Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 873

Chapter 873

At the beginning of the use of the mechanical fortress, Link thought of the scene of placing a copy, so he made a plan early.

The location of the dungeon group is now above the teleportation hall, and Link has left a clear space in advance.

After the copy stone was placed this time, Link set up protective fences and diversion channels at the door.

Of course, the most critical facility is the toll office in front of the copy.

He was hailed as the finishing touch by Link.

That's right, if you want to enter the dungeon group, you have to pay a fee!

In order to avoid overcrowding, disorder and riots, Link specially set up a credit card registration office in front of the copy group.

The three copies in the copy group are charged 5, 10, and 15 contribution points "tickets" according to their level. And this ticket only guarantees the timeliness of the current entry.

In short, if the player dies in the dungeon and re-enters the dungeon after resurrection, additional contribution points have to be paid.

Sounds like a capitalist?

But this was the arrangement after Link's thoughts.

The previous national corpse picking was the first step, so that all players could get contribution points.

Secondly, the consumption of contribution points is added to the dungeon, which can prevent players from being soaked in the dungeon all day long, causing the daily affairs of the mechanical fortress to run out of balance and no one is available.

Secondly, after leaving the Vatican galaxy, the portal fails, no new players will enter, and the liquidity is completely frozen.

There are a lot of daily tasks in the mechanical fortress that require players to join in to complete, so the copy adopts a consumption mechanism, and the impact is definitely a positive incentive.

The more the dungeon is harvested, the more difficult it is. After the player dies, the harder they will be to do the task to earn contribution points in order to enter the dungeon again.

In this way, the daily affairs of the mechanical fortress will not be interrupted or abandoned, and players can also bloom for the fortress and the copy. It is simply Qin Shihuang who touches the switch-wins the numb.

After Troy gave Link's instructions polished, all the players who joined the Wasteland Expeditionary Army seemed to be excited about the New Year!

"It's finally here! The entire 2.0 version is floating on the mechanical fortress. Except for the battles when helping other novice planets, the other 90% of the time is spent in the fortress doing daily and weekend activities. This time there is finally a copy of the brush."

"Alien dungeon group? It seems that there is more than one dungeon, this is interesting, and a new round of recklessly is about to begin!"

"Although the plot of 2.0 is grand, there has been no copy. I always feel that something is missing. I didn't expect to wait here. This long cosmic voyage finally has something to do."

"As soon as the quest to pick up the corpse on the front foot was announced, the dungeon group came out. It really doesn't stop for a while~"

The players discussed the new instance enthusiastically, and the First Order has also built a portal to the temporary dock from the ground of Vomer Star.

The task of picking up corpses is over, and the players backhand enter the portal, and then return to the mechanical fortress from the temporary dock.

During the mission a few days ago, the players and the NPC of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army went to Vomir, and the entire mechanical fortress was empty.

Now as soon as the player returns, it immediately becomes lively.

At the expeditionary army office in the rest area, I received the contribution points, and by the way, I saw the alien copy group requirement guide on the holographic virtual sign at the door.

"Guidelines for Alien Dungeon Group Requirements...

The alien dungeon group is divided into three independent dungeons, [Salvation of Three Civilizations], [Battle of Vormir] and [Mustafa Ending Battle], the corresponding levels are lv60~lv70, lv70~lv80, and lv80. The copy requirements can be checked in detail at the office.

In addition, in order to ensure the smooth and orderly development of the wasteland reclamation activities of the aliens, it is stipulated that the aliens who enter the three copies shall be charged 5, 10, and 15 contribution points respectively. The output in the copy can be privately traded by the foreign person, or it can be handed over to the office, and converted into a contribution after evaluation by a dedicated person..."

After reading the introduction to the dungeon group, the player couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Ma Ye, in the mechanical fortress, clothing, food, housing and transportation all consume contribution points. Now you have to contribute points to enter the dungeon. If this does not contribute points, even the dungeon is not eligible to play?

Especially new players who have recently passed the portal mission to test the newcomers. They just came to the mechanical fortress and did the guidance mission and the corpse quest. They just had a little contribution on hand, and they weren't warm enough to meet the dungeon group opening. You need to contribute points to get into the dungeon!

Of course, the worst is not these players, but Wei Xia Guozi.

A few days ago, everyone had done the task of picking up the corpse, only he was running around with silver hands, and he didn't make any contribution.

Now, the alien dungeon group is open, as a local tyrant who has never been short of money, now he can't even spend money on finding someone to bring a dungeon.

Wei Xia Guozi concealedly said to Yin Shou that he wanted to come and improve his instance, but was suppressed by Yin Shou and the Macaw.

"Is it possible that you think those strangers are stronger than us", "You haven't learned anything from us, and you can't learn much from them", "Guozi, you are really too impetuous. !", "I lost the watermelon for the sake of sesame seeds, sitting on Baoshan without knowing it".

In short, these big hats were buckled down, and they directly smashed Weixia's pot into a daze, speechless.

The goal of Silver Hand and Macaw is also very ambitious, which is to wipe out all the alien remnants of Vomer Star, leaving none of them!

