My Perfect Lady - 125 The Choice

125 The Choice

There weren't even signs of a hangover.

What kind of a monster was he?

The thought made Miya chuckle, and her fury dwindled. The Chairman seemed in proper shape too, as did Garrett and Shekhar, the two other people who were supposed to attend the meeting.

Miya looked around for the other guy.

Where was that annoying blonde… Hartley something? There was no sign of him whatsoever.

Frowning at the oddity, she went ahead and was about to sit beside Rebecca, when the Chairman called her out.

"You look good, Miya."

Miya gave the old man a tight smile, remembering her fury as soon as their eyes met. Her annoyance reflected in them, and she could only manage a small nod in response to the greeting. She couldn't ask him about the camera right then, but she had to know why they didn't think informing her was a viable option when they bugged her.

Jimmy watched her expression carefully. He read the odd sentiment in them, and got up before the atmosphere could get tense. He pulled out the chair beside himself for her, and motioned her to take the seat. He pulled out the one beside Miya for Rebecca too, and finally took his own seat again.

The simple act made Miya blush.

No matter how many times Jimmy Hunter displayed his manners and affection for her publicly, she wasn't going to get used to it. Especially not when everyone around was seated with their best poker faces on.

Including the young master himself.

She settled in the too big chair, and waited for the Chairman to start.

Simon Hunter coughed, slightly amused by the daughter-in-law's lack of reaction. He hadn't however, read anything odd in her expression, so he didn't pay her much heed. He turned his gaze to Rebecca, and nodded satisfactorily.

"I hope you rested well, Ms. Storm."

Rebecca smiled back.

"Thank you, sir, I did."

The Chairman approved of both the girls' apparel and was sure the Storm girl had dressed up the younger girl. Garret and Shekhar were sitting side by side, and they had no expressions on their face. All over, the old Hunter approved of everyone this morning. They were dressed well and were acting professionally.

"I'll keep this short," he started off.

Jimmy glanced at his wife.

"Are you alright?" he whispered to her.

Miya nodded, giving him a small smile.


Jim nodded back.

A heavy silence settled between them.

Miya's heart pounded haphazardly, almost ready to jump out of her mouth. Beside her, Jim couldn't breathe too. The last night's incidents replayed in both their minds, and they suddenly didn't know how to look at each other again. Miya fixed her gaze on the Chairman resolutely, afraid that she was sweating even though it was cold. Jim stared at the wall in front in absolute determination.

It was only when the Chairman uttered strange words that Miya was startled out of her mind.

"Thad Carver was shot."

Her reaction was instant – involuntary, when she yelled out, "What?!"

The Chairman directed his gaze towards her.

"You heard right dear. The night you tackled him, an hour later, he was shot. He didn't survive."

The news sent a cold chill down her spine. She looked at Rebecca in fear, who had frozen in her seat as well.

"I imagine you can guess who is behind the killing."

Miya felt Jimmy's hand wrap around her own under the table. She was instantly comforted, and did the same for Becky. She reached out her hand to grab Rebecca's in hers.

The older girl was s.h.i.+vering.

"The actual owner of the cartel," she whispered.

The Chairman nodded in agreement.

Miya gulped. She hadn't expected Thad to be shot. Had it been because he had confessed before her, the truth of Rebecca's disappearance from Country I?

But she hadn't mentioned the drug trafficking, or the cartel to him. Then, why?

The Chairman sighed.

It was a sign for Jimmy to take over.

The young master cleared his throat.

"I've informed Garret and Shekhar of the entire sequence of events," he said, "Carver's incident came as a shock to me too. The situation, as it stands now, has both its advantage and disadvantages. Spelling out the disadvantage first – the family behind the entire drug dealing, the Chairman wants to discuss about it later personally, but it is one of the most dangerous names you'll hear in the underworld. If they risked removing Thad Carver, the reason is big. He had been the face of the entire operation for thirteen years now.

They aren't easy to infiltrate, so we don't have a lot of information. But we would be correct to a.s.sume that they know of Ms. Storm's return. That, and the involvement of the Hunter family in the entire deal.

