My Perfect Lady - 126 Survival

126 Survival

Not to mention, he didn't understand why exactly Senior Hunter wanted to tell Rebecca Storm about the drug lord in private. He could have easily named the family in the meeting itself – except for the ladies, they all knew of its name.

Jim was a.s.suming it was because Rebecca had some sort of connection with the family, a sentimental one in all probability. But could Miya have been involved as well?

Jimmy almost groaned out loud.

He hated not having information. It was the worst thing ever!

Shekhar, who was walking just beside him, noticed the scowl on the young man's face. He squinted before asking, "What now Jim? Why do you look so troubled?"

The question drew Garret's attention as well. He frowned.

Jimmy shrugged.

"It's nothing," he explained, "I-I don't know why father held back Miya. He didn't tell me he had stuff to discuss with her too."

Somehow, that made Shekhar smile. He warned his friend.

"Stop being so creepily protective mate," he said, "It's weird for even me to see."

Jim rolled his eyes. Garret patted his shoulder.

"Speaking of which," the young master ignored Shekhar, "Are you both satisfied with the Storm girl's response?"

The only reason Garret and Shekhar wanted to attend the meeting today was to a.s.sess if Rebecca Freeman Storm was worth backing up. They were both big names in Country I – with Gar having an international reputation. They had been willing to use their contacts for the sake of Jimmy and the Chairman, but the person they were supporting had to have spine. Else, the danger wasn't worth taking over.

Garret smiled.

"She did fine," he said cheerfully, "I think she could make it."

Shekhar nodded as well, "Gar's opinion doesn't matter, because he likes the girl. But I think she did well too."

That piece of news took Jim by surprise. He raised a brow at Garret.

"Gar, really?"

The big man almost blushed, "Of course. Isn't she too beautiful? I don't get why anyone would not fall for her!"

Jimmy chuckled lightly. Now this was news. But seeing that it was Gar, he couldn't be too hopeful anyway. The man was always chasing after girls way out of his league.

Meanwhile, Garret took his chance and asked, "Do you think your wife would help me get a date with her?"

Jim frowned, but was quick to a.n.a.lyse the situation. Miya was aggressively protective of Rebecca, and she had even cried for the woman. But Garret himself was a brilliant man – albeit an awkward and dominating one – Hm.

Maybe, it was plausible.

"I'll ask her," Jim said finally. Garret beamed.

"Thanks! But, talking of pretty faces… where did Hartley go to?"

Gar's question made Jim's face go dark, and he had the urge to punch a hole in Hart. The man could be so unreliable at times! The Chairman had specifically asked for Hartley Greene when he had texted Jim of Thad Carver's news late at night. He was a crucial part of the plan! But he had dared to run away under the old Hunter's nose. Where did Hart think he could escape to?

He worked for the d.a.m.n Hunter Corporation!

Jim's expression blackened. He spat when he grumbled, "I don't know. But I do know how to get into contact with him."

Garret suppressed a laugh. Shekhar almost chuckled as well.

Jimmy and Hart did have a great chemistry, after all.

Back in the meeting room, the Chairman left his seat.

Rebecca and Miya sat side by side, both awkwardly nervous. Miya was confused as well, not knowing what the Chairman suddenly wanted with her.

But, what had her heart thumping in her mouth, was Becky's decision to take over Uncle Jon's business. The company was rooted deeply in drug trafficking… did Becky understand what she was getting into? The level of danger involved wasn't even fathomable – and this was a cartel run in three countries! And it operated under her own name too!

Miya's head pounded.

The person behind the cartel would have no attachment to the Toby-Freeman Publications whatsoever. And if ever the news of the company's involvement in drugs came out, there would be h.e.l.l to pay. The company would be facing not only criminal charges, but its reputation would be damaged irreparably as well. And considering Becky did take over the company, it would put her in constant danger from everyone there. Because pretty big forces had to be involved. What if their entire board of directors was corrupt?

How would Becky survive then?

Had she even thought this through?!

Miya stole a glance at the beautiful woman, who was sitting there expressionlessly. There was a slight tremble in her hands though, and Miya knew Sis Becky was afraid. Her own brain refused to stop evaluating.

The situation had to be a.s.sessed.

Because if the cartel leaders exposed the Toby-Freeman Publications after Becky took over, wouldn't she be the only one to take the fall? Miya knew the Hunters were backing her up, and Jimmy and his friends seemed interested parties as well. But was it smart to depend on only them?

Miya trusted Jimmy. But revenge seemed the Hunters' only motive. And that too, wasn't a reason powerful enough for them to support Rebecca under any circ.u.mstances – the Chairman thought his pride had been attacked with Thad betraying him to the face. That was all.

What if the Hunters pulled back too, in time?

What would Becky do then?

Miya's head pounded again. She suddenly felt nausea hit her senses, and she knew she was thinking too hard.

But she couldn't help it!

She had to know Becky's stance! Had Becky really thought it through? It would be foolish if she headed into the tiger's mouth straight without the slightest hint of what could happen any minute.

Simon Hunter had walked over to a nearby window now. He looked down at the orchard which was visible directly from the floor to ceiling window. He placed his hands behind his back and stood up straight. He didn't look at the girls when he spoke.

"The reason I want to have a word with you both…" he drifted off. This was going to be harsh on them both.

Especially Miya.

But he steeled his tone, and muttered the words anyway.

"The person behind the cartel, ladies – it's the Kang family."

Miya froze. What?