New Word-Analysis - Part 11

Part 11

(4.) What is the meaning of "credulous" in the pa.s.sage,

"So glistened the dire snake, and into fraud Led Eve, our _credulous_ mother"?--MILTON.

What noun corresponding to the adjective "credulous" will express the quality of believing too easily?--What is the negative of "credulous"?--What is the distinction between "incredible" and "incredulous"?--Which applies to persons? which to things?

(5.) To what two parts of speech does "discredit" belong?--Write a sentence containing this word as a _noun_; another as a _verb_.

13. CUR'RERE: cur'ro, cur'sum, _to run_.

Radicals used: CURR- and CURS-.

1. CUR'RENT, a.: curr + ent = running: hence, (1) pa.s.sing from person to person, as a "_current_ report"; (2) now in progress, as the "_current_ month."

2. CUR'RENCY: curr + ency = the state of pa.s.sing from person to person, as "the report obtained _currency_": hence circulation.

OBS.--As applied to money, it means that it is in circulation or pa.s.sing from hand to hand, as a representative of value.

3. CUR'SORY: curs + ory = runn_ing_ or pa.s.s_ing_: hence, hasty.

4. EXCUR'SION: ex + curs + ion = the act of running out: hence, an expedition or jaunt.

5. INCUR'SION: in + curs + ion = the act of running in: hence, an invasion.

6. PRECUR'SOR: pre + curs + or = one who runs before: hence a forerunner.


(1.) What other part of speech than an adjective is "current"?--What is now the _current_ year?

(2.) Why are there two r's in "currency"? _Ans_. Because there are two in the root _currere_.--Give a synonym of this word in the sense of "money."

_Ans._ The "circulating medium."--What was the "currency" of the Indians in early times?--Compose a sentence using this word.

(3.) When a speaker says that he will cast a "_cursory_ glance" at a subject, what does he mean?--Combine and define cursory + ly.

(4.) Is "excursion" usually employed to denote an expedition in a friendly or a hostile sense?

(5.) Is "incursion" usually employed to denote an expedition in a friendly or a hostile sense?--Give a synonym. _Ans. Invasion._--Which implies a hasty expedition?--Compose a sentence containing the word _incursion_.

MODEL: "The Parthians were long famed for their rapid _incursions_ into the territory of their enemies."

(6.) What is meant by saying that John the Baptist was the _precursor_ of Christ?--What is meant by saying that black clouds are the _precursor_ of a storm?

14. DIG'NUS, _worthy_.

Radical: DIGN-.

1. DIG'NIFY: dign + (_i_)fy = to make of worth: hence, to advance to honor.

2. DIG'NITY: dign + ity = the state of being of worth: hence, behavior fitted to inspire respect.

3. INDIG'NITY: in + dign + ity = the act of treating a person in an unworthy (_indignus_) manner: hence, insult, contumely.

4. CONDIGN': con + dign = very worthy: hence, merited, deserved.

OBS.--The prefix _con_ is here merely intensive.


(1.) What participial adjective is formed from the verb "dignify"? _Ans.

Dignified._--Give a stronger word. _Ans. Majestic._--Give a word which denotes the same thing carried to excess and becoming ridiculous. _Ans.


(2.) Can you mention a character in American history remarkable for the dignity of his behavior?--Compose a sentence containing this word.

(3.) Give the plural of "indignity."--What is meant by saying that "indignities were heaped on" a person?

(4.) How is the word "condign" now most frequently employed? _Ans._ In connection with punishment: thus we speak of "_condign_ punishment,"

meaning richly deserved punishment.

15. DOCE'RE: do'ceo, doc'tum, _to teach_.

Radicals: DOC- and DOCT-.

1. DOC'ILE: doc + ile = that may be taught: hence, teachable.

2. DOC'TOR: doct + or = one who teaches: hence, one who has taken the highest degree in a university authorizing him to practice and teach.

4. DOC'TRINE: through Lat. n. _doctrina_, something taught; hence, a principle taught as part of a system of belief.


(1.) Combine and define docile + ity.--Give the opposite of "docile." _Ans.

Indocile._--Mention an animal that is very docile.--Mention one remarkable for its want of docility.

(2.) What is meant by "_Doctor_ of Medicine"?--Give the abbreviation.--What does LL.D. mean? _Ans._ It stands for the words _legum doctor_, doctor of laws: the double L marks the plural of the Latin noun.

(3.) Give two synonyms of "doctrine." _Ans. Precept, tenet._--What does "tenet" literally mean? _Ans._ Something _held_--from Lat. v. _tenere_, to hold.--Combine and define doctrine + al.

16. DOM'INUS, _a master or lord_.

Radical: DOMIN-.