According to the original words of Yinshou, it is

"The alien star is not extinguished, why go home!"

Missed the corpse picking meeting, and missed the copy to open up wasteland, the pot burst into tears, and turned into a sad frog.

When he posted his tragic experience to the forum, the following replies were all surprisingly consistent, letting the guy don't want Versailles, or the silver hand was right! The macaw is right!

I broke the pot directly.

He also wants to play a copy, not wanting to face the wind and sand every day, and follow the silver hand and macaw to chase the alien remnants.

The key to chase is to chase. It is not his turn to shoot. Silverhand and Macaw are extremely capable. He hasn't killed a monster, and the entire battlefield has been leveled. Then, after the war, his output was even 1%. Before he had killed hundreds of alien remnants, his experience was not even divided into four digits, making him feel lonely.

When summing up after the war, as soon as the two of them had any dispute, the last pot must be thrown on him. He was simply a perfect pot shaker.

Tired, tired, quickly destroy it!

Let's talk about the situation in the mechanical fortress.

This one hand reclaims the copy resources and exchanges them into contribution points, which is extremely exciting.

This is the idea that Penney came up with, and Link exclaimed after seeing it.

There are a lot of resources produced in the dungeon. In addition to weapons, equipment, and materials, there are also various resources such as herbs and minerals.

There are only so many players in the mechanical fortress. The output of the copy will basically be consumed at the beginning, but then it will become saturated after the stabilization of the fram. At this time, the players will use these materials to replace the contribution of a wave, and the mechanical fortress has also been obtained out of thin air. Develop materials for a proper win-win situation.

Purney only used the first-hand rule to optimize and adjust the internal contribution of the mechanical fortress in the future, which greatly delayed the expansion of the super.

Worthy of an economic genius, Penguin Penney.

Things about Vomerer probably came to an end.

There are still alien remnants on the planet, but these remnants of the legion that fled around are already under the surveillance of the Skyeye satellite, and there is no way to the sky and no way into the earth.

The underground passages extending in all directions created by Alien Stars have now been occupied by creatures that excavate ground such as Zerglings, the arachnid army, and the Dragon God touch. There are even treasure hunters with Agent Five Rats. Once Alien Star enters the underground passage, Will be attacked and shocked.

In addition to these, the First Order hates aliens, and under the command of Ning Chengqi, several legions of the First Order pursue the victory and strive not to miss any alien creatures.

Under this kind of comprehensive siege, it is a foregone conclusion that the Alien Legion will be completely eliminated.

Link was also happy, and finally had a few days to rest.

Back to the players.

Except for individual players and lucky ones, the players who can be selected into the mechanical fortress rely on real talents.

Seeing the three options of the alien dungeon group, first exclude the [Salvation of Three Civilizations] option.

Most of their levels are already at lv70+, [Three Civilizations Redemption] can be played, but the priority is definitely not ranked first.

Everyone almost turned their attention to [Battle of Vormeer].

This is the battle they personally participated in in Vomir, the level is in line! The rewards are definitely great too! Just hit it again, get familiar with the road!

Only when they saw the request of [Battle of Vormeer], they were instantly dumbfounded.

Single-player mode, two-player mode, five-player mode, 25-player team mode, forty-player team mode, team mode...

There are actually six modes for a copy!

Players with choice difficulties have already fainted on the spot because of choice difficulties.

For the first time, other players who had seen the world were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Outrageous, out of a big spectrum!

There are so many modes, and the mission requirements are not stated, and the eyes are blackened.

Just when all the players were puzzled, some guild members got together and were already discussing countermeasures.

Rejoicing brows frowned like a chasing wind, pulling the pirate ship meat grinder, the king of dog leftovers, and Tian Xinling to discuss together.

"[Warmere Battle] A copy of six modes, UU read and distinguished according to the number of players. Let me say that the key to this task lies in the difficulty. Each mode gives different tasks, but the biggest The reward should be in the battle group mode that appeared for the first time. Each battle group has a hundred players, and several battle groups can cooperate. It can be said that it is a big project of hundreds of people. It has a kind of reproduce the taste of players gathering to attack Vomer Star on that day. ."

As a veteran player, Zhuifeng is determined in terms of game consciousness and overall situation, and his guess is well-founded.

The pirate ship meat grinder, which is proficient in calculation and data analysis, has begun to calculate.

"Excluding [Salvation of the Three Civilizations] and [Mustafa Ending Battle], as far as [Battle of Vomer] alone, there are a total of six modes, and you need 10 contribution points at a time. I want to fully explore six modes. The task of the mode is difficult and easy to distinguish, and it requires 60 contribution points. If you send one person to explore, it will take at least one hour to count the CD time of the resurrection. If you assign two people, you can figure it out within half an hour."

Tianxinling was ready to move. As one of the two actual leaders of the apostasy, the success of this latent mission gave him a lot of reward.

Chasing the wind raised his hand and interrupted the two of them, and the corners of their mouths raised: "No, I have a better idea..."