My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 144 Who Do You Like?

144 Who Do You Like?

"Is it because of her wound?" He wondered.

"I have sent someone with medicine. She will be alright." He guessed.

But only after a few seconds he again became restless.

He put the file on the table that he was reading and took a deep breath.

"She didn't wanted to go there. Did I made her uncomfortable?" 

"No. I can't take it anymore. I have to check on her. I can take the medicine on my way and give it to her.." He took his coat and left for the hotel.


Back to present.

Yuerui became nervous when she realized she doesn't have on her.

She covered her mouth with her hands and quietly came out of the lift escaping Xianw.a.n.g's eyes.

Xianw.a.n.g didn't see her and get on the lift.

But may be today was not a lucky day for Yuerui. She b.u.mped into a hotel guy who was carrying a luggage cart piled up with bags and made her turn behind. The sudden push also made the hair loose and her hair fall down.

"I am sorry mam." The hotel boy said to Yuerui.

"It's okay." She replied hurriedly.

Xianw.a.n.g was about to press for 21st floor when his eyes fell on the lady in front of him. He couldn't see her full face but could see her beautiful pair of blue eyes. And he knew exactly who it was.

His blue eyed lady!!

In the mean time, Yuerui's eyes also fell on Xianw.a.n.g subconsciously and their eyes met.

And..... Yuerui got freaked out.

But the door of the lift closed down immediately.

Fortunately Xianw.a.n.g didn't call for any floor so he opened the door and looked for Yuerui.

She was not there anymore but running away from him.

Xianw.a.n.g also ran behind her.

He was so much determined to catch her this time. Actually he was more excited today, he only get to see her eyes the previous times, but today he got to admire her silly long hair as well. He was even more infatuated by her beauty.

"Miss... Miss... Wait up." 

"Why are you running? I just wanna talk." He called for her a lot of times but Yuerui didn't turn to him a bit.

She run with all her might.

She was praying to G.o.d to save her this time.

"A moment ago you were about to quarrel with him and look what you are actually doing? Running away from him. Wow! Great, Mai Yuerui." She mocked herself.

She ran all the way to the lobby and hide behind a pillar at the entrance.

She was panting really hard. She had not run for a while. So this was a good exercise.

She peeped from the corner of the pillar to look for Xianw.a.n.g and saw him standing at the main door. He was holding his knees while bending and panting. He was tired as well but was still looking for her eagerly.

When he was about to look at her Yuerui immediately hide.

Today might not be a bad day for her after all. Because she saw a cab at the right moment.

She called for the cab and ran like a maniac. Before Xianw.a.n.g could see her Yuerui jumped into the cab and left the place.

Poor Xianw.a.n.g was still looking for her for a long time until he gave up again. But he was still determined.

He went to the control room of the hotel and asked to see the cctv footage. But he failed to see her again. He looked at the time when Yuerui came out from the lift and b.u.mped into the hotel boy. Unfortunately she came out of the lift covering her mouth with hands so her face was not recognized. Then her hair fall down and also hide her face. So eventually Xianw.a.n.g had to leave the place empty handed.

He returned to the office with a long face and grumpy temper. His surrounding was filled with black aura of depression.

"Come to my office." Xianw.a.n.g said to Si ying in the reception with no expression before he reached for the doork.n.o.b.

"Yeah, coming in a bit." Si ying replied nonchalantly as he was looking at his phone.

But suddenly he felt a chilling sensation behind his back.

He looked in front and saw the killing glare of Xianw.a.n.g which had sliced him into two halves.

His depression was so much powerful that it burned the flowery mood of Si ying who was texting with Su.

"Agghhh... Coming." Si ying replied and followed his friend.


"What happened?" Si ying asked with a bore face. His was chatting with Su for the first time but he had to stop in the middle.

"Do you know what happened?" Xianw.a.n.g

asked in low voice.

"What?" Si ying was not excited at all.

