Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 872

Chapter 872

After finishing the hatchery, Link left with John contentedly.

Although he didn't understand the process of Link's incubation tank, he didn't think that living organisms, colonies, two pets, and Link's blood would have such a miraculous effect.

The simple summary is-

Although I can't understand it, it was shocked.

When I thought that the incubation pool could produce spring worms 24 hours a day, as long as the materials were sufficient, the quantity advantage was too easy to accumulate. When it comes to war, let it go all out. Although it is of no use in a confrontation of top combat power, it has great tactics and can even be used as the main force in the front battlefield when the scale is huge or the combat dimension is very wide.

Thinking of this, John's hanging heart felt a little settled.

He was worried about the increase in combat power after the Wasteland Expeditionary Force sailed out of the Vatican Galaxy. After all, the miniature portal can only be teleported inside the galaxy and cannot take effect outside the galaxy. In the event of a battle, in addition to the resurrection of foreigners, the overall strength will be weakened after the loss of viable combat power, and Link's trip outside the galaxy is full of crisis.

But now that he saw the effect of the incubation pool, John was finally relieved a lot.

John's mentality is like an elder, and now his wife, Maoer, is hot on the bed, and he has faded a lot of contention, and he regards fame and fortune as dung. The only thing I worry about is this group of younger generations who are breaking into the world outside.

Link is like this, so is the silver hand.

Helped to settle the alien disaster in the Vatican galaxy and maintained the stability of the galaxy, even if John was successful and retired.

The next way is for these young people to go by themselves, he can't stay by his side like an old mother.

Link had already expected John's success and retirement.

Unlike his previous life, John "died young", the cloned Silver Hand turned out, and after a series of experiences, he became the leader of the wasteland, leading the player to battle the universe.

So when Mustafa and Turing were in talks, Link sought a first-order high-level seat for John, and took Mustafa to continue to lead the players.

This is definitely a good job for John.

Mustafa's beautiful natural scenery, coupled with the planning and management of Turing's science, has gathered the strengths of hundreds of families in the Vatican galaxy, whether it is a humanistic environment or a natural landscape. Gather here.

And with the stability of the Vatican galaxy, the exchanges, trade, and activities between the civilized planets and Mustafa in the galaxy will become closer and more frequent in the future.

Players who are lagging behind will eventually converge to Mustafa after the activities on the three novice planets.

With John garrisoning Mustafa, relying on his detached status in the Wasteland Expeditionary Army, he can definitely control these players.

What's more, Mustafa has pleasant scenery and the highest level of technology and medical magic in the galaxy. Without heavy management work, maybe John can bloom the old tree and make a small nose with Martha.

"Then I'll go back and clean up, and when I'm ready, I will go to the mechanical fort with Martha, and then turn to Mustafa."

"Okay, I'll ask you about the Vatican galaxy in the future."

The two did not say anything hypocritical, looked at each other and nodded, and left in the opposite direction.

Saying goodbye to John, Link summoned Troy immediately.

"Troy, inform Penny to re-draw a task for the strangers fighting in Vaumir to collect the corpses of the enemy war dead. As for the reward, just calculate it by weight, and let Penny set the standard by himself."

"Good lord."

Perney estimated and investigated for the first time, and formulated a post-war mission to collect corpses.

Vomir's players have just finished the frontal battle, and everyone has received a new mission about collecting corpses.

"Each hundred kilograms can be exchanged for 1 contribution point?"

"There are additional rewards for the top ten contributions?"

When the mission requirements and goals appeared, the players suddenly boiled over.

This task is simply a welfare!

The task of killing hostile targets and destructing at a certain point requires cooperation and strength, but isn't anyone doing the job of picking up corpses?

And after a great battle, all the valuable things on the alien corpse were stripped away, leaving the corpse.

Unexpectedly, the corpses can now be exchanged for rewards, and they are still the most needed contribution points, which is simply a blood profit.

The most important thing is that now there are corpses everywhere, there is no need to bother to find them, as long as they have hands, they can complete it, it is nothing more than a matter of rewards.

The top ten have extra rewards!

Seeing these words, some high-level big players suddenly became excited.

It is conceivable that the top ten of this task will definitely set off a **** competition.

The task is simple, access... Basically there is no threshold, as long as you have hands you can collect corpses, so it is very difficult to fight for the front line.

The president of the Miracle Guild, Chasing Wind, was the first to react, and immediately said to the members of the guild around him: "Everyone has received the task? Now, except for Tianxinling and the other apostasy members, they are going back to report on their duties, and everyone else is collecting corpses. This is First priority!"

