1. DOMIN'ION: domin + ion = the act of exercising mastery: hence, (1) rule; (2) a territory ruled over.
2. DOM'INANT: domin + ant = relating to lordship or mastery: hence, prevailing.
3. DOMINEER': through Fr. v. _dominer_; literally, to "_lord_ it" over one: hence, to rule with insolence.
4. PREDOM'INATE: pre + domin + ate = to cause one to be master _before_ another: hence, to be superior, to rule.
(1.) What is meant by saying that "in 1776 the United Colonies threw off the _dominion_ of Great Britain"?
(2.) What is meant by the "_dominant_ party"? a "_dominant_ race"?
(3.) Compose a sentence containing the word "domineer." MODEL: "The bl.u.s.tering tyrant, Sir Edmund Andros, _domineered_ for several years over the New England colonies; but his misrule came to an end in 1688 with the accession of King William."
(4.) "The Republicans at present _predominate_ in Mexico": what does this mean?
17. FI'NIS, _an end or limit_.
Radical: FIN-.
1. FI'NITE: fin + ite = having the quality of coming to an end: hence, limited in quant.i.ty or degree.
2. FIN'ISH: through Fr. v. _finir_; literally, to bring to an end: hence, to complete.
3. INFIN'ITY: in + fin + ity = the state of having no limit: hence, unlimited extent of time, s.p.a.ce, or quant.i.ty.
4. DEFINE': through Fr. v. _definer_; literally, to bring a thing down to its limits: hence, to determine with precision.
5. CONFINE': con + fine; literally, to bring within limits or bounds: hence, to restrain.
6. AFFIN'ITY: af (a form of prefix _ad_) + fin + ity = close agreement.
(1.) What is meant by saying that "the human faculties are _finite_"?
(2.) What is the opposite of "finite"?--Give a synonym. _Ans.
Limited._--What participial adjective is formed from the verb to "finish"?--What is meant by a "_finished_ gentleman"?
(3.) Give a synonym of "infinity." _Ans. Boundlessness._--"The microscope reveals the fact that each drop of water contains an _infinity_ of animalculae." What is the sense of _infinity_ as used in this sentence?
(4.) Combine define + ite; in + define + ite.--a.n.a.lyze the word "definition."--Compose a sentence containing the word "define."
(5.) Combine and define confine + ment.--What other part of speech than a verb is "confine"? _Ans._ A noun.--Write a sentence containing the word "confines."
(6.) Find in the dictionary the meaning of "chemical _affinity_."
18. FLU'ERE: flu'o, flux'um, _to flow_.
Radicals: FLU- and FLUX-.
1. FLUX: from flux_um_ = a flowing.
2. FLU'ENT: flu + ent = having the quality of flowing. Used in reference to language it means _flowing_ speech: hence, voluble.
3. FLU'ID, _n._: flu + id = Flow_ing_: hence, anything that flows.
4. FLU'ENCY: flu + ency = state of flowing (in reference to language).
5. AF'FLUENCE: af (form of _ad_) + flu + ence = a flowing _to_: hence, an abundant supply, as of thought, words, money, etc.
6. CON'FLUENCE: con + flu + ence = a flowing together: hence, (1) the flowing together of two or more streams; (2) an a.s.semblage, a union.
7. IN'FLUX: in + flux = a flowing in or into.
8. SUPER'FLUOUS: super + flu + ous = having the quality of _over_flowing: hence, needless, excessive.
(2.) What is meant by a "fluent" speaker?--What word would denote a speaker who is the reverse of "fluent"?
(3.) Write a sentence containing the word "fluid."
(4.) What is meant by "fluency" of style?
(5.) What is the ordinary use of the word "affluence"? An "_affluence_ of ideas," means what?
(6.) Compose a sentence containing the word "confluence." MODEL: "New York City stands at the ---- of two streams."
(8.) Mention a noun corresponding to the adjective "superfluous."--Compose a sentence containing the word "superfluous."--What is its opposite? _Ans.
Scanty, meager._
19. GREX, gre'gis, _a flock or herd_.
Radical: GREG-.
1. AG'GREGATE, _v._: ag (for _ad_) + greg + ate = to cause to be brought into a flock: hence, to gather, to a.s.semble.
2. EGRE'GIOUS: e + greg + (i)ous, through Lat. adj. _egre'gius_, chosen from the herd: hence, remarkable.
OBS.--Its present use is in a.s.sociation with inferiority.