"I saw her again." Xianw.a.n.g replied.

"Who?" Still not excited.

"Come on, man. That girl, that blue eyed girl." 

"You saw her again?" This time Si ying got a little excited.


"Did you see her face?"

"No..." Depressed Xianw.a.n.g.

"Did you check the cctv?"


"Still didn't see her?"

"May be she saw me in the first place. That's why she covered her mouth."

"But why would she do that?" Si ying reacted as if it's the most bizarre thing in the world.

"I know right. I also want to ask her. But do you know I saw her hair today." Xianw.a.n.g went back to his momory land and recalled her hair.

"Wait, didn't she had hair all this time?" Si ying asked with peculiar face.

"I mean her hair fall down and it was so long and black.... Just like... Just like... Yeah it was like how Ms. Mai's hair is like."

"Wait a minute, my friend..." Si ying halted him in the middle.


"Didn't you went to hotel for Ms. Mai? Did you meet her?"

Xianw.a.n.g suddenly realized why he went to the hotel in the first place.

"No." He replied embarra.s.sedly.

Si ying face palmed out of depression.

"My dear friend, Kong Xianw.a.n.g, can you get one thing straight?" He asked diligently.

"What?" Xianw.a.n.g replied in confusion.

"Who do you like?"

"What do you mean?" Xianw.a.n.g was still confused.

"Between these two ladies, Mai Yuerui and the blue eyed lady." Si ying added.

"Of course, the blue eyed girl." Xianw.a.n.g said confidently.

"Then why did you follow Yuerui all the way to the hotel just because of some minor injury?" Si ying instantly asked him back.

Xianw.a.n.g stopped for a moment. Then replied,  "Yeah, but when I saw the blue eyed lady I totally forgot about Yuerui and searched for her."

"But then you suddenly began to compare her with Yuerui. What's the matter with you, Xianw.a.n.g?" Si ying said out of concern.

This made Xianw.a.n.g silent. He didn't know what to say.

"You have to get this thing straight, Xianw.a.n.g. Okay, let's think about both the girls. You turn your eyes close and try to think of them. And see whose face do you see." Si ying was like doing a love guru cla.s.s.

But Si ying suddenly stopped him.

"Oh. No. Wait. The blue eyed lady doesn't have a face. So let's just forget it." 

Si ying kept thinking for other ideas. But Xianw.a.n.g was already in his own problem. He kicked out his friend from the room and started to think.

He remembers that everytime he see's the blue eyed lady his heart beats like crazy. As if it's telling him that she is the one.

But he also realizes that he cares for Yuerui as well which is making him confused.

"There's only one way to find out." He suddenly stood up from his chair, took his coat and left the office.

A few moments later he found himself in front of Yuerui's house.

"Kong Xianw.a.n.g, what the h.e.l.l are you doing?" Xianw.a.n.g couldn't believe what he was doing.

He kept sitting in the car for some minutes. He didn't even know if Yuerui will come out.

But luck was on his side. Yuerui found that she was out of noodles so she went out in her casual pajamas.

She walked down the footpath towards the departmental store at the end of the road without knowing that Xianw.a.n.g was also walking at the opposite footpath following her steps quietly.

Yuerui had her head phones on and listening to music. She was singing a few lines as well. Her big nerdy fall on to the tip of her nose so many times and she had to fix it all the time. This made a cute gesture in Xianw.a.n.g's heart.

Yuerui went the store and looked for noodles. She was scrutinizing every flavor as if she is a food critic. After examining for a long time she bought 12 packets of noodles.

She left the store with hands full of noodles.

Xianw.a.n.g had been looking it from outside the store and was shocked to see buy a girl this much noodles for herself. How she was carrying them made him laugh.

Xianw.a.n.g suddenly realized he had been smiling from ear to ear to from the moment he saw her.

He reached out for his heart and found it beating...

Lub dub.... Lub dub.....

"Oh... My G.o.d...."

"Do I like both of them?"