When he look up, Neo would see different kinds of colorful birds, freely roaming the sky, and if you turn your head north, you will see nine floating islands chain together. To form a pyramid like formation. There are five islands on the lower levels, while there is three islands in the middle, one island as the highest.
And on the highest island, there is huge golden palace that was visible even to Neo's naked eye.
Freya often comes out of nowhere, to watch Neo smack some wood. In one of her visits she explained, that the dimensions Neo was in, was called Midgard. And the floating island above them are called Asgard, she lives there.
Freya revealed, that the G.o.ddess she was serving is called Gaia mother of world. And the one who gave Neo the system was also her.
She used the *wisp of life* or *points* that Neo collected from the monsters he defeated, to make a duplicate of himself in this realm. So that he can train here.
Freya also warned him, that if his duplicate died, so was his real body because the two are interconnected in away.
Freya also supplied Neo's, some blue crystals, she called monster cores, and if Neo swallowed one or two of it every day, it could already stop Neo from going hungry for the whole day.
Freya also told him that, he can only stay here for 1 week before waking up to his world. She said that, the time here is faster than Neo's world, so he didn't need to worry about oversleeping.
*year: Unknown*
*locations: Midgard/ Kratos Small house*
*season: summer*
*Time: dawn*:
**ding* " training result u003c+0.4STRu003e u003c+0.4VITu003e"*
Neo finally split his sixth log, before wiping, the beads of sweat in his forehead. He felt that this was a great workout, for increasing both his strength and vitality.
But, he notice that. While his work is slowly getting easier and easier, the stat he gains become lesser and lesser. , so he migth need to find something else to do, if he reached a bottleneck of that *workout*
Suddenly a white bird land on the ground beside him, before transformed into a stunning girl. it was Freya, she was still in her white chiton dress. She was also hold a small white sack.
"Great work Neo!, here're some monsters core" she handed the cores to Neo. While smiling sweetly. Seeing this Neo, stretched his hand and grab the white sack.
"Thanks, but I'm just wondering where did you get all of these cores from ?" Neo asked, towards Freya.
"I asked my suitors"Freya said nonchalantly.
"Ehhh...now I suddenly felt guilty after hearing that" Neo said.
"Don't be, they gave it to me, so I have the rigth to do whatever I want with it.." Freya said while smiling.
"Your a strange creature, Freya, the first time we talk, you threaten me with a ligthing strike, but now your acting overly nice" Neo said. As he sat down to a log nearby. Before taking one of the monsters cores on the bag before swallowing it.
"How rude, it's you who made those sarcastic remarks to G.o.ddess Gaia, plus I'm not a creature, I'll be a G.o.ddess soon, as a matter of fact, Gaia, will grant me the t.i.tle G.o.ddess of beauty and love on my 18th birthday" Freya said, while lifting her bountiful chest up in pride.
"Ummm, beauty?.....sure, but love?....its hard to believe, considering your past action" Neo said tonelessly. as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Hmmm...you~don't~believe~me?"Freya suddenly walk towards Neo and run her pearly white hands in Neo's cheeks, seductively. While lowering her chiton to show a bit of her cleavage.
If it was the Neo 4 years ago. He will likely to fall prey in Freya's seduction. But the Neo, now has a strong Will, that was strengthen by the years of hards.h.i.+p and trial. Plus Neo also thinks that girls that act like these are undesirable.
Neo grabbed Freya's hands, away from his face. "I can't get how G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses like you could relate being a sl*t, to the word love?"
Freya retracts her hands poutingly "Hmmmp, your, no fun Neo. Your already ugly but your choosey as well. And what does a sl*t even means?"
"It's just word in my world...you don't need to dwell on it *Thot* "Neo said innocently, before standing up from the log. And walking back to house.
"Ehh..but, I'm curious tell me what's a sl*t and a Thot means?" Freya yelled in the towards Neo,
"..." Neo. Didn't answer.
"Fine... I will find out eventually" after Freya said those words she turned to a bird and flew away.
Neo could only watch her helplessly. "Are all G.o.ds like this?. Now I know why Mr Kratos hates them"
Neo walked to the house. He grab a towel before walking to the creek. Where he washed his body and clothes. Before changing to a clean yet old chiton that Kratos gave him.
His white t s.h.i.+rt and jeans are still drying. Somewhere.
Kratos will not be home for a few days. Because he said that, he needs to take care of some *important* business that resulted for Neo to be the only person left in the house.
After putting his washed clothes in the drying rack. Neo locked himself in the house before laying to dusty bed given to him by Kratos.
He still got a lot of time, so, he decided to check for his status.
NAME: Neo Jones
AGE: 18
t.i.tLE: u003cu003cugly yet chooseyu003eu003e
BUFF:u003cu003cG.o.ddess Approval:"I have sent a one of my subordinate to guide you in your journey, child please help us, save humanity" +10% increase in stat gainsu003eu003e
DEBUFF:u003cu003cFatigue -10%in Str,Agi,Vitu003eu003e
STRENGTH: 15.5 u003cu003c you idiot!u003eu003e
AGILITY: 7.4 u003cu003cI'm notu003eu003e
VITALITY: 11.3 u003cu003c a girlu003eu003e
INTELLIGENT: 6.5 u003cu003cthat's hasu003eu003e
MANA: 0.5 u003cu003c many s.e.xual u003eu003e
CHARM: 39/100 u003cu003c encounters!u003eu003e
LUCK: 25.0/100 u003cu003c how can you u003eu003e
KARMA: 98.4/100 u003cu003csay that to me?u003eu003e
Lumber Jack (11) u003cu003c sou003eu003e
Computer Programming(4)u003cu003cI'mu003eu003e
Hiding(9) u003cu003cau003eu003e
Neo close the interface. "What the h.e.l.l!"