Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 787

Chapter 787

The mooring port of the mechanical fortress slowly opened, and the Viking sailed out of it.

Not long after the news of the advanced civilization's arrival at the port calmed down, now a Viking ship sailing out of the mechanical fort has once again attracted people's attention.

People in the dock have speculated about the purpose of the ship leaving the pirate ship.

The signal tower at the Yuanda Dock port also discovered this situation, and when it was replaced by other ships entering the port, the signal tower had already issued a warning. But this transformed pirate ship came out of the mechanical fortress, and they didn't dare to shout about the advanced civilization, so they had to report the news to the person in charge, Joe immediately.

When Joe learned of the situation, his face was puzzled again.

Why did this leave after a while? Although the mechanical fortress is still here, one of the pirate ships has left the port. I don't know if there is anything hidden in it. Looking at the information obtained by his subordinates, Link and some of the backbones also returned. Even the group of low-level combat crews who had never seen the world, many returned to the mechanical fortress, and only a few came out again.

The huge dock built by the power of the whole star system in Santa Sula is so low in attractiveness? Not worth a glass of malt beer?

Joe couldn't help but be suspicious.

But after thinking about it, Joe couldn't help but feel the fluid between his lips and teeth. It seems that he hasn't drunk malt beer for a while. Why don't you go to the barkeeper Graves today to tell the old story? It was such a happy decision!

Joe issued an order to his opponent: "You don't have to stop, just let the opponent go."

Joe did not arrange for the ship to follow. After all, in the Yuanda dock, surveillance is a legal act. No one knows what the consequences will be once the opponent is angered.

Corsairs have sufficient firepower, but they are basically the most common firepower weapons in the universe.

Although Santa Sula officials will not send ships to follow, it doesn't mean that others will have no ideas.

After seeing the mechanical fortress of super large aircraft, many people became interested in it. Now the mechanical fortress is docked in the Yuanda Dock, but the pirate ship inside is heading to the Xinghai Sea, which has aroused a lot of interest among speculators and curious people, wanting to see what the other party wants to do.

Shortly after the pirate ship left the Yuanda dock at the forefoot, several small and medium-sized ships quietly left the port for reasons.

Mechanical fortress, laboratory porthole, Max looked at the ships leaving in the direction of the pirate ship, a trace of worry appeared between his eyebrows.

"On this mission, the head of state only drives a pirate ship, and the firepower is severely insufficient. If there is any interstellar conflict, I am afraid that it will not be beneficial."

Dave on the side put his hands in his chest, chuckled lightly, and patted Max on the shoulder: "This is the wisdom of the Fhrer. If it is the mechanical fortress directly, do you think someone will follow?"

Max frowned, then shook his head.

Although the mechanical fortress is huge in size and not much firepower, it can shock people greatly only in terms of scale, and can even use mass and speed to impact enemy ships. Therefore, if you drive the mechanical fortress to go out, you will definitely break many people's minds.

But the Viking number is different.

The Viking is essentially a modified version of the pirate ship. The pirate ship of the interstellar predator pursues two points, one is speed, and the other is firepower.

Speed Shanghai Lun has improved the Viking engine and added a secondary engine that extracts the energy of the Violet Stone.

In terms of firepower, she used all the advanced knowledge of the mechanical system she had learned, and she had all kinds of weapons, far surpassing the ships of ordinary interstellar predators.

So some chaotic forces chose to set sail with the Viking, ready to follow up to see if it could be profitable.

These chaotic forces are like scavenging crows or swarms of hyenas on the grassland, following behind the pirate ship, staring at each other.

If the Viking shows power beyond their level, then they just follow and see what Viking will do. Maybe they can eat some leftovers when they finish. Or when the Viking can't show the high level of civilization that everyone thinks, they don't mind ganging up and attacking it and "divide the Viking".

Through Dave's words, Max knew that this action was deliberately done by the head of state, but he still didn't understand that even if it was to lure these people into action, it had to be strong enough. In the battle of spaceships, personal abilities are minimized, and personal strength cannot determine the outcome of an interstellar battle.

The nine-stripe dragon can only be transformed into a black throne with the mechanical fortress.

