Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 906

Chapter 906

The voice was a bit familiar, and Link quickly reacted, remembering the image of the owner of the voice, and his face suddenly gloomy, like a mourning concubine.


You said this guy didn't take a good rest at home, why did he come here?

After all the calculations, I didn't think that Chris was a good guy, and actually went to the military police in person.

Link understood that as soon as this guy Chris appeared, his previous business plans would basically be in vain.

Let all the small forces owe him a big favor to the Umbrella Foundation, and now it's all in vain.

In this case, it can only open B.

Everyone listened to Chris's tone and couldn't help clenching their fists. The crowd was excited, and they all thought that the captain of the gendarmerie had discovered some new clues.

"Captain Chris is here, and Link's wishful thinking has come to nothing."

"It seems that the captain also heard about this and came to interrogate him specially."

"Eros and his accomplices can't escape!"

The representatives of the small forces had bright expressions, as if they had already won the game.

Rao was talking to Link's Jia Wen, who was also puzzled. He didn't know when the captain heard the news. The first reaction turned out to be that the small forces used connections to invite the captain over.

Link shrugged helplessly, turned around and said, "I didn't want to come, wasn't this brought over by the small forces and the gendarmerie~"

Chris frowned slightly: "Why don't you want to come? Didn't I leave a token for you before, asking you to come to the Gendarmerie to find me after you came to Qunxinggang? Why don't you want to come? And I didn't see it, you There is actually an aircraft at the level of the Black Throne, but I haven't heard of it from you before, it's really hidden!"

Link is noncommittal. Compared with Plan A, although Plan B can also take advantage of the situation, it is not as smooth as Plan A, and it can get through all the links of small forces at one time.

In the face of Chris' questioning, Link said in an innocent tone: "The new forces of the Umbrella Foundation have just arrived. As soon as they arrive, they are rushing to climb their identities. It seems to outsiders that they always have the meaning of clinging to the powerful."

Chris pouted, but he didn't expect Link to be quite aloof.

Chris stepped forward and smiled: "You are not clinging to the powerful, but my military police team needs experts like President Lin to join."

Chris stood in front of Link with a sincere look: "So you know my identity after arriving at Qunxinggang, then I won't say more nonsense, I am the military police captain of Qunxinggang, and I belong to the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee. I solemnly invite President Lin to join the Qunxinggang Gendarmerie and contribute to the stability of the Morvol galaxy cluster!"

When this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked.

The spokespersons of the small forces hiding in the next room were all stunned and dumbfounded.

They thought Chris was here to interrogate Link and expose his hypocrisy. Unexpectedly, Chris actually opened his mouth to invite Link to join the gendarmerie, and things turned 180 degrees from their expectations.

Soon, these spokespersons were sweating coldly on their foreheads and their faces were pale.

If Link really agrees to Chris' invitation to become a member of the gendarmerie, then they will have good fruit to eat in the future. They put eye drops on Link like this, and when Link joins the gendarmerie and has power, it's not all about them.

No, this is no longer possible!

No one can deny the opportunity to join the Gendarmerie Guard. Joining the Gendarmerie Guard is equivalent to becoming a direct line of troops of the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee.

There are also garrison troops in Qunxinggang, but the garrison troops are only aimed at the defense outside the core area.

As long as it is inside the galaxy, the security work of the three major mechanical star rings and the main body of the star port are all managed by the military police. The General Affairs Self-Government Committee will not come forward. It can be said that the Gendarmerie Guard is the **** of Star Harbor.

At this moment, Link's system suddenly made a sound of completing the task.

Link glanced at it, and it turned out that after the real identity of Chris was announced, the last link of the main quest in version 2.0 was completed.

[You have completed the level serial quest [The Direction of the Vatican Galaxy] and the fourth quest [Explore the Unknown: Go to Qunxinggang]]

Link didn't have time to check the quest reward, so he simply ignored this message.

According to plan B, there must be a person to join the gendarmerie, but this person must not be Link.

If Link himself joins the Gendarmerie, the development of the Umbrella Foundation will suffer. After all, it is still easy to be accused by people of using power for personal gain.

However, if one of the Umbrella Foundation serves as the link between the two, everything will have room for buffer, but it will also allow the Umbrella Foundation to have an official deterrent, so as to achieve an excellent balance between attacking and retreating and defending. .

Link already knows this candidate, and it definitely suits Chris's appetite.

"Sorry, I can't join the gendarmerie." Link decisively rejected Chris' proposal.

Chris seemed to be mentally prepared, and was not surprised by Link's refusal, but continued to place his chips.

When he was in the Vatican galaxy before, Chris had a conversation with Link, but he always thought that Link's own power was similar to that of the First Order. It was not until the Black Throne arrived at the port this time and saw from the news reports that Link was "invited" to the gendarmerie by Vice-Captain Jarvan, Chris didn't know the weight of the organizational power Link said.

Link has excellent strength and talent, and this kind of person has a bright future. Joining the gendarme team of Qunxinggang, with higher advanced knowledge, the strength will only be higher!

