Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Link drove the WISP V8 across the Golden Shore Bridge and came to Shangcheng.

Both he and Ah Fu are both in suits, seamlessly integrating into the upper class.

If you change the blatant WISP V8 to a calm and pure black, then Link will immediately have a brand of rich man and nobleman when he gets off the car.

"Afu, look at you whenever you practice driving skills, you can't always let me drive after going out?"

"Boss, don't worry, I will let the brothers in the gang teach me to drive when I go back."

Ah Fu stood in the car window, looking at the bright lights and feasting Shangcheng district, his mouth never closed.

Luxury large transparent glass, the atmosphere lamp inside illuminates the beautiful artwork.

There is no dense and cramped slum area. Looking at it, whether it is scenery or people, it gives people a feeling of enjoyment.

Come to United Pharmaceutical Company with the boss in the morning, Ah Fu hasn't felt it yet.

As the night lights are lit, the entire upper city is shrouded in a layer of pale yellow light.

Looking at the slum area on the other side of the bridge through the rearview mirror, there are only scattered lights, like a lingering and dead old man, without any vitality.

There is another point that impressed Ah Fu the most.

There are all kinds of cars parked on both sides of the road in the slum area, but on both sides of the upper city, there are neat and uniform boulevards.

The moist river breeze mixed with the fragrance of trees makes the whole person feel happy.

Just as Ah Fu was immersed in the cleanliness and beauty of Shangcheng District, Link suddenly slowed down, and then the car turned right into an alley.

"Boss, didn't you say that the western restaurant is still in front, why did you suddenly turn?"

Link glanced at the rear-view mirror, raised his chin and motioned: "There is a little tail behind him. I will solve it first."

Afu glanced at the rearview mirror and found a car behind him also followed them into the alley.

"Maybe it's just on the same road with us..." Ah Fu couldn't see how this car was strange.

Link glanced at the car keeping the distance: "This car has been following us as soon as we left the Jack Gang. It has kept a distance of fifty meters. After crossing the bridge, I detoured a total of three roads, and this car was tight. Biting behind, there is no such strange thing in the world."

At the end of the alley, there is a wide asphalt road ground, and the white lines with phosphors on the ground are clearly visible under the light.

There are only a few scattered cars in the entire parking lot. Under the shining of a strong light in the corner, it feels a bit lonely on stage.

Link parked the car to the innermost space, then rolled down the window, put his hand on the door, and tapped his finger on the iron door.

da da da da da...

Soon, a car appeared in the alley.

Through the bright light, Link saw the people in the car.

The car stopped in the first parking space after entering the parking lot, and the innermost parking space where Link was located was the farthest diagonally.

The buzzing car lights out.

Ah Fu felt that at this moment, the gentle wind of the night stagnated at this moment, and the atmosphere became serious.

Link lightly blew his whistle, and the only high-power headlight in the parking lot burst in response, and the fragments crashed on the ground, causing a crisp sound.

Suddenly the entire parking lot was shrouded in darkness and plunged into darkness.


The treasure hunter stood on Link's shoulder, like a captain setting sail.

And the sand sculpture did not know when it flew to the extinguished high-power headlight, just like a sculpture.

These two little guys are eager to end the battle, especially the sand sculptures.

Steak wine is close at hand, but now suddenly a killer suddenly appears, delaying its precious 'upper time', and the sand sculpture expresses his irritation.

Treasure Hunter scouts around, there is only one enemy in the entire parking lot, and a lot of metal is sensed on the opponent.

The killer has been lurking outside since Link returned to the Jack Gang.

In Shadu, gold rewards are not common.

It is already the limit to be able to give out a gold reward every month.

After all, the sand city has a complex structure, many influences, and it is adjacent to the mechanical gods, and the mobility of personnel is also great. There are many bounty hunters and killers active in the Gobi and sand cities.

In Shadu, many things do not need to be solved completely through the platinum hotel offering rewards.

But once you spend a lot of money to offer a reward, it will definitely attract more attention.

There is an unwritten rule at the Platinum Hotel that the risk of rewards offered by Shadu has always been relatively high.

Sha has no Dragon City rigorous and sound official institutions, nor does Faye rule with an iron fist.

Compared with the two, the composition of Shadu is more like a wasteland gang in the desert, which is composed of warlords from all walks of life, sharing benefits.

Therefore, more people will see the reward offered by Shadu Platinum Hotel, and more people will take orders.

For the killer, not only must he fight the assassination target, but he must also beware of the oriole behind him.

The killer's car turned off, and when the only light source burst, a smile was inadvertently raised at the corner of his mouth.

"This saves me a lot of trouble."

The killer said that he took out a goggles-like thing from the co-pilot's black package and put it on his head.

got off the car with the package in his hand, and then hurled the package to the center of the parking lot. He took out two pistols from his waist and started to approach.

After the killer put on the night vision goggles, the dark vision in front of him turned green.

And in the distant car, there are two clear fluorescent green human figures.

Before receiving the order, he studied Link's combat methods through the monitoring of the back door of the underground black market.

Link's main offensive method is still firearms, with a retractable arm shield on his right arm, which can cause a lot of damage to the enemy behind him.

The second thing to note is that he seems to have the ability to summon sandstorms. The sandstorm range is not large, but it will seriously obstruct vision.

This is why he is equipped with night vision today.