Faced with a ship that has doubled its own, the Viking's situation is not optimistic.

The corner of Dave's mouth raised slightly: "Achievement is leading the way, and there is also a strange soldier hidden in the Viking. On the contrary, I am worried that these chaotics are too cautious and dare not do it, then we will lose a chance of earning income! "

Dave and Link's eyes had been afflicted for a long time, and they turned out to be a little black.

When Link came back to mobilize resources, Dave understood the Fhrer's plan.

The head of state never fights unprepared battles, even if it is to make money, he must be prepared with both hands.

One hand is Graves' request, and you can get rich rewards after completion;

The other hand is to attract the chaotic factions in the Yuanda Wharf. Once the opponent takes the initiative, he will have unlimited right to counterattack and defend himself. When the time comes, a missed defense will be too much, and by the way, the opponent's spoils will be collected.

After all, he is a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, how can he take the initiative?

But how can it be wasted in the face of good-hearted people who send it to the door?

The planetary coordinates of the Graves mission have been given to Link by Graves. Although Link had known the specific location before, in order for the system to trigger the task, Graves had to say it himself.

The location of the wrecked planet is not remote, it is a lost planet on the edge of another galaxy bordering Santa Sula.

Originally, Sarah planned to take her people to rest here for a while to supply supplies, and even sent a message to Graves after landing, saying that she would arrive in two days.

But Graves waited for two days without waiting for any news from Sarah, and lost all the whereabouts of the tribe.

After that, they secretly arranged acquaintances to rescue them, but there was no news.

The whole thing was strange, and Graves had also secretly investigated the lost planet, but found nothing. The data clearly states that the planet has no traces of life and is covered by a thick layer of rock. Because it is far away from the star, there is not much sunlight on the surface, and the entire planet is lifeless and lifeless.

On such a planet, three groups of people disappeared one after another, and everything was strange.

This incident almost became a boulder in Graves's heart. He couldn't leave, he could only use wine to pour his sorrows, utterly confused, until Link came...

On the Viking.

Because of the brisk setting of the Viking, Helen moved forward at full speed after leaving the Great Dock.

Only not long after leaving, Helen's expression became serious: "Head of State, there are six ships behind us. We have been following us since we came out of the Yuanda dock. According to preliminary detection, four small ships and two medium-sized ships."

Link raised his brows slightly, and seemed extremely dissatisfied with the incident.

"How come there are only six ships, didn't the others follow?"

There are four small ships and two medium-sized ships. You don't need to think about it to know that there is no stock.

Before killing the interstellar predators, he made a small deposit of one million cosmic coins.

This time, the six ships, it is estimated that the full play is less than half of the last time, which made Link very disappointed.

It stands to reason that this wave of fishing should be very successful. Is the timing wrong? Or is it said that the appearance of the super large aircraft was too shocking and persuaded a wave of people?

In the previous life, in addition to normal trade in the Yuanda Dockyard, many chaotic forces chose to watch here.

If you start in the Santa Sula star system, you will be hit by the thunder of Santa Sula, so as long as you enter the star system, everyone is very restrained.

But once they left Saint Sula, the Chaos faction forces began to challenge things and set off a battle of knowledge and resources.

Of course, in the eyes of the cosmic races, this can only be regarded as a competition for resources, and the weak will eat the strong, and they will usually not intervene too much in this kind of event.

After all, civilization must be developed. Whether it is the order or chaos, their goal is to make themselves stronger.

Obey the laws of nature and survive the fittest.

Link was extremely disappointed by the six eye-catching "hyenas" following the Viking now.

These six hyenas, even if they shave off the flesh from their bones, they probably don't add up to two or two.

"Continue to sail as originally planned and wait until the Lost Planet to greet them."

"Yes!" Helen obeyed Link's order and continued to keep her course.

No way, since these six hyenas are not very good, Link has to make a fortune from other aspects, and it might be a good choice to take their ships directly. With the capacity of the mechanical fortress, it can also accommodate another medium-sized ship and four to five small ships, and the remaining ships can be sold back for a small amount of money at a low price.

And this plan, after the Lost Planet alternates, can easily succeed.

