Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 790

Chapter 790

Link took a look at the clothing style of the group.

Coincidentally, it was actually a group of interstellar predators.

It is not uncommon for interstellar predators to appear in the Great Dockyard.

Many interstellar predators have two faces.

In the universe, they are treacherous interstellar predators. Near the docks and ports, they will disguise themselves as caravans or mercenaries. For interstellar predators to rely on the port, all races in the universe are allowed. After all, according to the rules of cosmic civilization, interstellar predators are only for their own resources and development, and have no ambition to destroy the universe for no reason. They are at most classified as chaotic factions.

Over time, these interstellar predators and the planet's port of call or sanctuary formed an unspoken tacit understanding, that is, within the sanctuary, the predators will not do anything, at best, investigate and select prey. Once out of the sanctuary, it's time for the interstellar predators to take action.

Link said lightly like thunder in the sky, making the scalp numb and trembling all over, and his loose eyes were all focused on Link, who was wearing a capable combat uniform and holding a scepter, and then hurriedly took out his weapon to fight back.

"Lost listless, Liushenwuzhu, malaise, is this the courage you dare to confront me?"

Link lifted the scepter slightly, forming a King Spacein front of him, enveloping all the enemies in front of it.

The king space is like an exclusive forbidden zone to Link. In this space, he is the king who rules everything. All enemies either choose to surrender or become lambs to be slaughtered.

The predators breathed quickly, as if they had a pair of invisible hands strangling their necks.

The body was stiff and numb, like thousands of ants and insects biting, unable to move halfway.

In the King's Space, Link has absolute dominance. Even an existence similar in strength to him will be subject to many restrictions. Not to mention these miscellaneous soldiers, they have all become dead sculptures at this time. The eyeballs can turn.

The scepter was inserted into the ground, and his hands overlapped on the scepter's head, the emperor's eyes flowed in Wang Qishu: "Don't hide, hide behind your hands, I am really chilling for your men."


Link gave a crisp whistle, and the red arrows condensed by the magic steel ants in the sleeves flew out, dragging a red after-shadow trail, and quickly shuttled through the air.

The red arrow wandered neatly in the king's space, because the high-frequency vibration made the sound of air currents rubbing the air. To these thugs horses, it was clearly the sound of death. As long as this sound rang in the ear, the body would be pierced like a piece of paper. Whether they wear protective clothing or combat armor, it will not help.

The red arrow with the crimson high temperature passed by, and a melting hole appeared in the chest armor, and the blood fell on the red arrow, accompanied by a burst of sizzling boiling and blue smoke, disappearing invisible.

The soldiers quickly transformed into experience, the red arrow seemed to have become a red sickle, and the stubble fell down like leeks.

All the trash fish on the spot fell to the ground, and the red arrow turned sharply and sank into the broken ship.

In the next second, a repulsive force surged from the ship, and the energy index and aura in Link's eyes suddenly soared.

A man wearing a mechanical exoskeleton battle suit jumped out, holding an energy cluster gun in his hand. The electromagnetic coil in front of the gun wheel was bright red, and the rotating twelve-hole muzzle bullets sprayed out with blue flames. . At the same time, the miscellaneous fish in the other section of the broken cabin rushed out at the same time, forming a fan-shaped firepower net with the boss. The dense bullets and swaying fire trails all pointed to one place-Link!

In the face of the intensive artillery bullets, Link did not evade, and a ray of milky white light rose from the scepter in his hand, and immediately enveloped his whole body.

When the firepower net came in volley, in the end, they could only pass through the air in an anguish, lonely.

The predator leader frowned, and a brief battle data analysis appeared on the holographic screen of his face.

Unknown scepter.

Effect: Subspace transmission, control force field.

The leader of the predator looked around, a mechanical eye twisted and rotated, scanning the surrounding energy fluctuations, and then issued orders: "Everyone quickly approached, looking for cover, three hundred and sixty degrees of alert!"

At the same time, the leader of the predator threw a few iron balls, the metal iron **** rolled down on the ground for a moment, and then expanded and transformed into a defensive iron shield and a miniature automatic sentry machine gun, which automatically sensed and fired.

"C+ level mechanic, should he be rich?" Link appeared again. All the automatic sentry machine guns instantly twisted the gun body. The tree was cut off, the shrub was broken and rolled, like a dish in a chef's pot, flying up and down, dazzling.