His plan was to suppress Link with firepower from a distance, and in the black package that he threw just now, there were electronic jammers, assault rifles and other fire suppression guns, and he approached Link with powerful firepower.

The killer saw Link still sitting in the car and didn't move, his mouth couldn't help but raised a smile.

"Do you want to fight with the car as a cover?"

"too young!"

As soon as 's words fell, the killer's brows suddenly frowned.

He suddenly heard a buzzing sound in his ear.

"Huh? There are still flies at night?"

The killer casually stretched out his hand and waved twice to disperse the flies.

took a deep breath at the same time, preparing to launch a thunder offensive.

But the flies that had just been dispersed again flew to the ears and buzzed.

was disturbed at the critical moment, the killer angered his guts, stretched out his hand violently, patted all the flies on the ground, and stomped to death.

Just stepping on the sole, there was a slight sound of flies being squeezed and cracked by the sole, followed by an explosion of fire.

what! ! !

The killer screamed and he staggered to the ground.

Although the explosion is not fatal, in the explosion just now, a fist-sized hole was exploded in the ground, and one of his feet was also broken.

At this moment, the right foot is missing, leaving only the bones and blood on the ankle.

The piercing pain kept torturing the killer, but his mind was still clear at the moment.

Although he didn't understand why the flies suddenly exploded, he knew that he had lost combat effectiveness.

If he doesn't run at this moment, he has no chance to escape.

resisted the pain and threw a smoke bomb beside him.

The smoke bomb quickly released a thick cloud of smoke, which can even cover the body in the dark night.

The killer gritted his teeth, with a grim expression, and got up from the ground with difficulty.

Only one foot is not enough to support the balance of the body. The right foot which was broken by the blow while staggering, used the calf bone to support the ground.

Bones, flesh and blood wounds are in direct contact with the asphalt ground, and bones can even be heard cracking because of the brittle sound of directly bearing the weight of the body.

The sharp pain makes the killer want to die.

Just as the killer tried to run towards the car, he suddenly heard a whistle rising from behind.

In the next second, a sharp metal arrow went straight through the kneecap of his healthy left leg. The huge force pulled him directly down, and he fell to the ground.


was another heart-piercing scream.

Both legs were scrapped. At this moment, the killer was already sweating profusely, and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

Turning over with difficulty, the assassin knew that he could not escape, so he aimed his guns at the smoke.

In the night vision device, a green figure suddenly appeared, stepping leisurely, and gradually approaching him.

bang bang bang!

The bullets of the two guns poured out like water on the opponent.

But the figure in the night vision goggles is not evasive, and it seems that he has not been hit by a bullet at all.

The killer panicked, he is not a mutant, and the basics that can stand on are his own marksmanship and his familiarity with his firearms.

At a distance of thirty or forty meters, the opponent has no evasion or cover, this distance is a must!

But now, the other party is still 'slowly' approaching like a human being.

A feeling of despair spread from the bottom of the killer's heart...

Link's materials do not have these methods, nor do they show anything on the monitor video!

is another whistle.

The killer hurriedly paid attention, but between the sparks and flints, another metal arrow fell through the smoke and plunged straight into his thigh, firmly nailing his leg to the ground.


The night vision device can see people, but it can't see the slender metal arrows.

The double-gun bullets were empty, and the effect of the smoke bombs gradually dissipated.

Ah Fu also got out of the car, took out the searchlight from his backpack, and pressed the switch.

A flash of light instantly broke through the darkness.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the killer.

As the figure keeps approaching, more details are revealed to the killer.

Link wore a neat suit, holding a cute little mouse in his left hand, and gently rubbing the mouse's back with his right hand, with a faint silver flicker behind him.

walked towards him without any expression on his face.

Link stopped at a position about ten meters away from the killer, and the shadow extended by the light of the searchlight swallowed the killer.

"Do you have any last words?" Link said slowly, as if an unsentimental god, with a bit of indisputability.

The killer sneered: "Do you know that your expression is very annoying!"

As soon as the voice fell, the killer quickly pulled out a hidden pistol from the side of the blown right leg, and shot Link quickly.

But the bullet went Before Link was still near, a series of sparks sprang up.

And Link stood still, motionless.

If you look closely, you will find a floating 'iron curtain' in front of Link, blocking all the bullets.

"That's it?"

A scornful smile appeared on Link's face, and he turned and left.

"Afu, do you want to try your new ability?"

Ah Fu put the searchlight on the car, and happily took out a large old veil with stitches and stitches from his body, and stepped up happily.

With another whistle, the 'iron curtain' beside Link transformed into three metal arrows, all flying into the sky, shooting them down from a height.

Arrows shot at the killer's head.

Link has not taken two steps, two system messages pop up.

[Your silver wall ant killed lv15+ (elite) killer, you gain 15000 experience]

[[Golden Bounty] The first wave of battle is over, you get a "perfect" evaluation and gain 10,000 experience points]

Link raised his brows slightly.

that's amazing!

got a perfect evaluation.

Afu licked a mouthful of his big white teeth, and ran over excitedly from a distance: "Then boss, I will start the psychic ritual?"

Link nodded, he also wanted to see what Ah Fu's psychic ritual was famous for.

As soon as the voice fell, Ah Fu stepped happily, humming rhythmic music in his mouth, twisting his fat body, and the Pharaoh's shroud in his hand waved along with the rhythm.

(here BGM: Astronomia)

With the rhythm of the music, in the distant darkness, a few souls in suits and leather shoes appeared...