His lineage didn't have a long and rich history like his peers, but that didn't matter. His enemies knew better than to treat him with disdain. Or if they didn't, their families would.
What was mercy? What was kindness? To succeed in life these kind of weak emotions were useless. People were either p.a.w.ns or pebbles on the road that had to be dug out. Often times they could be both, however. This is why he rarely went after his enemies directly.
No, he went after what they loved. And once he had that, he had them. It's just that sometimes the enemies weren't worth the trouble. But that wasn't to say they were useless. Barnabus had long since learned that examples had to be made.
Barnabus understood this concept dearly. This is why when a friend in the King's Court asked him to take of a certain matter for him, and take care of it thoroughly, he had no qualms with accepting.
He knew the man, Claude, and had indeed once been slighted by him. But that wasn't the reason for Barnabus to be doing this.
He didn't know why that friend of his wanted this man to suffer. But neither did he care. He simply knew he was the one chosen to carry out this "punishment."
That past slight was just used as an excuse. Barnabus liked playing with his prey. Making them feel a sense of injustice and regret gave a certain sick satisfaction.
Last time he saw this kid, he had mangled his leg.
As a Baron, though Barnabus didn't have a high rank among n.o.bles, he had never been treated with such a casual disregard. By anyone. Few who knew him dared.
It was the first time in his life that he had been beaten so soundly without even a second to prepare.
Even now, after the best treatment possible, his leg still had that dull, never-ending ache. It was a constant pain, a constant...reminder.
Normally Barnabus would have tracked down that boy with a small army and have him flogged to death.
And yet he didn't.
….Because the very thought of it made him terrified.
Back then, he hadn't been unconscious like the boy believed. In fact, he was awake. He heard it all, though only dimly through the pain. And it wasn't the threats the boy made that scared him.
Threats didn't have an effect on Barnabus. No, what sent primal fear through his soul was the sheer dread accompanying the boy's every word. That monstrous killing intent, like an ocean. Oppressive. Choking. An endless sea of bitter cold that crushed your will.
The boy didn't feel like a boy. He felt like an ancient, primordial beast bent on not killing you, but tormenting you.
Barnabus never forgot that feeling. It lay deep inside his heart, that fear.
He didn't know who that boy was. He was simply glad he was gone.
How could he knew that he would meet him again so soon? As soon as he saw him his entire body went numb with terror.
Damien had no idea what the guy was thinking. He just casually bent the steel bars open, walked through, and ignored the swords being pointed at him.
There were five men, including Barney. Three were tall and burly men with chainmail armor and sharp broadswords. They sneered at him and shouted, "Stop right there!"
Damien raised a brow. "You just saw me bend those metal bars like they were made of clay. Ask yourselves if you want that to happen to your bones. Go ahead. Think about it. I'll wait."
The men's eyes flickered in the lamplight. Then glanced briefly at the bars behind him.
The tallest man, a guard named Bronn who'd worked as a hired hand for over fifteen years, immediately put down his blade.
"I like my bones right as they are, thanks."
He looked at the other two. "Still got your swords pointed at me, I see. Alright, that's it. Go jerk each other off or I kill you."
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The two stared at him wordlessly. Damien's left temple grew a vein. "I said jerk each other off!" He snapped, taking a sword from them and breaking it in two before their eyes to show his cold rage.
The dark promise in his eyes made the two silly with fear. These were men who'd witnessed and lived through all kinds of atrocities. But the horrendous nature of the thing in front of them now made all else trivial.
His anger was like a dark abyss swallowing their souls.
They didn't even think twice before fumbling with each other's belts.
But the terror in their hearts left their c.o.c.ks limp and flaccid. Possibly also because they're both straight men.
Besides the fear, the humiliation they felt in that moment was equally unbearable.
"Yeah, just like that. Keep going." Damien accurately spat at one of the men's c.o.c.k's, planting a thick loogie on a bulbous head."I tell ya, ya'll are lucky I'm so full of mercy these days. If it weren't for my Vee making me a better man you'd already be dead and made into s.e.xdolls for h.o.r.n.y fishes to lay their eggs in."
The men couldn't even look at one another as they continued their stroking. The shame shook them to their cores.
Dead? That might have been preferable! Although having their bodies profaned in such an imaginative way would be a bit….
Cowered with heads low and suddenly became mute.
Riley's lip twitched.
"Same unreasonable b.a.s.t.a.r.d as always, I see." She muttered.
Vera looked over. "Was the Young Master like that before, too?"
RIley was just about to reply when she saw the first guard, the one who was asleep, wake up from the commotion. The guy was a deep sleeper to have just barely woken up.
"Froggo, I choose you!" Damien yelled all of a sudden.
Frog folded her arms and sneered. "Listen here you spastic t.w.a.t, just because you're the Owner that doesn't mean you can just order me around! I ain't that stupid bird-brain you can't just say just and expect me to ask how hi--"
"Froggo, use c.o.c.k Slap!"
Riley immediately felt an unknowable force move her. Her c.o.c.k went hard as steel without her consent.
She whipped out her member, stepped forward and slammed it across the waking man's face. Knocking him out cold.
Her futa d.i.c.k then went flaccid, having finished it's mission.
"Damien stroked her hair as if to encourage her for doing a good job. "Atta girl. That's my froggo. Such a good futa, yes you are. Oh yes you are."
