Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 904

Chapter 904

Qunxinggang is a new starting point.

In the next 3.0 and even 4.0 versions, this will be an important place for player activities, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the base camp of the Order faction and the Chaos faction.

Although Qunxinggang has recorded the landing of super-large aircraft, it was many years ago.

The vast majority of people in Qunxinggang have never seen a super-large aircraft with their own eyes, let alone the arrogant attitude of the Black Throne, exuding terrifying spiritual energy.

Even in super-large aircraft, this kind of magical power and terrifying coercion style is really rare.

The appearance of the Black Throne immediately shocked Qunxinggang, and people were amazed at the horror of the power of magic.

In Qunxinggang, magic and technology coexist, two extremely common knowledge systems. However, the violent mysticism and biological energy of psionic energy is classified as a high-risk subject because of its difficult and unstable characteristics. In order to study psionics, an application must be submitted, and the research environment can only be started after passing the examination of the research environment.

And those scholars who are obsessed with psionic energy, often because of its uncontrollability, will eventually lead to the explosion of psionic energy, and it will be wiped out.

Therefore, when seeing such a large-scale controllable psionic energy, scholars in Qunxinggang, whether it is science or magic, are amazed at the ingeniousness of the rules and structure, and naturally they can't see the slightest trace of deliberateness.

Just waiting for the reaction, these scholars and forces can only hope and sigh.

Constructing and binding psionic energy with the magical energy of a keel is an absolute feat. But the price of a keel with a big palm is fatal, and the small forces of Qunxinggang may be able to get one piece with all their strength. If they really want to use the keel to restrain the unstable spiritual energy, this is definitely a very extravagant thing.

After the Black Throne entered the port, it exited the state, the keel shrank into the steel, and the spiritual energy also converged, turning into a big mechanical man.

Under the precise control and guidance, the more than 30 interfaces of the mechanical fortress are completely embedded in the port.

The automated channel of the port was connected to the mechanical fortress, and it was successfully connected with a sound of decompression.

After passing through the mechanical gate to check the allocation of the port, the Montenegrin family and the United Mining staff who were guarding the dock were anxiously waiting.

The Black Throne was transformed into a mechanical fortress state in front of the port. The oppressive feeling suffocated them, but at the same time there was a strong sense of anticipation in their hearts.

Eros was caught by this force, and it was completely impossible to escape this time.

As long as the other party is willing to hand over Eros to them, the ransom paid can be described as exceedingly valuable. You must know that the bounty of Eros alone, there are tens of millions, and you can definitely return a blood. Coupled with the fact that this guy usually offends too many people, and holding Eros, there must be many forces willing to befriend them and expand business cooperation and contacts.

Coming to Qunxinggang for the first time, Link did not let the player come forward. In the case that he didn't settle it, chaos-type players appeared, and it was easy to screw up the scene.

Link sent members of the CIS Ministry to **** the Phantom Thief Legion to the public area in front of the connecting door.

Xia and the committee members of the Federation Mining and their subordinates are all in the hands of the Phantom Thieves Legion, standing with Eros.

Representatives of the Montenegro family and United Mining walked into the passage and arrived at the public area, where they immediately saw Link and the cadres of the Umbrella Foundation.

"Dear President of the Umbrella Foundation, thank you for bringing back the little girl (member) safely." The head of the Montenegrin family and the member of United Mining said respectfully, bowing slightly to Link.

Obviously, the other party was thinking twice and decided to bypass Eros and hand over the ransom to Link. This is definitely the safest way.

But Link, like Eros, doesn't always play cards according to the routine.

In the face of the cosmic coins offered by both sides, Link had no intention of accepting them.

"The person who kidnapped Xiahe committee member is Eros, you have to redeem people from him."

As soon as these words came out, the head of the Montenegro family and another member of the United Mining were all stunned. They didn't expect that Link would actually do what he said before and let Eros give the money.

At this time, the Montenegrin family and United Mining couldn't help but have an idea, this Link should not be an accomplice of Eros, right?

Looking at Link, the president of the Umbrella Foundation in front of him, his strength is about B-rank, and the cadres behind him are both B-rank and C-rank, but he has no strength that can match the Black Throne and super-large aircraft.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there are old monsters in the Foundation.

Eros grinned and rubbed his hands and stood up: "Okay, okay, I'm an old-fashioned man, I'll give money with one hand and people with the other."

Without hesitation, the two parties directly transferred the universe coins to Eros' electronic account, and Eros earned 16.5 million in an instant.

"Okay, the money has been received, let them go." Eros waved his hand, and the Phantom Thief Legion handed over all the prisoners to the two forces.

After that, Eros's money didn't cover for a minute, and 16 million was transferred into Link's account.

Looking at the current balance of 18.9 million in the account, Link's heart was filled for a while.

With this money, you can directly buy a Chimera cruiser.

As the second largest monsters in space battles after aircraft carriers, cruisers are completely offensive ships. With plenty of firepower and diverse modes, it can deal with almost every kind of difficulty common in the universe.

But these money Link is not going to buy a cruiser.

