but thinking how oily and dirty my hands are rigth now, she migth regret shaking it later. to save her from small trouble, I decided not to shake her hands.
"I'm Neo Jones and this is my sister Alice" i said to her, without shaking, her stretched out arms. she migth already knew who we we're though .
"not a fan of shaking hands?, i see" Zandra awkwardly lowered her hands.
"Sister Zandra is so pretty" Alice suddenly complemented.
"hahaha, thank you little one, im sure you'll be as pretty, as i am, when you grew up." Zandra smiled warmly towards Alice.
"he he he" Alice giggled.
"erm....ahem, so Mr Jones do you know, why you're here?" after faking a cough, Zandra suddenly asked a questioned towards me.
"you want to recruite me, as a revolutionary of LHF-N1? " i shugged my shoulders. that is the only possible reason after all.
"hmmm...that rigth, to inform you, our fortress only have approximately 353.....no 4 was just killed this morning, so there is only 349 revolutionaries left in our fortress, and to tell you the truth they are slowly decreasing.for various reasons.
there 4756 ordinary human in this fortress, so 349 evolved human is just too little, to protect them all.
so you must know how important revolutionaries are in keeping this fortress alive, so we need every single evolved human to join the revolu-"
"i'll join " I suddenly answered cutting her words.
"urm...well that just made everything alot easier," Zandra said while slowly sitting in her chair again.
*clap* *clap*
Zandra clapped her hand twice.
"Sharon, take care of our new recruit Mr Jones." Zandra suddenly bellowed.
after that, a woman that was wearing a pair gla.s.ses, has walk inside the room, she has an attractive yet stern face, her black hair was tied into a bun, while her slender body was covered in black business attire.
"this way, Mr Jones" Sharon gesture us to follow her. i nodded before following her.
"goodbye..sister Zandra" Alice wave a goodbye towards her. seeing this Zandra also answered with a short wave, while smiling towards Alice.
Sharon led us into a little house near the inner walls, the house look a little old, but if you compare it to there house in the slums, this could already be called luxurious.
"this house, is yours" Sharon pulled a key from her pocket and gave it to me.
"food and life necessities are provided for you, as long as you serve the LHF-N1 with the best of your ability, your training will start tomorrow, good day"Sharon said coldy before bowing her and walking away.
"goodbye pretty sister in gla.s.ses" Alice waved a goodbye to her, Sharon only twisted her head a little and nodded. before resuming her way
"Brother, there so many pretty sisters in this place!" Alice said innocently.
"i guess," i answered , shrugging my shoulders.
opening the house , i saw a small living room, two bed rooms, a dining room near next to the kitchen and a with a bathroom with tub inside.
the first thing, i did, was take my sister in the bath, to wash the weeks worth of filth that was attached to her body, with soap and warm water.
after i scrubbed her hair and body through out, Alice has finally regain her cute and clean look.
having nothing, clean to wear, i took one of the medium size white t-s.h.i.+rt provided by one of wardrobe and let Alice wear it temporarily.
even though the t-s.h.i.+rt was too big for her, i think its ok for the time being
after that i cooked a meat stew, from the ingredients that was provided by the refrigerator,
"how are you liking your new home Alice?" i asked Alice who is lazing on the couch while playing with fluffy.
"the house is great!, but wonder how the magic tube creates warm water " Alice suddenly asked
there are no tap water in the previous fortresses, thats why they could only get water from wells or water pump. so is the first time Alice saw a *magic tube that creates water*.
"hahaha, thats a tap and it doesn't use magic to work" i said, as i serve her the meat stew.
"ohhhh..so its called a tap, the magic tube that blows water." Alice said in amazement.
*im not going to cry*
"eat up" ignoring my sisters funny remarks, i gave her the bowl of meat stew. that she happily eat.
after setting up my sister, i walked inside the bathroom to take a long bath. while relaxing on the tub I decided to checked on my status.
NAME: Neo Jones
AGE: 18
t.i.tLE: u003cu003cjust an average joeu003eu003e
BUFF:u003cu003cG.o.ddess Approval:"i have sent a one of my subordinate to guide you in your journey, child please help us, save humanity" +10% increase in stat gainsu003eu003e
DEBUFF:u003cu003cINJURED -1%in Str,Agi,Vitu003eu003e
STRENGTH: 6.5 u003cu003c still weaku003eu003e
AGILITY: 4.4 u003cu003cstill slowu003eu003e
VITALITY: 2.3 u003cu003cone flick deleteu003eu003e
INTELLIGENT: 6.5 u003cu003cmehhu003eu003e
MANA: 0.2 u003cu003c not zero?u003eu003e
CHARM: 37/100 u003cu003c still uglyu003eu003e
LUCK: 21.9/100 u003cu003ccan still avoid trippingu003eu003e
KARMA: 96.7/100 u003cu003chow?u003eu003e
computer programming(4)
hiding(8) u003cu003cit increased lolu003eu003e