Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 907

Chapter 907

Link called Ning Chengxi and explained the plan in his mind.

"So after you arrive at the gendarmerie, you don't have to have any favoritism or actions, just serve well and make suggestions for the gendarmerie."

Link knew that once Ning Chengxi entered the gendarmerie, there would be countless pairs of eyes staring at him day and night, observing his every behavior and speech with a magnifying glass. As long as there is a slight omission, a report letter will be handed over. Therefore, as long as Ning Chengxi does his part, he does not need to provide any cheapness for the Umbrella Foundation.

The real deterrent was Link's status as a guest advisor. As long as he has this identity, Link can theoretically mobilize the gendarmerie, which has a strong deterrent power in itself.

Ning Chengxi still had some doubts, after all, it was his first time to Qunxinggang. Although Link roughly talked about the power of Qunxinggang and the status of the gendarmerie, but after all, he didn't see it with his own eyes, so Ning Chengxi couldn't be completely relieved.

"You don't need to worry about the fact that the Qunxinggang Gendarmerie Guard is not working, you just need to work hard. We represent the collective interests of the Vatican galaxy. Only when we stand firm here, the people from the Vatican galaxy will come. It will get better development." Link said and pointed to the third mechanical star ring in the distance, unless you want people from the Vatican galaxy to go to the third mechanical star ring to work hard again.

Ning Chengxi also knows the composition of the third mechanical star ring, which is basically the slums in the planet, doing some low-capacity labor work, and the meager salary is only enough to survive every day.

If there is no power and no power, then the people of the Vatican galaxy will definitely do the same work when they come to Qunxinggang, which is not as good as staying in the Vatican galaxy.

Ning Chengxi nodded and agreed: "Okay, I'll go over and take a look. If it's really suitable, I'll join the gendarmerie."

Chris and Ning Chengji have very similar personalities, which is why they could have friendly exchanges in their previous lives.

Chris wants to inspect Ning Chengxi, and Ning Chengxi also wants to inspect the gendarmerie. It can only be said that some things happen, there is its inevitability.

Chris came to the Autonomous Committee for the first time after writing the materials.

I will tell you what happened during the vacation of Mustafa in the Vatican system, and I will greatly appreciate Link's performance. He is not stingy with his praise, and said that after joining Qunxinggang, he has great potential to break through level.

There are six seats in the Autonomous Committee, and the six people in the seats are the most powerful members of the Morvol galaxy cluster, including the leaders of the strongest civilization, the strongest personal strength, and the largest business and trade map members of the Morvol galaxy cluster...

The parliamentary seats composed of such six members, each decision can affect the future direction of the Morvol galaxy cluster.

After hearing that Chris said that Link had the potential to break through level in the future, the six people in the room immediately became interested.

You must know that even in the Morvol galaxy cluster, there have only been two classes since ancient times.

One of them is Aquila, one of the five sages, who was born in the Omega RU99 galaxy, but this era is old, and it is reported that dust has returned to dust and turned into history.

The other one is Emeriss, who is present on the Autonomous Committee, the strongest in the Morvol galaxy cluster, and a female great magician.

In the days when Archila disappeared and Emerith did not grow up, the Morvol galaxy cluster was low in the entire Cal supercluster.

The galaxies and civilizations that do not have level seats have no bargaining power in the universe, which also causes the major organizations of the Morvol galaxy cluster to lag behind in interstellar roaming and communication.

Afterwards, many civilizations of the Morvol galaxy cluster decided to unite in view of this situation. A strong civilization, organizational forces open their hearts, and all-round cooperation constitute the prototype of the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee.

The parent star, the prototype electron star of Qunxinggang, was provided by the most advanced Shinra civilization in the Morvol galaxy cluster. After that, Qunxinggang was transformed on the basis of Electron Star.

The business map spread to several galaxies outside the Morvol galaxy cluster. Pansy, a businessman, supported the expansion of Electron Star in the name of the Pansy Consortium, and invested to provide various promotion requirements for the strong in the Morvol galaxy cluster. Resources.

The two twin emperors, Vic and Rohr, of the Gemini Sect, the largest religious organization in the galaxy cluster, collected classics from all over the world and their cultivation experience, and contributed free of charge.

With the efforts of the four people, Morvor's most talented mage, Emeriss, was successfully promoted from Archmage to Grand Mage, becoming the second level powerhouse in the history of the Morvor galaxy cluster.

And each of the six people made every effort in this process, laying the foundation of trust for the establishment of the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee.

Because there are level powerhouses in charge, the six people decided to establish a new regime in Electron Star after a discussion, and set up a seat with six people. And because the twin emperors of the Gemini Sect provided important knowledge for promotion to level, the other parties agreed to let the twin emperors occupy two seats. After that, the six people integrated the five forces and named it Qunxinggang.

At this point, the first superpower composed of multiple powers in the Morvol galaxy cluster was born, and it is logical to grasp the right to speak of the Morvol galaxy cluster.

This is the origin and background of Star Harbor.

Against this background, Chris suddenly said that Link had the potential to become an level, how could this not make the six people excited.

