Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 905

Chapter 905

The news that the Montenegrin family and United Mining paid to take Eros away was not hidden, but publicized.

After all, after so many years of confrontation with Eros, this is the first time they have caught each other, which is definitely a morale booster.

In the previous confrontations, although they were able to contain Eros in Qunxinggang, this guy always had a way to escape every time, and the small forces of anger tickled their teeth.

This time, Eros was successfully "captured". After learning the news, the small forces of Qunxinggang were comparable to the Chinese New Year, and almost all sent out congratulations.

Next, as long as Eros is arbitrated and sentenced according to the losses of each family, according to preliminary statistics, the bad influence and losses caused by Eros are enough to be sentenced to life imprisonment!

Send it to the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee for implementation.

When he got to the prison of the Star Harbor Autonomous Committee, it was not something he could escape if he wanted to.

Just when everyone was looking forward to seeing Eros' tragic end, this guy escaped on his way to the Montenegro family dungeon!

disappeared without a trace.

Everyone was overjoyed and sad, and the Xin family who heard the news were even more angry, and it was difficult to find a place to vent their anger.

At this time, someone made a bold guess.

The Umbrella Foundation took the money and sent Eros out, and the latter lost Eros. The ultimate beneficiary is also the Umbrella Foundation.

And before he left, Link also sold a tool to bind Eros at a price of 10 million, but was rejected by the Black Mountain family and United Mining. Now that Eros is gone, the Umbrella Foundation is most suspicious!

Looking at the members of the Phantom Thieves Legion, after they left, Link released all the members of the Phantom Thieves Legion with his hind legs. And now these members have disappeared without a trace, as if the water melted into the sponge, it is difficult to find a trace.

After some turmoil, the income from the kidnapping of Eros and the income from the two forces asking for Eros all went to the umbrella foundation. The only winner in this event is Link!

From the Black Mountain family and the United Mining, they also learned that Link's approximate strength is around the B level. Moreover, the strength of the cadres in the foundation also ranges from C to B rank. If it is purely based on paper strength, the Umbrella Foundation is at best the standard of a small force in Qunxinggang.

Of course, the Umbrella Foundation with keel and psionic energy is definitely not as simple as it looks. There must be extraordinary people inside, and even the president of Link may be the spokesperson introduced by the big man behind the scenes.

However, the small forces don't care about this, they just need to find the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee, jointly write a letter to express this doubt, and ask the Autonomous Committee to come forward to investigate.

These small forces add up, and they also pay billions of dollars in taxes to Qunxinggang every year. Of course, this money can't be paid in vain, can it?

The Montenegrin family and United Mining rejected the request of the small forces to unite. They admitted the loss and decided to stop here.

As for what other indignant forces think, it has nothing to do with them.

The price paid for this has been enough, and they agreed to Link's request when they bought Eros, and now openly join the small forces to hold the Umbrella Foundation accountable, which will seriously affect their reputation. If one of the forces can't even make promises, no one will cooperate with them in the future.

Small forces also acquiesce to this situation, and verbal commitments are also considered commitments, which is the foundation of the forces. Even happy to see such a scene.

After all, they are targeting the Umbrella Foundation, so what if they don't know what's going on inside?

The Montenegrin family and United Mining are responsible for making good friends and inquiring about the actual situation of the Umbrella Foundation. They are responsible for putting pressure on the self-governing committee to investigate, and the two-pronged approach can be effective and ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Soon small forces united to submit an application requesting an investigation of the Umbrella Foundation.

The Autonomous Committee is also very embarrassed. On the one hand, it is a super-large aircraft, and the civilization behind it is the object they need to befriend.

On the other hand, there are small forces in Qunxinggang. If this matter is not handled properly, it will lose popular support, which will then affect the self-government council's rule over the Morvol galaxy cluster.

Therefore, the Self-Government Committee hesitated again and again, and after discussion, decided to let the Qunxinggang Gendarmerie Team investigate the matter.

If the investigation is true, then Qunxinggang will not pretend to be invisible, and will definitely give a statement to the small forces.

However, if it is determined that the Umbrella Foundation is innocent, the Autonomous Committee requires the small forces to apologize to the Umbrella Foundation and provide financial compensation to a certain extent.

For this request made by the Autonomous Council, all the small forces nodded in agreement.

The current situation couldn't be clearer. The Umbrella Foundation was definitely inextricably linked to Eros.

Everything was too coincidental, and according to the statement of Xia and the joint mining committee, Link and Eros hit it off, and the personnel of the two sides also had friendly exchanges inside the mechanical fortress, and there was no trace of swords drawn at all.

So, call this kidnapping?

Just as the undercurrent was surging in Qunxinggang, Link was already shopping with some cadres.

In the previous life, Star Harbor was the main activity location for players, and Link knew the layout and location here.

Although the time when he arrived at Qunxinggang was a year later than in his previous life, Link checked the navigation guide while browsing. The shops and facilities he knew from his previous life were also here, and there was no change due to a year earlier.