Rejoicing like a chasing wind, he reacts very quickly, and he understands that the top ten competition will eventually develop into a struggle between groups.

The Grand Guild will definitely find ways to concentrate resources in exchange for the top ten rewards.

But individual players will not be idle either. Some rich local tyrants directly spend money to collect corpses, or a group of scattered players unite to collect a reward. Others divide the money.

Now that Alien is completely eradicated, it can be said that it is the post 2.0 era. This may be the last opportunity to shorten or increase the distance before entering the new version.

Step by step can be step by step!

When the Wind Chasing made the arrangements for the Miracle Guild clearly, the other guilds were not idle.

You know, now the head players of the three novice planets have merged.

The guilds that originally competed on their respective planets may be ranked in the top five on the novice planet.

But once they merge, they may not even be able to squeeze in the top ten.

In this case, it depends on who has more manpower and who has strong capacity.

Tang Jiu, the president of the Guild of Love, is a mechanical player. Some of the guild leaders under his command are also mechanical. After learning the news, he immediately launched the carrying function of the exoskeleton armor on his body. The small mobile ammunition store created by the mechanical system was directly emptied and the corpse was modified!

The ammunition is full, the body is full, and the hook gun is shot out and then pulled in a few strings. The picture is so beautiful, it is like a moving pile of corpses.

Others also show their magical powers.

Bombing Chicken commanded his dozen psychedelic vines and directly carried a dozen dead bodies. He also transformed into a giant bear form, carrying a small corpse the size of a small bag.

The president of the Mythology Guild is astray. He is a special spearman. The retractable spear is directly pierced out. There are densely packed alien shadow dog corpses on it. To be less, there are seven or eight. He and the guild's soda pork **** each carry one, like It's the same as Ganjilang. The liver emperor of the same guild found the true prophet, his eyes were red, as if he saw a werewolf in the full moon, and his whole body was convulsed and excited.

Speaking of this kind of collection task, that is his domain!

Long Xing Tianxia's president, Long Yingtian, simply resorted to the method of throwing coins. While arranging guild members, he also advertised outside. He wanted to collect corpses from scattered people at a high price, and the price offered made some players unable to refuse.

Players with supernatural powers such as the Dragon of the Dragon, simply got together and cooperated, began to draw a small teleportation circle, and used the teleportation circle to transport the corpse to the target location. The white light on the magic circle has never been extinguished, and it has been erupting with arcane energy.

Fortunately, Vormir has now joined the "Magic Axis Package", the entire planet has been enveloped by the magic net, and the consumption of spells and energy recovery are guaranteed.

If players can use their own specialties and advantages to quickly collect corpses, some players will lose their advantage.

Leng Feng and the Mobei wolf led by him looked at each other.

No, brother!

Their professions are basically martial arts, special forces are rare professions, good at combat, but not good at logistics transportation!

Special forces have great advantages in long-range firearms, infiltration, combat and survival in complex terrain, but now they can only catch the blind when carrying corpses.

Leng Feng looked at the corpses all over the floor and made trouble, racked his brains for a long time, and turned into a sigh: "Hey, there is no way, we can only use the most primitive method."

In this decisive battle against Vormil, Leng Feng and his Mobei Wolf Guild followed John to the northwest. Then, relying on the rugged and dangerous mountains and forests, they ambushed many enemies who came for reinforcements, fought a beautiful battle, and gained a lot. .

But now it's the final stage, but he has not been able to maintain the high morale he had before, and he has become the worst guild.

This task is praised as a welfare by the players.

There is no barrier to entry, as long as the corpse can be picked up, there will be rewards, so that the unlucky ones who have died in the war without gain will get a trace of comfort.

The actions of Vomer's frontline players also caused an uproar on the forum.

"Gan! What is the reason why top players gather to pick up corpses in broad daylight? Is it moral decay or rule of law but lacking? Please watch today's "Ethics and Rule of Law"!"

"The reward for this task is so cool. One hundred kilograms for a contribution point, the frontal battlefield is defeated by aliens, and there are countless corpses. There are only a few thousand players, and the aliens are called millions. "

"Isn't it enough to have hands?"

"I really want to go to the front line~ Damn I just learned about the game for a while, so I just missed the entire version!"

"The highlight this time must be on several big guilds. This is the first mission where guilds from three planets gather together. Only the top ten have extra rewards. Now is the time to show the guild's financial and material resources."

"Long Xing Tian Xia has already started, and Long Yingtian has already sold a price of 200 yuan for 100 kilograms of corpses. It seems that it is bound to win!"

