Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Benjamin glanced at the people around him, frowning.

But Link has stretched out his hand and motioned for the two to enter the western restaurant.

"Ben, let's listen to Mr. Lin's words and go to the western restaurant." Jenny hurriedly pulled Benjamin after seeing so many thugs.

"But I..." Benjamin wanted to say something, but Jenny had been forcibly dragged into the western restaurant.

Benjamin's face was unpleasant, but after Jenny said a few words to her ears, Benjamin's brows suddenly stretched and she smiled.

The two of them stood at the door of the western restaurant, watching the situation outside through the glass.

Link looked at the Baihetang mark on the enemy's arm and couldn't help but vomit: "This Baihetang is really lingering."

In the block in the afternoon, Xuanwutang Gui Lao made a relief, leaving Link unscathed.

Unexpectedly, Bai Hetang's death will not change, taking advantage of himself to come out to eat at night, he will be surrounded again.

Link glanced roughly, there were more than 20 thugs, plus the old ten and eleven of the 13 Taibao.

For Link, it's a small test of the level of a knife.

"Afu, you have already used body spiritualization, and you also went to hide in the western restaurant, waiting for me to settle down before coming out."

Afu winked at Link with his hands behind his back, and whispered: "Boss, I just took two smoke bombs from my backpack while you were talking!"

Link was taken aback, a little dazed.

After Afu synthesis, it seems that he has become smarter, and he knows that he has prepared first.

"Then you stay and watch my signal to act."

The people in Baihetang in the distance kept approaching, and Link had already seen the rampant expression of '11'.

"Hahaha, Link, I didn't expect our Baihetang to come again!" Eleven was extremely excited at the moment. If it hadn't been for Xuanwutang's trouble this afternoon, they had captured Link alive. However, even though Link was allowed to escape, he would never escape from his Five Finger Mountain this time.

Link was expressionless, glanced back and forth a few times, and finally sighed: "Oh..."

Eleven had arrogance on his face, and he was so uncomfortable to see Link eating flat: "Now I know to sigh? Tell you, it's late!"

"I'm sighing for Old Crane. You said that the thirteen Taibao fathers and sons were filial and happy, but after tonight there are only nine left... No matter how many sons there are, you will be wiped out by this method of killing!"

"Hmph, I didn't find our Baihetang's eyeliner along the way, so what right do I have to talk about here?"

"Since you appeared near a western restaurant, our people have been eyeing you."

"Today, I can't save you, I said!"

The man next to him stretched out his hand to stop Eleven and said, "Eleven, don't take advantage of him. The reward offered by the Platinum Hotel only said to be captured alive, but not intact. It stuns him and breaks his hands and feet again, for Hu Yin Take revenge with Jack."

The corners of Eleven's mouth raised, showing a wicked smile, and pulled out a power grid gun from behind.

The other Baihetang thugs, holding a pistol in one hand, and a grid gun in the other.

The grid gun fires very fast, instead of bullets, it shoots out a spreading grid.

Once entangled by the power grid, it will release the current that paralyzes the nerves, resulting in a [stiff] effect.

Link still didn't have any expressions, and he even wanted to laugh.

That's it?

Although the power grid is a bit troublesome, when the dust blows and the smoke bombs are thrown, all these people will die by then!

The people of Baihetang began to approach slowly, and the eleven faces were filled with the pleasure of encirclement and suppression.

He has already sent someone to stare at Xuanwutang, and he hasn't called yet, which means that the other party has not moved.

Without Xuanwutang's intervention, it was difficult for Link to fly today.

Link stood still, unmoved.

glanced, these people in front of me only add up to more than 10,000 experience, not as high as a level 15 elite.

I really can't let Link get interested.

"Stop the ink, hurry up if you want it."

Link glanced at the time, and he didn't look like a man in every fight.

At this moment, the door of the Sunset Cocktail Western Restaurant suddenly opened.

A figure quickly ran to Link: "I see who of you dare to do it!"

Benjamin glared angrily, staring at the Baihetang people and yelling: "Forget about the smog that you have stirred up the slums, and now you actually reach out to the upper city, who gives you the courage?"

Seeing Benjamin, a weak man, was amused by his naive words.

"Huh, when we are in Baihetang, when do we have a place?"

"In Shadu, there is still no place where Baihetang cannot go!"

eleven straight back, full of confidence.

In the next second, he took out his gun and pointed at Benjamin and said: "It's okay to get away and stay there. If you don't leave, you will kill you!"

In the past, when they were so scared in the past, these self-proclaimed gentlemen literati held their heads and squirmed, but this time the weak gentleman has firm eyes and never retreats.

Link was about to say something when suddenly the treasure hunter in his pocket warned him again.


Xiaobao pointed in his pocket, indicating that someone was approaching again.

"Baihetang is already a unified slum area now, so loudly speaking?"

Baihetang suddenly heard a strange sound of yin and yang behind him, and the thugs who surrounded Link turned their heads, and they saw a group of people in sandy camouflage uniforms holding them with assault rifles.

