On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Chapter 113 Stealing gold from a thief growing up with needles

Ling Chunhua who took the jelly was very happy, her mouth was sweet, Yunmo fondled her head, "Do you know how to eat this?"

Ling Chunhua shook her head.

Yunmo brought the jelly over and carefully taught the other party how to tear off the seal, "Eat slowly, don't swallow the whole thing in one gulp, or you'll easily choke."

"I see."

Ling Chunhua, who learned how to eat jelly, ran up to Ling Jiale, "Jia Le, I will teach you how to eat jelly."

In order to help Ling Jiale tear the seal, Ling Chunhua asked Ling Jiale to hold the jelly first.

I don't know if it was the sweetness of the jelly that made me greedy, or because I was used to domineering, Ling Jiale just ate sister Ling Chunhua's jelly.

Forget it after eating, but even going to grab Ling Chunhua's.

Yun Mo was not used to this brat, so she walked over and slapped Ling Jiale's paw away.

Maybe because she didn't expect someone to stop her, Ling Jiale was stunned for two seconds, and then she was about to cry.

Yun Mo said with a cold face, "If you dare to cry, you don't even want to eat any of the jelly in the basket."

Being so frightened by Yunmo, Ling Jiale's throat choked up, she wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry, and looked at her with tears in her eyes.

Seeing that Ling Jiale was being honest, Yunmo signaled Chunhua to eat jelly.

Maybe feeling sorry for her younger brother, Chunhua hesitated to eat it, as if she wanted to give up the jelly to Ling Jiale.

"Chunhua, do you remember what I told you before?"

Ling Chunhua stared at her with wide eyes, apparently not remembering for a while.

Yunmo reminded: "The premise of being good to a person is that he is worth it."

Seeing Ling Chunhua's dazed and bewildered face, Yunmo continued to teach, "You did a good job teaching Jiale to eat jelly, and Jiale should thank you. But instead of thanking you, he also If you want to grab your jelly to eat, this is called revenge."

"Momo, don't talk about Jiale like that, he's still young..."

Yunmo slashed at the man behind him, "It's because he is still young that I have to teach him the principles of right and wrong. When he grows up and his personality is determined, it will be too late to teach him!"

After being scolded, Ling Chuan pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Yun Mo turned her head and continued to lecture Ling Jiale, "Your sister kindly taught you how to eat jelly, but you are lucky, even want to grab her share, are you ashamed?

When you were in kindergarten, didn't the teacher teach you not to take things that are not yours? Or did it teach you not to listen at all? Ling Jiale, no matter how arrogant you are, no one will dare to make friends with you in the future. "

Children aged 4 or 5, how could they stand up to such harsh scolding from their elders? Ling Jiale curled his mouth and burst into tears.

Lingjiale is small, but the cry is very loud, and it is estimated that half of the old street can hear it.

I don't know if she didn't want to interfere, or if she wanted to embarrass Yun Mo, but Li Li didn't come out to coax her.

Ling Jiang ran out of the kitchen, trying to coax his son, but Yun Mo stopped him.

"Brother, don't worry about it. You know how to cry when you do something wrong. You can coax him when he cries. He will do it again next time. Let him realize his mistake and know that no one will spoil him if he does something wrong. "

Hearing what Yunmo said, Ling Jiang thought it made sense, so he didn't care about it, turned around and went back to the kitchen.

Ling Jiale was also crying quite a lot, howling hard at the top of his throat, and lying on the ground rolling behind him, throwing off the schoolbag on his back.

Yunmo picked up the schoolbag, clapped the ashes and said loudly: "It's fine if you don't need the schoolbag. I'll return it to the boss in a while, and I can save 10 yuan."

"My schoolbag! You give me back, it's my schoolbag!"

Hearing that Yun Mo wanted to take away her schoolbag, Ling Jiale yelled and yelled, and ran towards Yun Mo like a calf, as if she wanted to fight Yun Mo.

Ling Chuan's face sank, and he stretched out his big hand to lift Ling Jiale aside like a chicken.

Ling Jiale is like an enraged mad cow, kicking and scratching with both hands and feet, and yelling unrulyly that he wants to kill Ling Chuan.

Ling Chuan was also polite, turned the person over, and spanked his ass.

Hearing her son howling like a slaughtered pig, Li Li finally couldn't sit still, and ran out of the kitchen in a hurry.

"Chuanzi, what are you doing? Jiale is only a little older, so he can't stand such a beating from you."

After finishing speaking, she hugged Ling Jiale from Ling Chuan.

With Li Li's backing, Ling Jiale cried even more fiercely, and she didn't forget to complain while crying.

"Wow, my uncle hit me, whoa, my aunt snatched my schoolbag..."

While coaxing her son distressedly, Li Li complained to the two of them, "You guys are going to come to eat at home, and I even bought good food for you, and I started to work before dark, you are lucky, the two of you teamed up to bully Jiale , Are you elders doing this?"

Yunmo sneered, "Sister-in-law, you are reluctant to discipline your son well. When he enters the society, some people will help you discipline him. It's just that you may not be able to bear the consequences of others' discipline for you. Jiale's uncle is a lesson from the past! "

Hearing Yun Mo mentioned his younger brother Li Zhijie, Li Li's face changed slightly.

"Siblings, please stop cursing my family, Jia Le. I don't know how smart Jia Le is. I will definitely be admitted to university in the future and have a good future."

"Sister-in-law doesn't listen to advice, and I don't bother to talk about it. Anyway, my son is yours. It doesn't matter to me whether he will go astray or not."

After finishing speaking, Yunmo sat back on the bench, and she really ignored the mother and son.

Li Li glanced at the schoolbag that Yunmo was holding in her hand, "Sister and sister, you gave the schoolbag to our family for fun, so you won't take it back? You're not afraid of being laughed at by others."

Yunmo pointed to the frayed place on the schoolbag, "Sister-in-law, I bought a new schoolbag for Jiale with good intentions, and he didn't care about it. He ruined it like this in less than half an hour. If people find out, I will take the schoolbag back The reason, it's not me who has no face.

Li Li couldn't say no to Yunmo, so she could only stare blankly.

Ling Jiale didn't care about these things, she kept clamoring for her schoolbag, which made Li Li upset, so she raised her hand and slapped his ass.

"Whatever the fuss, whoever makes you useless, can't keep what is given to you."


Seeing that her mother didn't help her, Ling Jiale started howling again.

Yunmo certainly didn't intend to take the schoolbag back, nor could it be returned, but she didn't want to spare Ling Jiale so lightly.

"If you want a schoolbag, don't cry anymore, or I'll take it and return it right away!"

Hearing this, Ling Jiale stopped crying immediately, her nose and tears were still hanging, and she kept crying and hiccupping.

Yunmo looked at the other party seriously again, "Go and apologize to your sister, and say loudly, sister, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snatched your jelly."

Ling Jiale looked at this and then that in a daze, turned his head, and simply lay in Li Li's arms.

Li Li felt that Yun Mo was making a big fuss, "Sister and brother, isn't it just a jelly..."

"Sister-in-law, you haven't heard the allusion of stealing gold when you grew up with needles, right? You didn't teach him to steal jelly when he was 4 or 5 years old, and you still let him go. When he was in school, he might **** snacks and toys from his classmates. , anyway, with you used to it, he has nothing to be afraid of.

When he grows up, if he has no money to spend, he will follow the same crooked path as his uncle, stealing and robbing! Anyway, he has been here since he was a child, and no one has cared about him. "

(end of this chapter)