Just as everyone was shopping for the materials they needed, a group of people suddenly appeared to stop everyone.

The team wore white armed armor, and their faces were completely shrouded in the helmets. Only the eye sockets and nose showed black sight glasses and breathing valves.

Soldiers are equipped with standard weapons, but it can be seen from the style of the weapons that the specifications and technological content of these weapons are higher than those made by Helen. The difference is not the difference in strength, but because of the presence or absence of advanced knowledge. As long as Helen gets the corresponding advanced knowledge and completes the knowledge of these weapons, she can also create weapons of the same level.

"Hello, is it President Lin of the Umbrella Foundation and his party?" The armored military police headed among them said, with a hoarse voice like an electric current.

The cadres around Link sent their eyes to scrutinize one after another, and a strong momentum poured out from their bodies, and they were already on complete alert.

"Yes, what's the matter with you?"

Link has already recognized the armored military police in front of him, this is the military police of Qunxinggang. Responsible for maintaining the security situation of Qunxinggang with a population of 8 billion, it is an official organization that overrides all forces, and only owes its allegiance to the Self-Government Council.

"Hello, I'm Jia Wen, the deputy captain of the Qunxinggang Gendarmerie. We need to know some things. We need you to go to the Gendarmerie to confirm with us, and I hope President Lin will cooperate."

Link was not only not angry, but raised a smile.

If expected, this incident must have something to do with Eros.

Before Link could speak, the cadres around Link quit.

Gamesh and Graves stood in front of Link: "We are here for the first time, and you arrest people for questioning without any evidence, isn't it reasonable?"

Miranda and Sean also tightly grabbed Link's sleeves, not wanting to let Link go, their eyes filled with tension and reluctance. The energies of the Phoenix True Fire and Shadow Flames around the two seemed to be unable to be suppressed.

Link touched the heads of the two of them, comforted them, and then asked Jarvan: "What you want to know is about Eros, I just heard that he escaped at the hands of the Black Mountain Family and United Mining. Why do you think this is necessary, in order to save 10 million and let Eros slip away, isn't this a loss of the lady and the army?"

Jia Wen also upheld a fair attitude and nodded slightly to Link: "President Lin, we are not arresting people, we just want to confirm some situation with you. If you have nothing to do with this matter, Qunxinggang will compensate you."

"If my guess is correct, it should be the small forces of Qunxinggang who jointly applied for a thorough investigation of me, right?"

Jarvan didn't hide anything either, and nodded.

"President Lin must believe in our level of law enforcement. The Gendarmerie Guard is in charge of investigating this matter and will definitely investigate the truth and return your innocence!"

Link glanced and saw some people with sneaky eyes not far from the gendarmerie. Not surprisingly, these people should be sent by small forces to monitor the movements of the gendarmerie.

But everyone knows that these small forces are gradually falling into the trap laid out by Link.

Link adjusted his clothes a little and said, "Okay, since that's the case, I'll go back with you for an investigation. I hope the compensation from Qunxinggang won't disappoint."

On the way back, Link talks to Jarvan.

"What about your Captain Chris? Why didn't you see him in charge of this mission?"

Jia Wen's heart moved, and he asked with a little doubt: "President Lin and our captain know each other? The captain returned from a vacation, and there is still a month of vacation left. Now he is resting at home."

Facing Jarvan's doubts, Link did not tell the truth directly.

Link replied: "Oh, it doesn't count as acquaintance, it's just a relationship."

Link really didn't lie, he really only had a relationship with Chris during his fight with Thanos. Chris then went on vacation in Mustafa, and he used the portal to return to Vormir.

As for the token that Chris gave to Link, Link did not rush to take it out. If the identity is directly announced, then the game will not be fun.

Link arrives at the Star Harbor Gendarmerie.

The architectural style here is quite a kind of simple Soviet style, and the sculpture at the door has a strong unique artistic style.

The image of a standing military policeman is covered with military police armor. Half of his body is in a realistic style, and the other half is composed of the planetary buildings of Qunxinggang, including three mechanical star rings.

All of these fit together ingeniously, forming a sculpture with strong tension.

After the sculpture, a white column leads directly to the lower building at the rear.

The building of the Gendarmerie Guard is not towering, only five floors are swept away by the naked eye.

But the width of each floor is extremely wide, and it is located in the center, giving people a sense of calm and solemnity.

Entering the Gendarmerie Guard Building, the other party did not directly impose personal restrictions, but Jarvan and Link started a conversation and asked some things about Eros.

"President Lin, when and where did you and Eros meet?"

Link didn't hide it, and said directly: "The Umbrella Foundation came all the way from the edge of the Morvor galaxy cluster. Two days before we were about to arrive at Qunxinggang, we happened to find a battle in the ore belt. After inquiring, it was Montenegro. The family and the United Mining had a dispute over the ownership of an ore belt. While the two sides were fighting, Eros brought the Phantom Thief Corps to take advantage of the fishermen and captured both parties. And I have also heard in the universe that Eros is blamed Fame. Interested in his maverick character, so I invited them to the Black Throne. In a day and a half of contact, I found that this guy is indeed a maverick. Every time there are surprises. For I'm not interested in Eros creating an opportunity to kidnap the Montenegrin family and the United Mining Commissioner. So I didn't get involved. Feeling that Eros was a little hostile to me, I thought of kidnapping him for a ransom. I'm curious what this guy by nature looks like when he's deflated? Obviously I did, and he's a really interesting guy."

