i was just a normal student in Dumangas public school, and like some kids my age, i got troubles on socializing with others.
because of that, i often find my self alone,
i love to spend my time at home playing video game and reading novel.
while some people in my age are itching to go outside to socialize with others, I, on the other hand, will just stay sitted in my favorite couch for the whole day,
even as a certified *Loner*, it doesn't mean that, i, don't have any friend at all, as a matter of fact, i got three friend, they are, me ,myself, and I".
one of my favorite past time in school is observing people in my cla.s.s, as they display there public facade. why do human tries so hard to appear someone they're not.
and i learned that the hard way. in my cla.s.s there is a popular girl name Mocha, she's a cheerful, nice, and friendly young girl. as her personality goes, she's was very nice to everybody including to the pathetic me,
one fateful day, i decided to confess my feelings for her...why? you asked, well she's the only girl that will always spare a few seconds of her life greeting me in cla.s.s and also she beautiful.....Ahemm.
plus also i learned that, she didn't have a boyfriend that time, so i thought i will have a chance to make her my girlfriend.
i gathered every remaining courage, i have just to gave her a love letter, that i carefully wrote for atleast 5 hours.
as an *silent gentleman*, i considered putting it inside her bag without her knowing.
then the next day, i sit on my chair, and nervously waited for Mocha to come in the cla.s.sroom, to know what is her respond to my feelings.
but when she arrived, grinned while staring at me. her smile send chills on my spines, after seeing that unusual expression in her face.
Mocha did even stop at my desk, but instead comes in front of the cla.s.sroom and started to read my letter i wrote in front of our whole cla.s.smates.
"dear beautiful Mocha...."she read mockingly.
and thats how , i became the laughing stock of our cla.s.s for the whole semester, not only that, after she finished reading my letter she also said something I never have thought she would say.
"how did you even get the idea that you can be my boyfriend?, get real creep" mocha said in a disgusted voice.
she's a nice girl?..... i must been blind all along.
year 2016 ,when my father died from an car accident, my mother decided to work abroad, leaving my 14 years old self and my 2 years old baby sister in my grandmothers care.
i never have thought that it was also the last time i will see my mother. because two day later the apocalypse started
my grandmother has kept me and my sister safe from the elements that could kill us, for at least 1 year, before she perished from old age. leaving me and my 3 years old sister to fend for ourselves.
when the monsters emerge, the life in the bunker becomes even more harder.
even with monsters lurking everywhere, people had no choice but to go outside to farm, as military personnel protects them using guns.
for two years, i provided food for my sister and myself, through scavenging in the forest and helping on farming duties,
and during that time, i could not even recall how many normal civilians and military personnels, i saw being slathered by monsters
also in that year the dumangas bunker was destroyed by a monster tide, but thankfully we manage to escape in lublub LHF-N3.
monster tide is an explained phenomenon where monster of the same kind will gather and attack together. it happens in random time and random place.
living this unpredictable life, is like torture , every day you will fear if could you have something to eat tommorow, or you migth be one of the unlucky one's, that will died under the monsters feet
there are times that i thought of why, i'm i even struggling to live in this G.o.d forsaken world,
but then my sister who is already 5 years old at that time , reminds me, that i still have someone that cares and trust me.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ present time:
Alice and i, has finally reached our destination after traveling for 1 and a half week in foot.
while where traveling, i manage to kill and devour a few low rank beast to increase my strength while feedinh my sister with roasted meat every day.
of course i avoid strong monsters, i can't afford to figth.
during that time Alice decided that she will stay in her rightful place.....*in shoulders*, as we travel through the broken road,
i didn't object it because Alice was even lighter than my traveling bag. and it made our traveling speed alot faster.
"brother! where finally here" Alice yelled in joy, as she stared at the huge cement wall 40 feet height. covering the whole city, while the trees around the fortress was cut down,
"yes...we finally arrived" i answered. *i wont cry*
i walking toward the huge metal door, i pressed a green b.u.t.ton in the deal pad. then suddenly a deep voice of a man came out of the speakers near the deal pad.
"state your ident.i.ties" the man said emotionlessly.
"Neo Jones and Alice Jones, we are survivors from LHF-A3 , we're here to seek refuge" i answered in a matter of factly.
"Survivor?...how can that be, LHF-A3 has been destroyed 11 days ago, how can the two of you survive in the wild, for so long?....unless one of you is an evolved human" the man said .
"your rigth, i just evolved, few day ago" i answered.
"great!, a new evolved human, just arrived in our door! , take this card and go to the gates inner most layer of the fortress, after that show it to a guard he will guide you inside" after the man voice vanished, a green card suddenly came out of a small hole. near the deal pad.
i took the green card and put it to my pocket, shortly aftet that, a mechanism of the huge door started, creating a small opening, for Alice and me to go inside
while we're walking inside, i saw people living in the slum, and old dirty building. it was a typical situation in every fortress, normal human lives in slums on the first walled layer of the fortress
while evolutioners can have a room in the inner most layer of the fortress where living conditions are much better.
people around the area ,only gave us a quick glance before returning to what they are doing.
"i wonder, if Miss Jesseca was around?" Alice said as she turned her cute little head left and rigth with antic.i.p.ation in her eyes.
"we will know eventually,.just be patient for a bit" i told her.
reaching the second wall, we are greeted by two man wearing full Kevlar armor, with a printed LHF-N1 characters on there chest area.
after seeing us walk towards them, they s.h.i.+fted there attention to us with *what do you want* kind of look.
they must a revolutionaries tasked in guarding the second layer of the fortress.
i pulled a the green card and showed it to them. they took the card and inspect it for a short while.
"follow me" one of the man suddenly gestured us to follow him to the gates to enter the second layer.
unlike the outer layer of the fortress, the inner layer has lesser people, while the buildings inside are much better condition, there are few armored vehicles inside that being parked according,
there are also some planes and a few jets in the wide airport, while few revolutionaries can be seen jogging inside the wide run way.
Neo also saw the training ground where revolutionaries are doing some exercise drills man and woman a like
Alice on the other hand remained silent, on the whole trip, maybe because she saw how serious the people are inside here.
after few minutes of walking we are led into a room, inside the huge mansion. where an beautiful voluptuous woman can be seen doing some paper work,
she got long black hair, emerald colored eyes, while wearing her black business attire as she gives off the temperament of someone in power.
after sensing our presence, she turned her head toward me and my sister, and gave a small smile, excluding her womanly charms
standing up from her chair gracefully, she stretched her hand towards me,
"nice to meet you, my name is Zandra Cruz Commander In Chief of LHF-N1"