"What?" Neo, squinted his eyes, he hate that kind of face, he could clearly remember that it was the same face that her cla.s.smates makes, when they're about to mock him.
"You really look, uglier in personal" Freya answered, without taking off the smile in her blemish free face.
Neo knew fully well how unattractive he looks, he got a thin build, average face, and long unkempt hair that almost covering his eyes.
And If he tries to compare himself to the fairy like creature that was standing next to him. It will be identical, to comparing a beautiful flower to a piece of dung(him).
"I figured." Neo said emotionlessly, as ignored the Freya. And followed Kratos who is walking towards the woods. That kind of hurting words, does not affect him anymore. He was used to it after all.
"...that's it?" Freya was surprise in Neo's response.
Neo, did not bothered to answer Freya. as he continues walking the same path Kratos took.
Seeing Neo and Kratos are almost out of her sight. Freya suddenly yelled "hey...wait up!"
Kratos guided Neo, to small house made of stone, clay, and wood. There are animal pelts being dried on the sides, while fire wood are stocked near its walls.
The house was in the middle of the forest. Near a small creek with clear water. The house also look very battered, there are holes on the walls and roof.
"Come inside, Let's fix that wounds, boy" Kratos said, before he opened the doors of his house, and walking inside.
Neo followed him. and saw that the house only had mud floor. While rays of sunlight goes through the gaps and holes of the house.
Freya on the other hand, didn't go inside, but instead, walk towards a tree stomp, and sat in there.
Kratos in the middle of house and opened a dusty box located in there. he took a bottle filled with strange black substance and a roll dusty bandage. after that he then proceeded to where Neo was standing.
"Arms" Kratos said, while opening a bottle in his hands.
Neo nodded, he stretched both of his wounded arm, .
Kratos put one drop of black substance, in both of Neo' s arms. Before wrapping it with dusty bandages.
Neo was wondering why this old man suddenly become so friendly towards him. Didn't he just tried to chase them out a while ago?. But after contemplating for a short while, he decided to set aside that thought for now.
Neo's hand are fully bandaged, and now Kratos walked out of the house "follow me"
Neo followed without question.
Kratos led, Neo to a nearby tree stump.where Freya was sitting alone, playing with some critters that are flocking to get her attention.
"Why are you still here?" Kratos asked, towards Freya. The animal that are flocking to her, hurriedly dispersed. After seeing Kratos walking towards them.
"i need to check on him!" Freya pointed Neo.
Kratos raised his eyebrows "i don't need you to keep an eye on him, now move out of the way.... or perhaps want me to crack your skull open, so that you'll understand!" Kratos said in a menacing manner. While pulling his axe from his back.
"Fine!...bleee" Freya stick her tongue out. Before turning into a bird and flew away.
Kratos followed the Freya with his gaze until it was nowhere on sight. before turning his head towards Neo."Never trust a G.o.ds or a G.o.ddesses are we clear ,Boy!"
"Crystal clear!" Neo answered. He doesn't have any issues with that.
"Good!....now this is your first task" Kratos put a log above a tree trump. then he spread his foot apart from each other, while holding the axe with both hands, he put the axe next to his waist, before suddenly doing a full swing, splitting the log that he placed in the tree trunk in half.
"Mimic my action, and hit the log on the crack" after Kratos said that, he handed his axe to Neo.
After that, Kratos walked to a wooden couch near his house. Before sitting there to watch Neo do his thing.
Neo was at loss. "Splitting wood? Aren't, i suppose to learn about fighting?"
"i guess, i should just finish, cutting all of his wood before, asking him"Neo thought.
He tried to swing the axe to see if the wound on his hands would hurt, but unexpectedly it didn't. *as expected of the black liquid* so he just proceeded on cutting some wood for the old man.
there are a few things, he still can't understand about this world, so Neo thinks that he need to clarify things with Freya when she shows up.
Neo put a log above the tree stomp. before doing a full swing.
The axe only made a little dent on the wood before bouncing back.
Neo could not believe his eyes " is this even a wood?, why does it feel like I'm hitting a car tire with a sledge hammer.
To make sure Neo tried the second time.
Sure enough, the axe only made another small dent. showing no sign of splitting up.
"Hmmm. Are you serious?" Neo did another swing.
and another one
another one
one.... after 80 swings, the log finally show a small crack
"finally!" Neo was tired, but that didn't stop him, from smacking the wood
"Stupid wood just spit already!!!" Neo was, so frustrated. because he can't accept the fact that, he could not be able to cut, a little piece of wood .
but when nigth came, Neo has finally managed to cut the wood in half ,after *who know how many swings*
This was Neo typical behavior, he love finis.h.i.+ng something that are hard for him to do. like in video games when he play in h.e.l.l mode, he will try and try until finish the game. He will even skip sleep if he needs to.because after finis.h.i.+ng an impossible task. He will feel satisfied afterwards for him that was the best feeling.
with numb arms, Neo powerlessly, laid down on the ground bathing on his own sweat. while a satisfied smile, was plastered in his face.
*ding* " training result u003c+1 STRu003e u003c+1VITu003e"