My Sister The Villainess - 77 Welcome To The Daa

77 Welcome To The Daa

Corianna found her friend, Dahlia, sitting right next to her. That head full of golden locks was unmistakable.

"Cory!" The little beauty threw her arms around the other girl joyously. This caused another blink from Corianna before a dazed smile broke out on her face.

"I had the most wonderful dream." Cory's mind was still a bit foggy. "You were there. And your brother, too. He was...with me…" The girl couldn't even finish her sentence. "heh...hehehe…." She giggled drunkenly with both hands cradling her cheeks as she wiggled about like an eel, blus.h.i.+ng happily in remembrance.

This momentary happiness was then broken when she spotted Damien sleeping soundly on a nearby chair. His elbow propped up on the armrest with a fist holding his head in position.

Cory shouted unconsciously, "Hubby?!"

Damien woke with a start. "I'm here, what happened?" He looked around in confusion. "Hm? What? Wait, where's Min--" He quickly corrected himself. "I mean, where's Vee? Who called me hubby? Dolly, dammit, for the last time we aren't--oh, she's awake."

He was thoroughly confused at the moment. He'd just got done having the most glorious of dreams. Minnie was in it, and Vera too.

In the dream, he was busy watering a group of saplIngs while surrounded by a litter of cat-eared lolies and shotas while Vera and Minerva watched on from the cottage deck.


"You gave us quite a scare. Feeling alright?" He stood up and walked over. He noticed the girl slide deeper into the bed while using the blanket to hide half her face. Damien looked at his sister, silently asking her what was up with her friend.

They'd already gotten her checked out by a doctor and nothing seemed wrong with her. So maybe she was just scared from seeing an unfamiliar face?

"F-Fine…." She stuttered.

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"Cool." He replied. "Cool." He repeated.

Dolly calmed down and looked at Cory. She smacked the girl's head a moment later. "Stupid Cory, what were you thinking?! Putting yourself through that kind of stuff is wrong! Also, what was up with those flames? You almost hurt Day. I wouldn't be able to be your friend anymore if that happened. You need to be more careful, okay? I don't want to see you hurt either!"

But the girl barely heard her. "That's right!" She exclaimed. "Mirror, I need a mirror!"

Damien handed her a silver platter from some food he'd ordered earlier. Corianna s.n.a.t.c.hed from his hands excitedly and looked into it. Her expression slowly dropped.

The girl looked absolutely crestfallen.

This was because reflected back at her was nothing more than her normal appearance. Her eyes watered as she groped the top of her head and finding nothing.

"They aren't there…."

Damien coughed. "Yeah. So, you kind of set yourself on fire. And the flames burned away the added appendages."

His words struck her like a blow to the stomach. "But that's….that's not fair." She sat there with trembling. "Everyone worked so hard. Why….?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Damien frowned. "Are you telling me you went along with it?"

"....No?" Corianna was no fool. She could tell he'd found out about the lab and their goal. And obviously he didn't like the sacrifices they'd made. There's no way she could admit her voluntary involvement.

Damien would have to be a r.e.t.a.r.d to believe her, though. "Stay away from me and my sister."

"But Cory's my best friend!" Dolly refused. Although she did call Day hubby, she wouldn't mind it. After all she had just come out of such a terrible situation. Being kidnapped and experimented on, of course she'd be confused.

"I've never seen her at the house before."

"I was the one who always went over to her's."

"Why? She's your best friend so isn't it weird she's never come over?"

Cory stiffened up and looked away. How could she explain that the reason was because she was avoiding their mother? When her grandfather sent her to this realm to search for one of their race's treasured artifacts lost during the last great inter-realm war, he specifically told her to not appear before the Dragon race's Princess or even the wards placed on her won't hide her from the woman's senses.

She'd likely be immediately be outed as a Phoenix of royal blood and then who knew what would be done to her?

Muriel of the Red Sea was famous for being ruthlessly and casually cruel even amongst her own family. She was highly emotional and unstable to the degree that few risked her wrath. The fear and despair she inspired was on a level where although she wasn't a Monarch herself yet, she was still treated as one.

With power came respect.

Of course, since Cory was a Royal she probably wouldn't be killed. She just didn't want to know what would happen if she was found out to be snooping around what was essentially her backyard.

….Cory intended to be that woman's daughter-in-law, obviously she didn't want to leave a bad impression!

Suffice it to say, Cory is obsessively in love with her son Damien. From the first time she saw him with Dolly at a banquet years ago, she was his.

But she couldn't pursue him openly until she found her race's artifact, which proved difficult. She planned to find it, return it, and then when he began to venture out of his home realm and explore the vast starry sky she'd "coincidentally" run into him and begin her slow seduction.

She had incomparable confidence in her beauty and believed she'd surely be even more so as she grew older.

