Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 818

Chapter 818

Link and John returned to the mechanical fortress lounge.

John put the suitcase in his hand on the table.

With two crisp sounds when the buckle was unlocked, the suitcase bounced open, revealing the evidence that John found in it.

After seeing the evidence, Link's expression suddenly changed, and immediately met John's eyes, and found that the other party was smiling, as if saying that he already knew everything.

Link picked up the scarab gold bracelet in the suitcase, and a prompt of fusion and absorption appeared in the system, but Link ignored it for the time being and asked, "Where did you find this thing?"

Link had arranged many people to visit the Pharaoh's tombs of various sizes in the wasteland. No trace of the Zerg's worm nest was found in the burial objects. He did not find this thing until the treasure land of the desert prince. But now John actually found this thing from the wasteland again, which shocked Link, and even more surprised that John seemed to know something.

John took a sip of water and took another item from his suitcase, a woolen coat with the standard modern civilization style before the settlement date. At the bottom of the suitcase is a photo.

"Head of State, you better look at this first."

Link took the photo. Although the photo is old and yellowed, and some of the colors on it have been whitened off, it can still be clearly distinguished that the gentle desert prince wearing glasses and holding a scepter is in the center of the picture. And beside him, there are the seven former Link's revenge.

The background of the photo is Wuthering Castle. From the photo, you can also see the magnificence and grandeur of the former Wuthering Castle Palace.

In addition, Link noticed that the clothes worn by the desert prince in the picture were exactly the woolen coat in John's hands, which made him even more curious about where these things came from.

"Okay, can you talk now?"

John let out a long sigh, and then began to whisper: "After you leave, I will arrange for the Assassin Alliance's staff to spread out to find any clues about the desert prince. Although news is coming from everywhere, most of the news is coming. It's worthless, it's nothing more than a place where the prince has been before, or a place that has been connected with people around the prince.

There was no useful information in the search for six months in a row. I even wondered if Prince Jin Chan had already changed his face and concealed himself after he escaped. But just as I was about to change the search route, a message from the Assassin Alliance caught my attention. Several bounty hunters encountered danger when they were exploring the caves, and only one escaped back alive and launched a rescue in the nearby Assassin Alliance.

The items raided from the crypt caught my attention. There are things from the Pharaoh dynasty, as well as the products of modern civilization before the liquidation. Obviously, this cave has been entered. So I took people to search and found these things. "

John had seen a gold bracelet, and Link wanted to leave with an excuse. Now I found the gold bracelet and the clothes once worn by the desert prince, and immediately noticed the problem.

"I sent someone to conduct a carpet search and identification of the crypt, and the final answer was that the final result pointed to that the time when the desert prince arrived here is most likely a few years after the liquidation day."

Link frowned slightly, and a nuclear war broke out on the wasteland of Liquidation Day. The outer space was full of nuclear dust and radiation. Long-term exposure of ordinary people to this environment would surely produce adverse effects. However, during this time period, the desert prince walking outside will not be noticed. After all, most of the survivors at this time are living underground, even if there are mutants infected by radiation, they are rare.

"Is the conclusion certain?" Link asked.

John nodded his head: "I have sent someone to test the clothes and gold bracelets. They all have high radiation intensity, which is caused by direct exposure to strong radiation. However, there has been a large-scale nuclear radiation in the waste soil. The day of liquidation. According to our footsteps, the desert prince did not come out after entering the cave, and his footsteps disappeared into the hall in the center of the cave."

In this way, it's all set.

Link took the woolen coat and activated the title of [All-Knowing Wasteland].

Suddenly, the picture in my mind was like a turbulent vortex, bringing all consciousness and six senses to the scene at that time.

Vaguely, Link saw that the wasteland was gray, and the nuclear dust in the sky, falling like snowflakes, was deposited on the ground.

In the pouring "heavy snow", a figure walks on the desolate Gobi.

Thick black suede army boots, wrapped in a woolen coat, and wearing a wind and gas mask on his head, the whole person does not squint, and walks forward like a pilgrim.

I don't know how long I have been walking, and the gloomy vision is shrouded in a dark color in the distance. When the walker approaches, a low hill and a pile of rocks are at the end of the Gobi.

The man walked to the pile of rocks, stopped at an inconspicuous stone, knocked a few nearby stones, accompanied by a buzzing and trembling, the situation in front of him slowly moved back, revealing a narrow and long one that only accommodates one person. typical.

The man jumped into it without saying a word, and Link's "vision" followed the man's footsteps into the tunnel.

Soon after entering the tunnel, the man took out a small flashlight from his woolen coat, and a columnar light led the way forward.

Link saw the hieroglyphs and paintings of the ancient Pharaoh dynasty on the stone walls on both sides of the tunnel.

