Because of that, the leader of the two fractions has agreed for in a truce, and promised to help each other.
As a Vanir Me, my half sister Freyja, and my father Njord. Are sent to live Asgard. My father became a honorary member of Asgard council. While my half sister Freyja became, one of King Odin's Valkyrie.
Valkyrie job is to choose strong and courageous people that died in the battle field, and escort them to Valhalla palace. To become Odins soldiers.
while me on the other hand, became a common G.o.ddess in Asgard.
I was the daughter of Skadi, a beautiful Giantess from the snowy montains far south of Asgard, that once married my father. However, their marriage was a failure, my father Njord couldn't stand the cold and dreariness of the mountains.
While my mother Skadi, couldn't stand the light and noise of Njord's home by the seash.o.r.e, so the two parted ways. Leaving me in the hands of my father.
My half sister Freyja, was my father's daughter in his second wife Nerthus, his sister.
Incestuous marriage was traditional among the Vanir G.o.ds.
I feel a little jealous of my sister because she can still see her mother, and already being trained to be one of the valkyries of Asgard. but that doest mean I don't love her.
Me on the other hand spend my time reading boring ancient records, while the only thing I enjoy doing, is playing with the cute animals in midgard.
I was 10 years old when I was started to get noticed for my beauty. Many young and old, G.o.ds. Man and woman alike started to praise me.
When I turned 15, every promising young G.o.d in Asgard started to figth for my attention. They started giving me gifts. From magical items, to gold and jewels.
in fact, I just need to mention the thing I want, then it will surely be mine. Man sure are obedient. that's why I love them.
When I turned 17, Gaia G.o.ddess of the world, speaked to me, she said that when I turned 18 she will grant me the t.i.tle G.o.ddess of love and beauty. That was the best moment in my life.
And there's a time when she gave me an *important* task of guiding a man to save humanity in the land of exiles.
The land of exiles, is the realm that separates the underword and the Midgard. Gaia said, that someone or something broke the barrier she made that prevents mana to flow in the land of exiles.
And now the human living there are on the verge of extinction, because of the anomalies that are happening there.
She gave me the power to observe and communicate with a man that he picked to become the saviour of that realm.
The first time, I saw him, he was bathing in blood. Is this the man Gaia picked to save humanity?
With the power given to me by Gaia, I look in to his status, using some kind of numeric symbols to show how powerful he is.
Unsure how to determine how strong he was, I tried comparing it to my own stats.
NAME: Freya
GENDER: Female
AGE: 17
TYPE: G.o.ddess «Vanir»
t.i.tLE: u003cu003cG.o.ddessu003eu003e
BUFF:u003cu003cG.o.ddess Gaia subordinate:"can see strength in numeral equivalents" u003eu003e
MANA: 1834.4
CHARM: 99.9/100
LUCK: 83.4/100
KARMA: 54.4/100
As a Vanir G.o.ddess it was natural to have higher mana and intelligent, after all Vanir G.o.ds use Arcana to figth, unlike the Aesir G.o.ds that use brute force.
After seeing my stats i have a finally have a rough idea of how strong the man is.
he was mediocre at most. Using my power, i tried to add some *honest* comment to his status.
But then after he saw his new-found power of stats, he already started yell sarcastic remarks to Gaia. This man has a rotten mouth.
I was so angry that I started to communicate with him using the system. but he didn't listen.
He was so disrespectful to Gaia that I threaten him with a little illusion. And with that, he finally shut his mouth.and accepted the fact that he needs to become stronger.
after that, I started to watch over him and guiding him in the best of my ability.
the first thing I notice about him, is how protective he is towards his sister, that somehow reduce my dislike of him.
With his minicule strength, manage to save himself and his sister with the use of his careful judgement and great a.n.a.lytical skill. It looks like Gaia made the rigth choice.
But the thing l dislike about him is that he likes being alone. He didn't seem to show any kind of emotion when dealing with other people. other than his sister.
then he finally found a way to a go in midgard using the power of *wist of life*. to be trained by Kratos the legendary DemiG.o.d, that caused the Olympus to fall.
I meet Kratos when I was 6 years old, he save me from a mountain troll, when I was playing with the animal in midgard, I call him sir because he hate being called grandpa.
i was sent to him with sheet of blank paper that was given to me by Gaia, Gaia said to give it to Kratos so that he will agree to train Neo. and it actually work Kratos agreed to train Neo.
When Neo first arrive here. At first I thought, that he will likely give in to my charms. And act like every man his age.
But to my astonishment, he only took a single quick glance at me, before glacing away. I tried to appeal to him for so many times, but I failed to even make him blush.
Why? Is my charm not enough! Or maybe his gay! No thats that's impossible.
I tried to seduce him in a bold manner but in exchange I was called a sl*t and thot. I don't know what they means so i return to Asgard to research.
then i learn there meaning in the grand library. He just called me a girl that has many s.e.xual encounters.
I can't believe him!.
Its impossible that he doesn't feel anything he must be hiding it very skillfully after all no one can resist my charms.
when, i return the next morning, Neo handed me an apple as an apology.
heh...he finally give in to my charms! now its time to punish him.
"hmmp, an apple? just so you know . i can have as much golden apples i want, with just a flick of my finger" Freya said smugly.
"then there's more for me." Neo slowly turn around and bite the apple.
"ehhhh?" Freya
*A/N, INTELLIGENT= knowledge about things. Wisdom = is the ability to make wise jugment or choices*