Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 903

Chapter 903

After that, Link and Eros chatted a lot.

Up to astronomy and geography, down to flirting with girls.

Eros always thought that his skills in flirting with girls were unparalleled, but when he saw Link today, for the first time, he felt that he was going to meet a good talent.

However, this feeling did not make Eros feel happy, but gave birth to a sense of fear.

After the discussion, Eros returned to the "square cabin" to rest.

When he went, Eros still had a strong desire for knowledge and excitement. When he came back, the confidence and light in his eyes dimmed, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Boss, why did you come back from a trip and you're in a bad state. Did that link make too many demands?" his subordinate asked curiously.

Eros sighed: "I thought I was unique, but I didn't expect to meet Link today. I pride myself on being unparalleled, talented, and unique! But after meeting Link, I realized that I had an opponent. And this is still a high-end plus version!"

The younger brother around him also expressed helplessness when he heard this.

Although the boss is very narcissistic, he does have the capital of narcissism.

This time I encounter the same model, and it is backward in all directions in comparison, so it is no wonder that I will be discouraged.

Eros hung the dog's tail grass he didn't know where he got it from, across the roof beam of the cabin, thinking about life gloomily.

"Hey, Eros, are you interested in joining our group?"

Suddenly a voice sounded, and Eros suddenly appeared in front of...

What to say, a fat parrot, a dangerous man with a robotic arm, and a cargo under his arm, with a book pinned to his waist.

What about playing with dolls here?

Eros remembered these guys. When Link greeted them before, these guys were there. Unsurprisingly, it should be the cadre of the Umbrella Foundation.

"I'm your president's meat ticket, what organization do you join~" Eros didn't know what the **** these guys were doing, but he didn't mind finding something to divert his attention at this boring time.

As the spokesperson of the group, the macaw waved his wings: "Our group is our business, and has nothing to do with Link. As long as we don't stand against each other, we see it and pass the assessment, and we will send an invitation. Congratulations, you got it. The unanimous approval of our group, so we came to you."

Eros didn't expect that there are still cadres who dare to ignore the president. This foundation is a bit interesting.

"What kind of organization are you, why do you like me?"

Eros always felt that these people were not very normal Yazis, and the organization didn't know if it was that kind of weird type.

The macaw crossed his wings on his chest, and his words were full of confidence: "Our organization only recruits guys with strong strength and appetite. You are not weak, and we look at you quite pleasing to the eye. The most important thing is that you have a strong sense of strength. The confidence to look down on the world is the first reason we recruit you! Because, we are the same kind of people!"

After the macaw finished speaking, he and the silver hand posed together, looking up at a forty-five-degree angle, and even two clusters of lights rose from behind, filling the momentum directly.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that it was the guy who was caught in the armpit before, and two high-wattage searchlights were placed behind it, creating a MAX atmosphere.

Eros was stunned for a moment, not to mention what these guys are capable of, the confidence and vitality alone are truly contagious.

This time Eros really became interested in this organization, and continued to ask: "Then what does your organization mainly do?"

"We have only one goal, and that is to make trouble!"

If the confidence just now made Eros interested, then when the macaw said the word "make trouble", Eros' eyes lit up, and the crazy and adventurous genes that came from the blood became active again.

There's nothing more fun than doing things.

"What do you usually do, talk about it in detail~" Eros was interested and wanted to hear what they had done before.

"We've made a lot of things, starting from the mechanical fortress in Sandu, let me tell you slowly..."

The macaw eloquently recounted what it and the Silver Hand began to conspire to do together from Sandu. This guy is so eloquent and lifelike, as if it all happened yesterday.

After the macaw finished speaking, everyone could not help but let out a long sigh of relief.

There are those who recall the long years of the past, and Eros was described by the macaw as being infected.

Although you can also make trouble on the Fangxin Arsonist account, the rest are all subordinates, and without like-minded friends, I always feel that something is missing.

But here macaws, silver hands, things experienced, because there are companions to join, the joy is doubled!

It was a joy Eros had never experienced before.

"You...what's the name of this organization?"

"Precious metals."

The name of precious metal is still done by the macaw looking for the name master, Chasing the Wind.

The reason for this name is that there is a "gold" in the name of the macaw, and a "silver" in the name of the silver hand, and the "pot" of Weixia Guozi is also a metal.

At the same time, "precious metal" also represents rarity, which perfectly fits the unique existence of this organization.

