My Sister The Villainess - 68 Him Again?

68 Him Again?

They moved to the solar to drink tea. All around them were bodies. Dead, every one. Damien still wanted to find that f.u.c.ker who killed Hamburger so he basically fought his way through the whole manor. One man, one enormous great club and his Holy Sword daughter.

Milly went wild with the decapitations. Big D used them as baseb.a.l.l.s and smashed them into the faces of their comrades.

It didn't take long to kill the guards and they left the servants alone as they ran for their lives. They'd most a.s.suredly notify the Royal Guard and, therefore, Lucy

The guy would be pretty curious about why Damien chose to attack the house of one of the most esteemed n.o.bles in the Kingdom, he was sure.

But that Bronn--what a familiar name, eh?--can be strong-armed into testifying on Damien's behalf. Once an investigation went on for why a low-rank n.o.ble like Barney was here and what he was planning on doing to the wife of a former knight, well, a few things might be cleared up.

The entire thing was shady and even the guards, from the looks of their tattoos, were part of a mercenary group of ill repute. Another question to be answered, why would a n.o.ble of that f.u.c.k's caliber hire such an infamous company? Of course, to do things normal guards would find hard to stomach. Can't risk one of them being decent human beings and tattling, eh?

So he wasn't worried about his actions, not that he would be either way. He was just a little worried Lucy would wonder why Damien, specifically, came to cause trouble with a n.o.ble he hadn't any kind of connection with.

Damien will have to bulls.h.i.+t his way through it. Or not. Lucy would be understanding, yeah? A n.o.ble of high standing suspected of allowing dubious events to take place within his estate? Hiring a band of rotten mercenaries? Having some weird dungeon under his house and capturing the wife of a knight who had just been accused of treason? Not to mention said knight was taken out of his cell and brought back to his estate by a man who was known to be an ally of his.

Yeah. Wherever he is, he'll be in for a rather rude awakening.

Damien would track him down eventually even if he got away. He knew all his hiding places.

Currently, he was more concerned about the man and woman in front of him.

"So you're telling me Chef Milf was actually the Erlking of the Fae? And that for the past several years she's been claiming me as her husband?"

Claude sighed heavily. His st.u.r.dy frame, a bit thinned from several weeks in prison, visibly shook as he heard that t.i.tle.

"Yes." The man tightened his hold on his wife's hand. "Mira's mother. The Queen." He paused. "Erlking is what humans once called her. As for Chef Milf, I think anyone who calls her that would be spending the rest of their life as a toad. Other than you, of course, Father-in-Law."

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d, who's your father?" Damien narrowed his gaze. "Also, what nonsense is that? I met her once! When I was a kid! The h.e.l.l was she even doing there? I certainly don't remember putting the moves on her either. I would've, if Mother wasn't such a c.o.c.kblock back then, but still."

The woman, Mira, had been washed off by Damien's purifying waters and given a dry blanket to wrap herself in.

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Her clean face was lovely. A small oval with neat eyebrows, high cheekbones and a petal-pink mouth.

She smiled shakily at the youth before her. None dared call her mother "chef milf" before. And to call the current generation's head of the Okeanos Family a c.o.c.kblock….even if he is her son, that's a bit….

"Mother was enamored by you at first sight. But she didn't meet you until sometime later. In fact, I've always been told you were my father since young. My family owns a tapestry, you see. It brings us news of the outside world through it's magic. One day, years ago, it showed an image of you. Back then no one knew who you were, it was only later on when rumors of Lady Okeanos having birthed a son spread that new information about you was recorded on the tapestry. It's how Mother discovered who you were and where to find you." The woman explained, gazing at Damien strangely. "The tapestry didn't show you so young, though. You were older than you are now, in the picture."

Her heart was in chaos. All her life her Mother had been obsessed with the man in the tapestry. And it was understandable. The person it showed was very tall and robust, the epitome of male perfection and masculine beauty. His nakedness revealed layers upon layers of savage muscle. You could touch the colored fabric and almost feel the searing warmth of his skin at your fingertips.