First, the internal capacity of the mechanical fortress is not enough. Even if it is expanded a wave, unless a few small and medium ships are sold, the cruiser will not be able to fit.

The second is not necessary.

Although the cosmic air combat is powerful, as long as it is not the kind of dark faction that kills everything, the others will capture the defeated who are scattered in the universe after being defeated. After all, the cosmic convention is here.

Link intends to use the money to buy some advanced knowledge.

The previous advanced knowledge is not enough. The strength of the cadres of the Independent Ministry has grown to the limit. Only advanced knowledge can break through the current shackles.

And the money is also for players.

Now that the Umbrella Foundation and Qunxinggang are officially connected, the contribution points can only be used as a supplementary currency in the future. The main currency is still the universe currency that is common to the whole universe. Therefore, from now on, many mission rewards of the Umbrella Foundation will be changed to the universe currency.

In the face of the huge number of players, these cosmic coins do not know how many tasks they can support.

This means that the next plan will take root in Qunxinggang.

This is Link's sole discretion to Penny to preside over.

If the previous scenes were all a little trouble for Poney, then now Qunxinggang, the civilization and intelligent creatures of the entire Morvor galaxy cluster are gathered together, and the daily trade volume here is counted in trillions. It is the commercial stage that Penny dreams of.

Of course, the current foundation of the Umbrella Foundation is still too low, and there are still too few projects that can be promoted.

However, Poney has already planned to open a breakthrough from the human side of Inhumans and the monster security company.

In a nutshell, Monster Security is here in Star Harbor.

The company is divided into Inhuman mercenary group and monster rental sales and reprocessing business.

Of course, these are all later stories.

Link received the money, so naturally he would not embarrass Eros, but just smiled: "Okay, you can go too, just chat if you have nothing to do~"

Eros froze behind his back, thinking who is coming!

He winked at the macaw and silver hand behind him, and got a wave of signals.

Just as they were about to leave, the head of the Heishan family and the representative of United Mining stepped forward and said, "President Lin, we are willing to pay 10 million universe coins to buy Eros. Do you agree?"

Eros did not show any shock at the sudden request from the two forces.

He had long guessed that the other party would take this opportunity to buy him from Link. After all, as the common enemy of the small and medium forces in Qunxinggang, he has done too many evils. But more than ten million.

Eros chuckled and said, "Ten million, do you despise yourself or me? With just a plan, I can take down the future heir of your Montenegrin family and the joint mining commissioner, is it only worth 10 million? Even if it is a reward price on the black market, it will cost 15 million. Your price of 10 million is to bully outsiders and understand the market?"

Eros' words were intended to provoke a conflict between Link, the Black Mountain family, and United Mining.

Even if he were to be handed over, it would still be worth his price. Who would be sent 10 million?

But this time Eros's abacus was empty. No one from the Montenegro family and United Mining looked at him. After all, he was now being slaughtered for fish and meat, and he had no right to bargain at all. All decisions were in Link's hands.

The Montenegrin family and United Mining seemed to have long thought that Eros would sow discord.

The owner then added: "Of course 10 million is just the basic price. During the days when you and the Umbrella Foundation are in port, the Montenegrin family and United Mining will serve you wholeheartedly. We will do our best to help you and the Umbrella Foundation. The foundation solves the problem. If you have anything inconvenient to do or need to search for materials, you can go through our two channels.

good guy!

The wishful thinking of the two parties is not small.

He gave the Umbrella Foundation a promise, but he succeeded in attracting this sudden force to his side.

Whether it is the Black Mountain Family or United Mining, they are only small forces in Qunxinggang. If the Umbrella Foundation can be successfully wooed now, at least during this period of time, its reputation will increase sharply. Become a powerful endorsement for their promotion to the mid-level forces!

Link did not agree, but turned to look at Eros and asked, "They have already offered ten million, don't you have anything to say?"

Link's implication is that Eros can also make a bid for himself, and the higher bidder wins.

This move was also beyond the expectations of the Heishan family and Lianhe Mine. I didn't expect that Link would come to start with such a one-handed price, completely ignoring the pattern and power of Qunxinggang.

Eros was dumbfounded, and immediately clapped his hands and applauded: "Good guy, good guy! I actually want me to pay for myself. But I'm disappointed you, I don't have so much money. So you still agree to their request. ."

The situation on the field changed again. Eros did not bid for himself, and there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he did not take his own life seriously at all.

Or maybe he already has enough confidence and self-confidence to escape the captivity of the other party.

Link shrugged helplessly. He wanted to extort another sum from these two companies, especially after waiting for Eros to sit on the ground and raise the price, the two forces followed suit, but he didn't expect that Eros actually saw through his trick and didn't move at all. A wave is completely detrimental to others!

However, Link knew that Eros must have a way to escape the captivity of the two forces, so he was so calm. However, there is still some complaints and dissatisfaction with this guy for not cooperating with his plan.

Of course, the broad-minded Link wouldn't mind taking a little bit of Eros on this matter.