"Hey, even if I want to promise, I can't do it. I'm a prisoner now, and I don't even know what will happen tomorrow. How can I join you?"

The macaw patted his arms and said, "Don't worry, this guy Link is right. He said that if he needs 16 million redemption, there will be absolutely no other moths. You can rest assured. When you arrive at Qunxinggang, you will take the Montenegro family first. And the ransom of United Mining, and then transfer it to him. When you regain your freedom, you can naturally do things together. "

"Then what are your plans for the next step?"

"Go to Qunxinggang first, and it is estimated that you will stay in Qunxinggang for a while." Macaw knows what to say and what not to say, and the foundation's plans must not be disclosed. This is the bottom line.

"If you don't have any good ideas for the time being, I can treat you as the host at Qunxinggang, and then we will discuss things slowly." Eros invited.

Now it was the macaw's turn to wonder, so scared that he squeezed his double chin, staring at Eros with an incredible look: "Are you still the host of Star Harbor? But I heard Link say, throw a brick in Star Harbor. , if you hit anyone casually, you're going to be troubled."

Eros was speechless, how did he feel that the Umbrella Foundation knew him like the back of his hand?

Now that Eros is interested in joining, Macaw and Silverhand are satisfied.

Eros did not restrict the communication between the black sister Xia and the joint mining committee, so both Xia and the joint mining committee reported what happened here to the family and business.

A super-large aircraft wrapped in a keel?

Higher civilization?

Heading towards Qunxinggang?

Just now, they were still worried about whether this guy Eros would temporarily go back on his regrets, and as a result, things ushered in a 180-degree reversal.

A new force appeared and gave Eros a package.

It was only from the mouth of Commissioner Xia He that they learned that the new force called the Umbrella Foundation had not let Commissioner Xia He go, and was still under the custody of the Phantom Thieves Corps. The entire Phantom Thieves Corps, including Eros, was detained by the Foundation, forming a chain of extortion, and even the amount was surprisingly similar. One 16.5 million, one 16 million.

The Montenegrin family and United Mining began investigating the umbrella foundation, but found no relevant information. In the end, I had no choice but to come to a conclusion that this new force was most likely from outside the Morvol galaxy cluster, and was an unreputable advanced civilization in the Karl super galaxy cluster, so no records were found.

Both forces have prepared funds and are waiting at the port of Qunxinggang.

Although the money was finally transferred to the Umbrella Foundation, as long as the other party can hand over Eros and the Phantom Thief Legion to them, everything is worth it.

Although the two forces were very nervous, they were relieved a lot when they learned that everyone was already in the Black Throne of the Umbrella Foundation's aircraft. At least Eros couldn't do anything wrong.

The location of the incident was very close to Qunxinggang. After two days of travel, the mechanical fortress successfully arrived at the galaxy where Qunxinggang was located after the last transition.

As soon as you enter the galaxy, you can see the star ports in the galaxy.

The volume of Qunxinggang exceeds that of ordinary planets, and it is magnificent and magnificent.

Of course, this description does not refer to the star itself, the core star of Qunxinggang is a "death star".

The planet should have collapsed into a white dwarf or pulsar after the end of its life, and finally ushered in a "new life" after an explosion.

However, under the intervention of the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee, this planet has directly become a Death Star, and its interior has also been transformed to control the star with technological power, making strong gravity the most important symbol of Qunxinggang.

This is reflected in the mechanical rings surrounding the port of the stars, each in a different orbit, spinning around the core of the death star.

On the Death Star, the core of Qunxinggang, various technological buildings are lined up and spread to all directions. The building connects the cosmic space structure, so that the scale of the death star is greatly extended, and it spreads out in a radial pattern, like an exploding super galaxy.

This explosion is not a real explosion, but the speed and popularity of Qunxinggang's expansion.

The science and technology buildings in Qunxinggang are shining in various colors, and the scale of the buildings is far beyond imagination.

In this huge crystallization of modern technology, there are tens of billions of residents. The number of commerce and trade transactions every day is counted in trillions.

It is precisely because of its prosperity that it has the name of Qunxinggang.

Passing through the transition gate, you can see the brilliance and prosperity of Qunxinggang, like the stars clustered together, dazzling.

Several mechanical star rings surrounding Qunxinggang are important areas of the entire Qunxinggang.

