Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 791

Chapter 791

The head mechanic opened his mouth slightly, although only the lower half of his face was exposed, the surprise on his face was unobstructed.

He couldn't imagine that he was full of vitality and half of it was left, but he was killed by the opponent with a single blow.

This knife cut through the neck from behind, like a delicate surgeon, cutting away the connection between him and the exoskeleton armor.

The chief mechanic gasped, and in the next second there was a harsh sniff from the back of his neck

A cloud of blood spewed out, followed by a stream of blood, splashing on the exoskeleton armor.

The mechanic leader was like a mess, forcibly dragging the exoskeleton armor and crashing to the ground, extinct.

There was still a breath of Ma Tsai around. After he was relieved of his fainting state, he looked at the leader who led them to plunder the stars and seas. He was killed by the enemy in just a few confrontations, and his eyes were horrified.

Although the restrictions on movement have been lifted, none of these people are moving.

It's not that they don't want to run, but that they are shocked by Link's terrible aura and can't walk at all!

"Unexpectedly, you are quite loyal, and you won't run away when you see the boss dead. In that case, I will fulfill your loyalty."

The red arrow flew out from the broken ship's cabin, and then it was like a paintbrush to outline a graceful blood flower in the air.

There is no more enemy in the audience.

Next is the pleasant touch of the corpse. Link wandered around the body of the mechanic leader. He quickly touched a translucent card, then stuck it on his arm, and soon a series of numbers were transferred from the transparent card. On the display of Link's arm.

970,000 cosmic coins arrived in the account.

Because the setting rule of the universe currency account is that once it dies, the funds in the account become unowned and can be received by other accounts.

The reason for torturing the leader of the Pirate Pirate before was because Link wanted to know the treasures and secrets of the leader of the Pirate.

After simmering all the corpses everywhere, Link entered the broken ship's cabin.

The medium-sized ship is still very large, the internal structure is no different from the common predators, the style is mainly practical, and the structure is messy.

Because it is the leader of the mechanic, most of the items found inside the ship are made of machinery, which is nothing useful for Link, but for Helen, these are good research materials and can be tossed for a while, said What clever ideas can be inspired.

Link walked out of the ruins of the medium-sized ship, and then posted a message to the Macaw in the [Spirit Network].

Group Management Link: Lao Jin, the medium-sized ship has been cleaned up here. Arrange someone to come and clean up after the war. The coordinates are (232,093,723).

Group owner macaw: old man subway phone.jpg. You are a bit fast!

Administrator Link: Shake your finger.jpg, no, you are too slow.

Facing Link's provocation, the macaw was furious.

Who does Link look down upon?

Together, he and Silver Hand can't compare to Link alone?

It expressed dissatisfaction!

The macaw consciousness withdrew from the [mental network], and then looked sharply at Silver Hand, and said viciously: "Silver Hand, Link this guy actually underestimated us and said we were too slow. This girl killed a whole bunch by himself. The medium-sized fleet is still provoking in the mental network. It is tolerable or unbearable! We must return the color!"

Silver Hand took a deep breath and couldn't help clenching his fists: "I didn't expect Link to be so despicable! Yes, we can't let him cry! The following ships are two medium ships and four small ships. Small ships. Regardless of him, the only chance we can turn over is a medium-sized ship. We can't let Link succeed, otherwise we have nowhere to turn."

The two looked at each other, and there was only one answer in their eyesanother medium-sized ship!

The macaw made a decisive decision: "Don't tell me, I'll go to find the position of the medium-sized ship first, and you can take this pot with you."

Before Wei Xia Guozi could react, she was picked up by the silver hand, with one arm tucked into her armpit, and the scene in front of her quickly passed by, like riding a gong coaster into a time tunnel, with only afterimages left...

Link withdrew from [Spiritual Network] with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

The two couldn't hold back their anger, and succeeded in tricking them into solving another group of enemies with a little bit of agitation. As for the players who landed, either looking for the whereabouts of the rune star remnants like a headless fly, or looking for the enemies on the four small ships to confront each other head-on.

The leader of the medium-sized ship, with the C-class or C+ dead, is 100% able to cope with the silver hand and the macaw.