Now, the advantage. With Thad Carver gone, Ms. Storm taking over the company becomes a piece of cake. There would be no long drawn battles in the court, and no underhanded deals involved. The process becomes smooth. However, that comes with a substantial amount of danger, as you can a.s.sume for yourself.

That is why, the Chairman came up with an alternate plan. The choice however, remains Ms. Storm's alone."

Jimmy concluded the speech, and looked over at Simon Hunter.

The old man nodded.

"That's where Garret and Shekhar come in. You don't have to take over the company, Ms. Storm, if you don't want to. It's extremely dangerous, and you only have sentiment to rely on as your reason to say yes. You have not been exposed to treachery of this sort before, and it would only grow ten times harsher if you took over the company. I want you to think clearly on whether or not you want to go back. It's been a long time, the publication house is already too deep in the black marketing business, and you've just managed to get a hold of your life.

You do not have to feel obligated to run the company or return to it. I have got your previous record traced, and I know you once won some sort of cooking compet.i.tion, when you were in Country S. Garret here is a very popular chef, I told you about him last evening. He can help you make a career as a chef if you take the call. Didn't you want to train as one before you got involved with Karl?"

Rebecca was taken by surprise. Miya felt her hand stiffen in hers. Becky's face lost all expression. Her jaw, though, was drawn in a thin line. She was startled and nervous at the same time.

"I did," Rebecca's voice was small.

The Chairman nodded gruffly.

The old man had been up all night, and even though he wasn't one bit tired, yet, he wasn't a 100 per cent focussed as well. It didn't show in his demeanour, but he wanted this to get over with soon.

Jimmy was quick to notice the Chairman's lack of attention. He took over involuntarily again.

"If you do decide to go to the Toby-Freeman business," he told Rebecca calmly, "We will have your back, of course. Shekhar and Garret have sources we can rely on, who will infiltrate the drug overlord's family. Information wouldn't be a problem then. Else, you can choose to walk away and start afresh. The choice, as I said before, will be yours alone. Garret is here if you still want to be a chef, and we can arrange for something in case you have other areas of interest.

You will have to make the choice soon though. With Thad removed, the drug lord will be quick to make his move, I guarantee that."

Rebecca didn't say a word.

Her face revealed nothing, and for just a second, all eyes fixed on her. Everyone was quick to look away too. Silence pervaded the atmosphere, before Rebecca cleared her throat a few minutes later. She slowly pulled out her hand from Miya's grasp, and clenched her fists.

"Thank you for all of your work, and for being so considerate," she said, her voice in a croak, "I really will never be able to repay it. But my choice is not in question, sir. I want to take over my father's company."

The words startled Jimmy.

The Chairman too, c.o.c.ked a brow and couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure?"

Rebecca nodded, "Yes."

"Why?" His voice was stern.

"If I can't protect my father's legacy and run away again, what does that make me?" Rebecca's own voice was harsh now, "My father and mother put everything into that company. If I don't clear their name, and let Toby-Freeman be involved in illicit activities anyway, it would destroy everything they stood for. Tarnish their reputation forever? I don't have that kind of right, sir. Not anymore."

Silence fell over the room again.

Then slowly, the Chairman broke into a rare smile. He looked into Rebecca Storm's eyes, and nodded at the stern resolution in them.

"That reason would do for now, child," he said kindly. Becky almost gasped at the word 'child', but maintained her expression.

The Chairman's smile broadened.

"Everyone," he finally announced, some of the energy returning back to him, "The meeting comes to an end now. We've heard Ms. Storm's decision. Get to work and everything should go according to plan. Before next week, Ms. Storm should have taken over the Toby-Freeman Publications.

You're all dismissed. Except the ladies. I need to talk to you both in private for now."

With that, the old man waved a hand in a gesture of dismissal.

He was still grinning, but his heart wavered.

The time had come, for him to make some rather important disclosures to the girls.

He wasn't excited about it one bit.