Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Afu danced in the front, the light blue soul in the darkness gradually became clear, appearing from a distance, from far to near, the details of the soul gradually filled in.

Link saw six people in exquisite suits, all wearing sunglasses, shrugging their shoulders and walking in rhythm.

On the shoulders of the six is a lifelike Pharaoh Tumon's coffin, which rises and falls with the dance steps.

Tumenfa old man-shaped coffin, one hand is a spiked stick, the other hand is a crooked scepter, and his hands are crossed on his chest.

The coffin was sealed tightly by the powerful energy of the pharaoh during his lifetime.

Ah Fu uses his mouth to make a very high-frequency rhythmic sound.

mutter, mum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum...

Even the able-bodied Link on the side could not help being attracted by this strange music, and his head moved involuntarily.

Link's treasure hunter in the palm of his hand, his two small paws are beating in harmony.

The sand sculpture falling on the lamp tube at a high place, the slender neck pulsates back and forth, moving back and forth...

Six coffin carriers came behind him, guided by the rhythm of Ah Fu's music.

Ah Fu Fu came to his heart, and walked towards the body of the dead killer at the forefront of his hometown.

When Ah Fu led the six coffin lifters to the vicinity of the killer's body, a light blue glow could be clearly seen from the killer's body.

Then the killer's soul kept struggling with teeth and claws.

The old man-shaped coffin of Tumenfa slowly opened, and it seemed to contain extremely exaggerated energy. It just took the killer's soul in an instant, and then slowly closed it.

At the end of the ceremony, Ah Fu gradually slowed down, and the B-box music in his mouth also began to drop in tune. The figures of the six coffin-carrying people behind him gradually became blurred, and they disappeared completely after walking far.

When the music stops.

Link, Treasure Hunter, and Sand Sculpture all returned to normal.

"It's worthy of being a pet of dark blue quality. This magic sound fills my ears, and the whole person unconsciously wants to dance to the rhythm."

After the ceremony, Ah Fu felt it for a while, and immediately showed a happy smile on his face.

"Boss, I feel the soul of the killer."

Afu stretched out his palm, and suddenly a light blue reduced-sized humanoid coffin of Pharaoh Tumen appeared in his hand.

Then the coffin slowly opened, and inside was a complete humanoid soul, dressed exactly like the killer.

At this moment, the killer soul was walking around the coffin, reaching out and tapping the coffin from time to time, yelling "let me out" and the like.

Right after, the killer felt the coffin opened, and a terrible pressure came from above.

When the killer looked up, he happened to see the two big faces of Afu and Link...

was so scared that he fainted.

"Afu, you must have laughed so irritatingly that you fainted."

Imagine a big dark-skinned face looming in the darkness, and then a row of shiny teeth and shiny eyes, staring straight from a height, everyone will be frightened. Half dead.

Brothers put fear in this chapter!

Afu pouted, with a frustrated expression: "I thought I could say a few words, but I was scared to faint without thinking. This killer... is so courageous."

Link is still very curious about the ability of 'Coffin Palace'. Seeing that Ah Fu can 'substantiate' the coffin and the soul can see the real world, he can't help being more interested.

According to this situation, they can still talk to the souls in the 'coffin palace'. After that, there will be more sorrows!

Then Link touched the corpse skillfully and found a lot of things.

[You get night vision, mystery key, 26 omniscient silver coins, portable miniature pistol, bison P90 double guns, 5600 wasteland coins]

finally cut off the killer's head with a broken throat.

The head of a 15th-level elite killer can change tens of thousands of dollars.

Link waved the ticket in his hand: "I have money for dinner tonight."

Walking to the center of the parking lot, Link opened the black bag and took a look.

Inside the bag is a single-bore shotgun, an assault rifle, smoke bombs, shock bombs, several magazines, and an electronic frequency jammer.

The whole is a small mobile arsenal.

"Come on, Fu, put all these in."

Link closed the zipper of the black bag, stuffed it all into Ah Fu's reinforced backpack, and took it out when needed.

The sand sculpture flew down from a high place, "Quack" hurriedly urged a few times.

Link drove out of the parking lot, as if nothing had happened.

"Afu, look, if you can drive, we can drive the car just now. Now I don't know who will be cheaper."

Afu nodded repeatedly and said: "Don't tell me, boss, my heart is aching. When I go back, I will train."

There was no small tail behind him, and Link couldn't help speeding up.

In less than ten minutes, I came to today's destinationSunset Cocktail Western Restaurant.

Sunset Cocktail Western Restaurant is a relatively high-end restaurant in Shangcheng District.

was selected by the players of the forum as the "Top Ten Food Mecca of the Waste Saturn", this restaurant is on the list.

Because the "Destiny" game has hunger settings, and the game pursues realistic settings as much as possible, and the taste of the food is also as realistic as possible.

Such as burgers, sandwiches, eating too fast, easy to choke, etc...

