Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 819

Chapter 819

[You have triggered the S-level task [The Pillar of Creation], the task binding cannot be rejected]

[Task Progress: First Ring [Wall of Origin]]

[Task reminder: From the perspective of memory, you see what happened to the desert prince of Saturn, accidentally discover the existence of the Pillar of Creation and the Wall of Origin, understand the Pillar of Creation and the Wall of Origin, continue to investigate the operation of the Desert Prince and The forces behind it]

[Task reward: 5 million experience, 100 potential points, 2 pieces of epic-level materials, 2 pieces of epic-level equipment, 1 piece of legendary materials, 1 piece of unknown reward]

Link never expected that John's level serial mission could trigger an S-level mission because of the chain effect.

The pillar of creation, the wall of origin.

To be reasonable, Link has never heard of it in the previous life, and judging from the task rewards of the first ring, this S-level task is higher than both [Heart of the Swarm] and [Doomsday].

[Doomsday Coming] is the main task of version 3.0 [Echoes of the Doomsday: Resurrection of the Plague God].

[Heart of the Swarm] is the main mission of the 6.0 [Heart of the Swarm] version.

Then this [Pillar of Creation] is very likely to be the main task of the subsequent version.

"Link, are you okay?" John noticed that Link was stunned, with some worry between his brows.

Link recovered and sighed: "It's okay, just saw some scenes just now. By the way, you can tell the Assassin League that it is over to investigate the desert prince, and show me the live video shot by the way. And photos."

"How did it end suddenly?" John was puzzled.

"I have just been back for fifty years and saw the whole process of the desert prince entering the cave. He performed some kind of ritual in Shengmuchi and opened the portal to other places. This person has already left the wasteland." The picture that Link saw through Sheng Mu Chi after hiding it, after all, the wall of origin composed of nebula and the countless strongest men who were bound to the wall of origin were really shocking, and it was nothing more than annoying to say it.

John's heart surged: "You can see what happened before in your mind by touching something. Except for the ability of prophecy, do you have the ability to look back now?"

Link's expression gradually calmed, and he squeezed out a smile with difficulty: "It's not a panacea, it's limited to wasteland."

"Then why did you retreat in a momentary loss? I just felt the aura and energy in your body, and it fell apart in an instant..." John was a little worried. He always felt that Link saw other things when he looked back. Otherwise, with his calm and steady state of mind, there would never be such an exaggerated performance.

"Nothing. I just thought of the far-reaching layout of the Desert Prince in the wasteland. I didn't know the power and purpose behind it. I felt a little melancholy for a while." The Sheng Mu Pond in the cave hall had completely dried up, and even the whale oil lamp had dimmed a lot.

The footprints in the hall stopped by the side of Sheng Mu's pool, and the woolen coat and gold bracelet also fell aside, exactly the same scene as Link saw.

John said silently for a while: "Well, since you have seen the result, then this matter will come to an end. As for the woolen coat and gold bracelet, I will leave it to you. It just so happens that you are back, and I will raise it these days. Go back and take a rest~"

After he said that, John got up and left. He saw that Link had something to hide.

I tried a sentence and Link didn't say it clearly, but John almost figured it out.

When the aliens invaded the wasteland, and even the shadow of the Saffron projection appeared on the island at the end, Link Dutai landslide did not change his face, but Link's temperament completely collapsed just now, especially when he was supporting him. His body's trembling stress response can't deceive anyone-Link definitely saw what great horror in the retrospect!

And it's a great horror that can't be explained to the world!

John took a jeep to leave the mechanical fortress, and the mechanical fortress at night was brightly lit, reflecting the Gobi Desert.

Looking at the mechanical fortress from the rearview mirror, John couldn't help but sigh: "After all, you alone have carried everything."

"Although I don't know what horrible scenes you have seen, as a friend, all I can do is to keep getting stronger, and I will have this great horror when I accompany you!"

The laziness on John's face turned dignified, and his temperament suddenly became fierce.

He didn't say these words face to face with Link, because he knew that the more Link saw, the more pressure he would have to peer into the future. This kind of pressure is beyond comprehension. As a companion and friend, all he can do is to be able to help him share the burden when he is really facing, instead of standing behind and watching him fight alone!

After John left, Link finally didn't need to pretend, and sat on the sofa with a full glass of water before feeling better.

The nebula "wall" that I saw through Shengmuchi before should be the wall of origin mentioned in the task prompt.

As for the many giants who were bound to become sculptures on the Wall of Origin, Link did not dare to guess their identities, but it was definitely not low!

In his previous life, Link played until version 6.0. Because of the aging and leakage of the game cabin, he did not know what happened in the subsequent plot. But in version 6.0, the biggest villain, Paul the Great, and the three major civilizations in the universe, have all appeared in the eyes of players.

"The Pillar of Creation, the Wall of Origin... Judging from the name alone, this should be the version that reveals the truth about the structure of the entire game world of destiny. The people behind the desert prince should hear the sound from the wall of origin, but after all Is it the power of the Wall of Origin itself, or the existence that is bound in it, I don't know..."

The desert prince said to arrange everything, what exactly is the arrangement?

Is this arrangement only available to novice planets?

Is it aimed at the player and giving a reasonable explanation for the player's arrival?

We must know that with the change of versions, players have more and more power to speak in the universe, and their status in the [Pan Deep Space Interstellar Development Alliance] is also getting higher and higher. The plot, will the player really be a version of the protagonist?

It stands to reason that the plot should be a link between the past and the next. The 6.0 version of Paul the Great is already close to invincibility. How did the plot transition to the follow-up plot...

Did the last voice speak to me?

[Wasteland All-Knowing] The backtracking ability brought by the title, I saw the echo scene almost 50 years ago, but why did the other party discover my existence directly? Have I been targeted?

Obtaining the Zerg Nest is equivalent to fighting against Emperor Paul the Great.

Now I have offended a more mysterious and powerful existence.

More explanations and questions popped up in Link's mind, but he couldn't answer a single question.


In the end it can only turn into a sigh.

"Hey, now I can only take one step and see one step at a time!"