From Neo's waist, he forcefully swings his axe high in the air, while taking advantage of the upward motion, he quickly bends the direction of the swing downward. because of that, the swing had gained a large acceleration distance, resulting in greater kinetic force.
In his first swing the piece of log on the tree stump, was already cut halfway. Neo pulled the axe from the log. before swinging it, in the same manner as before.
The log has split in two different parts. before falling down of the tree stump.
*ding*"training result u003c0.001stru003e u003c0.0006vitu003e"
Neo wipe his sweat, before bending his body down, to take another piece of log.
"you did quite well," a husky voice of old man, rings in Neo's back. a little surprised, Neo turned his head around, and saw Kratos, standing next to him.
Neo nodded to him.
"give me the axe, and follow me boy." Kratos said,
hearing this, Neo didn't waste his time contemplating. He pa.s.sed the axe to Kratos before following him.
He lead Neo to an open field, next to his house. Before he pulled a huge sack from his waist and handing it to Neo.
Neo stretched his hands to grab the sack.and learned that it was heavy.
"What's this?"Neo asked, while opening the bag and inspecting the things inside.
Neo saw a bunch glittering silver b.a.l.l.s. it looks like a cannon ball but more s.h.i.+nier.
"Training orbs, a dwarf Invention, you will be using this, to train your body for 4 to 10 hours a day. the energy it uses will recharge when not use." Kratos said.
Neo Nodded.
"I wonder what kind of enery it uses" Neo thought.for a short while before setting it aside.
"So, how do, I use this?"Neo grab of the b.a.l.l.s, and tried searching for a b.u.t.ton.
"It's easy to use, just put the orbs under your foot, then yell start" Kratos said.
Hearing this Neo poured all the orb under his feet before yelling "START!".
The b.a.l.l.s answered his call. 10 of them stared to levitate before encircling Neo, in every direction.
"so....what now?"Neo said, looking towards Kratos. with confused expression.
"endure!" Kratos said in a grim voice.
one of ball started to accelerated in an absurd amount of second. hitting Neo's abdomen.
"khaaaaaaa!" Neo could only yelp in pain, as the sharp pain a.s.saulted his stomach.the ball bounced away and goes back in encircling Neo.
five seconds later, another one darted towards Neo. but this time he was prepared.
Enduring the searing pain in his abdomen. Neo twisted his body to the right. barely dodging the ball that was after his torso.
5 seconds later, another ball flew towards him, but this time, it came from the back.
"khuuuuu" Neo yelp once again, he didn't see that one coming. because of that he was. .h.i.t in the back.
But thanks to his days of training his body. He could somehow manage take the hit from the ball and remain standing.
"If you what to learn how to fight you must not try to dodge it! ,as a fighter you must first learn how to handle and ignore physical pain!" Kratos yelled.
"aren't I suppose to dodge this!"Neo yelled in horror. as he dodges a ball that he saw coming.
"don't talk back! just follow, what I told you to do!" Kratos said angrily.
"...ok" Neo said with uncertainty, he could only endure in what's coming next.
"aaaaack!" a ball smack him to the face.
"I said, don't close your eyes!" Kratos yelled angrily.
"Yesss!"Neo yelled bitterly.
4 hours later
Kratos has finally stopped the, Beating Simulation. With that Neo finally let out a sigh of relief, before falling to the ground with a thud.
Neo was layed on the ground powerlessly while panting wildly, he never felt this kind of torment. he could feel every part of his body are numb and painful.
*ding* "Training results u003cu003c+15.2 VITu003eu003e"
But amidst the suffering, the thought of that he improved his stats in exchange of this suffering. has greatly made Neo think that everything is worth it.
"you, manage to hold out for 4 hours, you really are worthy of my teaching boy, "Kratos said.
He returned the ball back to the bag and grab Neo's body back to the house. Kratos then put Neo on the bed. before pulling a bottle with red liquid inside his bag.
"drink" Kratos said. before opening the bottle and putting towards Neo's mouth. and he swallowed the tasteless liquid without questions.
A few seconds later Neo felt a warm feeling from his stomach, slowly spreading to every part of his body. the pain and discomfort was is slowly going away. and a feeling and drowsiness envelopes Neo's mind, before ultimately letting his consciousness go.
*ding*"spirit body unmaterialization complete."
*ding*"returning to host [main] realm complete"
*ding*"Stat gains applied to main body completely"
Neo suddenly open his eye, and looked at the clock near his room, it was only 3:21 AM very early in the morning.
His experience in Midgard is somehow still lingering in Neo's mind. and now he felt a little overwhelmed by the sudden change of his environment.
he turned his head to the right side of the bed. and saw his 6 years old sister, curling her body, while sleeping next to him.
After a week of not able to see his sister, Neo has already missed her. He stretched his arms and stroked her sister black hair but, slowly to not wake her up.
but, then he notices that his limpy arms are now a little buffer than it used to be. a little curious he also tried checking his torso, sure enough, his body is now showing a few muscle outlines. he might grow some abs in the future. he also notice that his back wasn't aching anymore.
"i feel like hunting something!" Neo was too eager to use his strength on some real monster,
but then he remembered that his mentor, might still be in the that means he can't take any SR missions.
a little disappointed by the fact, Neo could not do anything except for waiting , so pulled his blanket back to his body and returned to sleep.