Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 878

Chapter 878

Everyone in the mage tower was dumbfounded.

Joyce's expression was even more shocked, and his chin almost fell to the ground.

He has lived for hundreds of years, and has never witnessed a ray of phoenix fire with his own eyes.

This kind of primitive and majestic energy in the universe is really amazing.

The phoenix fire at the level just now, flying a prominence-like projectile material, the horror of energy is enough to destroy a planet!

In terms of energy level alone, it is already level.

When Joyce was shocked, there was a hint of worry between his brows.

Phoenix's true fire projected two things.

One is that Sean is indeed exiled to the home planet;

The second is Sean's current situation, which seems to be more serious than Miranda.

The atmosphere of the exile parent star is covered with a layer of light yellow, which is the characteristic of the air being filled with highly toxic sulfur compounds. In the fog, everyone saw the rudiment and outline of the surface of the exile mother planet.

The Mage Tower continued to drop in height, and at this time it had been completely captured by the planet's gravity, avoiding the risk of landing.

After passing through the highly toxic sulfide layer, the picture in front of you was clear, and a dark and decadent planetary surface came into view.

At the very end of the field of vision, a fiercely ejected active volcano immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The volcanic crater spewed strong and hot magma, and the mushroom cloud rose up and merged with the sulfide cloud all the way up.

The black-gray volcanic ash collided with the yellow sulfide cloud, and violent lightning surged from time to time at the junction, like a hidden beast.

Looking down, the entire Doomsday Volcano is extremely high.

At this time, there were countless cracks on the edge of the volcano and the mountain, even spreading to the plains below the volcano. The crimson energy burst out from the cracks, and the red light expanded along the cracks. From the sky, it looked like countless red dragons lying coiled. on the ground.

It's like there is some energy inside to completely burst the Doomsday Volcano.

"The Phoenix is really fire! This is the Phoenix really fire! Not surprisingly, Sean should be inside the Doomsday Volcano!" Joyce said categorically.

He still didn't say a word, according to the current spread of the Phoenix real fire and the energy released, Sean's situation is not optimistic!

"Go straight to the Doomsday Volcano."

"Gamesh, please come with me to take care of Joyce. I think Sean's situation is very bad now. At the same time, arrange for the archmages to run the magic circle and prepare for the mage tower to retreat at any time."

The mechanical fortress is at a safe distance outside the exile home planet. Subsophon is fast and small in size. It also has detective and offensive methods. After the mage tower enters the exile home planet on the front foot, Subsophon also enters the interior immediately afterwards, passing through the vulcanized cloud layer. in front of.

Yazhizi was extremely fast, and arrived at the doomsday volcano in front of the mage tower, and began to scan and analyze the energy of the entire doom volcano.

"Master, after scanning the interior of the Doomsday Volcano, in addition to the internal energy of the planet, there is also a mixture of supernatural energy."

After being processed, the signal from Yazhizi appeared on the holographic panel of Link's wrist in holographic form.

The interior of the doomsday volcano is connected to the mantle, and the internal energy of the planet refers to this. In the holographic image, the supernatural energy has penetrated into the ground and began to connect with the mantle, trying to completely merge with the planetary energy.

The resonance caused by the two energies, the crust moves, the result of the plate collision is a violent earthquake, the magnetic field begins to be disordered, and the volcanic eruption becomes more and more violent...

Following the phoenix real fire energy released, following the vines, Link saw the source of supernatural energy inside the Doomsday Volcano.

The Mage Tower quickly entered the category of the Doomsday Volcano. Link could see the Ash Throne platform on the mountainside of the Doom Volcano with his naked eyes. However, under the volcanic eruption and earthquake, the Ash Throne had completely collapsed, and there was no more majestic throne.

The three of them put on breathing equipment and outer protective armor, and stood in front of the teleportation circle. In the next second, arcane energy surged, and the three of them turned into a stream of light and went straight to the Throne of Ashes.

The passage of the Doomsday Volcano is behind the Throne of Ashes. Although the throne collapsed and blocked the entrance, for Link, this level could not stop them.

He only worried about one thing...

Link blasted the collapsed and damaged throne with a fist, and a hot air wave burst out of the volcanic passage opening.

Link controls the outside air with the [Emperor's Watching Technique] to counteract the heat waves rushing out.

The dust in the air collided with the heat wave, and sparks burst out. The neutralization of the air wave gradually dissipated, and the Phoenix real fire energy inside it escaped, sharp as a knife.