Though she thought this seduction might not be as easy in reality...but still!

She even thought that Dolly would maybe help her out? They were best friends, after all. Why wouldn't she want to help? Once she and Day married they'd be sister-in-laws! Everything worked out.

Or that's what she thought, but then she heard some gossip through the DDD newspaper that he'd started dating that Dryad woman, Mary, who was way too old for him. Not that the other members of the group knew who Mary actually is, a World Tree.

But Cory knew. And so rationalized that it was a mere fling, nothing more.

Still, the stress made her a bit crazy. She started cutting herself. But it's okay, she healed fast. She could even get rid of the scars if she wanted to. Which she did. Scars on a woman are ugly, her hubby wouldn't like her if she had such disgusting marks on her body

Ah. Well, the thought of her future husband caring for another woman like that also made Cory a touch destructive. She'd accidentally burned down the home she was living in not long ago. Along with the family her clan had arranged for her to be adopted into for the duration of her mission.

Corianna didn't handle stress well.

Like now, for example. When she'd heard her hubby had a strange fetish for animal ears she despaired. Illusion spells weren't her forte. She thought she'd never be able to fully satisfy her husband with such an inadequate appearance. Later she learned of a certain group who wished to fix this problem and volunteered herself without hesitation.

She went through a strict diet. Did countless tests. Took horrible tasting pills. Endured unusual levels of pain.

And now it was all for naught. Her ears and tail were gone. Just like that, everything they had worked so hard for was destroyed. In her case she knew it was due to her being woken too abruptly and too soon.

She just didn't understand why.

"What happened?" She asked quietly.

Damien began explaining. He told her how Dolly discovered the lab, how she'd called Damien and had him break the whole thing up. The collapse of the library and therefore the full destruction of the lab's research. The arrest of Serina's little group.

She then looked at the Dolly who was smiling from ear to ear as if her brother were recounting tales of her heroic deeds.

Cory felt like killing her.

Why would she do that?! Why would she turn against her like this?! It seemed like a personal betrayal and Cory wasn't sure how to deal with it.

"Thank you." She swallowed her resentment and smiled at her friend. But friends didn't betray friends like how Dolly betrayed her.

So if Dolly wasn't a friend anymore, what was she?

….Maybe….an obstacle….?

"No problem." Dolly smiled back. But she didn't miss the flash in Cory's eyes just then. Dolly understood, somehow, that this was no longer the same Cory who she used to play with.

Hm? Was that little "hubby" comment not a mistake after all? Did she want to take her brother away from her, too?

What a good friend!

Dolly was starting to discover that the word actually didn't mean much. She sneered deep in her heart.

She didn't need friends. Someone who wants to steal her Day isn't a friend. No, in fact, they're enemies!

And since so many women want to take Day from her, women are her enemy! And maybe some men. Dolly had seen a few men look at Day weirdly, after all.

But yeah.

Women can't be trusted! Dirty thots, every one! Except mother! And Mary! Also Vee! Well, maybe Vee. Wait, no, Vee likes Day too she's a thot too!

Whatever that meant. She wasn't sure, exactly. Still though!

Dolly recalled a question Mother once asked her.

"What's best in life, Dolly?"


"What's best in life?" She repeated patiently.

"I don't know."

Mother had smiled down at her with love and affection. "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their families."

Dolly had never understood what she'd meant until now.

They were not just words. They were a life lesson. She felt her mouth form a cold crescent moon, thinking perhaps it was now time to apply that lesson.

Just then Dolly looked down and found the silver tray Day had given to Cory. She caught sight of her own reflection and had a sudden thought:

Wasn't her hair getting curlier recently?


A dozen women, of varying ages from loli to milf, all sat in a circle. They met in a wide, empty room.

"h.e.l.lo. I'm Patricia. And I'm a, uh....a Damien addict." A young woman with long hair and a luxurious dress breathed out slowly. "I've been a DDD follower since it's founding. I've read every article, boughten every released drawing. I even have a naked picture of him under my pillow to sleep with at night. It's been...gosh, a year or two since I've seen him? The last time was my ma.s.sage appointment. I'd gotten one every week back then. They were just so wonderful and the way he touched me…" Her eyes wandered into the distance before refocusing. "My husband can't satisfy me anymore. When we have s.e.x I'm not even thinking of him. The only way I can even get off these days is when I remember Damien's hands over my bare skin. It's sick, isn't it? I know it is. And I've started, you know, stress eating. I think I'm going to divorce him soon, too, my husband. I don't know. It's just there's this Damien-sized hole in me aching to be filled. But I can't. I can't fill it. And it's driven me away from my family, my friends. I know I have to give him up and I'm trying to. But it's hard. G.o.ds, it's so hard…" She started crying.

