Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 879

Chapter 879

The Phoenix real fire in Sean once again formed an energy beam, groping forward in the mechanical fortress, looking for the alien energy that attracted him.

At the same time, Miranda's body rose into the sky, and a bucket of black energy material sprang out of her body, like a black python.

These two energies are entangled at an extremely fast speed, just like young boys and girls who are running online in a train station, and they collide with fierce sparks at the first contact.

In the place where they touched, the crimson phoenix true fire and the black shadow soul fire blended, and it seemed to have a sense of assimilation and fusion.

The two energies split together at once, separated after only a moment of contact, and each returned to the body.

Joyce immediately checked Sean's body and found that the energy in this kid was different from just now.

The remaining phoenix true fire absorbed part of the energy of the shadow soul fire, and the cosmic energy representing life was intertwined with the shadow soul fire representing death and destruction. The original "dying" phoenix true fire absorbed the energy of the shadow soul fire and immediately grew. And this ray of shadow soul fire is like a catfish strayed into a school of fish, activating Phoenix True Fire's strong desire to survive. In order not to be swallowed by the shadow soul fire, he had to squeeze out stronger and tougher life force, and gradually The resurrected Sean is firmly combined to suppress the Shadow Soulfire.

Joyce couldn't help but open his mouth wide and said in disbelief: "I have never seen such a scene before. Two repulsive forces exist in a person's body in a balanced state... This kind of competition even promotes Sean's recover."

"No, I have to look at Miranda!" Joyce was concerned about the safety of his granddaughter. After confirming that Sean was safe, he quickly found Miranda and checked her body.

Like Sean, Miranda also incorporated part of the Phoenix's true fire energy into her body, which was firmly suppressed.

But at the same time Joyce discovered a strange thing, the shadow soul fire energy in Miranda's body was gradually dissipating.

Energy is dissipating and leaking in an unknown form.

With Joyce's ability, he couldn't even notice where this energy was present in various modes.

For a moment, Joyce panicked a little.

But in Link's eyes, he saw this change clearly, and he was amazed.

The energy in Miranda's body unexpectedly appeared in Sean's body.

The level of Miranda began to decrease, and the level of Sean gradually increased, and finally reached a level of balance, staying at level 40.

What surprised Link even more was that Miranda and Sean both had a new talent, Black Phoenix.

Black Phoenix: A black phoenix with life and death energy coexisting. Miranda and Sean share energy. Unless two people are killed at the same time, they can be resurrected with the energy of the other person.

When he saw this talent, Link was dumbfounded.

This ability is too strong! As long as the two of them do not die at the same time, they can be resurrected with the help of the energy stored in the other person's body.

Under the blessing of the blood of the two, the Phoenix True Fire and the Shadow Soul Fire, yin and yang complement each other.

Presents a peculiar state of confrontation and coexistence.

It is precisely because of this state that the two have the Black Phoenix's ability to "rebirth from the fire".

Each is the main body, and each is also the host.

In this regard, Link can only say magic.

Miranda's Shadow Soulfire can absorb external energy on its own and transform it into the power of Shadow Soulfire, which can be transmitted to Sean's body through blood relationship. And Sean's pure heart can increase the power of Phoenix True Fire and Shadow Soul Fire.

The two complement each other and can increase strength in the fastest time.

Even though both of them are only level 40 now, I believe it won't take long for them to return to their peaks.

One masters the power of the true fire of the phoenix, and the other masters the power of the shadow soul fire, a single kill can be reborn from the ashes, such a unique existence is comparable to legend.

Joyce ran from a distance, uneasy in his words.

"Head of State, I checked Miranda's body. The energy in his body disappeared strangely, and I don't know where to go."

Link motioned for him to check Sean again. After the check, Joyce was stunned.

The energy in Sean's body increased dramatically.

Joyce was at a loss, wondering why this happened. I am more worried about whether this change will affect the future of the two.

This has never happened in his view of cognition, and the alchemy he mastered cannot explain the cause of this phenomenon.

"Sien and Miranda are now like two bottles filled with water. The invisible connection between the two is the pipe connecting the two bottles. Once fully connected, the bottle with the high water level will spontaneously move to the low water level. In order to ensure the balance of the water level. This is also the case for the two of them now. They share energy and life at the same time. Phoenix True Fire and Shadow Soul Fire form a peculiar system in the intertwined competition. When either party dies, the other can be borrowed. The energy in a person completes rebirth and resurrection. I call this ability the Black Phoenix."

"This matter is about the lives of Sean and Miranda, so only you know and I know."

Joyce immediately returned to his senses and nodded firmly: "The head can rest assured, I must keep a secret! I regard Miranda as a granddaughter, and Sean is naturally my grandson. I will never do anything that is not good for the two of them!"

Joyce also understands the truth behind the crime.