The three walked into the entrance, Link took the lead, and Gamesh protected Joyce from behind.

The passage leads directly to the inside of the Doomsday Volcano, and the more you go inside, the more you can feel a repulsive force.

This energy is nothing but the violent Phoenix Real Fire.

"If I'm not mistaken, Phoenix Real Fire wants to directly fuse with the planet's mantle and directly assimilate the core of the exile mother star. The resurrection can be completed with the help of the energy of the planet's core." Joyce said his conjecture.

Link knows very little about Phoenix's true fire. In his previous life, he devoted himself to gold mining and followed the version to participate in the plot. Otherwise, he spent time in gold mining and forums, looking for business opportunities.

In this life, there is Joyce's popular science, and he also knows something about rare cosmic materials such as Shadow Soul Fire and Phoenix True Fire.

I don't know how Sulfuron got this ray of Phoenix real fire.

Phoenix real fire is a kind of supernatural energy in the early stage of the universe. Under the bred of the long river of time, this supernatural energy is gathered together and has the consciousness of the self.

Although Sean's body was only a ray of Phoenix real fire, it was after all one of the original flames in the universe, and his self-consciousness did not disappear due to a small amount.

At the moment, the Phoenix True Fire intends to merge with the mantle of the exile parent star, drawing all the energy inside the planet, and using the Phoenix True Fire to achieve the purpose of rebirth.

Phoenix True Fire is not only an element, but also a conscious life form.

The ray of Phoenix's real fire at the moment, although it does not have too complicated consciousness ability, but because of its weakness, it still has the most basic desire to survive. As long as it is combined with the core of the exile parent planet and absorbs the fusion energy in it, its power can gradually recover and grow.

With the help of the energy of the exile home planet, although it is not enough for Nirvana to be reborn, it can also grow stronger and have the power to leave here to find a new host planet.

Once the Phoenix real fire connects with the earth's core and absorbs the fusion heat energy of the earth's core, this terrible pressure and heat are enough to burn up Sean without leaving ashes.

The three of them speeded up, and soon saw a dying child lying on the cliff at the end of the road.

The energy of Phoenix's true fire was drawn away from Sean's body, and went along the body into the lava of the volcanic crater hundreds of meters deep.

Link checked Sean's Qi machine in the [Emperor's Watching Qi Technique] mode, and found that his life state was already very weak, like a candle in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time.

"Hurry up, this kid is going to die."

Joyce made a lot of preparations along the way, and checked the Suffron Alchemy Manual to estimate various possibilities.

"Head of State, this child's vital signs are too low. Phoenix Real Fire feels the threat of the death of the host and is ready to get out. Once Phoenix Real Fire is completely out of his body, Sean will be unable to return to the sky. He must first strengthen his vitality."

Link focused his head. Following the earthquake and eruption reaction, the inside of the Doomsday Volcano was crumbling. Barbed boulders fell from the sky and fell into the volcanic lava, and the ground trembled violently.

Link flashed in front of Sean, Phoenix Real Fire felt the external energy, and instinctively pounced on Link, wanting to parasitize Link to survive.

Without waiting for the fire claws transformed by the Phoenix True Fire to pounce in front of him, Link's body protection force field opened with full force, blocking the Phoenix True Fire.

Once this kind of cosmic energy enters the body, with Link's current strength, it is extremely uncertain whether it will control the true fire of the Phoenix or become a slave to the power of the Phoenix.

Moreover, only those with a pure heart can perfectly integrate the power of the phoenix.

The energy in Link's body is huge, and if he is accidentally absorbed into the Phoenix Real Fire, he will backlash himself, and the risk factor will be directly full.

Against the Phoenix's real fire, Link helped Sean with one hand.

Feeling the child's skinny and skeletal body, Link felt anxiously uncomfortable.

Reaching out to reach Sean's stomach, it was shriveled and sunken, and Link instantly understood the reason for his exhaustion.

No one returned after the war. There was nothing humans could eat on this extreme planet full of poisonous gas, no food, no drinking water, and Sean had been struggling for more than ten days on the exile home planet.

Fortunately, the Phoenix True Fire, which contains the energy of life resuscitation, dangled in his body, otherwise the child would have become a dead bone in the mound.

However, the long-term overdraft has exceeded the limit of human beings. Phoenix True Fire is only a stray strand, and the energy is not enough to restore Sean. After repeated warnings from his body, Phoenix True Fire's consciousness is ready to break through this container and search for life again. hope.

