My Sister The Villainess - 76 And We Woulda Gotten Away With It Too...

76 And We Woulda Gotten Away With It Too...

"W-We're sorry!" Serina wailed.

Tammy hiccuped. "We won't do it again, we promise!"

"Forgive us already!" Janette's cries echoed throughout the whole room.

But was Damien that merciful?

"I've never seen such evil lolies in all my days. d.a.m.n brats, what were you thinking, huh? Look at what you did to Lily! Look at her!"

Damien had all three girls lined up along a table, bare and raised towards him. The miserable faces of the lolies showed both regret and mortification. The tears came fast and loose, streaming down their cheeks and making them taste salt.

The girls remembered the start of this whole thing with bitterness. They'd begged Dolly not to call her brother. They thought that he'd be disgusted after seeing what they'd done.

And he had been, a bit. His first words after arriving?

"This is some of the most f.u.c.ked up s.h.i.+t." He'd frowned. "These lolies are DARK." Then he grew angry. "Who the h.e.l.l told you to do this kind of stuff? That's it, a beating for all of you."

His wrath was terrible to behold. And even more horrible to withstand. He took charge without delay and administered the most humiliating of punishments all while Dolly looked on coldly.

"Day'll straighten them out. Hmph."

That strange sword also joined in. "Papa, don't go easy on them! They dabble in the most heretical of magics, acting like G.o.ds and changing life as they please. Teach these brats the meaning of h.e.l.l!"

And he did. For two whole hours he'd pinched their cheeks, pulled their ears and made them perform all kinds of strenuous exercises until their muscles quaked.

Now he moved onto attacking their rears in the most embarra.s.sing of ways. He could see everything! None of them had ever suffered such indignity. Such cold abuse. Not even by their own parents.

The worst part? They...actually didn't quite hate this! This humiliation was a new feeling that made them feel a sort of release they'd never known before. Although they felt mortified and pained from all his cruel slaps and bullying, the abuse was strangely comforting. They deserved this, they knew. They were only receiving what they were owed for their misbehavior. So they endured the punishment and denied the weird tingling in their stomachs at every slap to their rumps.

They were bad, naughty girls who deserved nothing but the most thorough of thras.h.i.+ngs!

"And I'm taking back those gifts I gave you too!" Damien announced.

Serina blanched. "Eh?!"

"You can't, please!" Tammy moaned helplessly.

"We'll be good, okay? We'll be really good!"

Damien pointed at the various tanks in the room. "You think being good can make up for this? You d.a.m.n rotten lolies are lucky I'm a biased lolicon or else I'd have already lynched you for this kinda s.h.i.+t. Tsk. Clean all this up by the end of the day or I'll make you clean my floors with your tongues." He threatened. He fully intended on going through with it, too.

He couldn't believe the s.h.i.+t show he'd walked in on. He saw the hanging skin, the overgrown tongues sticking out of deformed jaws, the baby fingers….and d.a.m.n near lost his breakfast.

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Now, Damien wasn't one to pull the moral high ground. But these d.a.m.n kids were going down a very twisted path. Normally he wouldn't mind at all. He don't judge. Still though. Dolly can't be influenced by such things.

If Dolly was corrupted by these lolies' sick minds, he'd riot. He had to set them straight. Just look what they did to that Lily girl! And all these animals! The stuff of nightmares. No way can he let Dolly stay friends with them if they keep this up.

How can a simple show of favoritism towards his cute cat-eared maid cause such evil ideas to sprout in these kids' hearts? f.u.c.k. This s.h.i.+t ain't funny, yeah?

Still, he had to admire their pa.s.sion. They were doing stuff even his old world was perhaps decades from accomplis.h.i.+ng.

Fangirls are scary.

He wiped the sweat from his brow, turning away from his latest victims, and looked toward one tank in particular.

Damien saw a dark-haired girl who felt slightly familiar. He had these feelings before with others and learned to trust that instinct. So, who is she? From what Dolly was shouting, she was called Cory?

"Get her out." Damien sent a slap to that Janette girl's behind. That single move caused, yet again, strange shockwaves in her tummy that made her knees weak. She had endured pain, humiliation and this unknowable yearning for hours now. She wasn't capable of bearing more and subsequently pa.s.sed out.

Seeing her unresponsive, he was about to irritably send one more smack her way until Serina valiantly covered for her friend. "Wait! I-I'll do it!"