The Viking itself is a speedy ship, which has become more swift after Helen's transformation.

After a day's flight, the Viking has left the range of the Santa Sula star system.

Through the porthole, you can see that the star in the center of Santa Sula is only the size of a pigeon egg.

By this time, some of the ships trailing behind could no longer contain their excitement.

Brokaze, a small ship.

"Boss, the speed of the pirate ship on Dog Day is too fast, and our fuel is about to last." A crew member said eagerly.

The captain of the Breaking Wind also showed struggling on his face, and after following, they didn't even have enough energy to go back.

If they don't make a move, they will be a pure loss, and this trip will be completely negative.

Captain Cyclops skipped a decisiveness in his only eye. He couldn't wait for others to do it first. He was the one who couldn't hold it first, and he had to start it.

"Overload, accelerate to catch up and attack directly!"

With the order from the captain of the Cyclops, the speed of the Houfeng increased, and the brightness of the energy beam jetted by the tail engine was raised by a notch.

When other forces saw that a ship could not be restrained and dispatched, they immediately became emboldened and followed closely.

The Asoko, who led the pilot in the front, immediately sensed the incoming signal from the rear and transmitted the information to the Viking main control room.

"Head of State, they finally acted!" Helen's tone was very excited, her eyes bright.

After all, only if they take the initiative to attack, Helen will have the opportunity to try the Viking firepower and new hole cards.

Link's hand was placed on Helen's shoulder: "Don't worry, you will be able to reach the Lost Planet in half a day. If you have to fight back, then pick up non-key parts and try to preserve their sailing ability as much as possible."

Helen pursed her pink lips, pursed her small face, and looked regretful: "Well then, I will try my best..."

At the edge of the desert-like galaxy, a thrilling pursuit is being staged at this moment. The Viking's backup power is activated, the blue tail flame is increased, and the length is extended, and purple energy appears from it, which is the color of the energy dissolution of the violet stone.

The speed of the Viking has increased again, and the time required to reach the destination on the dashboard has also been shortened a lot.

Yazhizi reminded that the Viking had been locked by three ships, and the distance was gradually getting closer.

Link glanced at Helen, and finally let go: "Helen, it's up to you to act now."

Helen nodded immediately, and then attached a holographic hood to her head.

"Achiko, fusiform offensive tactics."

Soon the hatch of the Corsair ship opened, and martyrs unmanned assault aircraft filed out, quickly forming an offensive queue, going backwards towards the enemy in the rear, and firing.

Helen's holographic hood can directly access his own consciousness, and control the Martyr Unmanned Assault Aircraft from both the overall and micro aspects.

The Martyr Unmanned Assault Aircraft built by Helen is basically the top unmanned aerial vehicle under current knowledge. The connection and control have also taken a lot of effort, and the subsophon transmits signals with sensitivity and delay in the millisecond level.

The emergence of flexible drone formations disrupted the subsequent chaos plan.

The formation artillery fire instantly disrupted the advancement of the subsequent ships, and the artillery fire sprinkled on the Pokaze like rain, leaving a lot of bullet marks. In just one round of firing, many of the armor of the Breakwind broke, and even the central control system issued a warning that some parts had been severely damaged. Although the Breaking Wind retaliated, the unmanned assault aircraft formation was responsive and easily avoided all attacks.

"Boss, UU reading, can we still chase it? If we chase after the lack of fuel, we still face the risk of ship damage..."

The blue veins on the forehead of Captain Cyclops violently, he said in a blast: "Chasing! Now everyone is driven, kill this drone formation, you can successfully encircle and suppress, as long as some profits are divided, this loss can be completely compensated. Give me access to others. The signals of several ships, I want to talk to them..."

After a brief contact, the six ships finally agreed to form an alliance and divide the benefits after eating the Viking.

Together you will live, and you will die if you divide.

Facing the enemy's rapid and flexible drone formations, there is only a way out if they unite. No one wants to attack himself and get a knife in the back.

In this situation, the lost planet in the distance soon appeared in front of everyone.

At first glance, you can clearly see the planet's surface, hard rocks and ice, and barrenness.

This also shows that there is no such thing as an atmosphere on this planet.