On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Momo, your husband is in good shape!

Ling Chuan lay on his side about a foot away from her, holding a plantain fan in his hand. The coolness she felt was caused by Ling Chuan using the plantain fan.

Inexplicably, Yunmo remembered what Zeng Fang said at noon, this man has been taking care of her and pampering her.

The two lay facing each other like this, looking at each other, looking at each other in silence, everything around them seemed to be hidden.

After an unknown amount of time, a drop of sweat dripped down Ling Chuan's forehead to the ground.

Yunmo noticed that the man's forehead and the tip of his nose were covered with fine beads of sweat.

She instinctively raised her hand holding the handkerchief to wipe it for him.

Ling Chuan kept lying on his side motionless, his dark eyes stared at her non-stop.

After wiping, Yunmo realized that her behavior was very misleading, and her face couldn't help but feel hot.

"You wipe it yourself, don't disturb my sleep."

After speaking, she threw the handkerchief to the man, turned over and continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

I don't know if it was the impact of the incident just now, or because I didn't have a handkerchief to block the sun. I didn't fall asleep after sleeping for a long time, but I became more energetic.

Yun Mo simply sat up, took off her shoes, rolled up her trousers, and walked barefoot towards the river where Dabai Erbai was.

After walking for a while, there was the sound of steady footsteps behind him, and he knew who it was without turning around.

The scorching sun is in the sky, and the water surface is a little warm, but the deeper water is cold. Standing in the water with bare feet can feel the refreshing coolness.

Yunmo's script was white when it was born, but when soaked in the emerald green river water, it looked even whiter, like snow-run and flawless suet white jade, Ling Chuan on the side stared blankly.

"Quack quack."

Seeing Yunmo also coming to play in the water, Dabai Erbai happily came over and circled around her.

Yunmo was amused, and followed Dabai Erbai's buttocks to a deeper water level.

Ling Chuan followed her worriedly, "Momo, be careful, the water level is relatively deep in some places."

Yunmo turned her head to look at him, and when she was about to speak, she suddenly stepped on a naked thing, which made her startled and backed away, but her other foot got stuck in the sand and she couldn't get it out, and finally sat down with a "plop". to the water.


Ling Chuan stepped over in three steps and two steps, bent down to help her up, but the next second he froze with a red face.

Yun Mo followed the man's gaze and lowered her head, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Although it has entered autumn, the temperature is still very high. Yunmo is wearing a light and breathable muslin shirt. After being wet by water, her entire upper body becomes translucent.

Seeing that the man was still watching, Yunmo quickly covered her chest, "Where are you looking?"

Ling Chuan turned his face away uncomfortably, but stretched out his hand towards her.

Looking at the man's quietly stained ears, Yunmo was not so shy.

She wears a bra underneath, but it's not like she didn't wear it. Besides, compared with the bikinis of later generations, she's pretty conservative, okay?

Yunmo stood up from the water with the help of a man's hand, her whole body was dripping like rain, her clothes and pants were even more tightly attached to her skin, and the curves of her whole body were unobstructed.

Walking back to the shore like this is definitely not possible, Yunmo ordered the man to say: "Take off your clothes to me."

Ling Chuan took off his shirt without saying a word, and handed it to her.

All the while, his face was turned elsewhere.

Ling Chuan was too tall. The shirt that just fit him was like a sack on her, covering her knees.

After buttoning up the button, Yunmo looked at the shirtless man, felt anxious, stretched out her hand and pushed, trying to push him into the water too.

However, Ling Chuan's strong body didn't move at all. On the contrary, she almost sat in the water again due to the reaction, but was fortunately caught by Ling Chuan.

Facing the smiling black eyes of the man, Yunmo was so embarrassed that she couldn't help complaining: "Do you have a drill on the sole of your foot? You can't even push it."

"Momo, do you want to push again?" Ling Chuan asked after a moment of silence.

Yunmo looked at him, stretched out a finger, and poked his firm chest.

She swore that she didn't use any strength at all, but Ling Chuan seemed to have received a lot of force, he stumbled back a few steps, and finally sat down in the water with a "plop".

Yunmo: "..."

There is a lyric that goes like this, I am doing my best to perform as I should match your performance.

Yun Mo clapped her hands politely but awkwardly, "Good performance, continue next time."

Ling Chuan wiped his face that was splashed by the river water, put his arms behind his back, and sat on his back in the water to look at her. ,

Under the light, the man's skin glowed charmingly. Countless drops of water slid down his stern face to his Adam's apple, then to his collarbone, and finally merged with the river water soaking his chest.

Ling Chuan will not know how **** he looks like this, just like a seductive male goblin.

Boom boom boom.

Yunmo could hear her heart beating violently, and her throat was inexplicably dry.

"Momo, you are so pretty."

Suddenly, the man said such a sentence, which made Yunmo blush.

She raised her foot and kicked the water at the opponent, "I've always looked good, but you were blind and didn't realize it before."

"I'm not blind."

He had discovered it a long time ago, and he was amazed by his wife's beauty from the first time he saw it.


On the distant shore, Zeng Fang, who woke up from her afternoon nap, was waving to her.

"Momo, go ashore to bask in the sun, your clothes are all wet, and you will catch cold if you stay in the water for too long."


Seeing Yun Mo wearing Ling Chuan's clothes, Zeng Fang was a little surprised, "Momo, don't you feel hot wearing so many clothes?"

"It's hot, I can't wear it, I'm soaked inside."

Hearing this, Zeng Fang winked at her immediately, "What were you doing with your husband in the water just now?"

Yunmo couldn't laugh or cry, "What can you do in broad daylight?"

"Oh, that means you can only do it in the dead of night."

Yun Mo changed her wet clothes and trousers and got out of the car. Just as she was looking for a place to dry her clothes, she turned her head and saw Zeng Fang staring somewhere in a daze.

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing her, Zeng Fang was so excited that she pointed to Jiang Mian, "Look, Momo, your husband is in good shape!"

Yun Mo looked in the direction of the other party's fingers, and found that Ling Chuan had taken off his trousers at some point, and was swimming in the river in a pair of boxers.

Under the sun, blue waves appeared on the broad and vast river, and the man's vigorous and slender body was like a mermaid swimming freely in the water, swinging wantonly.

Yun Mo was also a little stunned, and even forgot to find a place to dry the wet clothes in her hand.

The two of them just watched Lingchuan Fushui from the bank, and after an unknown amount of time, Yunmo came back to her senses, turned her head to look at Zeng Fang, who was still watching vigorously, and suddenly felt a little sour in her heart.

"Fangfang, your saliva is almost drooling."

Hearing Yunmo's reminder, Zeng Fang really touched the corner of her mouth, and immediately realized that she was being teased, and she felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, I won't read it, let's go, I'll accompany you to dry the clothes."

Talking about not looking at her mouth, she turned her head while walking, and Yunmo was so angry that she forcibly turned the other person's face away.

"You still watch!"

"I don't want to read it, I really don't want to, anyway, I have seen everything that should be seen."

Yun Mo fell down.

Good night~

Thanks to the little fairies for voting for the monthly tickets, Lao Qi can only continue to work hard to repay everyone, okay~

(end of this chapter)