After seeing the report, Chris decided to increase his chips and was determined to keep Link.

In addition to Link's personal strength factors, the huge forces behind him are also one of his key targets.

There is no super-large aircraft with keel and psionic blessing like the Black Throne in the entire Qunxinggang.

If Link can really join the gendarmerie, does it mean that they indirectly have the Black Throne?

The Black Throne will be an important strategic deterrent!

Chris said again: "Of course, joining the Gendarmerie is only the first step. The position I promised you is the deputy captain of the Gendarmerie, higher than Jarvan, and on the same level as me. If you want, I will go to the Autonomous Council. Speak up, I believe they will not refuse. All the troops and secrets of the gendarmerie are open to you."

Hearing Chris' promise, Link was also a little surprised. I didn't expect this guy to have such courage.

Jia Wen on the side was even more stunned.

But soon he figured it out.

The captain's idea was to tie Link and all his forces to the chariot of the Star Harbor. As for Link's strength, since Captain Chris and Link knew each other, his strength must have been recognized by the captain, and there was no need to question anything on this point.

If Jarvan was in a turbulent mood at the scene, the delegates in the next room were now dead ashes.

When Link joined the Gendarmerie, he had already gained great rights, and he could even be regarded as the "Gestapo" of Qunxinggang.

Now Chris is the vice-captain position as soon as he opens his mouth, and he is on the same level as him. Not to mention the power. In this position, it is even a matter of one sentence to suppress these small forces.

Taking the gendarmerie to investigate their firefighting, safety, and business conditions every now and then is enough for them to eat a pot.

The delegates are now remorseful, but the bow has not been turned back, and the water is hard to recover. The matter of their joint lawsuit against Link has been shaken out, and now they want to restore the relationship, the price will only be higher!

And judging from Link's treatment of the Black Mountain Family and United Mining, this guy is obviously not a good person. He wants to fill the anger in his heart, but he doesn't know how much he has to pay.

Some representatives have even started to contact the leaders of the forces tremblingly to inform them of the current situation and ask how to repair the relationship in the future. No one would think that Link would refuse such a generous treatment. The deputy captain of the Gendarmerie of the Star Harbor was simply a position with more than ten thousand people under one person.

Looking at the entire Morvol galaxy cluster, it is also a powerful figure.

Offending such a person, what will their business do in the future?

Just when everyone thought that Link would definitely agree, Link's expression remained unchanged, and the corner of his mouth still had an alienating smile: "Although the position of vice-captain is very tempting, I still feel inappropriate. Sorry, I can't agree. "

Now it was Chris's turn to be surprised. Unexpectedly, he offered the highest level of treatment, but Link was still able to resist the temptation, which was beyond his expectations.

"President Lin refused so bluntly, is there really no room for manoeuvre?"

Chris could sense Link's ambition.

It's not that Link doesn't like this position because he doesn't want to be the vice-captain of the Qunxinggang Gendarmerie. But his vision is more lofty and more thoughtful. If now serving as Deputy Commander of the Gendarmerie. Then, whether it is him or his own forces, they will be tied to Qunxinggang, and they will both prosper and lose.

Even if it was Chris, he would think twice about it himself.

After all, with the big killer of the Black Throne, the future is promising. Looking at the entire Carl supercluster, as long as there are no strategic-level ships such as battlecruiser formations or aircraft carriers in air combat, the Black Throne is almost invincible. Putting a label on yourself so easily is definitely not a good deal.

The representatives in the next room were completely dumbfounded. This is no longer Chris's simple invitation to Link, but a little bit of scrutiny.

Even though Link has bluntly refused, Chris is still unwilling to give up even the slightest chance to make the other party change his mind and look for an opportunity to mediate.

What kind of background does Link have? How could Chris be so persistent in inviting him that he would even risk his career to include Linkla in the gendarmerie.

Facing Chris's persistence, Link said slowly: "There is no way out. It's just that you may not agree."

Chris made a gesture of invitation, motioning for Link to tell him what to do.

"Because I am the president of the Umbrella Foundation, and joining the Gendarmerie in this capacity, whether it is for me or Qunxinggang, there will be some restraints in it. Rather than being so embarrassed, it is better to assign another person to sit in the Gendarmerie. And this person can satisfy both Your request is inextricably linked with me. In this way, won't the problem be solved? Your idea can also be realized. "

Link was outspoken and spoke out about Chris's idea of using himself and the Black Throne.

Once Qunxinggang has a super-large aircraft that is nominally its own, then within the entire Cal supercluster, its status will be improved again, and there will be additional deterrence.

This is akin to nuclear deterrence between powers. I can do without this thing, but I have to have it. In any case, as long as I want to use it to deter others, the effect is achieved.

Chris fell silent after hearing Link's thoughts.

He admired Link's strength, especially in the use of the power of death, which almost reached the limit within the limits of knowledge. As long as he can obtain more advanced advanced knowledge, his strength will grow explosively. A straightforward and decisive combat style, complex and changeable skill styles, and even natural combat intuition...