The outermost mechanical star ring is the place where residents live. If you compare the city, the Death Star, the core of Qunxinggang, is the site of the eight major families and the Autonomous Committee, and it is the core of Morvol's politics and commerce. Then the outermost star ring is the slum. More than eight billion inhabitants live in the outer rings. The living conditions here are not good and can even be described as crowded. But here is the most prosperous place in the entire Morvol galaxy cluster. Intelligent creatures arriving from all over the galaxy cluster work here to survive and look for opportunities.

The mechanical star ring in the middle is the site of small and medium-sized family businesses. Various industrial companies, black markets, groups, and high value-added industries gather here, which is an important part of Qunxing Port's business diversity.

The inner ring is a place where large institutions, industries, military factories, shipyards, various scientific research institutions, and other civilization forces of the Cal super galaxy cluster are stationed in Qunxinggang.

There are no manual inspections like Santa Sulla.

After all ships from all over the galaxy arrive in the galaxy, they must pass through the scanning gate suspended in the universe. After the qualified declaration is approved, they can enter the range of Qunxinggang star ring, which is completely mechanical self-help.

"Wow, is this Qunxinggang?"

Rao is that Helen was mentally prepared, but she was still shocked by the scene in front of her.

Merchant ships and cargo ships that entered through other transition gates converged like ocean currents, forming a cluster of light like a dangling scanning gate, like a dream.

Once the Black Throne was unveiled, it attracted the attention of the surrounding ships.

Such a terrifying thing came out of the leap gate, exuding terrifying spiritual energy. The huge size also caused a sense of oppression to the surrounding ships.

Compared with the Black Throne, the surrounding cargo merchant ships have become petty.

Link did not appear in the form of a mechanical fortress, but showed his strongest form as soon as he appeared.

In other galaxies, there may still be the idea of playing as a pig and eating a tiger. But the Star Harbor almost brings together the most advanced civilizations and races in the Morvol galaxy cluster. There is the most advanced science and technology magic here, and the power of the forces is also amazing. At the Death Star meeting in Qunxinggang, a few strokes on the Morvol galaxy cluster can cause changes in the power structure of the entire galaxy cluster.

Link doesn't need to hide his strength here. On the contrary, the outdated and ancient technology like the mechanical fortress and the super-large aircraft built by pure weight are more likely to be coveted.

Showing strength can win more respect and give Link a place in Star Harbor.

Under the shadow of the dragon wings, many nearby ships were stressed and turned on their shields, and they were extremely afraid.

At this moment, in the public channel, the ships are talking about the sudden Black Throne.

"Which force is this? It's too rich to actually use the keel as a ship material!"

"The keel is a legendary material, and it is extremely rare, but there is actually a keel of this size and scale. How big is the dragon itself..."

"This is a keel and psionic energy, a terrifying combination. I don't know which advanced civilization it is from a super-large aircraft."

The caravans and forces outside were talking about the sudden appearance of the Black Throne.

And inside the Black Throne, both players and members of the Commonwealth of Independent States are all on the porthole at the moment, admiring the magnificence of Qunxinggang.

Perhaps feeling the terrifying pressure of the Black Throne, many small ships in front even took the initiative to clear the way, allowing the Black Throne to pass through the gate first.

After scanning, Helen submitted the job application according to the guidance.

[Umbrella Foundation, welcome to the Pearl of Morwal - Qunxing Port, you are a super-large aircraft, your port of call is located at No. 123-176, Zone A of the Second Star Ring]

Qunxinggang did not specially prepare a berthing port for super-large aircraft, so it was allocated a berthing port for large and medium-sized ships. Dozens of positions were approved in one go, and it was enough to allow the Black Throne to fully dock.

After getting the permission to Under the intelligent command, Helen controlled the Black Throne to the berth of the second star ring.

The second star ring is the small and medium-sized family and the power living area mentioned earlier.

Area A is the highest-level position of the second star ring.

Some medium and large cargo ships, partners, and even the ships of the eight major families will dock here. And those ships carrying a huge population and ordinary commerce can only dock at the third star ring.

As for the first star ring, only a series of self-use institutions such as the army, arsenal, and dock of the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee docked in the port.

It can be seen from the location of the berthing port that Qunxinggang attaches great importance to the arrival of the Black Throne, and basically arranges the highest level of treatment within the operational range.

"The Port of Stars is here..." Link stood at the porthole, looking at the magnificent City of a Thousand Stars in the distance, filled with emotion.

After nearly two years of hard work, he finally came to Qunxinggang now.

P.S: Arrived at Qunxinggang, a new plot has begun, please recommend tickets!