Master wakes up from sleep. Strange noises came from his room followed by a soft feminine cry.
Evie dares not speculate. If she did, she'd cry.
...There's no way that infuriating Vera had become Master's beloved body pillow before Evie, right?
Master readies for his morning practice sessions. Charlotte joins in these days. "I'll bite him to death." She often gets frustrated. Today she threw away her weapon and pounced on him, fangs bared. Evie wanted to curse her for the insolence but Master has a heart that is infinitely forgiving. He simply let her gnaw on him. The way he rubbed her back only enraged the Princess even more. You could see her hair rise up like a startled cat.
Evie became very distracted when watching Master and barely noticed any of that, though. Half of his G.o.dly visage was exposed, it was inevitable. Strangely enough, she'd developed a nosebleed not long after. As expected, to gaze upon a Divine is no easy feat.
Master's sweat-stained s.h.i.+rt is left unattended. Evie takes it upon herself to guard it. Several strange women have shown up previously looking to steal his used clothes. Such impudent women had to be beaten up with a stick.
Master washes up and begins making breakfast. Did Evie mention how cute Master is when chewing?
Master ate quickly. He's been spending time with Mira more often. Master likes to hold her belly. He's already begun knitting clothes for the unborn child, too. Somehow, this baby was his grandchild? It was very weird. Did Master adopt her, then?
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Evie also saw him working on another piece of clothing but she couldn't tell what it was. However he'd been discreetly eying Charlotte for several days ever since he began. The Princess seemed to be aware and would stiffen up every time she was looked at.
She didn't like it here, the place Master attended school. It was full of sn.o.bby n.o.bles. Evie didn't like n.o.bles. Back then all of them were mean and even cruel to her and Min.
They'd been spat at, kicked and humiliated for the slightest of offenses. Even those that took them in would put Min in a cage if she ever made a mistake, calling her an abomination or a freak.
Sometimes the men would even look at Evie funny. She thought back to those days and her devotion grew. Ever since being found by Master she and Min had been treated with kindness and respect. Well, Evie didn't matter much. But she knew Min had it especially hard. Evie had only ever been a burden on her so she was glad that Master was so good to Min, she deserved it.
She'd never seen Min so happy before and that made Evie happy too. The times when Master would tickle Min's exposed belly when she slept on the rug in front of the fireplace were especially fun to see. Min would rub her eyes adorable, purr and roll over with just the most content of smiles.
Seeing a pampered Min warmed the heart. They were both able to enjoy their lives now, something they didn't think was possible, thanks to Master. He took care of them, saw something of value in them. No one else did. No one else cared.
except for Master none of these n.o.bles were good. Evie didn't trust them at all. Although she had endured their presence when working for Master during their bake sales, she didn't truly accept them. The men disgusted her with their air of dandyism and incompetence. The women, they stank of jealousy and arrogance.
Even the commoner population had this aura of delinquency about them that Evie hated. In her mind there were few good people in this world. Anyone who didn't accept the Holy Texts and didn't accept Master into their heart couldn't possibly be good.
Only Master's followers could be considered on the road to redemption. The others? Heretics.
She looked around at these people and felt an intense dislike. Pagans, every one. Look at them, wearing the symbols of false G.o.ds. Of careless Divines who would never answer a single prayer.
Master should just purge them all. Them and their worthless G.o.ds.
Master was touring the dungeon with his army of white-clothed Committee members. For the past several days he'd been skipping to explore the dungeon's depths. This was also supposedly live combat training.
Somehow Master had a lot of leeway with the Academy. She couldn't be sure, but she felt the staff were a bit scared of him. Which they should be. Master is, of course, a Divine being. He could snuff them out with a wave of the hand had he wished. Though he wouldn't do that without cause as, again, Master is extremely benevolent. If it seemed otherwise it's merely because he is also strict to those deserving of punishment.
Evie stayed close to him. There were a great many people crowding the entrance to the dungeon, much more than normal from what she could gather, but Master barged his way through. As is his right. Who are simple mortal men to bar Master's way?
"s.e.xy slime girls...where are you?" Master sighed for the thousandth time. We'd gone down many levels in the dungeon and thoroughly explored each one, but whatever Master was searching for proved elusive. We were somewhere around level 36. Master's frustration and anger swelled. Evie saw him take his rage out upon an enormous winged creature who'd snuck up on them.
While the monster wrought havoc and his subordinates scrambled out of its way, Master cast a furious glare at the attacker and burst with a holy magnificence. He swung his Great Club, roaring furiously, sending the enormous weapon hurtling through the air. A couple seconds later it exploded the creature's head and rained blood down upon them all.
All except Master whose golden aura blocked the black ichor. Evie nearly clapped. Master's amazing! Evie felt incomparably safe with him around. Obviously Master didn't need her guarding him against threats like those. No, her enemies were much more insidious.
She zeroed in on three former delinquent girls who were happily following behind Master.
"Lord-Commander, I brought you a drink! It's my specially prepared juice, I hope you like it." One of the girls held her cheek bashfully.
"Lord-Commander, you must be hungry. I cooked you some roast duck, please enjoy! Should I feed you? Wait, oh no! I forgot to pack the utensils! Silly me. I guess I'll have to just use my mouth." Another put some meat in her mouth and tried to steal a kiss.
"Lord-Commander, I brought a quilt. Sit down, I'll rub your shoulders. I have some oil with me too, coincidentally. It would be a waste to not use it. Anyway just take off your clothes….haa….haaa... " The last gulped audibly, a look of clear antic.i.p.ation upon her face.
They all had their hair dyed brightly. Pink, purple and teal respectively. The pink-haired one was the most suspicious. That "juice" of her's was a mystery. Who knew what was mixed in? With those blus.h.i.+ng cheeks and heart-shaped eyes, Evie found her quite shady indeed.
And it wasn't simply them, the other girls also had an unusual air of obsession to them.
Evie was wary about them all. Their eyes were dangerous! These girls were obviously nothing but filthy fanatics. Evie couldn't trust such people around Master. See? This is why she had to be here to protect him!
She struck them with pebbles and instantly knocked them out, causing Master to go on full alert. Luckily she was now a master of illusion.
Evie turned her gaze away from them for a moment to address the cloaked figures who'd surrounded her.
"Give us the s.h.i.+rt and no one has to get hurt."
Evie coughed. "I've no idea what you're talking about. This Evie is innocent!"
"Hmph. Unreasonable to the end. Very well. You've offended us for the last time, s.l.u.t-b.i.t.c.h."
It was a threatening tone but Evie was firm. "I won't allow disgusting stalkers like you to even breath the same air as Master!"
"Foolish girl, you think you're better than us but we are one and the same!"
Evie snorted coldly and shook her head, denying this claim.
They were nothing alike.
Evie followed Master home, absently navigated her way through the bustling city while wearing his previously sought-after s.h.i.+rt. Of course, she was only wearing it to guard it from women with bad intentions. She fully intended to return it eventually.
Pride came to life in her chest despite the numerous wounds to her body. Thankfully she was already bandaged from head to toe.
Though one couldn't see it due to her wrappings a soft and joyful smile broke over her face just now.
….Yet again she has successfully protected Master from the shadow, as she does every day.
This absolutely isn't stalking.