Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 877

Chapter 877

Things were set for Vormere, and Link didn't have to stay here.

The removal of the remnants was handed over to Ning Chengqi, and after gathering all the troops and pets of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army, Link immediately embarked on the journey to the home planet in exile.

Since coming to Vormere, whether it is a member of the Wasteland Expeditionary Force or Link's pet, they have all released their anger and frustration that have accumulated for a long time as if they were enjoying themselves. The release under heavy pressure and accumulation of emotions, the burst of energy is even more terrifying than the ferocious alien army.

The expeditionary army Sayazi chased, the alien remnants fled frantically.

If we change from a third-party perspective, I am afraid that the expeditionary army will be regarded as a brutal invader.

Now that the depression in the heart is finished, the mood and expressions of the NPCs are like the first dredging of constipation after a month. Every pore on the whole body is relaxed, and the whole body is soothing!

Link only knows the approximate location of the exile parent star. After telling Troy the location of the area and the characteristics of the exile parent star, Troy and Asophon immediately start a linkage, and Asophon takes the lead and scans the target.

The exile parent star is not in the same star system as Vomer.

The Vatican galaxy was originally an abandoned galaxy on the edge of the universe, and the exile parent star is located in the Vatican galaxy, which is a more barren and lonely existence.

This doesn't even belong to a star system. There is no host star inside. It is made up of interstellar dust and rubble. The planet is drawn by the gravitational force of the central star of the Vatican galaxy, and it is also affected by the forces of other galaxies at the far point of the elliptical orbit. , Resulting in a trajectory presenting an unstable and chaotic state of constant adjustment and transformation, which looks like a headless fly, so it is called an "exile planet".

Because it is far away from the star, there is very little light shining here, and the whole area presents a dead silence that belongs to the darkness. The planet's surface temperature is lower than 150 degrees Celsius all year round. If it were not for the influence of these two mysterious forces, the internal geological activities of the exile host star were active, and the internal mantle magma erupted in the form of active volcanoes to release energy, even Saffron and Thanos would not be able to survive here.

No one could have imagined that the planet where the Twin Kings of the Alien Stars is located is so extreme.

To be able to live on such a planet can only be said to be a strong B-level energy level, whose body changes and reincarnation is strong enough to resist the extreme harsh environment of the universe.

After leaving suddenly this time, the NPCs of the expeditionary army did not complain.

This big battle has been fun enough, and the second is because it's Miranda's brother Sean.

Who is Miranda?

That is the little princess of the entire mechanical fortress, whether the player or the NPC, one by one caress appropriately, holding it in his mouth for fear of turning, holding it in the palm of his hand for fear of boring, the real existence of thousands of favorites in one.

Even after learning that Miranda had lifted the curse and threats, the NPCs who had just been recalled to board the mechanical fortress, regardless of their personalities, first gave Miranda a grand celebration.

At that scale, Link was sour when he saw it.

Even the players squeezed precious time from the tense first kill battle to participate in this celebration.

Miranda's popularity and popularity can be seen.

Set sail again, the target is exiled to the home planet.

Players once again devoted themselves to the reclamation of the dungeon. The alien commander Yegesh in the [Battle of Vormeer] was full of oppression. It can be said that entering the "Destiny" so far has given players the most pressure on the BOSS.

Whether it's blood volume, damage, or fighting mind, this BOSS is far more than any BOSS ever seen before, and it has a full range of psychological shadows.

Even some battle groups and squads temporarily abandoned land reclamation, and their goal turned to [The Redemption of Three Civilizations], and they were prepared to spend a period of time, upgrade their levels and equipment, and then challenge them.

The emergence of the dungeon group has greatly increased the enthusiasm of the players.

Well, positivity in various senses.

Because the loss in the dungeon is too great, the number of deaths is gradually increasing, and the tasks accumulated by the Wasteland Expeditionary Army Office are also decreasing and decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The behavior of pioneering a wasteland visibly increased the consumption speed of tasks in the mechanical fortress, and began to form positive feedback.

With the Alien Dungeon Group, Link doesn't have to worry about this group of enthusiastic and enthusiastic guys doing nothing for at least three or four months.

The depth and difficulty of this dungeon group are enough to support them until they reach Qunxing Harbor.

Miranda completely resolved the Shadow Soulfire Crisis, and Link also checked the current state of this girl.

Name: Miranda

Race: Alchemy/Transformation of Humans

Level: lv70+ (leader)

Health value: 120,000 / 120,000

Energy value: 80,000 / 80,000

Skills: Destroy Shadows, Flame/Darkness Affinity, Soul's Elegy, Shadow Flames, Inner Fire

Evaluation: After liberating the shackles, those who master the power of the shadow soul fire will surely leave a rich and colorful stroke.

