Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 788

Chapter 788

"Head of State, we are about to reach the Lost Planet. Do you want to stop the enemy from above, and then go down after completing the detection and scanning?" Helen threw the drone control authority to Yazhizi, and began to control the spacecraft into the low-Earth orbit above the target planet.

But Link waved his hand, pointed at a large crater on the planet, and said: "Seeing that the crater is not there, order all the weapons to fire directly and hit them directly."

Helen hurriedly took off the holographic helmet, with a look of surprise: "Directly... hit it?"

With all firepower on attacking a crater, Helen couldn't understand this operation.

Moreover, the pirate ship has to crash into it and accelerate all the way down from the perigee. The lost planet has no atmosphere yet, and there is no such thing as frictional resistance, and the acceleration will only be more exaggerated. Rushing at this speed, there is no second possibility other than crashing and destroying the body.

"Yes, hit it directly."

Seeing the Fhrer's tone is undoubtedly, he is not joking, Helen is simply distracted, the engine power is adjusted to the maximum, and the strong thrust allows the Viking to break free from the restraint of the planet's gravity and quickly rush towards the lost planet.

Following the allied ships behind, seeing the Viking wanted to land, his face couldn't help showing joy.

"It must be that they have insufficient energy, and they are ready to land and fight with us. They catch up, and then the firepower is suppressed, and they are not given a chance to fight back!"

The faces of several captains showed greed.

There is still a glimmer of hope for fighting in the universe, but once you land, you will be faced with a continuous bombardment of six warships of different sizes.

What's more, this planet does not have any atmosphere, and the ground temperature is also low. Even the surface rock elements are the most common types in the universe, and they can't even stimulate the desire to collect. Such a planet is most suitable for destroying corpses.

Such a lost planet with no collection value suddenly ushered in so many guests, and it was very lively for a while.

The speed of the Viking is extremely fast. All the artillery and energy cannon muzzles are concentrated in the ground crater, and countless bullets are connected in the air like a light spot, and they fall in the center of the crater.

Ammunition and firepower are like clay cows entering the sea, there is no dust and debris, and there is no splashing picture of the shell, let alone the shock wave of the explosion. All these weird scenes completely violated common sense. Helen patted the console with both hands, and suddenly stood up from his seat excitedly: "What's the situation!?"

The firepower of these weapons was developed and installed by Helen himself, and no one knows the effect better than Helen.

The Viking, coupled with the firepower of the Martyrs unmanned assault aircraft formation, is not a problem to directly penetrate the armor of a small ship, but it hits the crater without any response.

Oh, it was not unresponsive. When the holographic screen zoomed in on the ground, Helen clearly saw that all the bullets had fallen into the crater.

"This..." Helen glanced at the outside temperature. According to the analysis of the map, the surface temperature of the Lost Planet was minus 60 degrees Celsius. The crater ground at this temperature should be frozen hard. Moreover, the center under the crater is the place where the pressure is greatest when it is formed. It should be that the geology is the hardest, so that it will not penetrate directly with a few rounds of ammunition.

Just when Helen couldn't understand what was happening, Link put his hands in his chest and issued clear orders.

"The Martyr unmanned assault aircraft was recovered, the spacecraft began to slow down, and the reverse propulsion was activated as soon as it entered the center of the crater..."

Helen knew that the head of state came from afar to perform the mission, there must be something unusual here. With his little brain and the information he has, everything is a mess now, so it's better to follow the instructions of the head of state, and you will definitely answer questions later.

The chaos following behind like a hyena was anxious when seeing the spacecraft speeding up and fleeing to the ground. A carelessness in this situation will cause ship destruction and death, so they won't get any rewards for nothing in this action. But at this moment, the Viking ship started to decelerate, and the mast with the energy sail was also reversed, assuming a decelerating posture, and the hanging heart finally fell.

"I'll just say, I wouldn't be so strong that I would destroy myself without making any resistance, and it would definitely slow down." The captain is confident that he is already thinking about the gains after the Pirate is divided.

All the firepower of the six ships has been locked on the Viking, and at the same time, the speed has also slowed down. It is a visual sense of great power to directly smash the Viking with firepower.