The eleventh and the old ten, the expression on the face stopped abruptly at this moment.

All the people in Baihetang's eyes widened, their cheeks stiff, and the arrogance just now disappeared.

Yellow camouflage uniform, armed with standard weapons, fully armed, and the name of the Shadu Guardian "Fox Hunting" on the armband!

Everyone in Baihetang is breathing fast. If it is an ordinary guard, it would be better to say that the designation is a fox hunting unit, but the special forces in the guard are specialized in performing special tasks, regardless of strength or authority, they are all in the ordinary regular army. on!

The old ten reacted the fastest, and he quickly put away the power grid gun and raised his hands above his head: "Sir, I think there must be some misunderstanding."

The officer headed by walked up with the gun, Bai Hetang's thugs stepped back, and no one dared to stand in front of the opponent.

In front of Old Shi, he slapped twice without saying a word.

"Misunderstanding! Do you dare to point a gun at the head of our only son, is this a misunderstanding?"

The old ten was dumbfounded in an instant.

The eleven brains on the side buzzed blankly.

His eyes scanned between Link, Ah Fu, and the weak man. I never thought that the thin and gentle man was the son of the commander of the army!

"All put down their weapons, squat on the ground and hold their heads!"

With a loud shout, the Baihetang thugs at the scene put down their weapons and squatted on the ground with their hands holding their heads.

They are usually active in the slums, relying on the white crane armbands on their shoulders as a prestige, and they have never had a conflict with the regular army of Shadu.

But now, everyone panicked to death.

You must know that the Shadu troops have control rights and have unlimited firepower in the city.

If the people in Baihetang here resist or are suspected of resisting, the troops can open fire directly without assuming any responsibility.

Old ten and eleven all disarmed and threw away their weapons, how can I not believe that this weak youth is actually the only son of Commander Mu En!

This time, I stabbed Da Louzi.

General Jean Alonso, the largest in power in Shadu, has four direct commanders under his command.

Among them, Commander Moon, in charge of the 'Fox Hunt' special forces, specializes in performing dangerous and complex special tasks, is a sharp knife in the Shadu's forces!

The muzzle pointed at the back of his head. These domineering Baihetang thugs finally woke up, and who was the real master of Shadu.

The special forces captain who led the team quickly walked up to Benjamin and saluted a standard military salute: "Master, are you not frightened?"

Benjamin frowned, with an incredible expression on his face: "There are such arrogant gangs in Shadu, who dare to go to Shangcheng to make trouble. I have never seen it before!"

"Whether it hurts or hurts me is the second thing. The main reason is that these people want trouble with my benefactor. Do you know how to deal with it?"

The special forces led the team glanced at Link and replied: "Understood!"

Benjamin nodded in satisfaction, then turned and smiled at Link: "Benefactor, this wave is my official repayment of your life-saving grace. From now on, this group of people will not harass you again."

When the special forces came out, Link vaguely guessed that Benjamin's identity was unusual.

I didn't expect it to be the only son of Commander Moen.

real high class.

is really unintentional.

"Well, thank you very much."

Link didn't say much, and showed Benjamin's love.

The old ten and the eleven were taken care of by the special forces. For example, they stumbled repeatedly during the escort, and then deliberately hit the door corner when they were escorted into the armored vehicle. They knocked their heads to blood and did not dare to complain . UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Link's WISP V8 was driven out of the parking lot by the waiter.

After getting in the car, Link greeted Benjamin and drove away.

Benjamin looked at the car that was going away, until he disappeared on the highway and then put down his waving hand.

The special forces captain who was protecting Benjamin's safety at the time came over from the armored car and said, "Master, everyone has already taken the car. When I get to Baihetang, I will let them converge."

Benjamin nodded in satisfaction, and couldn't help asking: "How is my wave? My benefactor saved my life at the city library today. I finally have a chance to pay my favor."

The special forces captain's face was tangled, and he hesitated for a moment and said: "Master, I don't know if there is something wrong with it."

"You said."

"Actually...what you really helped today is the thugs of Baihetang."

Benjamin was shocked: "How is this possible?"

"That gentleman, if he really takes a shot, none of the Baihetang members who are present at the scene will survive."

"If it hadn't been for the young master to suddenly run out of it, all those people would have died today."

Benjamin was dumbfounded. It doesn't matter if the benefactor is knowledgeable, even his strength... is so fierce?

"Wasn't I a waste of help today? Not only did I fail to help the benefactor, but it caused him trouble?"

"You don't need to worry about this, young master, when I get to Baihetang, I naturally have a way to let you help each other."

Benjamin stabbed the special forces captain with his elbow and said: "Then you have to fight against the benefactor, who wins?"

The special forces captain thought for a while: "If I lead the special forces, he will definitely die. But if I fight alone, I will definitely die!"

P.S: The editors with low recommended votes are scared...