"Well, get on with it then," Damien commanded coldly.

"Yes. I will. " The kid nodded and slowly, tearfully, pulled up her panties and fixed her dress. Though it wasn't long before she noticed dampness on the triangular piece of cloth. This made her quite uncomfortable. She's sure they were dry a while ago?

Serina was keenly aware of his eyes on her and fidgeted uneasily. "Thank you." She blushed, spouting words she felt were somehow right for the situation.

"Hm…" Damien didn't know why the girl was thanking him. He squinted at her and had some very particular suspicions going on. But he chose not to think about how he may have possibly opened a new world to a trio of girls too young to understand it.

But he will admit that from now on maybe he should start using a paddle instead. He kept using the Devil's Left and it's bringing him more G.o.dd.a.m.n trouble than it's worth.

"Beginning purge." Serina tapped on the tank a few times and two tentacles within the tank started to suck the liquid from inside at a pace visible to the eye. It only took half a minute before it was done.

The young girl within fell to the bottom of the tank and leaned against the gla.s.s motionlessly.

"Cory!" Dolly exclaimed, pounding on the gla.s.s. "Get her out!" She ordered with a shaken fist.

"Do it." Damien repeated.

"Opening now. Please step back."

The gla.s.s cylinder split and allowed entrance. Damien put a hand to Dolly's shoulder, who was about to rush in. "Easy. Let me get her." He took off his coat and wrapped the girl up. Next he lifted her and brought her to a table nearby.

Normally Damien would provide some slaps for treatment like he did for Baldy and his party back in the dungeon. But he didn't do that this time. Couldn't with Dolly's friend, and especially not while she watched.

She should be fine with a bit of his blood? He understood his bodily fluids had a healing ability.

"Anyone got a knife?" He asked.

"...ummm….wait...hold on. Ah. Here we go!" Janette replied helpfully. She'd walked over and eagerly presented a scalpel.

"Thanks. And pull up your pants."

"Oh. Right. Yes." The kid turned red as a tomato. "I'd gotten used to it, so…."

He ignored her and made a small cut on his finger. Or tried to. "The f.u.c.k?" It wouldn't pierce his skin. He applied more pressure but all it did was make a faint line, utterly failing to cut. What kinda nonsense is going on?

"Milly, come here."

The flying sword realized his intentions and stayed put. "Milly can't cut Papa either." She refused.

"And why not?

"Milly originally couldn't, but now ordinary materials can't cut Papa either. Before, wasn't it hard for them to anyway?"

Was it? He'd never noticed. "b.o.l.l.o.c.ks." He grabbed Milly and used her like a saw against his fingertip.

"Papa, wait...stop….Milly gets motion sick!"

Damien had never heard such bulls.h.i.+t before. He moved her faster and faster, trying to make himself bleed. Useless. Eventually, he got so mad he raised her up and tried to make an axe out of her. "G.o.ddammit, cut me!"

"NO!" The sword shone with golden brilliance and he found himself incapable of swinging her down. "Milly won't do it!" She huffed. He imagined a silver-haired, red-and-blue-eyed loli puffing her cheeks in anger.

"So you can after all!"

"Milly refuses!"

Damien threw her back. "Tsk. Can't turn into a loli. Can't cut. What a worthless holy sword." He muttered.

"...Milly is sorry for her existence..." The sword lay on the ground in absolute depression.

"Well, but you're my worthless holy sword." Damien picked her up and stroked her blade. "Buck up, okay?"

"Milly still refuses to cut Papa."

"Literally useless." He stated. "You're getting the horsewhip when we get home."

"Really?" She glowed softly. "Wait, no! Milly won't be bribed!"

And of course his holy sword had to be a perverted one. Haaa….his life is going to be just filled by "enterprising" young ladies, isn't it? His dream of a simple farmer's life seems so far away.

"f.u.c.k it." If blood won't work….

Damien put a hand to the girl's chin and raised it slightly. Her pale face looked like alabaster in the soft light, a stark contrast to her dark locks of hair. A pair of dainty pink lips opened for him.

He took his time and aimed carefully, fully intending to drop some spit down her throat.

Then a pair of arms wrapped around his neck and brought him down. Next thing he knew the little girl was basically attempting to suck the breath from his lungs. She pressed herself against him. Her legs moved and her toes curled as she slipped a moist tongue past his teeth.

Damien immediately bit down.

Enterprising young ladies, indeed! This chick was pretending to be knocked out to take advantage of him!