Link's answer was flawless, and this situation was consistent with the information obtained from Xia and the Joint Mining Committee.

"Then ask President Lin, why did you think about selling things to control Eros to the Montenegrin family and the United Mining."

Link asked with a slight smile, "Do you remember how he made you feel when you first met Eros?"

Link did not answer directly, but instead asked rhetorically.

Jarvan thought about it for a moment, and then answered directly: "The first impression of Eros is that of being weird and unique. And it has been confirmed in the subsequent events. His ideas are very different from ordinary people. If you want to understand a person, you have to consider the situation from his thinking. But this guy has weird thinking, and no one can share the same frequency with him, which is why the small forces have been losing."

"I just discovered this. The Montenegrin family and the United Mining were deliberately and deliberately designed by the other party. If I hadn't been here this time, his 16 million ransom would have been obtained. And before the small forces jointly arrested Eros. , every time I let him escape successfully, do you think that such a person has no trump card? It happens that I have a few things that can limit him, and the price of 10 million is already a friendship price, but it's a pity that some people don't know the goods!

Link's words severely mocked the short-sighted Montenegro family and United Mining, and even the small forces became trash in his mouth.

The representatives of the small forces who appeared in the other room were angry when they heard what Link said, but could not find any reason to refute.

After the conversation between Jarvan and Link ended, Jarvan asked, "President Lin doesn't mind if I save the chat just now?"

Link showed a mysterious smile and said, "You can save it, but can some of the content be deleted?"

Jarvan was a little curious, not knowing that Link felt the content was sensitive.

"Which part of the content is President Lin referring to?"

"There are those words about the small forces I complained about. If you let them hear these words, you must not jump into anger and jump your feet in a hurry~"

Jia Wen laughed. The representatives of those small forces were all watching from the next room. He could already imagine that this rant would cause them great harm.

"President Lin is joking. Thank you President Lin for cooperating with our investigation work. I am very sorry for the delay of your precious time. In order to express our apologies to Qunxinggang again, please accept this discount card. With this card, you can You can enjoy a 10% discount on any purchase in Qunxinggang once, and there is no cap. It is a compensation for delaying your time. If it is determined after the investigation that you have nothing to do with Eros, we will give you additional compensation. "

Jarvan's answer was decent, and Link didn't refuse too much and accepted the discount card.

10% discount once, no cap.

It can save a lot of money if used well.

Although this compensation seems very difficult in Link's view, in order for the Umbrella Foundation to gain a firm foothold in Qunxinggang, some necessary steps have to be taken.

The idea came into being after Link met Eros.

If it is all on its own, the rise of the Umbrella Foundation will be an unusually slow process.

But now that there is Eros, Link can take advantage.

This "potential" is the hostility of the small forces of Qunxinggang to Eros.

As long as there is this hostility, it can easily blind their nerves and make them make wrong judgments.

He only invited Eros to go with him for two days, and was judged as an accomplice of Eros by the small forces, and even moved out of the gendarmerie for interrogation. After delving into the background, it must be a joint letter to the Autonomous Committee.

But Talink was sitting upright and had nothing to do with Eros.

After some investigation, it was determined that Link had nothing to do with the escape of Eros, and got rid of the relationship between the two of them as accomplices. At that time, whether it was Qunxinggang or a small force, there would only be guilt and apology for Link.

Relying on this kind of guilt and apology, as well as the compensation in his mouth, Link can quickly establish contact with these forces in Qunxinggang, paving the way for the development of the Umbrella Foundation.

So now the deeper the misunderstanding, the greater the benefits Link will be able to gain, and he even wishes that some medium-sized forces would join in and express their opinions on him.

After all, cause and effect, you still have to believe it!

"Okay, thank President Lin for cooperating with us, and that's it for our conversation." Jia Wen smiled and got up and shook hands with Link.

In the other room, the representatives of the small forces were a little unhappy.

"Why let him go?"

"You can leave just by talking?"

"He must have something to do with Eros, the two of them are a gang!"

It's just that these complaints are of no use. As the deputy captain of the gendarmerie, Garvin will definitely handle it fairly and not favor any party.

Because he represents the justice of Qunxinggang.

"Quick, go and invite Captain Chris over, now only Captain Chris can make the final decision!"

It's just that Captain Chris, as the captain of the gendarmerie, has a high position and authority. How can they be accessible to these small forces?

Although some small forces have this relationship, they do not want to use it easily.

But just as they were jumping in a hurry, Link got up and walked to the door, when a voice suddenly rang out and stopped Link.

"You're here, and you want to leave so easily?"

P.S: Ask for a recommendation ticket!