Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 694

Chapter 694

Link looked at the messenger of the war, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

He remembered that the war envoy had a lot of blood. He just wanted to try the damage caused by the death finger at the current lucky value. He didn't expect that his face was so good, so he would bet a critical strike and give the war envoy. take away.

Equipped with force field scepter, Link has 150 lucky points.

According to the damage mechanism of the finger of death, 4000+ (150x100) points of chaos damage are caused to the target, which is 19,000 damage. The critical strike rate of the death finger skill is also linked to luck. It is 150 points of luck, which is 1.5% of the critical strike probability. Is such a small probability that you can bet?

Link was shocked.

This war messenger couldn't help fighting too, right? I just want to try the power of Death Finger!

But it was the other two sides on the battlefield that were more turbulent than Link's heart.

The alien army on the battlefield looked at the command that was still launching a charge in the last second, and disappeared in the next second, all of them were extremely shocked.

Although Pandora's NPCs and players were extremely reluctant, they had to admit the power of the war ambassador.

The simple black star descended, the power of destruction caused the Wall of Endyan Valley to fall, and they destroyed Sky City alone. This was their record. Even their proud planet protagonist Antonidas, as well as the Archmage Council of the Magic Academy in Sky City, both use the two war ambassadors to no avail.

But after Link's teasing just now, it aroused the resistance of the war messenger, and immediately dropped the war messenger when it suddenly broke out!

The scary red lightning just appeared, making Antonidas and the Archmage of Sky City Magic Academy feel a throbbing heart of death. The red light of that ray, now in my mind, I still feel a sense of fear.

Antonidas replaced himself as the messenger of the war, and then broke into cold sweat. Because he found that he didn't seem to have any way to withstand this blow.

Gamesh and the other archmages of the academy were stunned, and it took a long time to recover, and their faces were low and said, "Everyone, what do you think about this blow."

The others were silent. At this moment, almost all the archmage who claimed to be the top of Pandora felt the world's unevenness for the first time.

They all have a place in Pandora's Magic Hall. Although it is not the brightest one in the crown, it is definitely eye-catching. But in front of Link's death and death, the entire Pandora's magic system, all kinds of famous skills and masters, were all overshadowed.

The gap between them is close to the sky, they can only see that this trick is very powerful! Moreover, it is mixed with death-related abilities. As the dean, Gamesh is a bit older than the others, and vaguely discovered that with this move, the air machine wandering in the air seems to be pulled, resulting in Some wonderful changes.

But he can only capture so many, deeper energy systems and release methods that he can't figure out with his current knowledge.

"Is this Link's true strength? It's too outrageous to kill the war messenger in a flash!"

"Fuck, if you just show me Link killing the war messenger, I don't feel much. But just now the war messenger destroyed the wall of the Endyan Valley and caused the sky city to be destroyed. It just happened not long ago. There is really no harm if there is no contrast. In front of Link, the envoy of war directly turned into a paper tiger."

"Is this the strong, I love it!"

"None of you looked at the attitude of the Alien Legion before and after. Facing us was a joke, as if crushing an ant to death, attacking wildly without leaving any room. After learning Link's identity, the first reaction was not to fight, but to run away. It's outrageous..."

The players are all Mu Qiang, especially now that the gap between the NPCs of Link and Pandora is so big, it is easier for the players to yearn for. If the protagonists of other planets are similar in strength, this is called climbing the wall, then if the strength is too large to chase after, then it is called admiration. Players will not have a sense of betrayal and guilt because of this.

The war ambassador, who was another party, expressed panic at the moment.

After the black throne above his head was attacked by wasteland, and the person in front of him was Link, it had almost collapsed his mind.

The other war messenger couldn't even stop a blow in front of Link, and was directly turned into ashes. If these things cannot be accepted by him, then the alien army has become the target of the wasteland expeditionary army, and it has become the last straw to crush the war messenger.

The battle was almost one-sided.

The previously invincible shadow dogs and alien demons, as well as the more powerful terrorist tacticians and legion vanguards, were as crisp as a piece of paper in front of the expeditionary army, and they were easily torn through.