Damien's face was frozen. He slowly shut the door.

...Okay then.

Haha. What? This was like an AA meeting, but the subject was him.

What the f.u.c.k was a G.o.dd.a.m.n Damien addict?! Since when was he a drug?!

He recalled the conversation leading him to this awful place.

"What do you mean, they got probation? They performed inhumane experiments on animals...and each other!"

Damien had risen from his bed as soon as Vera told him what was going on.

She'd been feeding Rufus, the Roo that had been caught by Damien on the first floor of the dungeon some time back as a present for his favorite tree.

The little ball of fuzz begrudgingly ate the offered treats with a sour expression while being pat on the head.

"Oh yes." Vera had nodded. "It seems they used the Damien defense."

"The what now?"

"Apparently it's a new thing." Vera went on to explain. "It's similar to an insanity plea. The claim is that the offenders aren't fully responsible for their actions due to being under the influence."

"What 'influence?'" He'd asked with narrowed eyes. Vera had pointed at him and said,


"Oh now that's f.u.c.king bulls.h.i.+t!"

A shrug. "They say that their actions are a direct result of Damien addiction. They even have a support group called the DAA. The Damien Addicts Anonymous. There's one in almost every major city in the Kingdom, or so I hear."

Obviously, Damien had to see it to believe it. And so he'd had Vera take him to the nearest DAA meeting.

"See?" Vera pointed out the four lolitas. "The judge has them on medication and group therapy. Since they've got a severe case of Damien Disorder they've been acquitted of their crimes. Though they'll be spending time in a psychiatric ward, it won't be long. There simply isn't a precedent for what they were trying to do. At most, they would be charged with animal cruelty but there's no strict punishment for that in this realm. The magic involved? They weren't the ones using it. Not to mention, those vines they created have been deemed an important breakthrough for science. The potential applications for their invention have actually earned them all awards if you can believe it. Oh. Also, they're too young for incarceration. I think someone may have pulled strings for them too, just in case. I think they'll be out of here within a few months. Since their crimes were basically kicked under the rug they may even be asked to tour and give lectures regarding the vines. Which really are works of art, by the way."

Damien listened to her and felt like hitting someone. These d.a.m.n lolitas are working the system! They're being awarded, too!

Works of art my a.s.s.

DAA, Damien defense. That's all SUCH bull. How the heck can he not have heard of that till now? Which G.o.d is making fun of him?

And then he listened to stories from several DAA members about how obsessed with him they were and how he ruined their lives.

He was about to walk away when he heard a familiar voice.

"Well. I'm grateful to him." Someone announced. "My life made a turn for the better after meeting Damien. I was able to leave my abusive husband. I spent time with my relatives, got a a job. Started meeting new people and met good friends. My son's been happier than ever. Recently I've even won custody of my daughter. In fact, that's the reason I came to this city. I only stopped here on a curiosity, but I have to say I'm disappointed. You can't just use him as an excuse like this. I doubt any of you had happy marriages even before him. Aren't you just s.h.i.+fting the blame?"

Someone else then spoke up as well. "Actually my husband and I have a great marriage."

"Mine too."

"And me."

"I love my boyfriend."

"We aren't blaming him for anything. Actually, we're more of a fan group? Most of us are fine with our husbands and lovers."

They cleared their throats. "But Damien' know."



"Oh heavens yes."

"Those hands." Someone sighed dreamily.

"That face."

"That spear."


"You haven't seen it yet? It's like….wow."


"Girl, trust me. It could qualify as a weapon of a.s.s destruction." Some excited, and pervy, giggles.

"...Anyway." The conversation moved on. "Our families just don't get it. They think we're sick or something. But we aren't. We just really like him, okay? So when they stuck us in here we just made it into sort of a book club. We have all kinds of Damien paraphernalia. "

"Hey, so do you guys follow him too?"

"I do."

"I work for the DDD, even. It's been harder lately though. Does anyone know who that blonde s.l.u.t is?"

"Oh, her. I only know she's a right royal b.i.t.c.h. I was trying to take steal his s.h.i.+rt to use as material when he was doing his morning exercise but she hit me with a stick and told me to go away! The nerve!"

That familiar voice once more spoke up. "...I think I'll be going now."

A couple minutes later the door opened. And who did he see?

A stylish woman with short layered hair the color of chestnut. The previous expensive and elaborate dresses she was once partial to were now replaced with a simple black one with a slit to expose along and enchanting leg, her tight-fitting blue bodice pus.h.i.+ng up a pair of soft melons still ripe for the pickings.

That wasn't the important part, however. The important bit was the dark stockings wrapped around that exposed leg. And the dark garter-belt keeping it up.

"Damien?" A pair of smokey grey eyes widened in surprise.

"Garter-belt milf." He grinned.