His face, too, was achingly attractive to the point of being beyond words. To look at him was to want him, and the image shown in the tapestry alone had already made every female who gazed upon it to fall into a stupor and become silly with infatuation. It was so bad that her mother kept it hidden deep within the castle afterwards.

Mira's thoughts were in total disarray. There was no smile upon his face, she recalled. He was distant and cold in expression. And yet to the young Mira he always seemed welcoming and easy to talk to.

Her mother always told her that man was her father. So growing up, that's who she thought of as her father.

Needless to say, despite having never met this father of her's she always knew what he'd looked like thanks to that tapestry.

It was the only image of her "father" she had.

She remembered fondly the days she would sneak into her mother's room when she was gone and sit by the wall upon which the tapestry bearing his image was hung. Telling him stories like what she did that day, new friends she had made, events she was dragged to…

She imagined his hand on her head many times as a child, saying, "You did your best," whenever she failed at something.

And when she was feeling sad she would cry herself to sleep while clutching the soft fabric and dream he was hugging her. Telling her everything was okay and that she'd get through whatever was giving her a hard time at that moment.

This was the silent, supportive father who watched over her. Who listened to her, understood her.

Except now he was real. Just not that same. No, he was younger. Much younger. Younger than her.

But it was him. Sure, he was just a young boy. But when she needed him, he came. Mira reached over and took hold of his arm.

"Father." Hot tears poured down her eyes.

She had called him Lord Damien before. This was because she didn't know what else to call him. Was it right to call him Father? He was the Prince of the almighty Okeanos Family and he probably didn't even know her at all.

However she was sure, now. This man was perhaps….more eccentric than she imagined. HE might be younger than she imagined.

But he really is the person she'd always known. He looked so calm and rea.s.suring just sitting there. His presence alone was like warm water enveloping her whole body, making her feel safe and loved.

Damien was quite put out.

How the h.e.l.l is he supposed to refuse such a cute "daughter"? He didn't know how he was going to handle that mother of her's...but come on. Look at how pitiful she looks crying like that!

His fatherly instincts kicked in. He stood up and opened his arms. "Come here, papa wants to know everything about his little fairy!"

Vera and Milly suddenly got headaches…

Claude was also a little discontent. "Now that I think of it, aren't you the one who sentenced me to execution?"

Mira blanched. "Wait, what?"

Damien kicked the man's s.h.i.+ns. "Oh, he's just delirious. All that time in prison, it messes with your head. Ignore him, we'll get him checked out later. Give papa a hug."

And slowly, hesitantly, Mira walked into his embrace. His arms were as strong as she'd always dreamed they were.

Meanwhile, Damien was giving Claude a death glare. An evil aura seeped out from his very being.

Claude s.h.i.+vered but didn't notice where that chill came from.

Vera shook her head. "Idiot."

The man probably wouldn't last long at this rate. His wife was going to be stolen by his father-in-law and he didn't even know it.

One should know better than to get between the Young Master and his daughters.

Later on, after they took the couple back to Damien's place and found a room for them--since Claude still hasn't been cleared of his name yet--they sat in the kitchen munching on chicken wings.

"So. Not only did he get my Hamburger killed, he wanted to have people **** my daugher, kill my grandchild and turn my stupid son-in-law into a Dullahan. Froggo, you're getting a blowpig after all."

The Ogrekin beauty shrugged. "If he and that other dude you killed have cute wives, can I have them too?"

"You can Barney's for sure, but I'm fair. If the other guy's wife isn't a b.i.t.c.h, we'll let her off the hook. I'll make her watch her husband service a round of angry gay men though."

" Deal."

Minerva watched them with a shaky smile. "I didn't hear anything. Nope. Haha…" She started sweating. "The punishments of the Divine are truly one of a kind…."

Even she didn't think the cleansing of evil from the world would entail such unusual forms of penance.


Five days later.

A certain town in a certain Kingdom was being ravaged by no less than three Bubble Buddies.