But without waiting for them to fire first, the Viking slammed into the center of the crater.

In the next second, an unbelievable thing happened. The pirate ship seemed to be involved in a gray quicksand, half of its body was inserted directly into the center of the crater, and then the dead sand pile began to sink, as if a bloodbath took the Viking directly. Swallow.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire Viking ship was completely submerged in the center of the crater, and only the vortex-forming quicksand in the center of the crater proved that what was just now was true.

The scene before him directly stared at the chaotic faction who was chasing after him. It was haunted, and the pirate ship suddenly disappeared.

"What should I do now?" The captains of the six forces established public communications, with caution and regret written on their faces at this moment.

They never knew that there was such a change in the crater of this lost planet.

Now that the Viking has completely "sinked" and disappeared, they must make the next decision.

No one knows what is going on inside the quicksand of the crater, and whether or not to venture in has become a top priority for the captain.

"They are all chasing here. If you don't go in, this trip will have no success."

"As far as I know, your four small ships don't have enough fuel to go back, right? If you don't earn points, you will enjoy them in the cold universe when you return." The boss of the medium ship said on the public voice channel. .

The gate of life was squeezed, and the bosses of the four small ships were extremely gloomy. After a while, he said: "After the incident, you two medium ships have three copies each, and our small ships will take one each. The only request is to provide us. Energy for the return journey. Otherwise, we will not be able to go back, and we must find a way to keep you here."

Before taking the Viking, a crack had appeared within the fragile alliance.

The head of the medium-sized ship raised his mouth, and he knew the truth that he would live and die if he cooperated. He said this deliberately just to share some more benefits. No, if you move your lips, you will get an extra profit, so that you don't have to wait and tear your skin.

"Since everyone has no objection to the distribution of benefits, let's go in and see what is going on inside this lost planet."

During the conversation, the six ships detected meteorite quicksand to varying degrees, but all the detection signals came to an abrupt halt on the ground, and the situation underneath the crater was completely undetectable, as if the appearance of the planet had formed. A protective film, the real situation under the protective film is completely isolated.

Choosing the chaotic faction means that in the days of licking blood, where is the benefit without risk?

The six ships sailed into the quicksand of the crater one by one, and the picture in front of them suddenly fell into darkness, but at the end of the field of vision, a beam of light could be seen, and it was getting brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, when the ship broke through the quicksand and completely exposed its head, the picture in front of them made everyone dull.

Inside the icy shell of the planet, there is actually a paradise hidden away.

The ground is covered with lush shrubs, and there are tall snow-covered peaks at the same time.

There are large birds flying in groups in the sky, with wingspans as large as three or four meters, and the entire planet is like a new world.

And the sky behind them is a kind of extremely bright spar, shining the "sky" brightly.

"I never thought that there would be a new world inside the bare planet!" The Boss of the Windbreaker said with a stunned voice.

"Hello? What's the situation inside, what did you see?" The subsequent ships are still in the passage, and you can't see the situation outside. They just listened to the voice in the public channel, and the people behind were very curious about the situation in front.

The Boss of Pofeng said slowly: "You will know right away."

The Breaking Wind continued to descend, but the Viking was completely invisible in front of her eyes. This goal seemed to have never appeared before.

In the next second, the monitoring value on the dashboard of the Pokaze rose suddenly, and the strong magnetic field that appeared on the ground seemed to be an invisible big hand, pulling the Pokaze straight down, and the entire ship lost its balance in an instant. It fell like a fake wine.

Other ships filed out in the passage behind him, and at first glance was attracted by the splendid and strange sight of the underground world.

But soon they saw the broken wind horn that was damaged by a strong magnetic field and fell irregularly.

Before they can reflect, this strong attraction is working again, and they want to take their ship into their arms and have an intimate contact.

All indicators on the console were abnormal, and the warning lights in the hull were on. When the ship was re-operated due to too many malfunctions, many instruments were interfered with by strong magnetic fields and failed. The spacecraft had completely lost control, and all of them were covered in the footsteps of the Broken Wind. .

The only medium-sized ship has more advanced procedures, early warning of strong magnetic signals, full power and full load reverse power of the spacecraft, and a tug-of-war with the strong magnetic field on the ground.