Only this time the bullet was destined to be lonely, and Link's figure once again teleported in a subspace, disappearing from the same place.

"Pretend to be a ghost, no courageous rats." The leader of the predator threw a few metal **** again. After the metal **** were unfolded, they became a miniature radar with a fan surface, which rotated 360 degrees to detect and provide mechanical firepower. More precise and precise instructions, while scanning energy fluctuations in space, lock the enemy's position for the first time.

"Be careful, the gravity here is high, so shorten the battle time as much as possible, and leave the physical strength to recover." The leader saw the numerous values measured from the holographic interface and told his subordinates.

The atmosphere in the jungle is solemn, and the needles fall can be heard. Faced with such a mysterious and unpredictable enemy, Ma Zai's heart was beating violently, and every blow almost made the blood pierce the top of his head. A sense of extreme tension fills the air.

But now Link was happy.

This time I caught a fat sheep!

As we all know, mechanics are the most invested profession, and there is no one.

All kinds of weapons, equipment, and equipment need to be built by themselves, from raw materials to processing, to experimental building, failure...The proficiency can only be improved through continuous manufacturing of finished products.

There is an unwritten rule in the game. Whether someone else has money or not may not be able to tell by appearance, but there is no saying that there is no money for a skilled mechanic!

Without money, it can't support massive experience improvement and raw material production!

At the moment, this mechanic, like Link, is of C+ energy level. It is unceremonious to say that the equipment and equipment taken out in this battle are worth hundreds of thousands.

Now that he caught a big fish, Link naturally

The radar detector sensed energy fluctuations, all muzzles automatically focused on Link, and a new round of firing began.

Link accumulates energy, accompanied by a high-frequency [spiritual scream], the time and space within a radius of 800 meters are all agitated by the vast waves of spiritual energy, the energy spilling around Link as the center is like a cannonball exploded, a strong spirit The impact caused substantial damage, and the trees and bushes were all crushed and bent over and snapped instantly.

And the horses hiding behind the steel bunker, as well as the C+ level mechanic leader, are all shocked by the terrifying [mental screaming] energy at this moment.

[Spirit Scream lv10 (A)]: Inflict 6000 mental shock on all hostile creatures within 800 meters in diameter, and cause [Chaos] abnormal state, damage immunity to all physical defenses, consumption: 800 energy points.

[Spirit Scream] In response to mental damage, the copper and iron walls in front of the mechanic lose their effect, directly causing impact damage to the body through defense.

All the enemies are in a state of [chaos], and they lose their combat ability in a muddle-headed manner.

The mechanic also fell into a moment of loss, and the spinal nerve connection that connected the flesh and the exoskeleton armor was interrupted for a moment.

Link threw the flashing dagger in his hand, the flashing dagger blessing the rune skipped a rune light on the blade, and flew towards the mechanic like a rainbow.

The leader of the mechanic restarted the program, and a flow of mechanical power across his body brushed his body. The thoughts that were originally stiff and paralyzed into chaos suddenly cleared, and the nerve connection was restarted!

The leader of the mechanic has determined that Link is a mysterious powerhouse, and fills in a flashing dagger and mental scream on the information in front of him.

"Hmph, I already know the way to restrain you!" As soon as the mechanic leader's voice fell, his head was suddenly covered with a helmet that insulates the spirit, together with his eyes, only the mouth below the nose was exposed.

This is a helmet specially made by the mechanic leader to restrain the mysterious enemy. It can seal the brain, isolate the mental impact, and resist some mental damage at the same time.

Link wanted to laugh when he saw the half helmet on the opponent's head.

Because of a brief loss of nerve connection, all automatic artillery and radar stalled, and Link had rushed in front of him when he recovered.

All the artillery turned the muzzle, but at this moment Link had already slammed in front of the mechanic leader, and the distance between the two had broken through the recognition bottom line of the automatic artillery. As a result, the automatic artillery could not be locked and recognized, and he had to keep between Link and his master. Turning his head and swaying, it looked like he was screaming for Di and Mai.

"Did no one tell you not to fight melee with a mechanic?"

The mechanic leader grinned, the exoskeleton armor changed rapidly, and the thruster appeared at the elbow of the mechanical arm, and a speed-increasing fist that was devastating came crashing, and the sound of breaking through the air burst like thunder in his ears.