This town was the base of the Blackbone mercenary company, the previous inhabitants having long since been run out or killed.

Damien didn't know any of that before coming here, but it just meant he could let loose without worry now.

What did let loose mean in this case?

"My leg!"

Screeched one man.

"No a.s.s can only take so much….please…."

Wailed another.

"Mercy...mercy, please….!!"

A third begged, not knowing the cycle of grueling pain that would come in response.

The three BBs worked in tandem. Long, watery tentacles blew houses into smithereens one moment and molested the holes of a helpless mercenary the next.

There was only the dark of night casting hideous silhouettes. The fact they could not properly see what was laying waste to them made it all the more terrifying. They screamed and cried, but no help came. Nothing could save them. Their weapons were useless, their prayers ignored.

This was all happening in the background.

In front of a three-story house that had already been destroyed and made into a giant bonfire, was Damien. And Froggo, and Big D.

Damien sat on a chair, not even looking at the man being sodomized only ten feet away.

"First, you kill my dog." His slow, silky-smooth voice would be utterly chilling to hear were any others present to listen. "Then, you put my son-in-law in prison. Next you capture my daughter. Try to have her raped. Make her husband watch as your men molest her. Kill my grandson in the process. But not only that….no, but you also turn him into some….THING….so that you can let it eat her."

The only other sounds that could be heard apart from the cracking of fire and the groans of forced s.e.x, was the whittling of wood.

That's right. Damien was carving a figure as he spoke.

"All that...and you think I wouldn't find you?" He smiled. It was terrible. It lacked any sort of emotion. "That little plan of yours didn't work, you know. But the very fact you tried to hurt my daughter? You made a mistake. Now you're paying for it. And you'll keep paying for it the rest of your pathetic life."

Froggo sat beside him. Beads of sweat formed on her brow as she thrust her c.o.c.k into a pretty woman with greying hair but youthful skin and still-supple b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

It was the guy's wife.

As for the man in question, he was thin. Hook-nosed, but all. With long cascades of dark hair over cunning black eyes.

"Why?" Damien questioned. The n.o.ble, Lord Laurie Hitchc.o.c.k, was surrounded by men of varying sizes and race. Damien obviously makes good on his promises.

The n.o.bles's eyes blazed with hatred even as his a.s.s was being rode hard.

Such unforgivable humiliation….he was….even his own wife, she…

He couldn't bear to watch. To think. "Her's is so much better." His partner of over 20 years had shouted happily, o.r.g.a.s.ming like he'd never seen her.

She begged for more and slurped on that...things….c.o.c.k even as he was being beaten and held down by so many hands. All vying for his flesh, taking their turns.

And as he saw the boy just casually whittling away, no care at all for the suffering he was causing...monologuing to him, explaining why this was happening….

He started to know what true hatred tasted like.

From his very soul, he screamed. He wanted this boy weak and powerless. To hold him down under him just as these men were doing to Laurie now, and take him. He'd break him. Slowly, painfully…!

His chest was boiling hot. He yearned for destruction deep in bones.

"He had to feel despair. Only then would he have been able to be the perfect harbinger."

"Who, Claude?"

"Him!" Laurie confirmed. "He would have served us faithfully! He would have been capable of offering so many sacrifices!"

"Oh yeah? Sacrifices to who, exactly?"

"Our...G.o.d….!" The man spewed spit from his mouth. "He's watching even now! He'll remember you. He'll make you suffer a hundred deaths, a thousand….on and on, for eternity!"

Damien yawned. "Been there, done that. What G.o.d? I'll have him f.u.c.ked too. I'll bang his wife, his sisters, his mother, AND his daughters. Then make his sons my towel boys. Just give me a name. I f.u.c.king hate p.r.o.noun games."

Laurie laughed crazily. His eyes nearly popped out of his head. "The greatest, darkest G.o.d….Our Lord, his name feared by all….Balthazar!"

Damien tsked.

"That b.a.s.t.a.r.d again."