The macaw giggled, with a camera chicken on his head recording the embarrassment and misery of the alien army. The lightning-like figure shuttles to any corner of the battlefield. If there is an enemy's plot against it, the macaw will knock the enemy into the air by surprise. With a voice that seems to swallow a big horn, it belongs to the type of shit-cutter on the battlefield.

"Come here, let's see the look of another war messenger after Link kills a war messenger in seconds!"

"Oh my God~ His eyes are full of fear, and it keeps flashing, indicating that he has already lost his intent to fight. It seems that he is ready to leave the whole army and escape alone. No, no, no, no, no, no Some people really think that they can slip away without being caught by Link?"

The thoughts in the heart of the war envoy were exposed by the macaw Chi Guoguo, and he became so angry that he grabbed the macaw.

What a speed the macaw, it swiftly slid away, and sneered while running with his tongue out: "Slightly slightly~"

The war messenger gritted his teeth. This fat parrot was so fast that even if he could only catch an afterimage, it was instantly mixed into the battlefield, and it was hard to see the trace anymore. He could only hear a big loudspeaker talking frantically.

Yinshou didn't pay attention to miscellaneous fishes like Shadow Dogs and Alien Demons at all. He only saw big men like Terror Tacticians and Legion Vanguards in his eyes. The weapon on the silver hand is also very simple, a new energy firearm specially built by Helen based on his mechanical arm, and the other is a mechanical arm iron fist.

Although the weapon is simple, the silver hand's strength is extremely outstanding. Long-range use of new energy firearms to suppress firepower, after close combat, fists to the flesh, the elite of the legion encountered along the way, none of them can stop the two fists of the silver hand. In the wind and fierce, striding along the steps that the six relatives did not recognize, all the way from the teleportation formation to the end Yangu. Killing a pair of wear is not the end, after the end, the silver hand is still not exhausted, and then turned around and killed it...

The ancient tree of the steel war lost more than a dozen steel saplings, and soon after the explosion of the steel saplings, the spatter damage caused a large number of shadow dogs to be killed. Afterwards, the ancient tree of Iron War directly used the [Iron Torrent] skill, and a steel thorn with a width of two hundred meters rolled like a silver wave, and all the hostile targets were entangled by the iron thorns. Once they tried to break free, they would fall down Stabbing scratches.

The macaw flapped its wings and took off, using the camera chicken to faithfully record the magnificent steel torrent in front of it, and it made a "click" excitement in its throat.

A woman's face faintly appeared in the gray mist floating in the air, accompanied by a scream of soul, all the banshees in the range were dizzy, stopped attacking, and even vomited blood, which was bitten back by the powerful mental power. Then the gray mist suddenly expanded, spreading like a virus. The power of the Banshee King is terrifying.

Four gargoyles rushed into the shadow dog pile, terrifying screams, group taunts, and war winds. The range skills were like money-free sprinkling. The damage was high and the range was large, and a "vacuum zone" was quickly cleared.

Shassok was like a bulldozer on the plain, with scarlet aura glowing in his hands with blades, and his whole body was angrily, with two blood-red eyes in his eyes. Once he was stared at, he would face death in the next second. Constantly shuttled between the ground and underground, fascinating. The power of the four elements of wind, fire, earth and water alternate randomly, and the skills are dazzling.

There are many Buddhas in King Kong, and after he appeared on the stage, he waved and shook the sky and glanced at the court.

It is said that there are people destined for Buddhism, but from the perspective of King Kong, there are people who are destined everywhere.

Cross, let me cross!

One stick one crossing, one palm ten crossings, the golden light of the Tathagata palm and the huge state of the Dharma heaven and earth make the King Kong's merits of crossing the world just full.

If these are still within the acceptable range, then the touch of the Dragon God's ground broke out and showed a magnificent breath, causing everyone on the scene to take a breath.

This huge dark creature is as powerful as its size, without any adulteration at all.

The fan-shaped spit, with a strong corrosive poisonous mist in the mouth, can directly cover a fan-shaped range of 500 meters in radius. The thick-skinned Shadow Dogs under Pandora players and NPCs could not hold up for a few seconds in front of the poisonous fog, and the proud double-anti-thick skin surface corroded and gradually cracked. Many alien legions were directly petrified in the poisonous mist, and then directly killed by the dragon god's needle whirlwind, breaking into slag.