"Disgusting." Vera's judging stare made Riley feel particularly distraught.
The Ogrekin went red-faced in both anger and shame. "That wasn't me!" She denied. Her eyes were full of tears as she threw her hands up into the air.
Damien ignored her woes and said, "Next. Punishment." He clapped twice to emphasize each word. Then continued with, "Congratulations, Barney. I'm not killing you! I'm just going to neuter you, pull out your teeth and give you to Riley. You've been downgraded from a purple dino into a stupid frog's toothless blowpig."
In response to his words the entire room took on a very strange, very heavy atmosphere.
This boy….what special kind of evil was he?
Only Vera thought his actions a little cute. "What happened to, 'They don't deserve to live, let's just send them to h.e.l.l to get b.u.t.t-f.u.c.ked by the thorned p.r.i.c.ks of zombie Orgres'?"
He scratched his cheek with laugh. "You remember that? Well, like I said, I'm being merciful."
"Oh, that's right. My influence, right? But it has to do with me how, exactly?
"Obviously you make me wanna be a better man, Vee."
She fell quiet. Vera almost couldn't believe how differently he treats her now. It was very heartwarming.
But that ugly frog woman ruined the moment.
"When the h.e.l.l did I say I want him? I ain't into men that much, certainly not some flabby old dude like that guy. "
These words incited Barnabus. "A toad wh.o.r.e like you ridiculing me? Stupid b.i.t.c.h. You people think I'll just stand here and do nothing? Fools."
In the time Damien's attention was off of him, he's been working nonstop on a powerful mid-level spell. Whispering the incantations under his breath, rousing the mana in the air.
"Die!" He shouted an instant before releasing a thick miasma from his mouth.
Damien quickly put up a Barrier around his head, trapping the miasma.
Barnabus' body twitched and then fell to the ground lifelessly.
"Died like a true mob. A single sentence, never to be further expanded upon." He sighed. "Oh well."
"Shame." Riley commented. "Looked like you wanted to play with him a bit."
"No worries. I'm sure they'll be an arrogant young master later down the line who'll flirt with one of my heroines or underestimates me and does something annoying, prompting a more satisfying beat-down. Maybe they'll be a lot of arrogant young masters, even. I just hope by that point they'll be a challenge."
Froggo shrugged. "Whatever. You, uh, won't get in trouble for this? We are trespa.s.sing, right? And just killed a guy? Some n.o.ble, even?"
"No one knows who we are, though?" Damien said. "And it's not like they can catch us. Right, Vee?"
The woman raised a hand and did the peace sign. "Young Master, with me here there's no prison in the world that can hold you. Except maybe one guarded by your Mother. Or sister, if she learns how. But that probably won't happen."
"Stop saying things that make my left nut itch." Damien had a bad feeling in his n.u.t.s.a.c.k. It was starting to shrivel, he could feel it. And it wasn't even cold here, very much.
Damien finally, at last, turned his focus on the final person in the room who so far hadn't been mentioned: The Immortal Claude.
This was a youngish man, perhaps in his early thirties. He had delicate features to his face. Not delicate like feminine, but well-crafted. A distinct chin, an aquiline nose. His jawline was strong and his eyes almost appeared to glow with an inner light.
He was very handsome, all things considered. With hair of inky black that made him look like a painting, he had a sort of….magneticism.
Sadly, Damien himself didn't feel moved.
Neither did Vera, who'd been spoiled by the Young Master's even more otherworldly attractiveness since her birth.
But Riley was affected. Even though Owner was, objectively, superior in looks….somehow this guy stirred something in her. Strange, why…?
"Ogrekin are weak to the glamour of the Fae. It's an inherent part of their physiology, to attract and confuse. This magic is intrinsic to their very being. Since you are more susceptible, don't look too long." Vera explained.
This was a magic that the Ogrekin simply didn't have much defense against. It didn't change appearance, but perception. Made the person more likable even if they didn't speak. Since Ogrekin are especially stupid they more easily fall into this feeling and enter a charmed state unintentionally.
Most other races wouldn't be charmed, but again, Orgrekin are just stupid and perhaps a touch more romantic. Or h.o.r.n.y. Whichever.
Damien examined the man and found that he seemed pretty thin in the cheeks too, just like his pregnant woman.
He walked over and clapped the man's back. "Hey, nice. Good to see you're still alive! I really would have felt bad if you died." He lied. "Would sour things if I was able to save your wife but you were dead." That was true. "Forgive and forget?"
Claude struggled to understand a single thing that had happened up to this point.
But he looked pa.s.sed the youth and saw his lover and suddenly all the weird things didn't matter.
"Mira!" He ran to her. His hands were shackled together but he still held her cheeks in his palms, the sickening feeling from just minutes ago vanis.h.i.+ng at that moment. "You're okay. You're okay." He nearly cried.
The woman, however, DID cry. "I am. We're both fine." She held onto her belly to indicate the safety of their unborn child. The hot tears pouring down her face were ones of joy and relief. She sniffled and glanced behind her lover. "Lord Damien came for me."
A shudder ran through Claude as he heard the name.
He stood and faced Damien in shock.
Author: COuldn't fit everything in the author's notes. But this was gonna be longer, with Evie finally showing up. Got over 2k tho which is the sweet spot, or so i hear, and again i did like this stopping point so it ended early