raising two big geese?"

"Dabai and Erbai were brought back from my hometown in Anshi. I can't go home to visit my relatives from time to time. It's a kind of yearning to keep them."

"So this is ah."

Yao Xianhe touched his forehead, seemed a little embarrassed, "Yunmo, um, have your two geese started laying eggs?"

"Not yet, but soon."

"That's right, my father-in-law has severe high blood pressure and high blood lipids. Traditional Chinese medicine introduced a folk prescription, saying that goose eggs soaked in celery water will have a miraculous effect if taken for a long time.

That's right. There are few geese in Jiang City, and goose eggs are even more difficult to buy. I thought, when your geese lay eggs, can you keep them for me? "

Yunmo: "..."

I respect you as a teacher, but you miss my goose egg?

Although she believed that Yunmo would never get the eighth place in the city's exam, Yunyao was also curious about Yunmo's results in the unified examination this time.

In fact, she believed that Yunmo must have done worse than her in the exam, and wanted to use this to find balance and a sense of superiority.

Therefore, after school at noon, Yunyao did not go home, but went to Nanming.

Report Yunmo's name and class, and after registering, the guards let Yunyao into the school gate.

It was a coincidence that Yun Yao met Yun Mo and Zeng Fang not long after entering Nanming.

"Yun Yao, what are you doing here!?"

As soon as she saw Yunyao, Zeng Fang couldn't help thinking of the unbearable things she had encountered, and her good mood disappeared in an instant.

Yun Yao held a gentle and kind face, but her words were very vicious, "Zeng Fang, seeing that you are living a happy life now, you must have come out of the shadow of being QJ, right?"

After hearing this, not only Zeng Fang's face turned ugly, but even Yun Mo's teeth itch with hatred, wanting to tear Yun Yao's stinky mouth to pieces.

"Fang Fang..."

Yunmo just wanted to comfort her friend, but the other party returned to calm and natural in a strange way.

"Yunyao, seeing that I'm doing well now, are you jealous? After all, you're a loner now, and you don't even have half a friend by your side."

Yun Yao sneered again and again, "I'm jealous of you? What am I jealous of you, jealous of you being QJed by a man?!"

If it wasn't for Yunmo's pull, Zeng Fang would almost have rushed to fight Yunyao.

"Fangfang, calm down."

Although Yunmo persuaded Zeng Fang to calm down, the anger in her heart was no less than that of Zeng Fang, but she still kept a trace of clarity and reason in her mind.

Fighting at school is punishable, and if something gets serious and the school pursues it, it will be bad if Yun Yao speaks out what happened to Zeng Fang.

Seeing that Zeng Fang's eyes were red with anger, and she looked like she wanted to kill her but couldn't do anything about her, Yun Yao felt an inexplicable sense of perverted pleasure in her heart, and the blow and humiliation she received at school in the morning seemed to have eased a lot.

"What the **** are you doing here?"

Yun Mo stood in front of Zeng Fang and questioned Yun Yao in a cold voice.

Looking at Yunmo's delicate skin that can be easily broken without applying makeup and powder, and her delicate and delicate facial features, Yun Yao's eyes flashed with deep jealousy.

During this period of time, she stayed up late to study and couldn't eat or sleep well. Not to mention the heavy dark circles under her eyelids, her skin was also dark yellow and rough, and she looked like she had aged several years.

Yunmo's skin is in such good condition, she probably eats and sleeps well every day, and if she doesn't study hard, she must not do well in the exam this time.

"Yunmo, tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, do you want to go home for dinner?"

"No, I have something to do tomorrow."

"Mom fell and injured a few days ago, and she is still recuperating in the hospital. No matter what, Mom is also your elder. You should go to the hospital to visit."

Yun Mo looked at the other party with a half-smile, "If I really want to go, I'm afraid it will be harmful to Ms. Jiang's injury. After all, how can I feel better when I see someone I don't like."

"Whether you want to go or not is up to you, anyway, I have notified you." After finishing speaking, Yun Yao changed the subject and asked about Yun Mo's results in the unified examination, "By the way, Yun Mo, how did you do in the unified examination this time?" ?

Tsk, I came here on purpose, in fact, to ask about her grades, and I made such a big circle.

Yun Mo didn't say anything, "It's better than you anyway."

Yun Yao stared at her suspiciously, "Do you know my grades?"

Yunmo looked confident, "No matter how many exams you have taken, I will definitely be higher than you."

This statement is not only arrogant, but also very insulting, Yun Yao was angry from the bottom of her heart.

It's fine that she was hit and humiliated in the class, whoever makes the class full of top students has the capital and arrogance.

But what kind of thing is Yunmo? She is an idiot, but she dares to say that she is better than her in the exam.

(end of this chapter)