Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 695

Chapter 695

Everyone present was stunned to see this scene.

The Alien Legion watched its commander "embricate the red flag on the spot", turned to change, and even killed terrorist tacticians as a token of loyalty. Their inner beliefs collapsed in an instant, and their fighting spirit and beliefs completely collapsed.

Pandora's NPCs and players saw the war envoy who had just been swaggering and controlling the thunder and lightning on the battlefield prostrate and kneeled in front of Link. The three views of the whole person were greatly impacted, as if there was a big and hard one. The things that rudely pierced the cognitions and attempts they had formed in the past.

They were injured, bleeding, and stinging.

The war ambassador who had killed them just now, because he was afraid of Link's strength, he fell to the ground without saying anything, and even fought his own NPC.

And looking at Link's expression, it seemed quite moved.

After swiping a large swath of the stick, King Kong suddenly appeared beside Link, with a Buddha seal on both hands, and his mouth was eloquent: "Amitabha Buddha, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha, this benefactor has great wisdom~"

Even the members of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army were extremely surprised, so did this war envoy surrender?

"Head of State, don't believe him, he must have surrendered! Leaving him in the mechanical fortress is dangerous!" At this moment, Helen's voice rang in Link's ears. Helen and Dave controlled the pirate ship and the transport ship to arrive in time.

Link heard Helen's hurried voice and looked at everyone on the court with doubts and incredible gazes, a plan could not help but come into being. After all, the battle with the alien has entered the stage of endless death. As long as the situation of Victoria is dealt with, the alien's strength will be greatly damaged. Whether it is Link or the First Order, it will definitely not let go of this good opportunity.

The war ambassador walked towards Link holding the heart of the terrorist tactician, and then knelt in front of Link: "My supreme lord, I am willing to abandon my previous identity and be your running dog. From now on, I will not share the sky with the alien army. , Use this as proof!"

Everything on the battlefield seemed to have been pressed the mute button at this moment, and everyone was waiting for Link's answer.

Link raised the corners of his mouth, and slightly raised the knees of the war envoy with the force field scepter: "It would be great to be able to change your mind, but in order to ensure the authenticity of your refuge, we have to conduct a series of audits on you. I think you It is sincere to vote, so there will be no opinions, right?"

The tip of the war messenger's nose moved slightly, but the matter was already overwhelming. He could only look for opportunities while walking, and perhaps there was still a glimmer of life.

"Subordinates certainly won't have any doubts." After the war messenger finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to forcibly pull the core of the imprint out of his body. The green fel lightning and black lightning interlaced all over his body, looking extremely hideous and terrifying.

After a while, the violent wind and energy in the air suddenly ceased, and the war messenger degenerated into a terrorist tactician, and the power of the advanced war messenger injected by the alien star was stored in the dark green crystal cluster, and was held by the war messenger's hands. Bong came to Link. It also used this to prove that it had no different minds with Link, and was even willing to retreat from strength to show its innocence.

Everyone present was completely stunned to see this scene.

This can no longer be described by the domineering spirit. When Link took action, even the war envoys of the alien army had to surrender. All this happened too suddenly.

"Since you want to join the wasteland so urgently, then I will accept your loyalty." Link took over the core of the imprint and felt a powerful energy inside.

Seeing Link agreeing to join the war envoy, Helen and others showed complicated expressions on their faces.

The head of state is raising tigers for trouble. Terrorist tacticians are good at manipulating people's minds and tactics, and they may know what bad water is brewing in their stomach. After entering the mechanical fortress, you must be careful every step of the way. When discussing any plan, pay attention to the ears on the partition wall.

Antonidas and Gamesh sighed equally.

The war messenger, who caused irreparable trauma to Pandora and almost wiped them out, surrendered to Link, and Link accepted the obedience of the other party. This means that even if they have a greater heart for the war messenger. Hatred, there is no chance to avenge the hatred.

And even they can feel that the war envoy's surrender is not very sincere, and it can even be said that it is necessary to survive. Wouldn't it be possible that such a powerful enemy stayed by his side?

They are puzzled.

Link looked at the war ambassador who had degenerated into a terrorist tactician. He took the Voice Worm from his ears, handed it to the war ambassador, and asked, "What is your name?"

