Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 871

Chapter 871

There are more and more air bubbles in the hatching tank, and they are getting denser.

Link glanced at the data of the incubator.

Building Properties

Name: Incubation Pool

Quality: Blue

Attribute: Production unit

Grade 1

Resources: living organisms (500 kg), higher zerg blood (800 ml)

Production content: Zerg (lower zerg)

Consumption: Each spring worm consumes 20 kilograms of life organic matter, 100 ml of blood of lower zerg (higher zerg blood conversion ratio is 1:1000), generation time: 20 per hour

Tip: The hatching tank can dissolve the corpses of normal organisms to extract living organisms. Increasing the level of the hatching tank can speed up production.

After reading the information on the incubation pool, Link was shocked!

The incubator is classified as a building and is a production unit.

Moreover, in the incubation pool, every time a spring worm is spawned, it consumes resources.

Needless to say, living organisms will not be produced out of thin air in the incubation pool, and the formation of spring worms must consume resources.

But in addition to living organisms, the need for Zerg blood is a big departure. It's just ridiculous **** open the door, ridiculously home!

A spring worm needs 100 milliliters of blood of the lower zerg. Just now Link put 800 milliliters of blood of the higher zerg. According to the conversion ratio, that is, 800,000 blood of the lower zerg. The blood donated just now can incubate 8,000 springworms.

Looks a lot, right!

But the problem is big!

Now it's just a hatching pond, and it's a low-grade Zerg Zergling. It needs Link to donate blood repeatedly for hatching. If there are other Zerg hatching structures in the future and blood donation is needed as hatching resources, then Link will definitely be drained.

800 milliliters of blood, reflected in the data, is 800 HP.

At the thought of being able to kill himself as a soldier in the future, Link felt a chill in his back.

Never let this happen.

"It seems that we must synthesize a pet that can produce advanced zerg blood on its own as soon as possible. This requires me to bleed every time, who can bear it?"

Link secretly made up his mind and raised the priority of this matter.

Just as Link was distracted, the movement in the incubation pool was getting bigger and bigger, and the fluctuation under the stickiness got bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, a scarlet-skinned creature shook its head sharply from the hatching pond.

Zergling, debut!

Zerglings have a weird shape, and their scarlet skin is a bit deformed and wrinkled.

The hard skin is mixed with chitin and gelatinous shells, and the crimson nictitating membrane on the eyes makes the Zergbug's eyes look mysterious.

The platypus-like mouth is densely covered with sharp teeth. There are two barbed fangs on both sides of the base of the mouth. The tail is wrapped in tightly wrinkled skin, revealing the sharpness of the pointed head.

Two sickle-shaped claws stretched out above his head, looking hideous and terrifying, far surpassing all the dogs Link had ever seen.

There are many sharp and hard barbs growing on the back of the spring worm, which has spread to the tail.

The strong hind limbs can provide explosive power during an attack. There is also a mass of sarcoma in the bend of the forelimb, with sharp spikes hidden inside, which can make sudden attacks abruptly. Once the spikes pierce into the flesh, they will inevitably cause huge wounds and bleeding.

This first aspect is enough to deter the enemy.

When I think of thousands of zebras charging at that time, that kind of pomp and picture

The scale of the Zerg is shocking!

A lot of life organic matter was still attached to Zergling's body, and the viscous orange liquid tickled and fell on the ground. The whole picture was disgusting and terrifying, and it was full of cult.

Link glanced at the Zergling information.

Name: Zergling

Quality: White

Race: Lower Zerg

Level: lv15+ (elite)

Health value: 1300/1300

Energy value: 0/0

Skills: bite, sickle claw, adrenal burst

Features: tough skin, low-light sight, survival skills

Evolutionary direction: Energetic (blaster), mechanization (mechanical springworm), proliferation (split worm)

Evaluation: A very fragile low-level zerg, which is extremely deterrent and tactical after forming a large number

After reading the information on Zerglings, the items and situations displayed are slightly different from those directly synthesized by Link. The health and energy values are clearly marked, and the characteristics and evolutionary branches are also stated. This is undoubtedly for Lin. Ke has a better understanding of Zerglings.

The Zergling's level is very low, it is only a 15th-level elite, and its blood volume is only 1300 points. It can be said that any range of AOE can kill a bunch of them.

However, springtails are very easy to reproduce, and they can choose to branch and evolve in the future, which has great potential.

The most important thing is that this is only the lowest existence among the Zerg races. It is only one level higher than the larvae of the Zerg race. It already has such strength. If you can synthesize more advanced Zerg units in the future, the effect will definitely be leveraged!

Looking at Zergling's skills again, out of the three skills, two offensive skills and one burst gain can be said to be specifically set up for assault, charge and tactical.

Whether it is shock or harassment, a high degree of mobility can handle it.

In terms of characteristics, tough skin provides defense and adaptability to various harsh environments.

The low-light sight ensures keen insight at night and increases deterrence.

Survival skills, in short, are hard-working, what to eat, not picky eaters, and the vitality is greatly guaranteed in the extremely harsh environment.

Such a species reproduces fast, can withstand harsh environments, has certain lethality, and moves in groups and moves extremely fast.

The combination of these entries is definitely a nightmare on a large-scale battlefield.

Link beckoned to the first Zergling, and his bloodline told him that there was a Hellhound's soul in the Zergling.

Zergling saw Link, the nictitating membrane retreated, revealing big red eyes, ran towards Link, and then rubbed his head against Link with his legs.

A pair of claws on the skull cupped Link's thighs carefully, for fear of scratching his master.

"From now on, you will lead the Zerglings. You will lead the team here in the past few days, and wait for a few days to take you out for a good walk."

Before Joyce completely lifted Miranda's curse, Link had to stay at Vomer.

Even if the millions of alien sins are killing pigs, they have to kill for several simply stay here, wait for the Zerglings to form a little bit, and take them out for military training.

In addition, the incubation pool can dissolve biological corpses, and members of the Alien Legion will not be the best raw material supply for the Zergling Troops.

The Zergling screamed hoarsely, indicating that he would obey the order and take care of these little brothers.

Looking at the incubator, there are only 480 kilograms of living organic matter in the resources.

With a quantity of 20 kilograms per head, at most 24 can be produced, which is just over an hour.

"It seems that we have to arrange some tasks for the players in advance." Link thought in his heart, as long as the corpses of the alien army on the ground continue, the production of zebra worms will be endless.

"How many monsters of this kind can be made in this incubator in an hour?" John asked with interest.

"Twenty animals per hour, as long as there are living organisms, they can keep hatching."

At this time, John's eyes turned into shock.

Twenty in an hour, 500 small in a day...