Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 64

Chapter 64

"Brother Fu, it's okay. It's pretty good that we can come back alive this time!" The thug boy comforted.

This sentence is not a joke. After seeing Fu's provocations, the thug brother had already thought it was impossible to come out alive, but the two returned unscathed and completed the task of returning the body in disguise.

It's hard to say whether the office is excellent or not, at least...pass it!

Ah Fu is still depressed, not at all happy because he can escape alive.

He has done what the boss told him, and failed the boss's expectations.

The thug boy at the side could not understand Fu Ge's mentality at all.

He was put into a bag by Brother Fu, and he didn't see how he escaped from Lu Menghui.

But in his opinion, facing the Lu Meng guild surrounded by groups, he can come out unharmed, this is already shocking, it is definitely a thing worth showing off.

But Brother Fu is still worried about the task.

He couldn't find any explanation other than his high standards and requirements.

But Brother Fu looked depressed, and he couldn't show a happy smile.

The two returned to Jack's help with regret.

The thugs saw Ah Fu and the thugs come back, their eyes lit up, one of them rushed over and surrounded them.

"Brother Fu, are you back so soon?"

"Did the task complete smoothly?"

"How did Lu Menghui not take you?"

Afu sighed, and everyone's concern made him feel ashamed.

hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Don't mention it, failing to complete the task according to the requirements has fallen to the reputation of the boss."

then stretched out his hand to separate the crowd and said, "Everyone, let me be quiet."

Ah Fu walked into the room desperately, and then the remaining thugs suddenly became the focus of the crowd.

"What the **** is going on? I think you both came back alive, why Brother Fu said that the mission was not completed?"

Others also looked expectant, waiting for another person to answer their doubts.

But what does this thug know? After being stuffed into the backpack, he doesn't know anything!

"I don't know. After we arrived at the Lumeng Party, we were surrounded by groups in the church. At this time, Brother Fu directly stuffed me into my backpack, and when I got out of the backpack, I was already in a block not far from the gang. I don't know how Brother Fu escaped unscathed!" The attacker's thug opened his eyes wide, his face was innocent, and he couldn't see any fraud.

"Couldn't it be you and Brother Fu, who lost the corpse on the road and made a collusion?"

"Speak carefully! Brother Fu is the boss's servant, the closest person, and if you offend, you will be delicious."

"What I said is true! I've seen the boss of Lumeng Club. Brother Fu just talked all the way when he got to the door, and I felt that the thugs on the opposite side could almost shoot."

"By the way, what's the matter with backpacks? So a small backpack can stuff you in, aren't you kidding me? You have to be more reliable in telling lies..."

Ah Fu walked into the room, bowed his head all the way to the office door.

said in a huff: "Boss, things have gone wrong."

Link was reaching out to fiddle with things. After seeing Afu came, he took the things back to the tin box and asked, "What should I do?"

Then Ah Fu told Link about what would happen in Lumen.

Link couldn't help but smile after listening: "Hahaha, you really said,'I just want you to see how awesome my enhanced backpack is'?"

Ah Fu nodded, and he stuffed the thug boy in, which was one of the few highlights of his mission.

Link laughed and coughed.

These words are really too showy.

After a long laugh, Link returned to normal, and then said slowly: "At that time, the Lumeng boss must have a wonderful face."

"It's okay, just do it well next time."

Link didn't say much, this time he sent the body back, mainly because he wanted to deter the three nearby gangs.

The corpse was delivered, successfully hitting the opponent's momentum, so that they dare not act rashly for some time.

Although Ah Fu escaped back, his first-hand spiritualization definitely scared the Lumeng Hui people.

The effect of can be regarded as achieved.

Link looked at the time, and the third child should be back soon.

"Okay, don't think about it anymore, you can eat when the third child comes back."

Hearing eating, Ah Fu suddenly became interested.

Just about to speak, there was a loud noise outside.

The old third walked all the way to the office, with a strange look in his eyes.

The thugs who followed by his side were full of joy, and the eyebrows were filled with You Rongyan.

"The boss, the Pacino family and the seven have all gone, fulfill the mission and successfully completed the mission!"

Hearing that the third child had successfully completed both of them in one run, Ah Fu thought that he could not even handle the tasks of one family, and the mood that had just recovered fell again.

The old third glanced at him, taking in Ah Fu's expression.

When I just came in, I heard some brothers whispering, and the youngest guessed at odds.

patted Ah Fu on the shoulder: "It's okay, just come back safely. When I first performed the task, I was scared to pee my pants!"

As soon as the voice fell, the third child's cell phone buzzed, and several short messages came.

"Boss, an emergency message from the eyeliner outside."

Link raised his eyebrows slightly, he knew that the gang had eyeliners outside.

The eyeliner is generally the homeless, or a group of people who specialize in collecting information on the streets.

Only paying a monthly fee, you can know the major events happening in the streets the first time.

"Oh, since it's the news of the eyeliner, you can read it directly."

The third child took out his mobile phone, opened the text message and began to read word by word.

