Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 817

Chapter 817

Everyone confirms to participate, and then there is the issue of troop build-up and overall planning.

Link took the lead to give everyone present: "Everyone's common goal is to completely eradicate aliens. Then we are all allies. Here I can tell you without any secret that Vormir is an alien's barracks. The planets captured by the stars, through the portal, transported groups of people who took refuge or allegiance to the alien stars to Vomer, where they were transformed or trained into cruel soldiers of the alien army."

"The number of alien enemies we have to face will be on an unprecedented scale, many times more than the alien army suffered by Wasteland, Pandora, and Victoria combined. It is a real 'dark tide'."

Everyone looked serious.

I have participated in battles with the alien army, knowing that the horror and power of aliens is their number advantage.

"We have the ability to strike in the air, presumably the situation will be much better." Gamesh put forward his own ideas.

In Pandora, the battle was still very anxious, but with the Mage Tower and the Viking, the battle in Victoria was much simpler. It can almost be described as a harvest, which also increased his confidence in the complete elimination of alien stars.

Link shook his head helplessly: "Alien stars invaded other planets. Because of the limitations of the energy and size of the portal, there is no ability to dominate the air. But this does not mean that Vomer does not have it."

"On the contrary, it is difficult for our ships to carry out air strikes on Vomer. Vomer is an alien barracks. In other words, aliens invade the hematopoietic bases of other civilizations. The place where Vomer was created was considered after being discovered. The only air defense that can enter it for air strikes, except for the Mage Tower, is only the Martyrs unmanned assault aircraft formation can enter. However, these tactics can be used to remove key targets at fixed points. In the face of the tide of alien army, That would be a drop in the bucket."

Link's words directly poured cold water on everyone.

If Vomir is really so solid, without the support and help of air power, and relying only on ground forces to attack, the difficulty can be said to have increased by a dozen times! The crowd was still fresh in their memories of the number of alien legions crushed, and even frightened.

"Then if we really want to fight on the ground, our number must be at least equal to that of the alien army in order to not be at a disadvantage. But the number of Vormir's alien army, to say nothing, can be in the millions, this..." Gamesh has already I don't know what to say, the entire mechanical fortress can carry tens of thousands of people at full load, but the number of enemies at this distance is simply a drop in the bucket.

"Rest assured, we are acting together with the First Order this time. For the aliens, when the First Order appears, this grudge against the millennium enemy is enough to make them ignore our manpower. What we have to do is to contain Some enemies destroyed many portals located on Vormir, completely isolating the possibility of other planets supporting Vormir."

After hearing Link's words, everyone's expressions were a little glaring, and they almost forgot the first order.

If the two sides are united, the pressure is indeed greatly reduced.

"Well, let's move on to the most important topic of our meeting today to raise fighting power."

Link looked around at everyone: "With the current size of more than 3,000 people in the mechanical fortress, it is not enough to support us in launching an attack on Vomer. We need more viable power, and this goal is at least 10,000 people."

At this time, Link finally said the goal of ten thousand people.

Ten thousand people?

After Link finished speaking, the leaders of the major forces had a little calculation in their hearts, and they were suddenly in their throats.

10,000 people, and so many forces are present, then every force will get a thousand people, I'm afraid it will not be there!

A thousand people, what can you do?

Because of the existence of strangers, the scale of the major forces has generally increased. Even the Crusaders are cultivating forces in the bitter cold places. Players are all rushing, and now the scale can reach hundreds of thousands. With a thousand people, the truth is not enough to see.

But since the head of state has drawn this line, they have to add up.

How to select a thousand elite soldiers from the scale of their own forces to participate in this epic battle.

Although the forces of the mechanical fortress usually get along well, the comparison of strengths and weaknesses can only be calculated in the heart. But now this attack on Vormil is a "reporting performance" for joining the Wasteland Expeditionary Army. If you perform poorly, you won't be able to attract enough strangers in the future, and you won't be able to raise your head in the mechanical fortress in the future.

Therefore, all the leaders are holding back.

"Okay, that's all I have to say today. We will stay in the wasteland for a few days, and then we will depart for Vormere. As for the manpower, you can arrange for these days and submit the list. "

After Link finished speaking, he got up and signaled to end the meeting.

Something is urgent, so many leaders of the forces who have travelled far away have to go back and make arrangements.

This battle of Vomer Star is both a challenge and an opportunity.

Ivan wanted to chat with Link, but tonight he needed to arrange manpower to go back to Steel Eden and start preparing a list of thousands of people.

After the meeting was over, Link was only left with some relatives and friends.

"Well, you are also tired along the way, so go and rest."

Link saw that John gestured before leaving, and understood that he had something to tell him alone.

When everyone left, Link saw John's back at the railing at the end of the mooring port of the mechanical fortress.

"Suddenly calling me isn't your style?" Link said with a smile.

John turned around and looked serious: "Do you remember the original purpose of the killer organization [Assassin League] I founded?"

Assassin Alliance, Link naturally remembers.

"In order to restrain these capable killers."

"Other than that?"

Now I stopped asking Link.

Link carefully searched for his memories, and thought that before he left, John said that he wanted to organize another purpose of [Assassin Alliance] as soon as possible-to investigate the clues of the desert prince.

Since Link and John went to the Prince's Treasure Place in person, a huge cloud of doubt has hung over their heads.

The desert prince did not die, leaving a message to get rid of the seven, it was only Jin Chan escaped from the shell and murdered with a knife.

The inside story of the mid-game was opened in the treasure land, but it was completely cut off.

"What did you find?"

John nodded: "I found a clue that is not a clue. I wanted to show it to you in the afternoon, but it was disrupted by Silver Hand."

Link is overjoyed when he hears this. You must know that the prince lurking behind has always been an unstable factor. Now that John has a clue, Link may be able to use this clue to use his [Wasteland All-Knower] identity to find out more truth.