High-level mechanics often strengthen their physical and melee capabilities in addition to firepower weapons.

Some powerful mechanics have melee combat capabilities that can even be close to martial arts masters, and the firepower weapons and equipment they create can be close or far away.

Now that the other party has a mysterious element, he actually wants to ride his face to output. To be honest, the mechanic leader wants to laugh.

Then let you try, my iron fist--

How hard is it!

The ejector at the mechanical elbow produced a violent and strong thrust, and the muscle strength of the violent knotted muscles strongly increased the next uppercut and slammed towards Link's door.

This punch is powerful, and if it can hit the opponent, it can definitely cause tons of damage. If the physical body is a little weaker, it won't be a problem to tear it directly!

The head of the mechanic smiled at the corner of his mouth, as if he had seen the scene of the opponent's body splitting and turning into blood.

Link did not evade, a burst of purple shadow energy emerged from his body.

The head mechanic suddenly had a bad feeling, he felt the danger contained in the purple shadow energy, but at this moment, his fist had multiple strength and inertia. As long as he hit the opponent first, he could interrupt this turbulent shadow energy!

It's a pity that dreams are beautiful, but reality has hit him hard.

The shadow energy scouring the body was suddenly released, and a faint shock wave burst out from Link's body, like a new star burst, instantly sweeping the entire battlefield.

Shadow Fury!

The half-lifted fist of the mechanic leader suddenly solidified, and stopped together with the mechanical exoskeleton.

The chaotic surrounding Ma Tsai was hit by Shadow Fury, and no longer looked around in panic, all of them were like extinguished candles, blowing lights and drawing wax all to the ground.

Shadow Fury, a B-level skill learned by Link.

Fortunately, the head of the mechanic, the 6000 points of mental impact of the scream of the hard **** and the 5000 points of damage of the shadow fury, the blood volume was only reduced by one-third. However, his group of subordinates were not so lucky. They even took two high-value injuries, and many of them rolled their eyes and fell to the ground, losing their vitality.

The heavy punch was forcibly interrupted, and even though the mechanic leader wore an anti-interference helmet on his head, he still suffered from the dizziness of Shadow Fury.

Link held a flashing dagger and hit the mechanic leader with a set of combos.

After the flash dagger blessed the rune, the upper limit of basic white damage was increased, and the attribute bonus, probability, and multiplier were all increased.

Three seconds of time, a series of damage appeared on the head of the mechanic leader.




The mechanic leader was highly resistant, and the 10-second dizziness was solved in 3 seconds for him. At this time, he shook his fist again, but only hit a link of Link's shadow, which left him empty.

The leader of the mechanic saw the dead man on the ground, and at this moment, a ray of red aura in his body separated, and then all gathered in Link's body.

A sharp killing intent suddenly appeared, vaguely covering the opponent's body, forming a looming blood armor.

Immediately, there was an energy index about Link on the holographic interface of the mechanic leader, which soared in an incredible way.

I've seen a lot of squeezing potentials by the leader of the mechanic, but it is the first time that the leader of the mechanic has seen the ability to absorb lifelessness and strengthen himself.


It's cannibalism!

The chief mechanic immediately wanted to use the purification ability to relieve Link's growth, but Link had experienced a lot of battles, knowing the drawbacks of this trick, how could he leave the opponent with a chance.

A cloud of smoke passed, Link disappeared, and escaped into the dimension space.

The machinist leader immediately ran automatic firepower and radar search, but there was no whereabouts.

A strong sense of horror rose from the heart of the mechanic leader, his whole body tense.

The forest is Only the thumping heartbeat can be heard, and each sound rhythm is strong and powerful, as if to pierce through the bones and flesh, and spew out.

Under the leader's half helmet, a few drops of sweat rolled down his tight cheeks, and landed on the exoskeleton armor on his shoulders.

At the same time, Link escaped from the dimension space, his body bursting like thunder and lightning.

Radar and automatic artillery scanned it, but the speed of the gear tracking rotation could no longer keep up with his speed, and it was a shot slower.

The blade of the dagger flashed across the neck, and a string of sparks exploded on the exoskeleton armor.

The collision between the blood flower and Mars is like the most wonderful scenery.


A weak point attack from the back, and a 5 times damage effect of blessing.

one strike,
