My Sister The Villainess - 69 Brocon Villainess Meets Stalker Heroine

69 Brocon Villainess Meets Stalker Heroine

It felt almost anticlimactic if he was honest. But justice came swift and hard for that sc.u.m. Anyway, moving on, Damien went back to his school life. As crazy as it is. Avery still refused to talk to him.

Damien spent his time either going to school and training his Disciplinary Committee or at home getting to know his newest daughter. Mira.

...She's such an obedient little girl!

The stories she told him were so heartbreaking. She only ever had a tapestry that held his image in her younger years. And since childhood had been told by her mother, "That's your daddy."

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The way she would stay up late at night and talk to that silent image. How she would dream of him holding her some days.

It was quite sad and touching. She also told him of how she ran away from home to be with Claude. Apparently, her mother didn't approve of her falling for a lesser Fae and forbade their relations.h.i.+p. So she fled to the one realm she knew her mother would be extra cautious when entering: The one realm that currently held her mother's long-time rival, Lady Okeanos.

She knew this was also the realm of her "father" but was unwilling to go and meet him due to the fact he was still so young and didn't even know of her mother's intentions to someday claim him as her own.

He was her "step-father"....and yet he wasn't. But he was also the only father figure she ever had. It was a constant pain, she said, to be so close and yet so far away from the person she'd always wanted to meet.

Damien spent quite a while with her this past week.

Oh. He also went and thoroughly destroyed Barnabus' Estate. Flattened the entire house. He did let the guards who didn't fight walk away, and the staff. But he found his son flogging a servant girl near to death and his mother was caught forcing the nearby town into paying absurdly high taxes with an army of hired guards...well he knew she was a c.u.n.t from his previous encounter so she didn't escape death either.

But he is a man of word, so he gave her to Riley first to work her futa magic. Then let her son watch as Froggo plowed her. Don't worry, no **** was involved. It actually took only two days for Riley to seduce the b.i.t.c.hes panties off. The Ogrekin has quite a bit of skill in that area. Probably had more to do with Barney's wife being a bit of a s.l.u.t, but yeah. After they caught the son, let him watch her mother fall into depravity and let them both know of Barney's death...they cut off their heads.

Milly took care of that part. Sliced 'em off right good. THEN they flattened the Estate.

As for the girl who was being flogged, they let her do the same to him before his decapitation. Lucius is going to have to appoint a new Baron and rebuild the Estate. But that's none of Damien's concern.

He's certain Lucy knows he was the one who did it too.

But Damien also knew that him being a fan of his work was by far not the only reason he let so much of his past antics slide. He understood that Lucy was also likely very scared of his mother.

In the game, he is sure that if it wasn't for Evie corrupting the Prince's mind and Lucy not monitoring the situation, nothing would have otherwise happened to Dolly. Lucy, had he known the circ.u.mstance between them, would have never allowed Dolly to be harmed. He, better than anyone, would know the consequences of that happening.

Damien supposed their Mother didn't originally do any spying either. He guessed it's only since he left the house and started ignoring her that she awakened that fetish. Originally that wouldn't have happened.

The negligence on Lucy and their Mother's sides resulted in Evie and a mind-controlled Prince being able to bully Dolly. And that, as Damien explained before, also resulted in their Mother sending a couple Dragons, or maybe even just Wyverns, to destroy Lucy's Kingdom. Kickstarting the events of the sixth game.

That aside, Lucy's fear of his Mother meant he wouldn't make trouble for Damien over something as insignificant as killing a Baron and his family. Especially when no one can besides himself can even connect Damien to the murder.

Lucy would probably know of the Baron's misdeeds by now anyway. And those of that other n.o.ble. He won't miss either of them given his personality. He's a guy who had decided to kill several close family friends just because he can't be sure which one ratted out his sister's ident.i.ty. No way he'd flinch at the death of a few n.o.bles, no matter their status.

Plus, Charlotte's Damien's adoptive daughter. That siscon wouldn't do anything against his sister's foster father. Charlotte loves her Papa after all.

What? Deluded? f.u.c.k off you guys, who asked you blasphemous sc.u.m for your opinions to begin with, huh?! Of course she loves her Papa! She's just a tsundere, dammit! Hmph.