The jet of the spacecraft vented its energy wildly, and the powerful thrust produced was wrestling with the strong magnetic field on the ground.

But even so, there was no change in the height of the spacecraft, and it was deadlocked.

"Slowly adjust the direction of the body, twist the bow and stern of the ship and then push it at full load." The leader of the power is also a ship acquaintance, knowing that the hull is head down, the propeller is advancing backwards and forming an angle with the spacecraft, and a part of the power generated will be wasted. . Now you can maintain your balance, as long as you reverse the direction and rely on full thrust, you can smoothly escape the danger.

The ship reversed direction carefully, and the tail and flanking engines followed the direction of the vector change.

When the ship completely reversed its direction, everyone on the ship sighed. Before the captain ordered the jet to move forward at full speed, through the cockpit of the ship's head, the faces of several people in the cockpit changed wildly, as if watching There is something terrible.

I saw that beside the quicksand entrance, numerous claws protruded from the Viking to shoot into the crystals of the sky screen, dumping the entire ship to the top, in order to overcome the strong magnetic field on the ground.

At this moment, many of the pirate's muzzles all aimed at their ships.

A chill came from the tail vertebrae to the top of the head.

In the next second, the Viking's firepower poured on the hull like a pouring rain. The hull was violently attacked. The flames were everywhere, and the armor made a crackling sound. It's almost like melted chocolate, with festering and perforations.

"Quick! Dodge the attack!" The captain's eyes were splitting, and he didn't expect the opponent to hide here. Now the ship is damaged in many places and has to fight against the strong magnetic field. Once the engine is hit, they will fall and be buried with others.

The only solution for the present is to avoid the Viking's attack first, and then learn how to find a canopy claw to lock the hull, and then consider the next step.

Just as the captain gave the order, the cabin door of the Pirate above slowly opened, and then a man in combat uniform appeared on the deck.

Several people recognized at a glance that this person was Link, the owner of the mechanical fortress of the super large aircraft. The man who walked out of the great dock under the eyes of the public.

A bad premonition came to my heart, and a strong doubt lingered.

What is he going to do!

Link stood on the deck, there was a strong turbulence high in the sky, but his feet seemed to be rooted on the deck, motionless.

The scepter in his hand exudes a strange light, as Link lifts the scepter to point at the ship, the black scepter forms a [king space] invisibly, wrapping the head of the ship.

Suddenly a strong suppressing and obstructive effect blocked the ship, and the balance between the ship's propulsion and the strong magnetic field was broken. The entire ship seemed to be pushed horizontally by a heavy object. The balance gradually deflected toward the ground, and the ship retreated in midair.

"What happened? Why did the spacecraft go backwards!"

For a while, a panic aura flowed in the ship.

"Boss, the head of the spacecraft is limited by the force field squeeze, we can't adjust our head, nor can we turn its direction!"

Only with the pressure of Link's king space, the result of this tug-of-war has been settled. No matter how hard the ship struggles, it runs at full capacity, and after being captured by a strong magnetic field, the result will only continue to decline.

"Damn, fire a cannon! Fire Laozi! Blast this guy to death!" The captain said angrily.

But after all the muzzles were turned, UU reading left them only with Link waving goodbye and the sight of the deck hatch gradually closing.

The artillery fire from both sides blasted each other, but the medium-sized ship had already been hit by a wave before that. Soon the outer body armor fell off and fell rapidly. A series of ammunition shot out from the muzzle, drawing a path of regret in the air. Gradually shrinking.

The entire underground space of the Lost Planet returned to quiet again.

"Head of State, can you tell me what's going on here now?" Helen had small stars in his eyes. Who would have thought that there is still a space inside the Lost Planet, and there is such an exaggerated strong magnetic field that even a medium-sized ship can't Spared.

Had it not been for the head of state's reminder in advance, I am afraid that Helen would also be sucked in by the strong magnetic field while driving the Viking.

Lin Ke smiled slightly and said, "Don't panic, it's time for a foreigner to hold back for so long, and I will tell you slowly after we get down."

P.S: Qi Peijia and Lao Qi's new book has come out, "Astral Apostle". After reading three chapters, it is still a familiar taste, everyone, go and collect it~