It stands to reason that the caves with these paintings are generally Pharaoh's tombs. However, there is no record of this cave, and it is far away from the birthplace of the Desert Dynasty. The appearance looks even more concealed, no one would have thought that there would be a crypt here.

As he went deeper, the man took off the gas mask, and the afterlight of the flashlight shone on the man's cheek, and Link recognized that this man was the prince of the desert.

In the nuclear winter after the day of liquidation, the desert prince Jin Chan escaped his shell, concealed his seven guards, and came to the hidden cave of the deserted Gobi alone. There must be some secret.

As it deepened, the tunnels of the cave became wider and wider, and there were many institutions on the way. The desert prince skillfully controlled and avoided all kinds of institutions, and went to the deepest part of the cave, in a hall of about 100 square meters. In the four corners of the hall are long-burning whale oil lamps, which illuminate the hall brightly and sway the shadows illuminated by the fire.

In the center of the hall, there is a small circular pool, which looks like a place where Holy Mu is baptized. The water inside is clear. Under the shining of whale oil lamps, the surface is floating like autumn leaves, sparkling.

The desert prince stood in front of the round "pond", whispering something in his mouth.

Although Link didn't understand, but the vortex water phase gradually formed from the Shengmu Pool could guess that this spell must be some kind of mysterious summoning ritual. It's just that Link searched his mind and couldn't find a familiar or similar spell.

"Master, I have arranged everything according to your instructions."

The originally clear water of Shengmu Pond suddenly became turbid, showing purple and deep blue similar to the deep universe.

Link's angle of view leaned closer, trying to see the situation inside Shengmu Pool.

But the water in the pool was turbid, with only the background color, and no scene could be seen.

"Very well, now that you have completed the task, it is time to come back. There are still many things you need to deal with."

The desert prince folded his hands on his chest, looking very pious.

The woolen coat on his body also slipped from his shoulders and fell to the ground behind him.

The water in Shengmu Pool became more and more turbulent, and the desert prince leaned forward and fell into the water with a plop.

The turbulent splashes converged again, and the turbid Sheng Mu pool suddenly radiated light.

The edge of Shengmu Pool exudes glazed light, like a wonderland.

This kind of scene immediately stimulated Link's memory. Every time the mechanical fortress passed the jump gate, the scenery seen in the wormhole tunnel was exactly the same!

With the blessing of the power of the spell, this Shengmu Pool became a portal connecting the wasteland and the strange land.

In the center of Shengmu Pool, that is, the center of the vortex, Link tried his best to look around and saw a shocking scene.

In the depths of the universe, countless stars are embedded in a "wall" made of ochre cosmic gas.

And on this gas "wall", there are countless condensed huge faces, each of which is the size of a planet, densely packed with stalwarts, and looks like a huge shock. It's like Hokage Rock and President Mountain, but the faces on the wall of this gas nebula can't see the end at a glance.

Except for the face, you can see the body like a **** of creation, all tied to the nebula, covered by ocher, and turned into a clay figurine.

The spider silk slime-like luck bound the giant's body, and the faces on the Nebula were all open, full of unwillingness, as if venting and accusing.

Even in his previous life, Link had never seen such a magnificent scene.

Just as Link was shocked by the magnificent and magnificent sight in front of him, there was a sound that shocked the soul from this "wall" of the nebula.

"You see too much..."

Link didn't understand what it meant. Suddenly, the Sheng Mu Chi in front of him burst, and a column of water rose into the sky, completely knocking Link's mind and consciousness out of the meditation space.


Link only felt his ears humming, he staggered back two steps, and was quickly supported by John's eyesight and hands.

"Link, what's the matter with you?" John was clearly aware of Link's breath and energy just now, and it suddenly collapsed. Just like a dune castle piled up on the beach, UU Reading was completely crushed by a wave that was carried ashore.

Link steadied his mind, his heart beating violently, and a chill burst from his spine to the top of his head, and his hair burst.

I just used the perspective of [Wasteland All-Knower] to recall what happened in the Wasteland a hundred years ago, and spied the stalwart creation through the passage of Shengmuchi. But even in this kind of memory image, I was discovered!

Although I don't know what the earthy yellow nebula is, it is indeed an indisputable fact that the desert prince is loyal to that voice.

And now, Link seems to be targeted by a terrifying existence!

Link was in a state of confusion. At this time, the system issued a series of ding-ding tones, as if he was adding more codes.

[Investigate the clues and inside stories of the prince, you complete the level mission [The conspiracy of clues]]

[You have discovered a deeper secret from it, you get the S-level task [Pillars of Creation], the first ring task [Wall of Origins]! ]

P.S: There is more tonight~