How dare she. He'll show her what's what, d.a.m.n kid.

"Mm...Hmn…" He felt her eel-like little tongue try to escape. But he jusr bit down harder until he tasted blood. And only after that did he finally let go.

He was just about to spit the blood from his mouth when her two hands took his face in hand and tried to land another kiss.

This brat doesn't learn, doesn't she?

So obviously Damien pushed her head away with his palm. "Everybody gets one."

And by that he meant that girls can only get him with a surprise kiss once, and never again! He'd always be ready the second time. And far less trusting.

You'd think he'd always be ready and wary, but Damien wasn't like that. He can't just lose faith in all of them just cuz a few hit him with that surprise face-suck.

The mad loli scientist trio heard his words and misunderstood, however. The now-awake Janette along with her two friends quietly formed a circle.


Two disappointed moans burst forth.

Tammy grinned wildly and held up a peace sign. "Hehe...sorry, but it looks like I'm going to be climbing the stairs of adulthood before you!"

"Gingerb.i.t.c.h." Serina cursed in a very unladylike manner.

"Ah?" Tammy got all up in her friend and started making sounds like some loli gangster. "You wanna repeat that, mate?"

"I stutter or what?"

"Ah can make ye." Tammy slipped into some weird dialect they'd never heard her speak before.

"f.u.c.king fight me." They locked foreheads.

"Catch me outside, how 'bout that?"

"Bring it, ginger wh.o.r.e."

"f.e.c.kin' scabby s.c.r.o.t.e face, best shut yer geggie now if yae know what's good for yae." At that moment even Serina didn't quite understand what was being said, but she knew it was something dreadfully insulting.

A fire built in her chest and a series of words sprouted from the depths of her soul. "Oi, lookie there, this doaty ginger p.r.i.c.k got a face like a skelped a.r.s.e."

The words made the taller girl simply livid. It was then that Tammy's silent rage caught hold of a new target. Dolly, who was watching both girls with a face that said she wanted some popcorn to go with the show.

"What ya starin' at ya wee posh c.u.n.t?" Tammy sneered.

Dolly simply continued to watch her. The look in her eyes made all three girls uncomfortable. Finally, when they thought she wouldn't speak, she opened her mouth.

"Dinnae f.o.o.kin' talk tae me ya cheeky bawface tart." She drawled. "Your Maw's git b.a.l.l.s 'n yer Da loves it. Saw 'em both las' noight porkin' a Froakie, or was 'at ye?"

Damien's ears felt like they were being raped. f.u.c.king Scottish lolies. What's next? He ignored them all and kept his attention on the kid in front of him.

"More." The girl looked up at him through glossy eyes. "More."

"f.u.c.k off." Damien flicked her head. The color was slowly returning to her cheeks. "Come on, let's get you to an infirmary."

"No. More." She demanded. Her tiny fists gripped his s.h.i.+rt while she buried her face in his neck. He was starting to get pretty testy by that point.

"Listen here, little girl." He smelled a faint hint of….smoke?

"Cory?" Dolly saw her friend's hair start to writhe with orange flames. She noticed her eyes starting to become the same, like two orbs of fire.

Damien noticed this too and suddenly remembered who this girl reminded him of: Helena, the Phoenix clan's High Priestess.

Except this girl, though younger, was even more exquisite in appearance and aura. She had a much more domineering and majestic feel to her now that she was awake.

Those eyes of her's burned with an even brighter flame than Helena's, too, amazingly enough.

"Papa, get back!" Milly warned a moment too late.

Corianna exploded. Scorching fires licked her skin and rushed outward. They moved in on Damien with fervor in an attempt to devour him. He could feel the insane heat burn his clothes to ash right off his body.

He heard screaming. Dolly and her friends, likely backing away in fright. Milly summoned a s.h.i.+eld of light to protect them but had no way of helping her Papa who was caught point-blank.

She was helpless. Could only watch as those fires touched every inch of bare flesh they could find.

"This is fine." He said while the world was burning down around him.

Damien? For him the pain was quite annoying. He felt like thousands of fire ants were just biting and tearing into his skin. This much agony was rare for him these days and he was sure he should probably be going out of his mind from it.

But while it was rare, it wasn't unknown. He'd experience pain on even greater levels before. This was far from enough to break him. And his body seemed to handle it pretty well? It was hardly burning. It made him red but couldn't even singe his hair.