Chris can be sure that as long as time passes, Link's strength will surpass him, and he is even expected to break through level!

"Is the manpower you're talking about also in the Umbrella Foundation?"

Link smiled and said: "You have heard of this person. It is Ning Chengqi, the seventh corps commander of the first order of our Vatican galaxy. Although you have not seen him, you must have heard of him when you were on vacation in Mustafa. His news and deeds."

Chris pondered for a moment, exactly as Link said. Although he had never met Ning Chengxi, he had heard a lot of news about him during Mustafa's vacation for a few months.

Especially in the battle of Thanos, the only remaining corps of Mustafa, in addition to the Mustafa escort, was the remaining troops of the Seventh Corps.

The tactical literacy and strength it shows can also reflect the level of the corps commander to some extent. Coupled with some of the deeds of Ning Chengxi I heard, Chris can come to a conclusion. What limits the development height of Ning Chengqi is the remoteness and occlusion of the Fanti Galaxy. Under this kind of experience, it can be said that he can grow to this point, which is the limit.

"Only based on the information I have, there is no way to confirm whether he is eligible to join the gendarmerie. But since it is one of the plans proposed by President Lin, I am willing to investigate him, hoping to promote our cooperation."

"If Ning Chengqi can really pass the assessment, I will grant him the post of the captain of the Qunxinggang Gendarmerie Guard. But he is not enough to connect you and Qunxinggang. I have a small suggestion here that can be supplemented. President Quanlin's plan."

Link was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Chris would be able to think of a completion plan in a short period of time. He couldn't help but curiously said, "All ears."

Chris said: "President Lin can serve as the special advisor of the Gendarmerie Guard of Qunxinggang. This special advisor does not belong to the Gendarmerie Guard system, but has the same rights and treatment as the captain, and can mobilize all members of the Gendarmerie Guard under special circumstances. members, and do not need to be loyal to the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee."

As a special consultant, the relationship between Link and Qunxinggang was perfectly resolved. From a relationship of affiliation to a relationship that invites cooperation. It also ensures the independent status of the Link Umbrella Foundation, but also ensures the close cooperative relationship between the two parties.

Link's eyes lit up. This plan is really perfect, and completely solved his worries.

Even if there is unpleasantness with Qunxinggang in the future, it is only necessary to terminate the relationship of the special consultant. It will not have any impact on the Umbrella Foundation, but it has simply changed from official cooperation to business.

"It seems that Captain Chris is imperative to get me!"

Chris also smiled this time: "I just admire your strength and be optimistic about your future. As for the Black Throne, it is a joint matter and an unexpected joy."

A major event has been finalized between the two of them chatting and laughing.

Therefore, this special consultant needs to be approved by the Autonomous Committee, but if Chris is involved, this matter will be successful.

Moreover, if Linkla can be brought under his command, it will be beneficial to Qunxinggang without any harm, and the Autonomy Committee will definitely agree.

Afraid of unforeseen complications, Chris immediately said: "In this case, I will report to the committee now! After the declaration, members of the committee will investigate your identity background and faction. According to President Lin's identity background, this will not have any Question. After the investigation is passed, it will be officially announced to the public.

Link and Chris shook hands, which was considered to have reached this cooperation intention.

He was now looking forward to the expressions of the small faction leaders who had united to offend him before.

It can be summed up in one sentence - "Who is under the court, framed this official!"

As long as the identity verification is passed, these small forces will immediately choose to make good friends and cooperate with the Umbrella Foundation.

During the identity verification, the relationship between Link and Eros will definitely be sorted out. As long as Link can pass the verification of the Autonomous Committee, he can also be cleared of the false accusation and his innocence.

All the problems were solved easily, and in the end, only the small forces were injured and paid.

Chris kept nonstop, left the gendarmerie immediately, and went to prepare the materials, for fear that Link would go back on it.

Jia Wen stepped forward: "President Lin, we will become colleagues soon."

Jarvan was also curious about Link, and even more curious about the story behind him. But these things can't be rushed. When Link officially becomes a special consultant, he has a story and I have wine, and these things will be known gradually.

After this episode, Link returned to the reception hall of the gendarmerie and reunited with his cadres.

Gamesh and Graves stepped forward quickly, UU Reading asked anxiously, "Did you explain clearly, what's the situation now?"

Link showed a mysterious and unpredictable smile, sold a secret, and didn't tell them directly.

"It's settled, we can go back now."

Everyone didn't think much about it, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that the matter was resolved. They didn't want to be charged with colluding with criminals as soon as they came to Qunxinggang.

Sean and Miranda also clapped their hands happily, smiling again on their faces.

After Link returned to the Mechanical Fortress, he called Ning Chengqi, the deputy commander stationed at the Mechanical Fortress.

Since Ning Chengxi joined the Umbrella Foundation, except for the two battles he directed, the rest of the time has been idle.

Well now, this wave has arranged for him a new position, which is completely a re-employment of "laid-off" personnel, rejuvenating the second spring of life.

It's just that before he takes office, there are still a few things that need to be explained...

P.S: Ask for a recommendation ticket!