Although Miranda can't say that he can fully control the Shadow Soulfire, he can already actively guide the power of the Shadow Soulfire. In addition, because the Shadow Soulfire continues to absorb the energy of the universe, the level has reached 70, and the speed of increase is the first in the entire Vatican galaxy.

The value of life and energy have also reached a terrible point.

The evaluation has changed the degree of instability previously dominated by Shadow Soulfire, and has become a person who masters Shadow Soulfire, and even gave a rather good evaluation-leaving a strong and colorful stroke.

Also because of being able to control the Shadow Soul Fire, Miranda's spiritual energy has also reached a strong and outrageous point.

In the Wasteland Expeditionary Army, the strongest spiritual energy is the King Kong who has attained the status of Luo Han Guo. And Miranda's spiritual energy is not weaker than King Kong.

Also because the shackles on Miranda were completely resolved, many restricted areas on the original mechanical fortress were also completely open to Miranda. In his spare time, under the leadership of the treasure hunter and the special agent mouse team, Miranda began to play exploration and hide-and-seek in the mechanical fortress.

At other times, Miranda is not idle either.

Under the care and arrangement of Grace, the old mother, Miranda's courses were also fully arranged.

The morning class is spent in the ecosystem of the Lunar Shadow Council, listening to and feeling nature with the five elders and other druids who are close to nature, and soothing the soul through meditation.

Then I went to the Vajra and Nine-patterned Dragon to listen to the Dharma, and to find the way of unity of Brahma and Self, and also to cultivate both mind and consciousness.

In the afternoon, I followed Yinshou or Li Ziqian to exercise and practice some physical fitness methods.

In the evening, Penny and other think tank members will tutor Miranda for cultural lessons.

All-round development of morality, intelligence, body, art and labor, no matter the mind or body, it will be supplemented at once.

Time flies, and ten days have passed in a blink of an eye. The subsophist leading the way is far away from the mechanical fortress, but for the first time he sent back a special message, locking on a star that is disturbed by the gravity of a binary star and the trajectory of the planet is extremely strange.

According to the spectral signal of Subsophon, it can be recognized that this planet has obvious geological activity and signs of volcanic activity, and there is a high probability that it is the exile parent star of a foreign star.

Troy reported the news sent by Asoko to Link, and after receiving instructions from the head of state, he began to re-plan the change of orbit, and coordinate with Asoko's data to prepare for the landing.

Link faced everyone at the banquet, and all those seated in the banquet were senior cadres of the expeditionary army.

"Achiko has discovered the exile home planet of the alien planet. Please come to your respective posts to prepare. As for today's discussion of the change of the name of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army, it will be temporarily postponed. If you have a suitable name, the next meeting will be held. You can speak enthusiastically at that time."

As for the name change, Link is not a brainstorm.

The Wasteland Expeditionary Army mainly represents the unity of all order civilizations in the Vatican galaxy against the destroyer aliens.

But now the Alien Army has been completely destroyed, and the Wasteland Expeditionary Army has completed its historical mission.

Link's next plan is to get out of the Vatican galaxy, go to the Starport, and participate in the plot between the broader galaxies. If you use the name Wasteland Expeditionary Army, it is not appropriate and inappropriate.

It was just that the name change meeting had just started and was interrupted in the middle, and could only be postponed.

After the meeting, everyone returned to their posts.

After a final acceleration, the mechanical fortress arrived at the location of the exile home planet half a day later.

Rao has been voyages in space for more than a year and has seen various bizarre scenes. Players and NPCs still can't help feeling a chill when seeing the scene in front of them.

Far away from the stars, the cosmic background is more like a dark curtain with only a few bright spots. The big star in the center of the Vatican galaxy is only a spot less than the size of a cherry here.

Looking out from the porthole, there was dead silence and coldness everywhere.

Because it is the extreme tipping point of the Vatican Galaxy, there are a lot of crushed ice, dust and rocks in the distance, and some huge fragments that are obviously broken stars, comparable in scale to planets.

"This is simply an interstellar mass grave." The macaw was dumbfounded.

Interstellar mass graves, a very apt metaphor.

Overcast, weird, dark, and chaotic.

There are signs of decadence everywhere, and it is hard to imagine that the home planet of the alien planet will be here.

And that irregularly rotating exile mother star is the largest star here.

In peacetime, everyone sees different stars orbiting steadily around one orbit, and the movement of the exile parent star is quite strange.

Even though the macaw stared at the porthole for a long time, it failed to analyze the exact trajectory. Instead, it was beaten in the face several times, and was confused.

Silver Hand couldn't help but laughed and said, "It's not good to see the macaw from the insane plan, this is not a right step."

