New Word-Analysis - Part 10

Part 10

OBS.--_Concord_ in music is harmony of sound.

4. DIS'CORD: dis + cord = heart _apart from (dis)_ heart: hence, disagreement, want of harmony.

5. RECORD': through Lat. v. _recordari_, to remember (literally, to get by _heart_): hence, to register.

6. COUR'AGE: through Fr. n. _courage_: literally, _heartiness_: hence, bravery, intrepidity.

OBS.--The heart is accounted the seat of bravery: hence, the derivative sense of courage.


(1.) "The quince was rotten at the _core_"; "The preacher touched the _core_ of the subject": in which of these sentences is "core" used in its _literal_, in which in its _figurative_, sense?

(2.) What is the Anglo-Saxon synonym of the adjective "cordial"?--Would you say a "_cordial_ laugh" or a "_hearty_ laugh"?--What is the opposite of "cordial"?--Combine and define cordial + ly: cordial + ity.--Write a sentence containing the _noun_ "cordial" in its figurative sense. MODEL: "Washington's victory at Trenton was like a _cordial_ to the flagging spirits of the American army."

(3.) Give a synonym of "concord." _Ans. Accord._--Supply the proper word: "In your view of this matter, I am in (_accord?_ or _concord?_) with you."

"There should be ---- among friends." "The man who is not moved by ---- of sweet sounds."

(4.) What is the connection in meaning between "discord" in music and among brethren?--Give a synonym of this word. _Ans. Strife._--State the distinction. _Ans._ "Strife" is the stronger: where there is "strife" there must be "discord," but there may be "discord" without "strife"; "discord"

consists most in the feeling, "strife" in the outward action.

(5.) What part of speech is "record'"?--When the accent is placed on the first syllable (rec'ord) what part of speech does it become?--Combine and define record + er; un + record + ed.

(6.) "Courage" is the same as having a stout--what?--Give a synonym. _Ans.

Fort.i.tude._--State the distinction. _Ans._ "Courage" enables us to meet danger; "fort.i.tude" gives us strength to endure pain.--Would you say "the Indian shows _courage_ when he endures torment without flinching"?--Would you say "The three hundred under Leonidas displayed _fort.i.tude_ in opposing the entire Persian army"?--What is the contrary of "courage"?--Combine and define courage + ous; courage + ous + ly.

11. COR'PUS, cor'poris, _the body_.

Radical: CORPOR-.

1. COR'PORAL: corpor + al = relating to the _body_.

OBS.--The noun "corporal," meaning a petty officer, is not derived from _corpus_: it comes from the French _caporal_, of which it is a corruption.

2. COR'PORATE: corpor + ate = made into a body: hence, united into a body or corporation.

3. INCOR'PORATE: in + corpor + ate = to make into a body: hence, (1) to form into a legal body; (2) to unite one substance with another.

4. CORPORA'TION: corpor + ate + ion = that which is made into a body: hence, a body politic, authorized by law to act as one person.

5. COR'PULENT: through Lat. adj. _corpulentus_, fleshy: hence, stout in body, fleshy.

6. COR'PUSCLE: corpus + cle = a diminutive body; hence, a minute particle of matter.

7. CORPS: [p.r.o.nounced _core_] through Fr. n. _corps_, a body. DEFINITION: (1) a body of troops; (2) a body of individuals engaged in some one profession.

8. CORPSE: through Fr. n. _corps_, the body; that is, _only_ the body--the spirit being departed: hence, the dead body of a human being.


(1.) Give two synonyms of "corporal." _Ans. Corporeal_ and _bodily_.--What is the distinction between "corporal" and "corporeal"?

_Ans._ "Corporal" means pertaining to the body; "corporeal" signifies material, as opposed to spiritual.--Would you say a _corporal_ or a _corporeal_ substance? _corporal_ or _corporeal_ punishment? Would you say _corporal_ strength or _bodily_ strength?

(3.) Write a sentence containing the verb "incorporate" in its _first_ sense. MODEL: "The London company which settled Virginia was _incorporated_ in 1606, and received a charter from King James I."

(4.) Write a sentence containing the word "corporation." [Find out by what corporation Ma.s.sachusetts Bay Colony was settled, and write a sentence about that.]

(5.) What noun is there corresponding to the adjective "corpulent" and synonymous with "stoutness"?--Give two synonyms of "corpulent." _Ans._ _Stout_, _l.u.s.ty_.--What is the distinction? _Ans._ "Corpulent" means fat; "stout" and "l.u.s.ty" denote a strong frame.

(6.) What is meant by an "army _corps_"? _Ans_. A body of from twenty to forty thousand soldiers, forming several brigades and divisions.

(7.) How is the plural of corps spelled? _Ans. Corps._ How p.r.o.nounced?

_Ans. Cores._--What is meant by the "diplomatic _corps_"?

(8.) What other form of the word "corpse" is used? _Ans_. The form _corse_ is sometimes used in poetry; as in the poem on the Burial of Sir John Moore:

"Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note, As his _corse_ to the ramparts we hurried."

12. CRED'ERE: cre'do, cred'itum, _to believe_.

Radicals: CRED- and CREDIT-.

1. CREED: from the word _credo_, "I believe," at the beginning of the Apostles' Creed: hence, a summary of Christian belief.

2. CRED'IBLE: cred + ible = that may be believed: hence, worthy of belief.

3. CRED'IT: from credit(um) = belief, trust: hence, (1) faith; (2) reputation; (3) trust given or received.

4. CRED'ULOUS: through the Lat. adj. _credulus_, easy of belief: credul + ous = abounding in belief: hence, believing easily.

5. DISCRED'IT: dis + credit = to _dis_believe.


(2.) Write a sentence containing the word "credible." MODEL: "When the King of Siam was told that in Europe the water at certain seasons could be walked on, he declared that the statement was not _credible_."--What single word will express _not credible_?--Combine and define credible + ity.--Give a synonym of "credible." _Ans. Trustworthy._--State the distinction. _Ans_.

"Credible" is generally applied to things, as "_credible_ testimony"; "trustworthy" to persons, as "a _trustworthy_ witness."

(3.) What is the meaning of _credit_ in the pa.s.sage,

"John Gilpin was a citizen Of _credit_ and renown"?

Give a synonym of this word. _Ans. Trust._--What is the distinction? _Ans_.

"Trust" looks forward; "credit" looks back--we _credit_ what has happened; we _trust_ what is to happen.--What other part of speech than a noun is "credit"?--Combine and define credit + ed.--Why is the _t_ not doubled?