The two children with Phoenix True Fire and Shadow Soul Fire are definitely sweet and delicious in the universe. And if the deeper Black Phoenix talent is leaked, the lives of the two will be greatly threatened.

Although Joyce promised earnestly, but such important information has been learned, Joyce knows that he must come up with more "bargaining chips."

After thinking for a while, Joyce took a deep breath and said without turning his eyes: "Since the alien catastrophe has been calmed down and nothing major has happened to the Vatican, I will simply travel with the Fhrer, and can still teach Miranda and Sean daily. No. I know that the Fhrer Huan does not welcome me, an old man, to go with me..."

Joyce is taking himself hostage.

If you want to stay in the mechanical fortress, under Link's nose every day, then you are not afraid of the news.

In this way, express your determination to keep secrets absolutely.

Of course, Joyce was not completely forced, and what he said was the truth. The Vatican galaxy is now completely stable, and he has obtained Safron's alchemy notes. The entire Vatican galaxy is already a fully known existence to him. Now it is a wonderful thing to go out with the head of state and see a broader universe and richer knowledge.

Link was delighted that with a great alchemist like Joyce, the strength of the mechanical fortress has increased a lot.

"I personally welcome this. I believe Miranda will be very happy after hearing this news."

The energy in Miranda and Sean calmed down, and the two regained consciousness.

When Miranda and Sean saw each other, their expressions of surprise and excitement, the blood connection deep in their hearts, coupled with the entanglement of Phoenix real fire and shadow soul fire, all kinds of complex emotions and Energy is intertwined.

"Miranda I'm sorry, I failed to protect you." Sean rushed forward and hugged Miranda, tears streaming down in despair.

Suffron said it more than once when he was exiled to the home planet.

The energy buried in Miranda will eventually detonate, and the care energy will follow the blood line to find it, merge with the Phoenix real fire in Sean, and add the strong vengeance anger as the base for forging, the pure heart in his body will be Completely transform into the Heart of Darkness, become an unrivaled powerful existence in the entire Vatican galaxy, and become the most powerful war machine of the alien demon race.

"Brother, I'm fine, and the head of state and the people here are very good to me. On the contrary, it is my brother, who suffered on the home planet in exile...I can feel your suffering..." Miranda sobbed, reaching out her little hand and holding her En's face, carefully wiped away tears and stains from his face.

Sean's pupils shrank suddenly, his whole body stiffened, and he trembled for a while and said, "Miranda, you, can you speak?"

Miranda nodded as if pecking at the rice, and pointed to the necklace on her neck: "This is the necklace sounder made by sister Helen for me. With it, I can speak~"

The two of them cried and turned into tears.

Faced with such a touching reunion of brothers and sisters, the hearts of all people turned back and forth, and they sighed.

Many women in the mechanical fortress shed tears on the spot.

"I know you have countless things to say, but it will be long in the future. You'd better have a full physical examination first to check your physical condition thoroughly."

Link stepped forward and interrupted the conversation between the two.

Sean saw Link's eyes with excitement and disbelief.

He still couldn't believe that he was saved by his idol Link, and he was still so close.

Miranda saw his brother's cramps, took Sean's hand, smiled and said: "Brother, don't be nervous, everyone here is fine, I will take you to the medical examination."

Soon, the people from all major forces of the Expeditionary Army formed a joint diagnostic team.

The two physical examination data were analyzed and diagnosed from the physical, mental, and energy levels. Finally, they came to a consistent conclusion that Sean's body was suffering from organ failure due to prolonged hunger. Fortunately, Link used moonwell water to nourish the body. The Phoenix's true fire energy was also healed, and after sharing the shadow soul fire energy, the state improved.

In the follow-up, just take a good rest and recover, UU reading www. body organs can gradually recover and return to their normal state.

After that, the two children will tell their own experiences.

After Sean was captured by Saffron, he was thrown directly on the home planet in exile. Because Sean had Phoenix True Fire in his body, he could barely live on a planet full of poisonous gas. In order to stimulate his desire for revenge, Saffron told all the ins and outs of the matter, including Miranda will die because of the energy explosion, the entire wasteland will be buried with him, and so on.

Day after day, the revenge anger in Sean's heart is rising day by day, and only waiting for the shadow soul fire to return, a dark war machine that perfectly integrates the three flames of the universe is born, and it is powerful enough to sweep the entire Vatican galaxy.

In these days of fright and fear, Sean did not wait for him to be completely blackened and swallowed. Instead, Sulfuron and Thanos left one after another from the exile home planet.

After that, Sean felt that the blood curse connection on his body suddenly broke, the remaining food had been eaten, and there was no more food on the planet.

When Sean was unconscious, relying solely on his body's instincts and the dominance of Phoenix's true fire, he came to the Doomsday Volcano...