My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 146 I Didn't Get Any Call From Him

146 I Didn't Get Any Call From Him

She turned on some music in high volume and started to make some breakfast.

By the time Ning tan woke up and freshen up breakfast was served.

"Whoa, steamed bun, shrimp cognee, pancakes.... Are you having a feast, Ruirui?" Ning tan said.

"You are here. So it is a feast to me." Yuerui replied.

"Aww ... You even made chamomile tea, my favorite. Thank you, my lady." Ning tan replied.

"Dig in. You have to finish this all. I have put so much struggle to make these." Yuerui warned.

"Ye ye ..... I will finish."

The two of them chit chat as they finished their breakfast. After breakfast both went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. They were non-stop blabbering nonsense until the doorbell rang.

"Who can it be?" Yuerui murmured.

"Are you expecting someone, Rui rui?" Ning tan asked.

"No. I am also wondering who can it be."

They opened the door and found that Yuerui had a parcel. She received the parcel and returned to her bed.

"It's such a big box, Rui rui. Did you order anything recently?" Ning tan asked.

"No." Yuerui shook her head.

She opened the box and found a pink ball gown. It was simple, elegent and, just like how Yuerui likes to wear.

"Whoa.... Rui rui, such a pretty dress. Did anyone gifted you?" 

"I don't know."

Yuerui put down the dress on the bed. Then found a card inside the box. She took the card and started to read.

"Tomorrow there is a party at 'A' hotel. And I am invited. So you don't need to go office tomorrow. Dress up prettily and attend at 7 pm, my secretary. Love emoji."

"There is no name as the sender. Do you know who is this?" Ning tan is not that quick witted.

She didn't get at first who it was. But after a second, seeing Yuerui's reaction she didn't need to think hard.

Yuerui threw the dress on the floor then ran to the kitchen and returned with a pair of scissors. She took the dress and shredded it into pieces.

Ning tan didn't even get to react and the beautiful gown turned into pieces right in front of her.

"What the actual h*ll is this?" Ning tan was shocked.

"What?" Yuerui was panting because she cut the gown so fast that she became tired.

"You could have returned it to him, or threw it or even better give it to me."

"What?" Yuerui gave her a deathly glare.

"No... Forget the last one." Yuerui is generally sweet and shy kind of girl. But when she is so much excited or angry her inner devil awakens. Ning had only see her like this a couple of times and this glare of hers was enough to make everyone scare to death.

"Can you call for a delivery, Ning tan. The emergency ones, when change can deliver it right now." Yuerui asked her.

"Okay, I am calling. But why?"

"To return this to it's buyer." Saying so Yuerui started to pack the shreads of cloth back to the box.

While she was packing a sudden thought crossed Yuerui's mind.

"No, tell the delivery man to deliver this box after the party tomorrow. Let's set a time. Around 10 pm."

"I don't know what the h*ll you are thinking, Rui rui." Ning tan was confused.

"You don't need to know. Just relax your brain and chat with me." Yuerui replied with her sweet and innocent smile.


On the other hand,

After a good sleep Si ying woke up in his favorite weekend morning.

This is the best morning in his life. He doesn't need to go to office, doesn't need to run errands for his friend. And most importantly, no stress.

But today he woke up only to get startled.

He woke up and saw Xianw.a.n.g sitting next to his bed and glaring at him with his puffy eyes.

"Oh my goodness. What the h*ll are you doing here, Xianw.a.n.g?" Si ying said.

"I wanted to talk to you. I know your apartment's pa.s.sword, so I came last night. But you were sound asleep. So I didn't disturb you." Xianw.a.n.g replied in one breath.

"But you could have slept while I was asleep. Why didn't you do that?"

"I though you would woke up at midnight. But you *** slept the whole night as if it's the only night you will get to sleep."

"Okay... Okay .. stop cursing. Now tell me what did you want to say?" Si ying asked.

Suddenly Xianw.a.n.g came close to Si ying and sat beside him.

"Can you hit me on my face?" Xianw.a.n.g asked.

"What?" Si ying was shocked.

"Hit with all your force. I won't mind if there will be any spot. That would be even great."

"No I don't believe you. It's not a time to play, Xianw.a.n.g. Go back to your house and have a sleep."

"I am serious. Hit me."


"Because I am a character less jerk." Xianw.a.n.g replied bluntly.

"What!" Si ying was shocked. He wasn't prepared to hear this kind of thing first thing in the morning.

Si ying shook his head and asked, "Have you gone mad? Why are you saying this?"

"Because I like them both."

Si ying literally fell from the bed.

"Wha... What did you say?" He couldn't believe his ears.

"I think like them both." Xianw.a.n.g replied keeping his head down.

"Whoa... What a unique type of jerk you are." Si ying couldn't help spell out.

"Yeah... I know right."

Si ying kept looking at his silly friend. He didn't know what to say to him.

Suddenly Xianw.a.n.g stood up from his chair.

His eyes were blazing with fire.

"What happened?" Si ying got startled.

"Now that I know I like her, I can't let her stay with another man.

"You mean?" Si ying didn't get his friend.

"Si ying call Mr. Han's secretary and ask when he is coming."

"Ahh... Okay.."

"And put the phone on speaker." Xianw.a.n.g demanded.

Si ying nodded.

Si ying had been talking with Han Yefang's secretary for a while because of work. He tried to connect with him again due to his friend.

"h.e.l.lo, Mr. Liang Li."

"Good morning, Mr. Si ying. What makes you call me today. I bet it's very early now there."

"Yes, actually your boss Mr. Han Yefang has been having troubles because of your absence. So I was wondering when will you arrive in China?"

"Boss is having troubles? You must be joking. He can alone do a hundred men's work."

Xianw.a.n.g rolled his eyes as he heard that.

"Ye... Yeah.. I am sure he can. But shouldn't you come as early as possible since he called for you?" Si ying replied.

"Boss called for me? When? I didn't get any call from him." Liang Li replied in panic.