Players who still failed the test on the three novice planets gathered in the forum to discuss eating melons.

Regrettably, I failed to witness the scene of the players attacking the aliens. Naturally, I can't miss it~

While the players were scrambling to judge in the forum chat, there was another player in Vomir who felt the same way.

"Brother Jin, when can I go back? I think the head of state has given us a task to collect the corpses of the alien demon race. One hundred kilograms has a contribution point!" Wei Xia's pot was caught in the silver hand. Below the limb socket. Maybe it was because of getting used to it. I didn't tremble like the sound at the beginning when I talked. I got used to the unusual shaking and tremor.

The image in front of the eyes galloped past, the macaw and the silver hand shuttled between the jungle canyons, following the trail of the retreat of the alien army on the ground.

"Collecting corpses, isn't that the job of an incompetent coolie? Your kid has been with us for so long, and there is still no pursuit at all. If you catch up with the alien remnants in front of you, won't you make more than picking up corpses?" The macaw is always good at temptation, and there is a lot of hatred in his words.

Yinshou did not speak, but Wei Xia Guozi felt that this guy's arm became tighter...

Weixia Guozi shed tears in the wind, and it seemed that her idea of participating in the task was shattered.

The mighty corpse-picking movement lasted for two days.

All the corpses were transported to the ground headquarters, and then transported to the mechanical fortress by transport ships.

At first, the corpse was directly put into the incubation tank, and the powerful dissolving power of the incubation tank decomposed the corpse into the form of life organic soup.

With more and more corpses, the incubation tank can't hold it either. Perney simply refined and dehydrated all these corpses, and stored them at low temperature in the form of compressed solids. In future use, only a little bit of the source of life is needed to form life organic matter, which not only saves space, but also can be stored for a long time.

Thousands of springworms were born in the hatching pond in two days.

With a wave of Link's big hand, Li Ziqian and Benjamin led the Steppen Wolf cavalry to take the thousand zerglings to Vormere to perform.

No way, the Steppen Wolf Cavalry is the most mobile unit on land right now, none of them.

Only when Li Ziqian and Benjamin are in charge can they keep up with Zergling's speed and be restrained.

The first appearance of Zerglings is also very amazing, extremely fast movement speed, keen sense of smell, under the scanning of the Skyeye satellite, alien remnants have nowhere to hide, Zerglings also completed their first show in Vomer, in order to destroy the dead. The posture culled the enemy, and even Li Ziqian and Benjamin of the "monitoring army" were dumbfounded.

After culling the enemy and ending the battle, the Zergling's loss was not small.

One thousand Zerglings, more than three hundred were killed directly in the battle, and more than one hundred were injured in varying degrees.

But the record of this first Zerg army was also very dazzling, killing more than two thousand alien remnants, and the alien corpse obtained alone was enough to create a zombie of a thousand times the size of today, and the blood would not lose money.

The lost Zerglings can be replenished in only one day, returning to a state of heyday, or even a little more.

Because of the strong vitality of the Zerglings, the injured Zerglings gradually recover after eating, plus the Zerglings that hatch on a new day, it immediately becomes another army. In the process of strangling the alien remnants, even more and more spectacles appeared...

Joyce is studying black alchemy, trying to lift Miranda's curse.

Players are still working hard in to kill remnants during the day and pick up corpses at night.

The First Order is already on the ground of Vormir, building a camp around the portal.

Link's pets are even more happy. Every day in Vormeer, they either hunt down alien remnants or let themselves go. They don't need to be restrained in the mechanical fortress, and they all show up a hundred times their usual spirit.

The members of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army have an orderly division of labor. Relying on the intelligence of the previous Renegade players, collect various resources and ores in Vormir.

And Link didn't stay idle in the mechanical fortress. In the fixed space of the mechanical fortress, he found a place and dropped the dungeon stone of the alien dungeon group. The three dungeon gates were shining brightly, waiting for the players to come. Raiders.

"Troy, the corpses of the Alien Legion are almost collected, tell Penny that the reward can be distributed. In addition, I will advertise to the aliens, and say that the Alien dungeon group is officially open, and the brave dungeon has officially started!"

PS: Recommend the new book "Recasting the Glory of the Human Race" by the mysterious big watermelon. In this world, there are martial arts powerhouses and extraordinary abilities. Chen Huai, who originally only wanted to make a fortune, was selected by his descendants' system. In the future, human beings will live in dire straits. Among them, aliens invade, human beings hide underground, and small people must recast the glory of mankind. It is our duty!