Ah. Minnie has also been a bit different lately. Seems she hasn't gotten used to Vera's new form yet. She was so surprised at the change, it was pretty funny seeing her so fl.u.s.tered.

….Damien's pretty sure the woman heard him and Vee having fun that one day, when he proposed. Could explain why she avoided looking at them both recently. And the real reason for her being fl.u.s.tered.

Damien felt quite distraught over Minnie too, if he was honest. He hadn't even properly courted her, only giving her one date which Vee sabotaged. She openly admitted what he'd already suspected, that she was trying to rid the woman of her blind faith in his G.o.dhood. So her intentions were good, but still.

He couldn't help sighing over a missed opportunity.

His troubled heart was, of course, noticed by Vera.

"Young Master, it's okay, you know." She came up from behind him and said.

Currently, Damien was overseeing his Committee as they did their morning practice out on the open field behind block B's building.

Several dozen drafted students from several blocks, and all the students of block C, were currently naked and forced to duel. This was only half of his committee. The other half was blindfolded and forced to duel. Even within these groups, a few more advanced individuals had a hand tied or a foot with a weighted shoe.

In battle, you couldn't get embarra.s.sed. In battle, anything can be taken from you. Your sight. A hand. A foot. You had to be prepared to lose any of them, maybe more, and still be able to fight.

The instructors who were SUPPOSED to be teaching this? Too….gentle. They didn't have Sir Kane's torture-like training methods memorized by heart. So. Several promising students had therefore been a.s.signed to the Disciplinary Committee after it was seen how quickly and effectively Damien was training his little army

Vera had seen his face from afar and knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Do what you want, as you always do. I don't care at all."

Truth be told, Vera felt a bit miserable these past few days too. She'd seen the way the Young Master would look whenever he saw Minerva walk by.

That Riley girl(?) was right. Vera had known it for a long time. She'd said so before herself, hadn't she? If not aloud, at least in her heart.

Minerva was the Young Master's ideal woman.

He must be regretting his choice. His spur-of-the-moment decision.

That was the way of the Young Master. He always did things based on his feelings. That's part of what she liked about him. He was very free. Not so much in body. No. His state of mind, however, was simply….on a higher level than others.

He lived his life as he saw fit. Did as he saw fit. Whether those choices were right or wrong didn't matter. He decided for himself what mattered to him.

Other people probably wouldn't understand this kind of thinking. They'd label it amoral. Chaotic. Evil. When in reality such things didn't exist and their definitions were, at best, arbitrary.

But Vera? She had always admired the Young Master who was so unapologetically devoted to his own desires. And who followed those desires regardless of the consequence. Regardless of what people said or thought.

It was rare and exciting to see someone so unfettered. In fact, Vera believed that to be the purest lifestyle one could have. How could it not be?

Of course, this didn't mean he was entirely free of constraints. But even then, they were self-imposed.

Like now, for example.

Vera is in love with the Young Master. And as soon as he realized just how much she is, he made a choice to "love her back."

Yet this choice meant giving up what he really wanted. WHO he wanted.

And Vera couldn't be happy knowing he wasn't.

Let's be honest: He chose to be with her because he decided she deserved his affection. Did this mean he didn't care for her? No, not at all. He cared. He just made the choice to care a little more, a little differently, from how he did before.

It's just... he didn't gain anything by choosing her. In fact, he lost out. Vera always thought she was too lacking to have his affection. Now she was just realizing a mature body didn't matter as much as she thought it did. She still couldn't be what he'd always wanted.

All choosing her meant is that he lost the chance at something better for himself. She didn't want that.

If being with her meant he was losing so much of what he wanted in a lover, then--

"You've gotten amazingly easy to read, little tree of mine." Damien cut in. He knew what s.h.i.+t she was thinking the moment he saw her and he didn't like it one bit. "Like I said before, where am I gonna find someone who loves me as much as you do? Stupid kid, handing yourself over like that. I still can't believe it." He wrapped an arm around her. "But I'm glad you did. Made the decision easy."

Damien gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. " I don't need you to be anyone but yourself, got that? I didn't lose a d.a.m.n thing by choosing you. I actually gained a whole lot."

If he didn't stomp out that inferiority complex or whatever she has now, she'll eventually get depressed and do something stupid like run away and probably get in trouble and he'd had to spend like a hundred chapters getting her back.

