Miya lost her breath. Rebecca froze as well.
Outside, Jimmy had walked to one of the many sitting rooms in Palace Jade. His friends were discussing something, but his mind was stuck on Miya.
He had a strange feeling about this.
Why had the Chairman not told him he needed a word with his wife as well?
What did he want from her?
He knew Simon Hunter wanted to talk about the Kang family with Rebecca in private, but why hold back Miya too? The two girls might have had a history together, but they had only known each other for a month, and that too thirteen years ago. Even if Rebecca was a.s.sociated in some way with the family, what was Miya's connection with them?
Unless –
Oh f***.
Simon Hunter didn't turn around. Nor did he stop in his speech.
"Did it ever cross your mind, Ms. Storm," he asked quietly, "Why Thad Carver let you live? He declared you dead publicly, but why you weren't actually killed? It would have been an easier way out. But instead, he chose to send you away to another country. Didn't it strike you as odd?"
Beads of sweat covered Rebecca's forehead. A cold chill ran down her spine. She was afraid to speak. Simon Hunter didn't wait for her response.
"It was because someone else got involved. Your common friend from years ago – Kang Sung."
Miya felt like a sucker punch had been landed in her face.
"Kang Sung," the Chairman continued, his back still facing the girls, "the third son of the Kang family, and the third in line to inherit the Kang Group of Industries. This gentleman it seems, negotiated Ms. Storm's life with his father, the Chairman of this bogus company – Kang Sheng. Kang Sheng, ladies, is the man behind this cartel.
Him, and the entire Kang Group is involved deeply in black marketing and everything illegal out there. They are also one of the most powerful families around who have strong ties with the mafia.
And they happen to be the Hunter Corporation's arch enemies."
The Kang family –
Kang Sheng, the man behind the cartel.
Kasu's father.
Miya's heart thudded. A slight s.h.i.+ver ran down her spine, as she realized what this was all about. In all probability, that was why the Hunters were interested. Because the Kang family was involved.
Miya knew about the Kang Group, and she knew the kind of dirt that family dealt with. They were a big company, she didn't know if they were as big as the Hunters, but they had a substantial name. Through Kasu, she had known they were dirtbags. But through no source whatsoever had she ever heard about a rivalry between the Hunters and the Kang Group.
The Chairman had called them his arch enemy… then why had she never heard about it, in any sort of news?
Her legs felt weak. Her entire body shuddered, her head throbbing painfully.
It had to be that b.a.s.t.a.r.d again.
He had negotiated for Becky's life? Then had he been the one who had the idea of sending her far away? Or had he been the one who had headed the cartel all along?
And the guts the a.s.sh*le had.
Even after she had run away from the Freeman's house, three years later, she had met Kasu again. She had been only seventeen and things had happened. But, if he was the one to have kept Becky alive, then he knew of everything that happened there all along. And yet, he had never uttered a word about Rebecca to her, not even when she had asked. He hadn't even told her of Jonathan and Meera or Adrian. He had looked into her eyes and lied to her face one more time. He hadn't told her the truth even in his last minutes.
He said Rebecca and him had lost touch.
Miya felt the urge to spit.
Her stomach roiled, and nausea hit her almost instantly. She would have fallen off the chair, or bitten her tongue but she clenched her stomach and laid her head on the table instead. She found it difficult to breathe.
Rebecca was quick to react.
She hurriedly turned towards the girl, and held her hand, about to call out to the Chairman in alarm, when Miya held her hand back and squeezed it tightly.
"I want to hear this," she said in a gasp, "I need to know what else that b.a.s.t.a.r.d did."
The Chairman was still looking down the window. He hadn't moved.
Rebecca looked into Miya's eyes, almost afraid of the anger and hurt that she saw in them. Miya's eyes had a storm in them, and her expression was that of wild outrage. Becky herself couldn't wrap her head around that little piece of information.
It was Kasu's family who had been sh*tting her life, all along?
Kasu had kept tabs on her, even though they had known each other for less than a month? And they had never even seen each other again!
d.a.m.n it, she hadn't even known the guy was killed. She had been informed of that by Miya!
And why the h.e.l.l had he let her live? It wouldn't have been because they were friends, then he would have actually tried to help her too.
Then why?!
Simon Hunter's stoic voice echoed through the room again.
"The Kang Group has a good reputation, but anyone with an ounce of power in Country I knows that the family stands on the wrong side. They are too powerful to mess with, especially because of their mafia ties. They have some very solid connections with the government and the police as well. Which is why I personally maintain my distance from them too. But we've had our share of conflict, and I've wiped the floor with their b.u.t.ts more than a few times.
That exactly, is why Thad Carver was shot, in my opinion. Kang Sheng found out Carver came to the Hunter estate, one of the bodyguards drove to the hospital and must have let information slip on what had pa.s.sed here. He knows about your return, Ms. Storm and how you have my backing just like your father did. The only reason Thad Carver got his investment from the Kang family thirteen years ago, when I wanted to see the company fall, was because of my enmity with Kang Sheng.
He made the company of one of my colleagues – a company I was interested in as more than a mere business deal – a hub for illegal activities. His own sweet way of getting back at me. Best part? I didn't even know. For thirteen years straight."
Miya felt something gross roil up her throat.
A bitter feeling rose in her stomach and up to her mouth, her heart beating even faster, her head spinning out of control. This wasn't good. She had no idea Kang Sheng would be behind this Rebecca business as well.
d.a.m.n. d.a.m.n.
d.a.m.n. d.a.m.n!
Had she known, she would have run away long ago!
This complicated things beyond her control. She had even sent her photo with Simon Hunter to Thad Carver in order to entice him out. She was the one who had threatened him at gunpoint and collected evidence for Rebecca.
And Kang Sheng had only to find that one photograph to make her life h.e.l.l again.
She was already running away from him for years now.
And why wouldn't she?
She had with her the man's own blood. One of his only living heirs. A b.a.s.t.a.r.d child, but still his own grandson.