"The latest news. Twenty minutes ago, Jack helped the two to arrive at Lumenghui. Then there was a gunfight in Lumenghui church. His boss was shot in the left shoulder in the gunfight, and eight people were killed and ten injured. Now the whole The Lumen Club base camp has been completely closed, and everyone can't get out behind closed doors..."

After reading the third, he glanced at Ah Fu next to him, and he was completely stunned.

A gun battle occurred in the Lumen Church, the boss was injured, eight people were killed, and ten people were injured...

Link was also dumbfounded after listening, and looked at Ah Fu, who lowered his head and felt guilty.

"The third child, first verify the authenticity of the message."

The third child slowly raised his head, his brain blank: "Boss, three different eyeliners, the messages sent are all the same. This is true!"

For a time, the eyes of several people present focused on Ah Fu.

"Huh? I just ran out just as the boss said, I didn't even bring a gun!" Ah Fu spread his hands and looked innocent.

Link's smile became brighter and brighter, and he patted Ah Fu on the shoulder and said, "A Fu, this time you have done a great job!"

This is completely beyond expectations!

Link knows Ah Fu's ability best, and almost wants to understand what happened.

It must be after Afu's spiritualization, all the bullets that were going to hit him, all passed through the spiritualized body and directly hit the gunman, which caused such a large casualty.

The men sent out by Lumeng's front foot were wiped out, and Ah Fu arranged a hand on the back foot again, killing and wounding a lot of each other. Now even the boss is shot and morale is greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that Jack helped the two enter the Lumeng Club, such as entering the land of no one, injuring the other's boss, killing and wounding dozens of people, and the news that the eyeliner's text message has spread rapidly in the slums at this moment.

It is definitely an improvement in the morale of the Jack Gang.

can also knock the mountain and shake the tiger, and let some gangs who have misbehaviour weighed.

The old third smiled wryly and shook his head.

I was still comforting Ah Fu just now, but I didn't expect others to complete the task more gorgeously.

slapped the face too fast like a tornado.

Although some content is hidden in the words of the boss and Ah Fu, the facts cannot be faked.

This wave of tasks has not been completed, it is simply a Tianxiu, with his own power over the Lumeng Society.

"Brother Fu, don't cry and lose your face in the future, this wave has swollen my face." The third child smiled helplessly.

Ah Fu is a little unresponsive now.

He didn't do anything, just stuffed his teammates into the backpack, and then ran away with a harsh word.

Ah Fu was helpless, and his tone was full of grievances: "But, I really didn't complete the task!"

The third child could not laugh or cry: "Brother Fu, I am humble..."

"Compared with you, the third child, I just did something trivial!"

The third child: ""

Link sits in the seat and looks at the third child and Ah Fu, smiling more deeply.

"The third child, you can arrange to have a good dinner with your brothers to celebrate."

The third child immediately walked out of his shame, and immediately heard the problem in the boss's words.

"Boss, won't you eat with us?"

Link pointed to Ah Fu: "I will take Ah Fu out for a meal."

The third child did not ask much, and nodded: "Boss rest assured, we have confiscated a lot of cars in this wave. Although the tires were punctured, it didn't affect the price. I must arrange it properly."

"Well, I'll be back later."

Link got up, Ah Fu quickly fetched the suit from the coat rack and put it on Link.

Link and Ah Fu walked out of the Jack Gang and started WISP V8.

"Boss, what are we going to eat at night?" Ah Fu looked excited, and realized I went to Lumeng Club on this trip. It seemed that not only completed the task, but also solved a lot for the boss. trouble.

Link stretched out his hand and pointed at Hua Deng Chu Shang across the bridge: "Go to Shangcheng District to eat steak and drink wine!"


The sand sculpture yelled two excitedly, reminding Link that it was two meals.

The treasure hunter stuck his head out of his suit pocket, looking forward to it.

Link drove and disappeared into the night, but the youngest in Jack's gang was mixed.

The boss is really hardworking, because he is afraid that the gold reward will affect them, and he will have to travel so far to eat.

And use oneself as bait to draw out those who want to disadvantage him.

The third child sighed helplessly, his strength was still too low, otherwise he would be able to help the boss more.

walked back to Jack's Gang. At this moment, the thugs were all on the open floor, and a bunch of people surrounded the thugs who had just gone out to perform the task with Ah Fu.

"I said, I was stuffed into my backpack by Brother Fu at the time. I didn't even figure out what happened, so I just came out. It's useless if you ask me about it!"

"Brother Fu is really vain in this wave. He almost killed the boss of the Lumeng Society. After returning, he actually cried and said that he had not completed the mission."

"Brother Fu is really awesome! Faced with dozens of Lu Menghui members alone, he injured the boss of the other party, killed seven or eight people, and injured a dozen of them, and he took you, the iron five, unscathed. run out"

"Brother Fu is really... a real person without showing his face..."

"Fuck, this wave said that I was five times. At that time, all of you were so scared that your eggs shrank, and no one raised their hands!"

The atmosphere of the Jack Gang seems to be changing in some way.

P.S: Ask for a recommendation ticket~