The macaw's face flushed red, and he gave his silver hand a fierce look: "You know what a shit, if it wasn't for the poor **** of pot beside me, which seriously interfered with the calculation of my Qi machine, I can arrange the trajectory of this exiled planet. It's plain!"

The Macaw's remarks are well-founded and cannot be refuted.

The Wei Xia pot under the armpit of Silver Hand had completely given up resistance.

Boom, what you say is what you say!

After all, many pots don't pressure one's body.

"In this case, the mechanical fortress is very dangerous if it comes close, do you have to land?" The macaw was worried, if there was an accident, they would be buried directly in the interstellar mass grave.

"Don't worry, Helen and Troy will consider this issue. We just need to be ready to land and explore." Silver Hand was fully armed, and he was ready as soon as Link notified him. Enough weapons and ammunition, various scientific instruments.

In the space storage under the wings of the macaw, various food and survival devices are carried.

As for the Weixia pot, all the pots I brought were all pots.

At the same time, the main control room of the mechanical fortress.

Helen and Troy are discussing the observational data of the alien exile mother star sent by Subsophon, discussing the safest way to land.

Several cutting images also appeared on the holographic screen in front of Link.

"The trajectory of the exile home planet is chaotic and extremely difficult to predict. My suggestion is that the mechanical fortress should only follow outside the safe range and send a highly flexible ship to land." After reading the data, Helen thought of it. The extreme point of the safe distance can already be imagined.

"According to data calculations, the Harrier-class ships are small in size, fast in turning, and have the greatest success rate to perform this mission." Yazhizi also gave his own judgment on the front line.

Troy and Asoko share data, so both parties agree with this conclusion.

According to the memory and experience of previous lives, the home planet in exile is the territory of Thanos and Saffron. Except for important activities such as the promotion of war envoys and the gift of core, the alien members have almost never set foot here.

This exile home planet is located on the barren edge of the Vatican Galaxy, and the nature of the planet is unique, so every time a member of the alien comes here, it must rely on Sulfuron's alchemy circle to teleport.

Now that Sulfuron and Thanos are both dead in battle, the only survivor of this exile home planet is theoretically the only survivor of Sean, who was captured.

But because of the appearance of Link, many things have undergone butterfly-effect changes compared to memories. Now Link is not sure whether there are traces of other alien demons on the exile home planet.

After thinking about it for a moment, Link raised his head to look at the game in the holographic picture in front of him, and asked: "Gamesh, do you have the confidence to control the mage tower to land on the exile home planet?"

The Harrier-class ships are too small, and their defensive shields and other hard indicators are too low. Relying on this thing to land on the exile home planet of chaotic motion is comparable to landing on an unstable and tyrannical planet with a paper plane.

Right now, mechanically moving aircraft are not suitable for landing on such a chaotic planet. The mechanical motion of the aircraft still has stagnation in response, and because of inertia, the sudden stop and sharp turn action in the universe will also be disturbed.

Mage Tower, an arcane-driven "aircraft", once there is any danger, the powerful magic power source of the magic hub can be used to transport the Mage Tower as a whole in an instant, and it has various protections, which is far better than the Harrier-class ships.

"The head of state can rest assured, the task will be completed!" Gamesh promised.

Link turned to another screen: "Mr. Joyce, you can move all the equipment to the mage tower, and we will set off as soon as we are ready."

"Follow your orders."

"As for the mechanical fortress, follow and wait outside the safe range."

When everything was ready, the Mage Tower sailed out of the mechanical fortress and slowly approached the exile parent star under the control of Gamesh.

"After approaching the gravitational range, directly choose the overall transmission to be captured by the planet's gravity at one time."

The exile planet in front of us is getting closer and closer, and there is a large amount of sulfide gas on the surface of the planet, which is wrapped in yellow-black aerosol. In the mist and lightning, it looked extremely terrifying.

When the Mage Tower sensed the gravitational force from the exile planet, the movement trajectory of the exile planet changed and it smashed towards the Mage Tower extremely quickly.

Although the space is silent, a huge monster rushes at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the overwhelming sense of oppression still makes everyone in the mage tower stunned.

The arcane eye at the top shone brightly, and after a dazzling light, the mage tower disappeared from the place, and the next moment it passed through the sulfide gas layer and came to the inner atmosphere of the exile mother star.

Before Link and Gamesh announced that the planet's doomsday volcano spewed out a soaring flame, rushed straight into the sky, broke the sulfide gas layer, penetrated the planet's atmosphere, and when it reached the highest point, it drawn a beautiful parabola, the head end Like a phoenix spreading its wings, its shape stretches out, and after a while, it retracts its wings and turns into a strand, and then falls back into the planet.

The energy is clearly visible throughout the process, and the scale is huge, like a prominence.

"The phoenix and the phoenix are really hot!"