After they went to solve the other leader, Link was relieved to look for the whereabouts of the remnants of the Rune Star.

Entering the state of [Emperor Watching Qi technique] and glanced at it, the entire planet's ground was wrapped in huge energy. In Link's eyes, the magnetic field lines entrapped the energy, and it appeared very clear.

The magnetic field draws arcs in the sky like a rainbow, and the sky is also the strongest. This is why the ship enters the underground world from the entrance and will be sucked to the ground if it is careless. On the ground, the strength of the magnetic field is not so strong, but the gravity is twice that of the outside world, which also makes it more difficult for people with low strength to move here.

Soon, Link found the weakest magnetic field in the entire underground world, and a sharp glow passed in front of him.

This is the place!

The survivors of Fu Shenxing and the two rescue teams, after strayed into the planet, were unable to resist the strong magnetic field, so they had to choose to settle here temporarily. It has been three months since Graves commissioned the last rescue team to arrive.

In his previous life, when Link came into contact with this mission, the content was one year after the rescue team disappeared.

It seems that Link has been exposed to the task nine months earlier than in his previous life.

After arriving in the previous life, I learned from the rune star Sarah that everyone has not given up the idea of trying to leave.

So I found the place with the weakest magnetic field in the underground world and tried while surviving.

Although there is a difference of nine months from the time in the previous life, according to Sarah's thinking, the Rune Star remnants have now joined the two rescue team members and established a temporary camp at the weakest part of the magnetic field.

There are many entrances to the underground world, and almost all the large and small craters on the planet will soften into sand after being subjected to strong pressure, and turn into cannibalistic quicksand, swallowing all objects on the surface into the belly of the planet.

The fall of the rune-shen star remnants is not here, it is still a hundred miles away.

With repeated battles and energy spread here, the instruments of the rune stars can certainly detect energy fluctuations, but they will certainly not arrive in the first place.

Link jumped to the canopy of the tree, and then accelerated to the weak magnetic field.

"Your Majesty, we have received a signal of energy spilling from a hundred miles away. According to the feedback of the energy wave, it is an unnatural energy fluctuation. Do we need to send someone to check it?" , On the yellow skin of the face, there are symmetrical broad bean-sized runes on both sides of the nose, exuding a secret and deep blue.

A woman with short green hair is wearing a dark red combat uniform. The tight combat uniform outlines the woman's slim figure vividly. The tight and slender thighs, the well-developed gluteal muscles and the elegantly lined back give people a full sense of classical fitness and sports. This image is very different from the image of the queen that can be imagined in peace day.

The color of the runes on both sides of the nose of the woman with short green hair is different from that of others, showing a red similar to the costume.

Sarah pondered for a moment, and said: "No, let's solve the beast matter first. How are you surveying the cave?"

The face of his entourage changed, as if thinking of something, he said: "According to our joint survey, it is unanimously determined that this cave has traces of artificial excavation, and there may be some important information about life on the planet. The top priority now is to solve the entanglement in the cave. The beast. We have already set up a trap not far from the cave. Now we are waiting for the opportunity to trap this beast."

Sarah nodded: "That's right, only by solving this beast, occupying a fixed place in the cave, and solving the survival problem, can we consider other things. As for the collected seismic signals, wait until the beast is solved first. This beast The cave is near us, and it's hard to sleep and eat if you don't remove it for a day."

Behind Sarah was the falling aircraft. Due to the violent landing, the middle of the hull broke, creating an arm-wide opening. They fled all the way from Fushen. There were no large-scale repair facilities on the ship, and there was no way to repair the damaged ship, so the wreck of the ship was simply used as a temporary base.

After several months, the surrounding shrubs and vines had already climbed onto the body and covered it with a layer of light green.

Sarah came to the helper camp not far away and saw the other's head.

"Uncle Wang, we are going to attack the beasts in the cave later today, and we will have to trouble you to assist us by then."

Pharaoh's face was full of sadness. He was originally to help Sarah at Graves' request, but he didn't expect to get in with him. Now the internal signals of the earth's crust can't be sent out at all, and I don't know when such a day will end.

