On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Chapter 112 Lesson to the bear kid Ling Jiale

As the sun sets, the beautiful sunset glow turns the river into a sea of flames.

The four people and two geese happily embarked on the road back to the city.

Yunmo went back to the courtyard first, put away her things, settled down with Dabai and Erbai, and then took the tram with half a basket of peaches and Ling Chuan to the old street.

On the way, seeing a store selling stationery, Yunmo got out of the car and bought a schoolbag for Chunhua and Jiale each. Seeing a candy store next door, Yunmo turned in and weighed two catties of jelly.

After paying the money, Yunmo picked out a few jellies of different flavors and put them in the schoolbag she bought for Chunhua, and put the rest in the basket.

It was almost 7 o'clock when I arrived at Ling's small courtyard, which happened to be dinner time.

In the courtyard house she is renting now, at this time, the surrounding houses are filled with green smoke, and the air is full of the smell of all kinds of food, full of fireworks.

The old street at this time is extremely deserted, and there is no smell of rice.

Recalling what Li Li said before, in order to save money, many people in the old street do not open fire at night, but eat some cold buns soaked in boiling water, or even do not eat at night, Yunmo couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

I don't know if it's because she was beaten with long hair last time, and when she saw Yun Mo again, Li Li no longer had the cusp of her teeth, but she didn't give Yun Mo a smile either.

Yun Mo didn't care much, and she didn't want to have a good relationship with Li Li either.

It was Ling Jiang, who smiled enthusiastically when he saw the two of them coming, "Sister and sister, Chuanzi, you are here, sit down first, and you can eat soon."


Ling Chunhua ran up happily when she saw Yunmo, and shouted sweetly.

Yunmo also didn't see Ling Chunhua for a while, and she felt very happy when she saw Ling Chunhua leaning up and getting close to her.

She handed the pink schoolbag with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck printed on it in front of the other party, and asked with a smile: "This is a school gift for you, do you like it?"

"Wow, what a beautiful schoolbag!"

Ling Chunhua looked at the schoolbag and couldn't move her eyes, her small face was full of unbelievable joy.

Ling Jiang on the side said politely: "Sister and brother, you are spending too much money, and the child is still young, so there is no need to buy such a good thing."

"When you go to school, you must look like you are going to school. A schoolbag is a must."

As she said that, Yunmo gave Ling Chunhua the schoolbag in her hand to carry on her back, then squatted down to help her adjust the gap between the straps, and whispered in Ling Chunhua's ear: "There is a gift from your aunt in the schoolbag, don't tell others Oh."

"Yeah." Ling Chunhua nodded hastily.

Seeing that her sister had a new schoolbag, Ling Jiale quit, holding Li Li's leg and howling: "I want it too, I want my schoolbag too!"

Li Li reprimanded angrily: "What do you want? They bought it for your sister, but they didn't buy it for you! Don't be disgusting like a scoundrel."

Stupid as Ling Jiang could hear his daughter-in-law pointing fingers and scolding Huai, he couldn't help but scold him: "Chuanzi and his siblings come back so rarely, listen to what you have to say!"

Li Li stared, "What did I say, did I say something wrong? My son is crying and asking for it, what do you want me to do?"

"Can't you coax people well?"

"Good coaxing, you are here to coax, I can't coax anyway!"

The couple quarreled with each other, while Ling Jiale kept crying, making Yunmo's ears hurt from the noise.

She hurriedly signaled Ling Chuan to take out the schoolbag bought for Jiale.

Ling Jiale, who got the new schoolbag, immediately burst into tears, and happily ran to Ling Chunhua to show off, "Look, I also have a new schoolbag! Slightly slightly..."

Ling Chunhua was not angry at all, but pointed to Ling Jiale's schoolbag and said happily: "Jiale, the pattern on your schoolbag is Black Cat Sheriff!"

Ling Jiale turned over the schoolbag and saw that his favorite black cat sheriff was printed on it, and he jumped three feet high with joy.

Looking at the joy of the siblings, Ling Jiang was very embarrassed, "Sister and brother, you also bought a schoolbag for Jiale. The two schoolbags are not cheap, right?"

Before Yun Mo could speak, Li Li said in a choked voice: "You think you've eaten the same meal as you did, but he has money in his hand, so you need to worry about it."

"Li Li, shut your mouth!"

No one expected that Ling Jiang would suddenly get angry, even Yun Mo was taken aback, and Jia Le and Chun Hua were even more shocked, looking at Ling Jiang's father with horror, as if they didn't know each other.

Li Li's face was flushed red, but facing her husband's angry face, her throat seemed to be blocked, and she couldn't utter a single syllable.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was honest, Ling Jiang turned to look at Yunmo and Ling Chuan, and said kindly: "Your sister-in-law is just like this, you don't know what to do, so please ignore her. Alright, don't stand still, go into the room and sit down." Bar."

After speaking, he took the basket from Ling Chuan's hand, and led the two of them to the main room.

Chunhua and Jiale siblings obviously haven't recovered from the shock just now, Ling Jiale went straight to Li Li, hugged Li Li's leg and did not let go, Ling Chunhua followed Yunmo silently .

Finding Ling Chunhua behind her, Yunmo easily pulled her to her side.

"Is kindergarten fun?"


Speaking of kindergarten, the fear on Ling Chunhua's face gradually disappeared, replaced by excitement and joy, and she talked endlessly to Yunmo about the friends she made in kindergarten, how many times she was praised, and what nursery rhymes she learned.

"I want to eat jelly!"

Not long after entering the main room, Ling Jiale also came in, pointing at the jelly in the basket on the table and yelling loudly.

Li Li heard the shout coming out of the kitchen, but didn't come in. She just stood in the yard and beckoned Ling Jiale to go out.

Ling Jiale has long been used to being doted on by Li Li, and she must get what she wants before giving up, otherwise she will cry and make trouble.

"No, I want jelly, I want jelly!"

Seeing that she couldn't coax her son, Li Li didn't bother to coax her son, so she turned her head and went into the kitchen again.

Ling Jiang is also busy in the kitchen. In the main room are only Yunmo, Ling Chuan, Chunhua, and Jiale.

"Jia Le, stop making trouble, I'll give you sweets." Ling Chunhua took out the corn candy in his pocket to coax Jia Le, but Jia Le grabbed it and threw it on the ground.

"I don't want sugar, I want jelly!"

Ling Chuan has been used to hard times since he was a child, and he is very thrifty in his bones. Seeing Ling Jiale throwing candy on the ground, he immediately scolded him with a sullen face, "Jiale, pick up the candy."

"No, I won't pick it up, I want jelly, I want jelly!"

Seeing that her crying didn't work, Ling Jiale lay down on the ground and rolled over, the newly bought schoolbag on her back was soon covered with dust.

Ling Chuan's face turned dark, he got up and picked up his nephew from the ground, and slapped his nephew with his hand.

"Whoa whoa whoa..."

I don't know if it was hurt because of the beating, or if she was playing tricks, Ling Jiale cried loudly at the top of her throat.

Yun Mo's ears hurt from the noise, so she got up and took a jelly from the basket and handed it to Ling Jiale.

After getting the jelly as he wished, Ling Jiale's crying gradually subsided.

Coaxed Ling Jiale, Yunmo gave Ling Chunhua another jelly.

"Thank you, Auntie."

(end of this chapter)