Link took out a bottle of moonwell water from the space storage.

Unplugging and gently opening Sean's mouth with his hands, Link carefully dripped the moon well into the opponent's mouth.

There is a little sweetness in the moistness. When the dry and withered throat is moisturized by the moon well water, Sean's body is reawakened. The life force contained in the liquid slips from the throat into the stomach little by little, transforms it into energy, and transmits it to the limbs. Repair and nourish depleted organs and cells.

Sean's slight silky breathing recovered somewhat, and he slowly opened his eyes. A figure gradually became clear in the blurred vision.

"Yuan, head of state..."

Sean was stunned for a moment. How could he see the head of state when he was in exile on his home planet?

"I, am I dead? I didn't expect to see the head of state after death..." Sean's mouth raised slightly.

I had only seen the head of state on TV and newspapers before, but now that I can see it so close after death, I feel a little happy.

"You're not dead yet, now take the moonwell water well, and your sister Miranda is still waiting for you to go back on the mechanical fortress!"

Link pulled Sean back to reality with a word.

Hearing the name of his sister Miranda, Sean suddenly became excited.

He is not dead, nor is his sister Miranda!

Sean nodded slightly, his mouth widened again, hoping to recover faster.

Although he didn't figure out what the situation was right now, he listened to what the head of state said!

Just as Link fed Sean the moonwell water to replenish his life, a huge boulder above his head suddenly broke away from the shaking, collapsed from the dome, and slammed straight down at the two of them.

"Heads of State, be careful!"

Gamesh hit with an arcane impact, and the falling boulders smashed into pieces.

The earthquake is still going on, the Phoenix real fire is disturbing the mantle, and the collision range and energy between the crust are getting stronger and stronger.

The wall inside the doomsday volcano made a loud clicking sound like lightning, cracks burst open, and more and more stones fell from the top. Gamesh's gaze constantly switched between the falling stones, judging which one was threatening and which one was not. The tactics in his hands are even more uninterrupted, arcane impact, ice cone, wind shear, soil thorn, all kinds of methods come out to **** Link.

Link had no distractions, and Sean's haggard face and bleak eyes gradually returned to life until the half bottle of moon well water was filled. The skinny body was also slightly full, and it no longer looked like a withered bone.

Regained its vitality, but most of the Phoenix True Fire had penetrated into the magma, and did not intend to return to that decayed body.

Seeing that the Phoenix True Fire was still pulling away, Link immediately said: "Joyce, is there a way to immediately cut off this Phoenix True Fire? If this continues, Sean will still not be able to survive."

Joyce was escorted forward by Gamesh, and Gamesh simply put up a larger protective shield to envelop the four.

Joyce looked at the dire situation and nodded hurriedly: "If there is a way, I will immediately use the alchemy seal to cut off the connection between the Phoenix True Fire remaining in Sean's body and the Exile Planet Phoenix True Fire. But this method will have drawbacks. These two phoenix true fires of the same origin, once one of the powers is strengthened to the point of suppression, the phoenix true fire contained in the other will be completely removed and actively pursue the confluence in elemental form..."

Although Joyce didn't finish talking, Link understood that Phoenix True Fire was the flame of life, and once it was pulled away, it meant the end of Sean's life.

When Duan continued to suffer from the chaos, if he didn't cut it off, Sean's life would be completely drained, and it would also be a dead end.

Leaving now, Link may still find a chance.

No matter how bad, he still has Zerg synthesis, and perhaps it can save Sean's life.

"Come straight away!"

Link's simple and straightforward three words, UU reading gave Joyce a great encouragement, and immediately did not talk nonsense, and directly sacrificed the alchemy seal method in the scroll, various complex and difficult runes and formulas. The power formed after the combination directly cut off the Phoenix's true fire.

When the two separated, Sean felt an indescribable pain in his body, his eyes were splitting, and bloodshot eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes.

After stiffening for a while, he passed out.

The magic circle under Gamesh's feet was activated, and after a burst of white light, several people returned to the mage tower.

At the same moment, the archmages of the Mage Tower activated the magic circle, and the arcane energy of the Mage Tower burst out, and the entire building disappeared instantly, leaving the exile parent star.

But when the Mage Tower returns to the mechanical fortress, Sean and Miranda are in the same space, and strange things happen again.

The Phoenix True Fire remaining in Sean's body and the Shadow Soul Fire in Miranda's body interacted with each other.

The entire mechanical fortress is shrouded in a weird and terrifying aura...