In the first month after the crash, Lao Wang also had a dark face every day, exploding at one point, and his mood was irritable. But when facing reality and knowing that he could not leave on his own, his emotions calmed down a lot. Adding to the fact that Sarah, who was a survivor of the Rune Star, found them, Pharaoh began to think more about how to survive on this "inner planet".

"Well, Sarah, don't worry, I will definitely support the action at night. The ship is not a place to live for a long time. We really have to find a place to shelter from wind and rain. It's just that the cave seems to have signs of artificial excavation. When attacking at night Don't take it lightly. After the beast is eliminated, the robot must first explore the row."

Lao Wang is worthy of being the head of the mercenary, rich in experience, and can clearly arrange the night's actions in a few words.

Sarah nodded her head: "Okay, then I'll go back and make arrangements now, and when it gets dark, we will attack together!"

The outside of the lost planet is far away from the star, and the sun is not enough, and the surface temperature is also very low. The maximum temperature of the sun surface illuminated by the "daytime" stars is minus thirty or forty degrees Celsius, which means that the temperature of the shadow surface during the "night" can drop to more than minus 100 degrees Celsius. However, the temperature of the "inner world" is very suitable for survival, and the brightness of the sky dome crystal wall in the inner world will adjust the brightness and darkness according to the rotation of the lost planet, resulting in a change similar to day and night.

In addition to their unexpected "intruders", there are many creatures in the inner world itself.

After months of confrontation, hunting, and experimentation, they have a general understanding of common creatures.

What can be eaten, what cannot be eaten, what parts are poisonous, and what parts are delicious.

The crystal wall of the sky dome is as bright as the breathing of a creature, and the brightness gradually decreases, two-thirds lower than during the day.

And when the brightness decreases, some strange things are happening.

Some milky-white sacs hung on the canopy of huge trees, filled with a layer of soft light, like a spotlight on the stage of a drama, dispelling darkness and illuminating the ground.

In the woods, a group of people gathered in the bushes, showing only half of their heads and one pair of eyes, their eyes fixed on the dark cave not far away.

Although I couldn't see the situation in the cave clearly, a terrifying aura kept coming out of the cave, and danger could be smelled in the air.

One man bent his waist and crept through the jungle, and in a moment he was close to the cave.

The people hiding in the ambush in the distance all held their breath and their eyes flickered.

The monsters in the cave are powerful, and their shape and ability are unprecedented. The person who is responsible for seducing is the one with the fastest foot in them, who is good at hiding and restraining the breath. Even so, they couldn't be sure whether they had concealed the enemy's keen sense of smell.

The seduced member arrived at the designated location, and then slowly removed the cylindrical tool behind it.

Opening the tarpaulin packaging, it was an RPG rocket launcher with aiming and locking function.

With the loading of a missile completed, pull the trigger


A high-pitched air-breaking sound was emitted from the rocket launcher. At almost the same time, a pair of dark green eyes opened in the dark cave, making everyone present chill.


With a loud roar, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, the aura shock made everyone in ambush panic.

If this kind of monster is not eliminated for a day, they have trouble sleeping and eating!

The bazooka dragged a trail into the cave. UU Reading

In the next second, there was an explosion, and fire light rolled out from the hole, and the entire forest vibrated.

Everyone half stood up subconsciously, their eyes fixed on the cave, their hearts raised their throats.

The damage of this special rocket launcher is unparalleled, and special effects runes are also added to the outer shell. It can be said that they can come up with the strongest mobile fire weapon at present.

Thick smoke of gunpowder exploded from the cave, and everyone in the ambush couldn't help swallowing their saliva: "Should... it worked?"

Just without waiting for an answer, a more fierce and daring roar raged, and a light figure filed out over the thick smoke.

The faint green eyes, the whole body of translucent crystal body structure-giant tiger!

When the tiger descends the mountain, the mortal makes a change.

Jinghu was unscathed, staring at the person carrying the rocket launcher on his shoulder. Under the aura of awe, the person responsible for the seduction trembled with his legs, his brain was blank, and he even forgot to escape.