Since Emorys became level, the Morvol galaxy cluster has had a strong presence, restoring the autonomy and sovereignty of the entire galaxy domain.

In the past, the Morvol galaxy cluster did not have an level. The business travel and power of other galaxy clusters even dared to enter the country to plunder resources and secretly smuggle and sell them. Anyway, the Morvol galaxy cluster did not form a unified force or influential regime, let alone. level powerhouses sit in town.

After Emeriss became a great magician, the small forces in the surrounding galaxy clusters did not dare to come to fight the autumn wind, for fear of annoying the level powerhouse. Some business groups in Morvol can also get due respect when they go out to do business.

And once there are two level powerhouses in the town, the future development of the Morvol galaxy cluster will be even brighter.

Emorys is at its peak, and Link's future is promising. The voice and status of Morvol and Qunxinggang in the Karl super galaxy cluster will only be higher!

"Can you confirm that he has level potential?" Shinra asked involuntarily.

As the master of Shinra civilization, Shinra is looking forward to having one more rank in Morvol. But he knows that to become a strong man, strength alone is not enough, and luck is also an extremely important part.

In the long years, there have been some potential new stars, and they have not hesitated to invest resources in training, but the results have disappointed them again and again.

A lot of times I went to that door, but I couldn't knock it open.

Because of excessive anxiety and urgency, he finally completely lost the qualification for promotion and became a B grade for life.

As the most powerful person in Qunxinggang under the six members of the Autonomous Committee, Chris has also experienced many big scenes, and has dealt with all beings in the universe, and has a good vision.

Chris thought for a moment and said, "At least, Link is the most talented person I've seen over the years. And I think the last thing you need to worry about is luck. After you read his detailed information, you should will dispel doubts.

Pansy in the other seat appeared in the form of a hologram and said, "I think Chris' proposal is good. Even if Link can't become an rank, he can still have a place in Qunxinggang by virtue of the Black Throne. A machine in a normal state. The workmanship of the fortress is really rough, but the wonderful thing is that such a simple super-large aircraft has a second form. The combination of keel and psionic energy greatly improves the combat effectiveness and deterrence. If the Morvol galaxy cluster has the Black Throne, it will be no less useful. Sitting in the seat of an level powerhouse."

Shinra and Pansy focus on the twin emperors Vic and Roll. As the largest religious force in the Morvol galaxy cluster, they also have the most complete advanced knowledge and promotion mysteries. The twin emperors are to some extent. Can decide whether a person can open the door to promotion.

Vic and Rolle said: "We have no opinion on this, but we will not refuse any opportunity to create a master for the Morvol galaxy cluster. Just heard from Chris that Link has a lot of experience in the power of death. , we are not good at this, we can only provide him with some suggestions and references, and we cannot directly help him directly."

Now even the twin emperors agreed, and everyone's eyes were once again focused on Emeriss, the only rank powerhouse in Morvol.

Emeriss sighed lightly. Every time this kind of thing, the pressure would come to her side. Who made her the youngest of the six, and only entered the level with her talent and the support of the other five? ?

Outside of Emeriss's wanderings, she quickly locked the mechanical fortress where the second mechanical star ring port of Qunxinggang was docked.


Emeriss hasn't found Link yet, but has found something else.

It can make one rank exclaim, and the other five can't help but straighten their bodies and stare at Emeriss curiously.

"How is it, is Link's talent as Chris said?" The people who were always high and mysterious, but now look like young people eavesdropping on gossip. The outside world would never imagine that these few could decide Morvol. The powerhouse of the fate of the galaxy cluster has such a "childlike" side.

Emeriss's eyes were white and her consciousness was wandering, but her six senses remained in place and could communicate with the other five people.

"No, I haven't seen Link yet. But I found something interesting in the Black Throne."

What can make an level feel interesting, it must not be ordinary, and now the five people are even more interested.

It seems that this Link and the Umbrella Foundation still have many secrets!

"You absolutely can't think of what I found in the Black Throne..." Emeriz sold out a little, and then said: "The Mage Tower, a complete Mage Tower!"

You must know that Emeriss, as a great magician and an level great magician, has already achieved a very high level of mastery of magic.

Although resources were used to smash Emeriss to level and become a wind magician, the resources of the Morvol galaxy cluster were stretched in other respects.

Vic in the twin emperors is proficient in magic, and Roll is proficient in martial arts, but only limited to magic books.

Emeriss has long wanted to build a mage tower to enhance her power. Searching the entire Morvol galaxy cluster has not been able to come up with a complete blueprint for the design of the Mage Tower. For this reason, Pansy had spent a lot of money to acquire it from other galaxy clusters, but this kind of thing was similar to the nuclear weapons manufacturing blueprints of terrestrial civilizations.

So Emeriss had to start building a mage tower with missing functions first, and improve her strength slightly.

Now she actually saw a complete mage tower from the Black Throne, and there was even a magic hub core, and the arcane energy that burst out was extremely surging!

Looking at the coveted mage tower in front of her eyes, there is only one voice in Emeriss' mind right now

Link must join Star Harbor!

First, there is the Black Throne of the super-large aircraft, and then there is the Mage Tower. Personal strength has the potential to be promoted to level.