Damien pointed a finger at the kid and doused her with water. "A spicy chicken wants to burn this Water G.o.d?"

He sprayed her again. The once-great flames had now become mere embers. "Papa...your hands…"

Damien had been holding the girl's shoulders and found the skin on his palms had melted a bit. "Nothing that can't be fixed." He spat on his hands and rubbed them together. Let's be real here. The pain, the sound, the smell...everything was horrible. Just looking at himself rubbing his melted palms together would, had he been sane, driven him just a little mad.

That s.h.i.+p had sailed, though, and so he was fine. It's just not something he wanted to repeat. He's certain there was a name for this particular phobia.

Anyway. Sure enough, his spit did the trick.

"Good as new."

But the sword didn't pay him any mind. "You hurt Papa!" Just like that, the chaos continued. "Divine punishment!"

It suddenly smelled like ozone.


Damien looked on at the destruction with an empty gaze. The entire building had caught fire. Had cracked, collapsed, and been thoroughly reduced to mere wood and stone.

In his hands he carried the unconscious--again--Corianna. Next to him was the tank containing Lily and further away was Serina, Janette and Tammy giving an account of what they'd done to a group of astonished, queasy-looking guards and teachers.

"We wanted to be noticed," Serina muttered. " Is that so much to ask?"

"It's not fair for them to have such an advantage!" Janette kicked the ground in frustration.

"What G.o.ds? What morals? Such concepts only exist as convenient lies. Illusions to hold us back." Tammy didn't bother showing false regret.

"We'd f.u.c.kin' do it again!" They cussed.

Dolly shook her head at them. "Such a waste of talent. Don't they understand that their actions have consequences?" She sighed heavily. As if she were a world-weary detective fed up with everyone's bulls.h.i.+t.

She was. .h.i.t by three pairs of daggers but paid it no mind. Dolly just took a rolled wafer treat from her pocket, pretended to light it on fire, and sucked the creamy chocolate within. "Get these pieces of trash outta here."

"People never want to talk about the things that have to be done in order to advance humanity." Her friends spoke in complete unison. "But someday you'll thank us!" They shouted as they were led away in chains. "You'll all thank us! At least the women! Yeah. "

Damien wanted to hit them all on the head but had more important things to address.

" This….was not my fault." Mostly.

Gladstone, who'd arrived not five minutes ago, cried. He was a jaded man who had known only hards.h.i.+p and turmoil for most of his life. He'd sent men to their deaths and had been sent to death himself. Struggle after struggle, he never gave up.

After all he'd seen in life you could say there were few things that could truly cause a ripple in his frame of mind.

And yet right now, he wept. He wasn't even sure if this was the first time since he'd come here either.

Ever since meeting this G.o.dd.a.m.n cursed brat every day felt like h.e.l.l. He was losing sleep, hair, his health. Now his dignity in front of his colleagues.

"The paperwork…." He sobbed.

He could already see the fat stacks of white now. Could feel the soreness in his hand. That familiar ache, like an old injury acting up in the cold dead of night.

How did this even happen, he thought in misery. The whole building was protected by the highest level of defensive spells and wards. A fallen star could crash into it and barely make a dent.

The inside, indeed every single book, was fire resistant to incredible degrees. The stone walls were reinforced so solidly only an earthquake capable of splitting the earth could possibly cause them to break.

So how?!

What G.o.ds-forsaken method did this little terror use to break one of the most well-protected buildings in the world?!

Damien cleared his throat. "....Send the bill to my father."

Gladstone nearly fainted from anger when he heard that casual tone.

"GET OUT! GET THE f.u.c.k OUT OF HERE RIGHT THIS SECOND!" He roared. His heart sped up and threatened to give out. He fell to his knees in pain as he gasped for breath. The world blurred and palpitated alongside his weakening pulse.

"Nurse Milly."

"...Yes, Papa?" Came the small, guilt-ridden voice.

"Prep the patient.


Two days later a knock came from the door. Because Mary had been going out more often lately Elias was the one who answered.

"Yes?" He opened the door to find three black-clad men.

They said nothing, simply handing him a piece of paper. Elias read for a moment and his hair nearly turned white with horror.

Five minutes later he found his wife sitting leisurely in front of the fireplace with a gla.s.s of wine in her hand. "Whats the matter, Dear?"

Elias threw the paper into the fire and looked Muriel dead in the eye. "Round up the gang. We're doing one final score."