Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 789

Chapter 789

"Go down?"

Helen couldn't help but open her mouth wide. With such an exaggerated strong magnetic field underground, once it goes down, it won't be able to get up. Is the head of state kidding?

But when Helen looked at the head of state, Link's expression and demeanor didn't seem to be a joke at all.

"That's why I bought an anti-gravity belt and a capsule ball. Now that I think about it, I naturally think of how to come back."

"Now you follow what I said, let the strangers connect all the ropes on the ship end to end. If I remember correctly, the total inventory of the ropes on the spacecraft can extend by about ten kilometers."

Although I don't know the use of this, Helen believes that the arrangement of the head of state must have its purpose. He bought the anti-gravity belt and capsule ball before, and it was all for this landing on the ground.

With the order given, the players on the Viking also took action.

All the ropes stored on the pirate ship were all connected in series, and within a few minutes, all the ropes were connected in series and began to drop down through the dedicated channel.

There was metal in a section of the rope, and it was attracted by a strong magnetic field shortly after it was dropped. The ropes inside the Viking twisted like a snake, and the corners twisted from time to time with crackling noises that broke through the sound barrier.

A few minutes later, with a creak of sour teeth, the entire Viking shook, and all the ropes were thrown out, extending straight under the action of a strong magnetic field.

[All members of the expeditionary force should notice that the pulley in their hands slides to the bottom of the rope, and after disassembling the pulley, it falls freely, and the capsule ball is turned on to cushion the landing before landing. There are two tasks for you. The first is to search for the rune stars and the rescue team; the second is to capture or destroy the enemy targets of the Chaos faction. Now let's go!

As Link gave instructions himself, the player's blood heated up.

I knew it was a special mission before. After coming out of the Yuanda dock, six ships followed all the way behind him, and even launched attacks on the road. The players in the Viking saw a thrilling pursuit through the porthole, but they didn't react to the sudden turn of falling into a crater and reaching the underground world.

They didn't know the purpose of this operation until Link gave the order himself.

Look for the survivors and rescue teams of the Rune Stars, and kill the chaotic enemies that have been trailing behind.

They are familiar with this job!

Players are arranged according to the serial number when they received the task, with one hand buckled on the rope, and jumped off the pirate.

The effect of free fall at an altitude of thousands of meters is sour and refreshing, especially after just descending hundreds of meters, the strong magnetic field generated in the center of the earth is like a pair of invisible big hands, dragging it hard. The speed of the fall suddenly increased. Ling Ling's air swooped on his face, and the skin became loose and collected toward the head like water.


The pulley made a crisp sound, and the black and yellow ropes in front of him suddenly disappeared. After the two separated, Qianglong Zhixiang put his chin in forcefully, nodded and glanced down, the continuous tree canopy on the ground was lush and endless. Through the arc of the tree canopy in the distance, the mountain is clearly outlined.

In the distance, you can clearly see the mountains and lakes, combined with the crystal dome that emits light above your head, a sense of magic arises spontaneously.

Fortunately, this kind of frustration passed quickly. These players who can be selected to participate in the mission are the best among them. Except for the parallel imports of a few related households who have boarded the mechanical fortress, everyone has real talents. After reacting, he immediately pressed the capsule ball hanging on his waist.

After the palm-sized capsule ball is activated, it rapidly expands and increases within a second, enclosing the player in it.

The contact area is enlarged, the friction force increases sharply, and the falling speed of the player in the capsule ball is also slowed down a lot, and finally plunges into the endless mountain forest.

The player in the capsule ball only feels that the world is spinning, and after a while, he feels that his internal organs are about to shift, and the whole person is muddled.

After a while, Qianglong Zhixiang pressed the capsule ball again, and the originally inflated capsule ball immediately collapsed.


With a long sound of discouragement, Qianglong Zhixiang crawled out of the capsule ball. Then he glanced at the soft plastic shell that was intact, then folded it back into the backpack.

The quality of this capsule ball is a bit good, the material is unusual at first glance, and it has a heat insulation effect. Although it can no longer be swollen into a ball for protection, this material is extremely convenient whether it is used as a hammock, a quilt, or to hold drinking water.

More and more players in the sky jumped down the pulleys, and the capsule **** in the air opened one after another, like colorful popcorns that were heated and expanded.

The macaw stood on the deck of the Viking, and the violent high air current blew on it, and its belly swayed from side to side, duangduang felt.

The macaw stretched out its wings and scratched its waist, and the corners of its mouth curled down: "Seeing these capsule **** open out of thin air, it always gives people a feeling of dumplings. I have not eaten dumplings for a long time."

Not to mention it, there was a trace of nostalgia on the silver hand's face when it was mentioned, and then quickly returned to God's words: "Quickly. When we finish this order, we can exchange it for the portal from Ning Chengqi, and we will be scrapped. It's soiled, I will ask Martha to do more, and we will bring it to the mechanical fortress~"

One person and one bird looked at each other and nodded affirmatively.

Hmm, great idea!

The silver hand buckled the anti-gravity belt and clicked.

The macaw is right in front of Yinshou, and the retractable anti-gravity belt **** just fits against the macaw's belly.

"We also jumped!"

With a leap of faith in the silver hand, he opened his arms and jumped down.

Link also put on the anti-gravity belt, and then walked to the deck.

"Achiko, you stay here to be responsible for sending signals and drawing maps. Helen, you provide us with logistical support and research work in the Viking."

"research work?"

"Yes, we will send the items on the ground by then, and you are responsible for the collection and analysis."

"With this height and strong magnetic field, how do you send things up?" Helen was puzzled.

Link's mouth was slightly raised, pointing to the flock of birds flying in the sky in the distance and the thick smoke rising from the ground, and said: "This kind of strange scene can appear inside a planet, and matter must also grow and restrain each other. If it is really only strong. Magnetic field, there will be no flying birds and such tall dense woods. You will know soon."

As soon as Link's voice fell, he also jumped off.

The ships that had fallen before have been submerged into the jungle, only the rising smoke.

Link glanced and flew away in the direction where the black plume of smoke was the largest.

Those small ships will be handed over to the players and silver Link to the medium ship to solve a leader, and then go to find the remnants of the rune star and the important resource gravity stone.

Link accelerated downwards, and the strong magnetic field soon produced attraction, which pulled Link again.

Link's speed is faster than the others, like a black new star falling from the sky. When he was about to reach the ground, Link twisted the anti-gravity belt around his waist, and suddenly a repulsive magnetic force was generated in his abdomen to slow down, the calculation was just right, and he landed steadily.

Link directly chose to fall outside the medium-sized ship.

The medium-sized ship that crashed at this moment was broken into two pieces, and the heavy smoke was seriously damaged.

Many people on the ground were injured, sobbing and eating pain, or dizzy and vomiting while holding on to the tree.

Kacha, Salsa...

Link descended like a god, without any waves in his eyes.

"Where is your enthusiasm just now, is it gone?"