Link, like the God of Wealth, suddenly appeared, brought his eye-catching baby, and swaggered to Qunxinggang, blinding their eyes.

As soon as Emeriss said this, the other five people looked at each other in shock, and a little hesitation appeared in their eyes.

"The Black Throne, the Mage Tower, and the level potential, are such people really the natives of my Morvor galaxy cluster?"

As the intelligent civilization with the highest level of technology in the Morvol galaxy cluster, the Shinra civilization can even transform the Death Star and cast it into a star port. Although the footprint of the Shinra civilization is not as broad as that of the Pansy Consortium, it has also explored in the Morvol galaxy cluster, and I have never heard of any civilization in the galaxy cluster that can give birth to such powerful characters.

Pansy's hologram couldn't help asking Chris: "Chris, are you sure that Link is from the Morvol galaxy cluster? It is impossible for our galaxy cluster to have such a weird system."

What does this feel like? It's as bizarre as a homeless homeless man owning a luxury manor.

Neither Link's strength nor the technological level of the Umbrella Foundation are sufficient to support them in building these things.

But it happens that he has both, which is very annoying.

So they also wondered, is Link really a native of the Morvol galaxy cluster?

Chris wasn't sure either, and said, "I'm not sure either, but as far as the information I've investigated in Mustafa for three months, Link is from a planet called Waste Saturn in the Vatican galaxy. The medium-sized transport ship left by the Vatican Guard, the predecessor of the First Order, was obtained on the planet, and then it was able to enter space. Later, in order to deal with the alien demons, they joined several other low-level civilization planets and successfully destroyed the alien demon barracks. And start the final battle with the alien demon leader Thanos in Mustafar."

"Although I have not verified the authenticity of these information, during the conversation with Link, I can see with the eyes of the interrogation that he is not lying. So if you want to determine the truth of its background, you only need to send someone to the Vatican galaxy. Just do some on-the-spot investigation. If he really rises step by step, he will definitely leave traces. Otherwise, it will not. Even if he has any purpose, he is only granted the position of special advisor now. Me. We can completely stabilize him first, and send someone to understand the situation at the same time. In just two months, the dust will settle and the truth will come out. "

Chris's statement was rigorous and logical, and he weighed the pros and cons. Several bigwigs in the parliament couldn't help nodding, quite agreeing.

Emeriss reluctantly moved away from the mage tower and quickly found Link.

Emerith's [Mage's Eye] quickly analyzed Link's energy composition.

It's just that the more she analyzes it, the more shaken Emeriss's mind becomes.

From Link, she saw the power of death that Chris said before, as well as the martial arts system, spiritual energy, mechanical force, and even the magic energy of a magician!

This guy is actually a master of all the families, and he has mastered all of them to a certain extent.

Although the level is high and low, even the lowest mechanical force and magic energy, the energy fluctuation level has reached the C level.

After Emorys probed, she recovered her mind and returned from a trance. Immediately, she breathed a long sigh of relief, and then told the five people what she had seen.

After listening to Emeriz's words, the five of them looked at each other, their heads full of question marks.

Where did this monster come from? He actually directly mastered the four super power systems!

"I think it's not too late for this matter. You can announce the identity of Link's special advisor first, and then arrange for Jia Wen to take people to the Vatican galaxy for investigation. If you use the teleportation circle to send Jia Wen and his party directly to the middle, the round-trip cycle can be shortened to One month. During this time, Chris will personally sit in the gendarmerie, and the truth will be revealed in one month." Emeriss expressed her opinion.

At this time, the six people no longer had any opinions, and they all raised their hands to vote.

After Link and Ning Chengxi finished speaking, they stayed alone and went about their daily routinechecking the forum.

But just as he was watching, he suddenly felt a burst of energy fluctuations in the air.

This energy fluctuation gave him the feeling that someone was watching him invisible.

Although the system did not give any hints, this strong feeling lingered in his heart, making him a little wary.

This feeling came and went faster, but it disappeared in just a few seconds, as if it had never appeared.

Combined with what happened today, Link quickly figured out that this should be Chris looking for the seat to submit his application.

As for those who can spy on them invisibly, but are not noticed by others, there is only Emeriss, the level great magician in the entire Qunxinggang. UU reading www.

Does this also mean that he has completed the audit? one step closer to his plan.

Link in a good mood remembered the main quest that he had completed in the Gendarmerie Guard earlier.

Now that I am free, I can just start a wave.

[You get a reward of 2 million experience, 500,000 universe coins, and the title [Vanti Galaxy Pioneer]]

Neither experience nor Cosmic Coins are good-looking. After all, it is a finishing task, and the most important thing is to link the previous and the next.

Link's attention was focused on the title of [Vanti Galaxy Pioneer].

In his previous life, he had never won a title, and in this life, Link's title has no place in a row.

[Forerunner of the Vatican Galaxy]: As the forerunner of the Vatican galaxy, it is considered a pioneer by all intelligent creatures in the galaxy. All factions in the galaxy have the friendliness enabled by default.

P.S: Ask for a recommendation ticket!