Damien ain't tolerating that kinda nonsense. Nope. She's perfect the way she is.

"Thank you." Was all she said. It didn't matter. It's all she needed to say anyway.

"Now let's see how much they can take." Damien gave an evil laugh.

"If I may, might I suggest a contest? You can make the losers wear magical girl outfits and cheer on the person who beat them in the next round. That'd motivate their fighting spirit, I'm sure."

He grinned. "Definitely the right choice."


Dolly glomped the f.u.c.k out of him during his way to lunch.

The kid flew towards his waist at break-neck speed. "Oof!" He felt the breath leave his body.

"Day, I remembered!" Her face was glowing feverishly. "A bake sale!"

"What? Huh?" He started seeing stars. He blinked them away with a shake of the head. "Bake sale?"

Her head of golden hair nodded seriously. "Bake sale." She repeated. "The funding of the Empire begins with a bake sale. I can't believe I forgot!" She hit her head with the palm of her hand. "h.e.l.lo, Dolly! It was right there hidden in plain sight. Day, with your cooking skills we'll capture the stomachs of these walking fat purses. Then we'll open up stores. First one, then two, three, four....a hundred, a thousand…" Her hands were raised in the air." We'll become a whole pastry food chain. An evil corporation bent on world domination! Ahahahahahahah~~~!!" The sheer malevolence contained within that laugh could chill the soul. It was kinda cute could see her tiny canines

The little girl, who'd knocked him on his back through some miracle and was now straddling his waist, suddenly changed her tune. She now looked down at him with a gentle gaze, far from the little she-devil the evil and despicable chuckles would have you believe.

She held his cheeks lovingly. "Then, once we have this realm on its knees, we'll change the laws and get married for reals! I'm thinking an outdoor wedding, what about you?"

"I...I don't think Mother and Father would agree?"

Dolly tilted her head. "....Parricide is a small price to pay for wincest, no?"


Damien started to sweat.

Her brocon is getting outta control!

"Well, that's what Riley told me when I worried about the same thing anyway. I don't really get it, but I really liked what she said."

Riley, you stupid toad wh.o.r.e!

"I'm going to mary Vera though…." He revealed.

Dolly face was full of pure horror and devastation. "What? Vee? You can't! That's way worse!" She cried. "If you leave with her she could take you halfway across the world. I'll never see you again! Day, you can't!"

"Yeah. You can't." A new voice joined in. "Jeez, I'm gone for a couple of weeks and you're already cheating on me. I'M your legal wife, remember?"

Bubbles, riding a giant bubble, gently floated down. She spoke flippantly but there may have been a hint of real anger between those brows of her's.

Quick as a whip Damien replied with a, "You are a pet."

She gave a playful smirk. "Yes, yours, and only in bed. Though I recall you like to make me one outside of it too. Well, I'll forgive it. As your wife," She emphasized the word, "I don't mind indulging you. So long as you return the favor."

He rolled his eyes. "What're you doing here?" He asked. Everyone nearby was watching on curiously.

"I wanted to see my hubby. What, I can't? I've come to be unable to live without my lover's touch. Take responsibility for turning me into such a naughty girl. Oh, and your Uncle destroyed my city. He was really mad about those drugs you stole. And set on fire. Barely escaped with my life." She laughed. "So yeah. I'm going to crash with you for a while."

"Oh s.h.i.+t. f.u.c.k. "

"My thoughts exactly. By the way, you do realize you're being followed?"


"Yeah." The young woman jerked a thumb behind her.

He looked behind her and found a tall blond bombsh.e.l.l with eyes like sparkling rubes stare unblinkingly at him from over thirty feet away.

It was a little scary.

'Who the h.e.l.l are you then?!"

Wait, she looked a bit familiar…

M-Master…It's me…." She wasn't too far away and his hearing had been getting really good recently. Despite that, he still barely caught the words. And recognized the voice instantly.

"Evie?" Damien's face was full of pure horror and devastation. "Oh G.o.ds. No. It's can't be...What did they do to my adorable loli?!"

She was a busty onee-san now, dammit!

"Also, why're you hiding behind a tree? You've been following me? "

With half her face sticking out she nodded obediently.

"...For how long?"

"Ah. I've actually been following you for three days but was too embarra.s.sed to speak up."