The horror tactician respectfully took the strange-looking Voice Worm with both hands, and his voice was deliberately lowered, with a humble tone: "Abaddon, your most loyal servant in the future."

Link was delighted to hear it, and he was the most loyal servant. This little vocabulary was used, and it seems that the Macaw and the Dimensional Code will soon usher in a rival.

Moreover, this person claimed to be Abaddon, and Link couldn't help but once again focused on the horror tactician who was kneeling in front of him.

This war messenger is not an unknown person in Alien.

You remember that in the mid to late 2.0 version of the previous life, players collectively entered the universe with the help of the First Order and began to jointly launch attacks on alien stars. The first thing the players faced was Abuza, the deputy of the Alien Legion. After killing Abuza, they killed Commander Yegesh in one go. But after that, Thanos elected a war messenger to take over the job of Yegesh and become the new commander of the alien army. This person is Abaddon.

Although Abaddon's reign was not long, it was only two months according to the player's full game time, but in these two months Abaddon caused a lot of trouble to the players, and launched a "surprise attack on the Zi Meridian Valley" on the first order. In a frontal attack with the players and the first order coalition forces, Thanos was arranged to attract all the forces of the Vatican galaxy, and he secretly led the team to attack Mustafa, the mother star of the first order. Fortunately, Qunxinggang's The captain of the gendarmerie was on holiday in Mustafa, and commanded the defense of the troops at the moment of danger. Only then did they carry the front troops to end the battle and wipe out all the surprise attacks on the alien army. The captain of the military police, also as an important plot task, led to the Morwall galaxy cluster and the big map of Starport.

These are all things to follow. To put it simply, Abaddon is courageous and strategic. If it weren't for the bad luck to meet the important node NPC, I'm afraid it's not the "surprise attack on the Ziwu Valley" plan that will make him successful. At that time, the home planet of the First Order will fall, and the frontal forces will definitely be defeated, and the victory of the first order and the alien planet will be completely reversed.

If you have to rank an alien army leaderboard.

Then the first must be the alien leader Thanos, the second is Shadow Demon Safron, and players will have different opinions from the third onwards. There was a dispute between Yegesh and Abaddon, and it was the adjutant Abuzha in the end. It can be seen that Abaddon caused the "real damage" to the player and its status in the player's mind.

Such a scheming war envoy pretended to surrender, and Link only felt that the future direction became more and more interesting.

"Then my loyal servant Abaddon, now the command of the entire battlefield will be given to you." Link motioned to Abaddon to put on the Voice Worm.

As soon as Abaddon put on the sound speaker, Helen's yelling voice rang out from inside: "Fhrer, you must not believe him, this person definitely has another plan!"

Abaddon was stagnant, but it became clear after a moment. He blatantly turned against him on the battlefield, and there is no way that all idiots on the wasteland are possible, so you can believe it if you just watch yourself play it casually. However, "True Gold" is not afraid of fire, as long as they continue to perform, they will definitely relax their vigilance.

Just now...

Abaddon got up and glanced at the alien army on the battlefield.

Since you are all going to die today, then make more contributions before you die. In the future, the wasteland will be disintegrated, and today the Legion is a hero model of aliens!

A trace of determination and determination flashed across Abaddon's eyes, and then he gave his first order after retiring: "No matter what you kill, don't keep one!"

When listening to the former leader standing in the enemy camp giving orders, the alien army felt a sense of absurdity and helplessness with nowhere to speak, and even some confusion. The fighting spirit dissipated, and the entire legion had almost no will to fight, and was quickly wiped out in the wasteland expeditionary army's ravenous attack.

When looking at the corpse of the Alien Army, Abaddon's heart and soul were taken away, and his strength was so weak that he could not stand firmly.

There were only a few hundred shadow dogs left on the entire battlefield, surrounded by various mummies and undead.

At a glance, Abaddon saw a gray-skinned Shadow Hound among the Shadow Dogs, using the shadow dance he released to mislead the rest of the Shadow Dogs, making them obediently follow each other's instructions. Even if they are now besieged by hordes of enemies, these shadow dogs have not released any hostility.

And the next step is to transform these shadow dogs one by one into zombie shadow dogs and bandage mummy shadow dogs...