In addition to the amazing strength of the body, the **** of touch dragon can also summon a large number of insect swarms to form a sea of insect swarms, under the leadership of two dragon gods guards, involving thousands of alien legions.

When the war envoy saw such a one-sided scene, his heart was full of doubts, who is the invader and who is the lamb?

He used to regard Pandora as a lamb to be slaughtered, but now in front of Link, the alien army has become a lamb that can be slaughtered at will.

Seeing the wanton smiles on the faces of the members of the Wasteland Expeditionary Force and the destructive aura, gave the war envoys a feeling as if they had been looking forward to this scene for a long time. The killing in front of him was not for glory, but for venting.

Lin Ke strolled in front of the only remaining war envoy.

Although Link's height is not as tall as the war envoy, at this moment in the war envoy's view, Link is looking down at him condescendingly.

"By the way, I want to ask you something. When the alien army evacuated from the wasteland, an apostate named Linglong, how is it now?"

Link asked this because although the Renegade player received the initial trust of the alien, he was scattered around Vormeer, and even Pandora and Victoria went on missions, which caused the information about Linglong to be interrupted for a while. .

Because Link is not sure about the conditions for the completion of the mission, whether he will complete the mission as long as Linglong dies, or whether he must die by his hands. Now the mission hasn't been moving day by day, and Linglong doesn't know whether she is alive or dead.

It's about Link's first level mission. Of course, I have to ask.

The messenger of the war was stared at by Link, and was a little confused by the other side's question.

Originally, the war messenger thought that Link was going to say some sorrows. He had even planned to use the bold words of death and ambition, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't wait for the threat from the other party. Instead, he asked about the apostasy.

The war envoy was stunned for a moment, and replied without any concealment: "You said that the useless, disguised rubbish, has been kept in the crypt."

A smile appeared on Link's face, but it flashed by, and he was delighted in his heart: It's good if you don't die, it's good if you don't die!

But in the eyes of the war messenger, Link's smile suddenly passed by was meaningful and seemed to be conspiring. Could this seemingly insignificant person be Link's **** on an alien? The more the war messenger thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, but at the moment the portal was completely destroyed, he had no way to inform Lord Abuzha of the news.

The war ambassador's complexion changed, and an important decision was made between the electric light and flint!

"Master Link, please give me a chance. I am willing to return to the wasteland and be your dog and horse!" The war envoy knelt on one knee, dropped his head, folded his wings, and spread his other hand. In the palm of the hand, it is the core lifeline of the war messenger, a unique alien rune imprint core. The core of this imprint is equivalent to the heart of a war messenger. Once lost, it will lose its strength and become a mortal, equating death with death.

Link was a little surprised, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Unexpected loyalty..." Having said that, Link did not receive any hints of loyalty in the system. The purpose of the war messenger was obvious-to break into the wasteland, to survive first, and then to find a chance to return to the arms of the alien.

As soon as these words came out, the alien legions on the battlefield were all blown up.

They were still fighting to the death, but the boss who told them to go all out just turned around and sold them, surrendering to Link.

For a time, UU reading The final fighting spirit of the alien army dissipated.

Lin Ke stared at the war envoy in front of him with interest, and couldn't help pointing to a terrorist tactician who was fighting in the distance, and said: "As an enemy general, at least some sincerity in the battlefield is required?"

The war envoy had firm eyes and stood up and said, "I understand, please wait for a while!"

The war ambassador spread his wings again, and then flew towards the distant terrorist tactician's position.

The messenger of war is the vanguard of the alien army specially built for the invasion, and there are many survivors who invaded the planet. After accepting the core of the imprint, gaining new power, the appearance of the body has been strengthened on the basis of retaining the original race, and the ordinary terrorist tactician is not its opponent at all.

The two sides only fought for a while, and the war envoy directly took out the heart of the terrorist tactician and completed the "commitment of name".

As the other party, Link stood on the ground with a smile.

Interesting, it is really interesting.

Now the plot is more interesting...