In the early stage, players only wanted to fill their stomachs, but as the game progressed, their wallets were swollen, and they also had free time, and they began to pursue a high-quality life. So at the end of the version, the players spontaneously organized the selection of the top ten food mecca, which is quite interesting in the Michelin restaurant selection.

There was a waiter with Little Red Riding Hood waiting at the entrance of the restaurant, helping to park the car.

Link gave the car keys to the waiter, and took Ah Fu and Sha Sculpture straight into the restaurant.

"Sir, since you are bringing your pet, we have specially prepared a small single room for you."

look at...

was selected as one of the top ten food mecca for no reason.

With this attitude of service, people can't fault it.

Link walked into the restaurant and walked to the small single room under the guidance of the waiter.

Just then, a voice suddenly stopped Link behind him.

"Benefactor, is that you?"

Link looked back and immediately saw the man who proposed to him who had been saved at the city library during the day.

"What a coincidence, are you eating here too?"

Link's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect to meet "acquaintances" here.

If you know that Shadu has a population of more than 30 million, and you happen to meet someone twice in a day, that's definitely fate.

The young man stepped forward excitedly: "Today, your benefactor was in a hurry. We didn't have time to ask your name. I didn't expect to meet again here. I can only say that we are so destined! Jenny and I also came here for dinner. If the benefactor doesn't mind, shall we be together?"

Link smiled, raised his hand and declined to say: "Forget it, you two have experienced quite a lot today, so I won't bother your young couple's affection."

"Then please have a nice meal with your benefactor. Today's meal counts as a treat for me. Although it is not enough to repay the favor, it can be regarded as a little bit of my heart. Please also beg your benefactor to give me this opportunity."

Link chuckled: "Don't call the benefactor. My name is Link."


The two shook hands, and then under Benjamin's gaze, the waiter took Link into the single room.

"All the expenses for this room will be counted on me later."

"Good sir."

Although it is a single room, the room has all the functions.

The waiter also specially promoted the 'Children's Seat', and I'm sorry to say: "Sir, I'm sorry because our shop has almost no experience in serving raptor pets, so I can only find this as a substitute for the time being. I hope you can forgive me."

Before Link could say anything, Sand Sculpture's eyes lit up when he saw the'special seat'.

flapped its wings and flew onto the child seat, his whole body was just tucked in, exposing his neck and head, and there was a small table for eating in front of him. It was very uncomfortable.

"It seems that it is very satisfied with your arrangement."

Then, Link ordered the signature food in the store, plus a bottle of red wine with an average age, and he didn't waste it because someone paid the bill.

The sand sculpture grabbed the white towel on the side and asked the treasure hunter to tie it around his neck.

The whole sculpture suddenly became upscale.

As the meals are on the table, enjoying the gluttonous delicacies, the fatigue of the day is wiped out.

This is the best meal Link has had since he was born again.

Gourmet is now, all worries are gone.

But after eating, the problem still has to be faced.

Afu and Sand Sculpture are still wiping out the food on the table in the 'rolling clouds', Link put his hands on his chest, thinking about the current situation.

The three little gangs around now, after today's trouble, should be a little more peaceful.

The biggest problem at present is not the gold reward, but the Baihetang and the mysterious organization of the men in black.

As one of the six branches of the Caoyun Gang, Baihetang still has a strong influence in the slums.

What makes Link the most upset is that Bai Hetang is still the head boss of the Jack Gang.

Although Mr. Gui from Xuanwu Hall came forward and stopped him today, Mr. Gui said very clearly before he left that he can only help this time, not every so from now on. In the future, Baihetang is Link's greatest resistance.

There is also a mysterious organization of people in black, with 4 15-level elites, and their strange words before death, the distribution of abilities of the team, all make Link feel that behind this is a huge monster.

But Link did not find a suitable organization from the memory of previous lives. This kind of unknown is disturbing.

What comforts Link is that Jack's help has a wild animal smuggling line, so in terms of synthesis, he has no shortage of creatures.

may be able to try to start from this dark line to open the situation.

When Link came back to his senses, he found that everything on the table had been swept away.

Sand sculpture, Ah Fu, and the treasure hunter, all lying halfway, touching their bulging belly, sighing comfortably.

"Now that we are full, let's go."

Link walked out of the single room, only to find that Benjamin and Jenny had also walked out of the single room not far away.

"Mr. Lin, how are you eating, is it okay?" Benjamin asked with a smile.

"It is the best I have eaten in Shadu these days."

"Oh? Did Mr. Lin come to Shadu recently?"

"Yes, I just arrived three days ago."

Link and Benjamin walked out of the western restaurant and talked as they walked.

When walked out of the restaurant, before taking a few steps, the treasure hunter hiding in his pocket after eating and drinking, suddenly issued a warning sound.


In the darkness not far away, suddenly a large group of people slowly dedicated themselves and surrounded Link.

Link's expression remained unchanged, but he said to Benjamin beside him: "Sorry, I have a little personal matter to deal with right now. In order not to affect the two of you, I suggest you go back to the western restaurant and avoid it."