The wasteland has mastered this transformation ability, which means that in every battle in the future, the shadow dogs bred on alien planets will be reduced to

"You did a good job. You are not suitable for the next occasion. You can go back and slow down."

Link appeared behind Abaddon at the right time. Abaddon knew that the wasteland and Pandora would be celebrated next. At the same time, he also understood that his identity as a freak would definitely spark heated discussions again, and it would become a whirlpool of public opinion. center.

Abaddon nodded, and in the next second, a golden light shot from the mechanical fortress and enveloped Abaddon, and Abaddon, who had to degenerate into a terrorist tactician, disappeared on the battlefield.

Link continued to command: "Penny, arrange for foreigners and expeditionary forces to clean the battlefield, count the dead and injured members. Helen, the pirate ship and the transport ship return to the mothership. The nine-stripe dragon, exit the black throne state..."

With each order issued, the Wasteland Expeditionary Army is in order.

Link glanced at the battlefield, then narrowed his eyes slightly to enter the spiritual network.

Administrator Link: Lao Jin, you slipped away with Yinshou without saying a word? Not kind! I originally wanted to introduce you to Abaddon, the newly recruited war envoy. You said this man, he would kneel down when they meet, and say what my most loyal servant is, and also hand in the core of the imprint that contains the war envoy's abilities. Give it to me, you said this... what a shame!

Group owner Lao Jin:! !

Group leader Lao Jin: I didn't leave, Yinshou and I just went to the distance to see if there are any fish slipping through the net, and we will be back now!

Link withdrew from the spiritual network.

Sample, this won't cure you both.

On the other side, after the macaw withdrew from the mental network, it suddenly stopped.

The silver hand, panting with excitement, asked curiously: "What's wrong, why didn't you leave suddenly? If you don't leave, Link will find out, we won't have a chance to play in Pandora."

The macaw looked at Silver and was not lucky enough: "Play and play, you know that you are playing, your home is about to be stolen, you still have the mood to play!"

Yinshou looked innocent and felt wronged at the same time. I don't know why the Macaw's attitude changed suddenly. Obviously it was on the battlefield that it said that it would come out to play and appreciate Pandora's great rivers and mountains. In less than five minutes, the attitude took a 180-degree turn.

"What's going on, tell me more~" Yinshou suddenly smelled a smell of gossip, and the two of them got used to playing and making trouble. As for the words the macaw just said, even the skin of Yinshou couldn't be pierced, let alone Said it broke the defense.

The macaw took the silver hand and walked back. As he walked, he said, "The war ambassador of the dog day has turned towards Link!"

"That's it? Didn't we surrender when we were on the battlefield? It was also at this time that the alien legion had no intention to fight, so we two sneaked out and planned to go back in a few days." Yinshou puzzled. What anxious to go back.

The macaw's eyebrows are a little more anxious: "It's just that the messenger of war and the dimensional code are all the same. They are crazy to offer Link, and what is Link's most loyal servant, and this cub actually still treats himself The core of the imprint condensed by strength was given to Link as a sign of sincerity, and he directly degenerated into a terrorist tactician."

Yinshou heard this, his hair burst suddenly, his expression suddenly serious.

"My day! This cub's lick is really thorough enough, and it's no lower limit than you and the Dimensional Codex. If you let this guy lick to the top, then we won't have a good life!"

Yinshou realized the seriousness of the matter. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

The Dimensional Code is still a book, but the terrorist tactician is different.

Hearing this name, he also knows that his heart for playing tactics is dirty. This guy licks Link, and he still has a lot of alien secrets in his hand to be a bargaining chip. It is easier to get Link's favor than he and the macaw who are both worried.

The thing between them and the dimensional code is called Bichai.

Now suddenly there is a "top student", then this game is no longer available!

One person, one bird, and the whip quickly, rushed back to the battlefield in no time.

There is no need to arrange work. At this moment, his eyes are full, and he is devoted to handling various matters after the war. What he does is called diligence, as if he wants to release all the forces that have not been used on the battlefield.

As the host, Antonidas was a bit embarrassed at the moment.

Link easily took over the right to speak, and began to signal commands and instructions after the war, but these natives, at this moment, looked like outsiders.