My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 145 You Have Suffered Enough

145 You Have Suffered Enough

She entered her apartment shut the door with a 'bang!' and threw her sandals at the door.

From the moment she left the hotel her mood is not good at all. Even her favorite dramas were unable to cheer her up. So she thought to have some fresh air and also buy some noodles in the way. But her mood is still off.

She went straight to the kitchen, turned on the stove and made two portions of noodles. She is expecting someone.

By the moment she finished cooking the doorbell rang. She ran towards the door and opened it.

"Tantan!" Yuerui broke into tears the moment she saw her friend, Ning tan.

Ning tan, Mai Yuerui's university friend. Actually she can be called her school and college friend as well. Because the two of them has pa.s.sed from the same school, college and even university. Fate was so amazing that they were even in the same department.

In school and college they had different friend circles so they were kind of cla.s.s mates. Their friends.h.i.+p bloom in their university life. They are also drama partners. And Ning tan knows Yuerui's actual ident.i.ty.

Ning tan is a tomboyish, straight forward girl. She always speaks whatever is in her mind. She has very very very curly hair for which she can be recognized even in the middle of huge crowd. She is a 5'6" tall girl for which she is very proud. But sometimes she is annoyed when she doesn't get any guy to date who can match with her heights. She has weakness for tall guys. Ning tan has been the protective friend of Yuerui from her university life. But she has a little problem. And that is..... She is short tempered and she always panics.


"Tantan!!!" Yuerui hugged her immediately when she saw her.

"Hey, why are you crying? Is anything wrong?" Ning tan patted her shoulder out of concern.

Ning tan has never saw Yuerui loose control of her emotions except once. She doesn't even wanna remember about that day. Yuerui has always showed a calm and composed personality. So seeing her excited today Ning tan became worried.

"Come inside, I'll tell you." Yuerui dragged her inside and closed the door.


Plop..... Plop.... Plop.....

Ning tan has been squeezing the noodles that she was served to vent her anger on.

"That shameless jerk..... ***** ***** How dare he approach you. Just bring him to me Yuerui. What? Come back to him? I will tell him what coming back means. Besides I still have to clear his debt for his past doings." Ning tan was so enraged that she could break anything that would be in front of her.

Yuerui had to hold her and sit her on the bed tightly. Or else she would really go to the hotel and make a chaos.

Ning tan was still blabbering curse words when she realized that Yuerui had been sitting quietly on the bed. She can't even imagine what Yuerui's had been feeling. He is her first love. He is also the person who made her loose trust in people.

Yuerui was not always like this. She was naive, innocent and easy going person. She would trust people so easily. Easily believe their words and put other's interest before her's.  Yes, she was still as introvert as she is now, but not as cautious as she is now. 

"Rui rui, are you.... okay?" She asked.

Yuerui pressed her lips and forced a smile.

"Yes, I am fine. It's not like I never imagined if I would see him again. You know how our imagination works because of all the drama we watch.." Yuerui said as she filled her mouth with noodles.

Yuerui tried to divert the situation to drama world. Although she wanted to vent her anger and complain to her best friend about Han Yefang, now she just can't say a word. She wants to cry, cry so loud to let everything go. But deep inside it seems like it's stuck in her heart. And she is unable to let it go.

Ning tan knew that Yuerui is still suffering  the same pain she had been through. She also knows that no words can comfort her. So she tried to talk about something else.

"You know what? Let's just forget that a**hole. Tell me, how is your office? How are the people? And most importantly how is your CEO? I heard he is such a catch? Have you seen him yet?" Ning tan said with flirty tone.

"Ever see him? I have to see his face every day even if I don't want to." Yuerui rolled her eyes.

"But I heard that he doesn't interact with women. How come you see him? Do you stalk him Yuerui? Ho....." Ning tan covered her mouth with her hands.

"I will stalk him? Huh! In his dreams. Do you know how cunning he is? And how he plotted schemes only to make me agree to him stupid contract?"

"Contract? What contract?" Ning tan asked.

"Here how it started...."

And Yuerui explained her friend what she had experienced till now.

"Hahahaha..... OMG our super silent Mai Yuerui who was always an invincible ent.i.ty throughout her entire life has now been experiencing all this? Daebak!"

"I know right. I had always made use of my invincibility. Teachers would always skip me when they asked people about studies as if I didn't exist in the cla.s.s. And now here, I am the most popular girl. Just because of that person." Yuerui pouted her lips.

"Don't forget, you also did a mess in his office. How did you get the courage to call him psychological patient in his face?"

"I don't know. It just split out of my mouth."

"And he still didn't do anything to  you? I think may be he actually likes you." Ning tan said as she pushed Yuerui a little to tease.

"No, he doesn't."

"How do you know?"

"If he did, then he wouldn't have chased me when he saw me without He is just a pervert." Yuerui replied as she started to clean her bed.

"Then why didn't you let him see that it's actually you? Why do you always run?"

This made Yuerui halt.

"Because.. because he will then know that it was me who threw things on him and also know that I have been playing with him all along. What if he takes revenge for this. You don't know, Tantan. That man is very cunning and scheming. He can plot anything for revenge. Besides, it's fun to see him suffer when he can't catch me and and wonder who that woman is but in reality I am standing in front of him."

"You are such a b*tch." Ning tan cannot but cursed.

"Yes, I am." Yuerui didn't regret. It's not bad of being a b*tch sometimes than being used by others.

The next day is weekend so Yuerui doesn't have any work. So Ning tan also decided to stay in Yuerui's apartment tonight.

The two girls shared the single bed of Yuerui for sleeping.

After chatting for a long time they became tired and went for sleep.

Ning tan still had to do some work. So she lied on the bed with her laptop on her lap and Yuerui went to her sleep.

Ning tan was busy in work, when Yuerui turned to her side in her sleep. Ning tan looked at her friend and saw tears coming out of her eyes.

She reached out for them and wiped them gently off her cheeks.

'My poor friend. You have suffered enough. Don't let anyone make you suffer again.'

'You could have easily taken your revenge from him. You could have destroyed him in a minute. It would have cost you a phone call only. But you didn't do that. Because you told me that revenge is not gonna make your pain go away. You have always thought about people. Even in your saddest moments.'

'I hope, G.o.d will bring the best man for you who will make you the happiest woman in the world.' Ning patted Yuerui's head. Then turned off her laptop and went to sleep.