"I'm very curious. I don't know how the two will detain Eros after they bring him back. I heard that many forces in Qunxinggang hate him to the core, but every time they block it, this guy runs away."

Link looked at Eros with a smile, the ease and comfort on this guy's face had disappeared, replaced by a gloomy look.

Although he and Link had only known each other for two days, they were so similar that he already knew what Link was thinking, and it was obvious that he was going to trick him.

"I have equipment here. The equipment can guarantee that it cannot escape. The price is only 10 million. Do you want to consider it?"

The redemption needs 10 million people, and the equipment needs 10 million, which adds up to 20 million.

The head of the Montenegrin family and the representative of United Mining looked at each other and did not dare to make a decision.

The doubts in their hearts have not been resolved, and they have always suspected that there are intricate connections between the Umbrella Foundation and Eros.

If I bought his equipment and Eros still ran away, I would have lost 20 million inside and outside. For the two small forces, this is definitely a lot of money, and it can even be regarded as traumatic.

After thinking it over and over again, the two still rejected Link's proposal.

This time, they will definitely set up a net of heaven and earth, so as not to give Eros a chance to escape.

"Many thanks for President Lin's kindness, but we already have a surefire way to deal with it."

Since the other party rejected the extra deal, Link could only shrug.

The two parties reached a deal for 10 million to transfer Eros' "personal rights" to the Montenegrin family and United Mining.

"I do need your help. Our Umbrella Foundation first came to Qunxinggang, so we need to know about the customs and humanities here. You can help me collect advanced knowledge on the market, and you will need to pay extra after the deduction. Yes, you can make a list and give it to my penguin Penny."

For this request, representatives of the Montenegrin family and United Mining agreed on the spot, and the transaction was completed.

As for the Phantom Thieves Legion of Eros, they were disbanded on the spot.

After all, in the eyes of the Montenegrin family and United Mining, without Eros, the Phantom Thieves Legion is just a mess of sand and a mob.

The Black Mountain family and United Mining took Eros away contentedly, and installed electronic shackles with sealing enchantments on his hands, and his mouth was also restrained with instruments to prevent the mouth from causing interference.

After the Black Mountain family and United Mining left, the mechanical fortress returned to calm again.

After earning 26 million inside and out, Link is now Cary rich and doesn't panic.

This money is enough for players to squander for a while. The most urgent task now is to establish their own foundation in Qunxinggang, and then find a way to get in touch with the Fanti Galaxy, build a large teleportation channel, and bring some players over.

Since entering the cosmos with a wide field of vision, players' vision has also been improved. It is obviously unrealistic to want to control all players. Link is also clearly aware of this, so he only needs to catch some players and optimize in depth. Tasks and rewards, while increasing cohesion, tying up some advanced players, and then shaping them into star players, naturally forming a publicity effect. Then other players will follow suit.

Since you want to settle down, the first thing you need is a place to settle down.

Link thought for a while, but there are several ways to get the land.

The easiest is to buy the land with the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee. It's just that Qunxinggang is expensive, and the price of land is extremely high. Especially after so many years of development. There are more and more civilizations and forces stationed here, and more people come here to pan for gold and work. In the outermost third mechanical star ring, although it is equipped with advanced scientific management and design, the population density here is higher than that of the slums in Shadu. With the money in Link's hands, it is estimated that he can only buy a site similar to the size of the Link Gang in the slum at that time.

The second way is black eat black. In the third mechanical star ring, most of them are low-level laborers, but these laborers are also divided into different gangs and organizations according to their beliefs, races, and abilities. These organizations have a lot of sites and properties, and they all have legal land deeds issued by the corresponding Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee. And this kind of land deed is not signed, that is to say, whoever gets the land belongs to whoever can get it. Of course, Link probably wouldn't use this method.

It was hard to get out of Shadu, and now I have to return to the stage of a gang that eats black and black, and competes with those ordinary laborers for territory.

The third way... some special tasks.

There are certain special tasks in the Star Harbor, and the final reward is the land deed. Some are official tasks issued by the Autonomous Council, while others are internal tasks for large and small families.

Link is planning to take action from this angle this time.

Of course, he doesn't plan to do it, but is ready to let players complete these tasks on their behalf.

After all, after planning the overall direction, Penny said a famous saying with guiding opinions-

We don't produce tasks per se, we only work as porters of tasks.

The Umbrella Foundation acts as this broker. Link and the foundation come forward to establish a good relationship with the various forces in Qunxinggang, and then obtain tasks from them, and transfer the tasks to the different committees for players to complete the tasks.

This is a win-win for both Link and the player.

After all, if players send them to do tasks without any credit endorsement, these forces will not believe them, let alone pay attention to them.

On the contrary, it was Link who took the initiative. With the fame and prestige of the Umbrella Foundation, it was easy to establish a relationship with the small and medium forces in Qunxinggang.

Just when Link was thinking about what happened next, a piece of news quickly spread, spread wildly in the second mechanical star ring, and caused the Umbrella Foundation to fall into a whirlpool of public opinion...

P.S: Ask for a recommendation ticket!